RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Depending on how long the timeskip is, Ruby will have spent more time with NPR than WBY. Some hero, abandoning her own team just so she can run off to play hero. Hope she's called out on it.
I have yet to be proven wrong.

Am I wrong in saying that Ruby has spent more time with JNR than WBY? The timeskip is supposedly 8 months, and she has already been in close contact with JNPR during her time at Beacon.

So how am I wrong?
I have yet to be proven wrong.

Am I wrong in saying that Ruby has spent more time with JNR than WBY? The timeskip is supposedly 8 months, and she has already been in close contact with JNPR during her time at Beacon.

So how am I wrong?
One of them is at home brooding, one of them is in another country and one of them is MIA. How exactly is she supposed to bring them all together again?

Here's the answer, she cant stop whining about nothing.
I have yet to be proven wrong.

Am I wrong in saying that Ruby has spent more time with JNR than WBY? The timeskip is supposedly 8 months, and she has already been in close contact with JNPR during her time at Beacon.

So how am I wrong?
I think she spent about a year with RWBY most of which would be very happy memories, and a lot longer with Yang, while I think the maximum amount of time she'd have spent with JNPR would have been six to eight months. I am sad that the teams broken up for so long as well but Weiss is in Atlas under her fathers thumb, Yang's barely responsive and Blake vanished.
I have yet to be proven wrong.

Am I wrong in saying that Ruby has spent more time with JNR than WBY? The timeskip is supposedly 8 months, and she has already been in close contact with JNPR during her time at Beacon.

So how am I wrong?
You're wrong in that the only one she 'abandoned' is Yang.

Weiss got pulled from the team by her father, who's been made out as overbearing and controlling since day one. Blake abandoned the team to go off gallivanting around Vale entirely of her own accord, potentially due to fears for their safety after Adam showed up. And Yang is bedridden or otherwise wallowing in self pity.

So I fully expect the writers to do something* with her running away from Yang *coughRavencough*, but that's all the 'calling out' I honestly imagine she'll get.

And besides, reducing the strength or value of relationships to the time you spend on them seems a little... simple, really.

*Or not. We've all seen what these writers are('nt) capable of.
Might as well write this out before the season starts and side discussion is totally drowned out-

Thinking about the combat strengths and weaknesses of the four. My impression is that when it comes to 1v1 fights against people? Blake is the best. She's the one who beat Roman (while Weiss and Yang lost their duels), her semblance is spammable and when ice is added, a potential quick way to win.

Ruby's probably worst against other hunters, because she does have the weaknesses that without her scythe, she's very vulnerable, as we've seen repeatedly. Neither her weapon nor her fighting style is particularly oriented to facing a skilled human foe- not that she's bad, just the others are better.

Weiss and Yang are in the middle- Weiss can potentially trap a foe or other dust tricks, but is the most vulnerable to damage, and Yang is great against some, but high-evasion can give her fits. Also, if opponent has a sufficiently high offense weapon... yea.

Conversely, against Grimm, Blake's lacking in raw power, and Ruby's scythe + speed is ideal for the heavy wounds sometimes required, while Yang's offense+defense and semblance make her a close second. Weiss is good at restraining them, but isn't ideally suited for dealing damage to the stronger ones, so better than Blake, below the sisters.

Team wise, Weiss's runes and dust make her easily the best support character of the crew. She doesn't have much finishing power, but she has the best buffs and debuffs. On her own she's not the best of the crew against either grimm nor people, but as part of the team she's arguably MVP. Especially when paired with Ruby, her speed, and her scythe's massive damage output.

So, in conclusion, they did a good job of giving everyone strengths and weaknesses.
My main take away from Ruby being with NJR as long as she was with WBY is that I hope they show her as having bonded with her new team like her old and that she doesn't just break up with them the second WBY comes knocking.
Personally I am hoping that my theory that the reason for so many characters being introduced during the tournament but not really expanded upon is so that during this season they already have characters ready to me used for the various story arcs of team RWBY.

For example looking at Weiss I can see her having some interacting with Neon and Flynt, especially since they set up Flynt's family's history with the Schnee dust company and the simple fact that they seem to be the exact opposite of the militaristic style of Atlas.
Personally I am hoping that my theory that the reason for so many characters being introduced during the tournament but not really expanded upon is so that during this season they already have characters ready to me used for the various story arcs of team RWBY.

For example looking at Weiss I can see her having some interacting with Neon and Flynt, especially since they set up Flynt's family's history with the Schnee dust company and the simple fact that they seem to be the exact opposite of the militaristic style of Atlas.
Hell she might even join Penny's team since there's a hole in the rooster there and its an Atlas team so she can continue to be a Huntress while staying close to home.
Personally I am hoping that my theory that the reason for so many characters being introduced during the tournament but not really expanded upon is so that during this season they already have characters ready to me used for the various story arcs of team RWBY.

For example looking at Weiss I can see her having some interacting with Neon and Flynt, especially since they set up Flynt's family's history with the Schnee dust company and the simple fact that they seem to be the exact opposite of the militaristic style of Atlas.

It would be really interesting if by the end of volume 4 all 4 characters had their own separate team.
Hell she might even join Penny's team since there's a hole in the rooster there and its an Atlas team so she can continue to be a Huntress while staying close to home.
Maybe but I think a major theme of Weiss's arc in the next volume is going to be her struggling against her father's control of her life. Now this might sound silly but I can imagine one method of doing that will be through her singing, but not in the way he would like her. After all both Neon and Flynt have musical sub themes on top of being memes.
It would be really interesting if by the end of volume 4 all 4 characters had their own separate team.
That's certainly a possibility, although now I'm imagining Yang ending up going to Junior's bar and getting a pep talk by the twins, followed by the one with the bladed shoes teaching her how to fight with her feet.
Maybe but I think a major theme of Weiss's arc in the next volume is going to be her struggling against her father's control of her life. Now this might sound silly but I can imagine one method of doing that will be through her singing, but not in the way he would like her. After all both Neon and Flynt have musical sub themes on top of being memes.

That's certainly a possibility, although now I'm imagining Yang ending up going to Junior's bar and getting a pep talk by the twins, followed by the one with the bladed shoes teaching her how to fight with her feet.
If Weiss gets a trailer maybe she will be singing elegant songs in a fancy rich person party while also fighting to protect faunus laborers in the Schnee dust mines from Grimm attacks.
A smoky club you need the password to enter, where all the people are revolutionaries or thise quite upset at the Schnees. Backstage she is seen trying to find a way to take the SDC from her father, personally.
Yeah I can see that especially if the war scenario a lot of people think is coming actually occurs.
Personally I hope they never bring the team back together because RNJR is a way cooler team name than RWBY.