RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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So it looks like we're done with Haven Academy now. The only Haven student present this season was Sun. We didn't meet any Haven teachers. We didn't meet any veteran hunters native to the region (except Lionheart?).

I can see why Sun came to Beacon early. Feels like a ghost town.
So you want the cast to get even more bloated?

Also, @Psyga315 , you don't have to spoil things anymore. It's out on RoosterTeeth's website.
No, it's still locked as FIRST.
Could've sworn it was a Tuesday...

Regardless, I'm not so sure we're done with Mistral quite just yet. Introducing the unique flavor of fucked our next disc story arc alongside having to deal with the repercussions of the events of V5 would be a lot to fit into one Volume.

And, before you or anybody else say 'But V5 fit in too much shit in', no, I don't think they botched the multiple storylines in V5 that badly.
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So it looks like we're done with Haven Academy now. The only Haven student present this season was Sun. We didn't meet any Haven teachers. We didn't meet any veteran hunters native to the region (except Lionheart?).

I can see why Sun came to Beacon early. Feels like a ghost town.
That reminds me of something that's been bugging me.

Sun is ostensibly a student at Haven. But he doesn't seem to react at all to finding out that his school is going to be attacked. His teammates are nowhere to be seen, and he doesn't seem to have any concern for them. He doesn't seem to have any feelings regarding his home potentially being destroyed.

I don't much like Sun, but since they went to the trouble of keeping him around, maybe they should do something with him.
That reminds me of something that's been bugging me.

Sun is ostensibly a student at Haven. But he doesn't seem to react at all to finding out that his school is going to be attacked. His teammates are nowhere to be seen, and he doesn't seem to have any concern for them. He doesn't seem to have any feelings regarding his home potentially being destroyed.

I don't much like Sun, but since they went to the trouble of keeping him around, maybe they should do something with him.
Probably because he knew that the attack would happen before school started so there was no chance of his friends getting hurt and as a exchange student he is not as attached to the buildings. Also as a optimist he was probably confident that they would be able to stop the attack so no point in worrying.
I've been thinking of ways that Salem could attempt to intercept the Relic on its way to Atlas. Aside from just sending human minions after them I've considered sending flocks of Griffons to take down airships, sending another Sea Dragon (possibly a bigger one) during sea storms (I keep imagining it making one of those orbs Chinese Dragons like to hold from compressed thunderclouds), releasing the Kraken, sending stealth octopi to board their ship, etc.

However just now I had a crazy idea.... What if a/several Geist/s possessed the wreckage of a battleship of some kind? :o

Ship to ship combat with a regenerating ghost ship anyone? Possibly with some kind of lobster Grimm or something serving as the crew of the Grimm ship. :eek::redface::coolbeans:
In which Raven has no guts and an emotional breakdown.'s like every time she comes on screen she's a worse character. Even the moment she admitted to killing Spring had no agency about it. She doesn't even get to say it herself.

She doesn't even have a real plan. Considering that Yang browbeat her to hand over the relic and just run.

Oh and every episode makes me think the scythe was a mistake, they have a lot of difficulty posing her with it, especially against human opponents.
Anyone else wonder whats going to happen to Lionhearts body?
i mean, the Seer could probably kill itself and dissolve away, so depending on the wounds, it may look like someone murdered him.
I mean, it's interesting to see the visual symbolism of Red Riding Hood and Death get blended together, but yeah, scythes are the opposite of a practical weapon.
That's quite true.

And the only other character that supposedly uses a scythe, barely even uses it. For all Ozpin talked about how Qrow was a master scythe wielder, so far it seems like he's more of a sword wielder.

And regarding Qrow, I am a bit dissapointed that he didn't get to show off this volume. He had several interesting social scenes, but no cool battle scenes (it does make sense since they don't want him to overshadow the main cast, but still).
I was hoping this season would turn it around, but instead it's like the last jedi all over again. A bunch of promising moments but overall a failure on multiple levels.

With how many people seem to be dropping the series based on this season, I wonder if the show will end up cancelled before the story finishes. Unless they can turn it around it seems ever more inevitable.

And regarding Qrow, I am a bit dissapointed that he didn't get to show off this volume. He had several interesting social scenes, but no cool battle scenes (it does make sense since they don't want him to overshadow the main cast, but still).

There hasn't been a single stand out fight scene since Monty's work was used up.

They're clearly trying but the difference remains stark. No matter how much they try to cover it up with effects and rapid motion.
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With how many people seem to be dropping the series based on this season, I wonder if the show will end up cancelled before the story finishes. Unless they can turn it around it seems ever more inevitable.
Alternatively the whiners are just the loudest. All signs points to RWBY getting bigger and more profitable, not less.
Well that was highly enjoyable. Wasn't the huge roller coaster/heart-crusher of volume three (thank god) but a good ending.

Fights were dying down either to everyone involved slowly running out of steam/Aura or getting dog-piled by larger numbers. The fact that Emerald can effect that many people with her semblance (even if it sent her unconscious and was in a moment of intense emotion breakdown*) is worrying. Because if the rest of the bad guys hadn't decided to GTFO and instead attacked while everyone was confused/terrified of fake!Salem** they could have done a lot of damage.

*Say what you will about Cinder (and one can say a lot) she managed to stockholm Emerald very thoroughly for her to be that upset about CInder's death.
**Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure this is the first time any of the main characters have ever seen any depiction of Salem at all.

I'm honestly OK with Leo biting it/getting tentacle stabbed. Because while he may have regretted his actions he still went through with them all. And Salem taking him out makes sense as well. First he was trying to escape from her and Ozpin at that point so his 'trustworthiness' was even lower then normal. Secondly considering his 'I'll come find you' line he at least has a general idea of where Salem's headquarters is. Not exactly knowledge she's want people to have.

Raven, what can I say? That lady doesn't have issues, she has freaking volumes. I might not know what she used to be like (despite Dishwasher's notions :D), but her current view of 'strength' is just a facade to hide a broken woman. She's lost everything that she held dear/important over the years (often by her own fears and actions) and now is just puttering along via self-justifications and excuses. Though maybe there will be a chance of healing for both Tai and Raven based on the post-credits scene.

As for Adam, I suspect he may be joining Salem's group in totality. Whether Ilia is right about the WF or not, Adam's star is most certainly on a fast decline and he's be hooking up with the people he thinks can do the most damage and harm to humanity.

Oscar: No! He had… a message… (taking a few more pants) We must… get the lamp to… Atlas.
Hmm, now why do I have the suspicion that that might not be as easy a task as it might normally be? Oh yeah:
Ironwood: That's exactly what I'm doing. Our people need protection. By this time next week, the Kingdom of Atlas will be officially closing its borders. No one in; no one out. Without the council's permission.

Jacques: You mean, without your permission?

Ironwood: And if that becomes the case, I would think you'd want to be on my good side.
And considering Ironwood general opinion of Qrow and his overall 'My way or the highway' mentality (not to mention the whole bringing Weiss closer to Schnee headquarters again) I imagine there is going to be just a bit of drama and headaches in this operation.
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Anyone else wonder whats going to happen to Lionhearts body?
i mean, the Seer could probably kill itself and dissolve away, so depending on the wounds, it may look like someone murdered him.
I just wonder how they're gonna explain this to the cops.'s like every time she comes on screen she's a worse character.
Worse still, we're expected to feel sorry for her.

So, when Cinder kills a maiden because she feels like she'd make better use of the powers, it's evil. When Raven kills a maiden because she thinks she'd make better use of the powers, it's sympathetic?
In any case Team RWBY is now back together, a ton of disparate but necessary plotlines have been finished and aside from Blake everyone important has been filled in on the plot. I think its fairly safe to say that Volume 6 is going to be a lot more focused and action packed than Volume 4 and 5 were. People decrying this as the End of RWBY because there wasn't enough fight scenes seem to be jumping the gun, just a little bit.

Worse still, we're expected to feel sorry for her.
No not really. Its pretty clear that Raven is supposed to be a pretty hateful person. Its pretty telling that the last shot of the volume is the man who used to love Raven looking disgusted at her showing up.

And considering Ironwood general opinion of Qrow and his overall 'My way or the highway' mentality (not to mention the whole bringing Weiss closer to Schnee headquarters again) I imagine there is going to be just a bit of drama and headaches in this operation.
Don't forget:

Yang: When Salem learns that you have a Relic she's going to come after you with everything she has.

I'm not even going to bother to place a bet on this being foreshadowing. Instead I will just ask people to predict what kind of horrors Salem will send to retrieve the Relic en route.
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Worse still, we're expected to feel sorry for her.

So, when Cinder kills a maiden because she feels like she'd make better use of the powers, it's evil. When Raven kills a maiden because she thinks she'd make better use of the powers, it's sympathetic?
For me it's more in the 'lady you are thoroughly messed up' rather then traditional sympathy. Her rationalizations and justifications sound hollow because they are. And from Raven's reactions to Yang's 'you suck' speech she knows that but can't bring herself to get out of the hole she's dug for herself.

Its pretty telling that the last shot of the volume is the man who used to love Raven looking disgusted at her showing up.
I don't think it's outright disgust, from Tai's behavior there are a lot of complected emotions between him and Raven. It certainly wouldn't be lovey-dovey the moment they see each other again, but when he was talking to Yang he sounded as if he still has strong feelings towards Raven. Well at least the person she was, no idea about the person she's become.
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Worse still, we're expected to feel sorry for her.

So, when Cinder kills a maiden because she feels like she'd make better use of the powers, it's evil. When Raven kills a maiden because she thinks she'd make better use of the powers, it's sympathetic?
I think it boils down to intent. Cinder killed Amber and intended to kill the other Maidens for power because she thinks she deserves it or something along those lines(I will get back to this since I have quite the theory) Raven on the other hand killed Spring out of a twisted Social Darwin mental state since she honestly thought she was doing the girl a favor by killing her and freeing her from Ozpins war because in Ravens mind she was not strong enough to handle those powers and the responsibility that came with said powers.

Which makes Yangs verbal beatdown even more glorious since Yang truly deconstructs Raven and actually proves Tai right about her, Raven usually solves her problems with pure strength but what happens when she runs into a problem she cannot beat with said strength????

Now onto my Cinder theory, after the revelation that Ozpin is the Wizard who gave these girls there powers in the first place and due to the nature of his reincarnation could it be possible that Cinder is a descendant of said previous incarnation and Salem is manipulating Cinder or that Cinder is willingly working with Salem to "reclaim" her birthright????
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Alternatively the whiners are just the loudest. All signs points to RWBY getting bigger and more profitable, not less.

It could just be because of the chunks of fandoms I tend to hang out in (fanfic and fanart) but I keep coming across folks who've been making RWBY stuff for years who are saying the last season broke their interest.

Of course the wider fandom might well be growing despite such events, I dunno.