RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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I'm going to be a bit pedantic here but RT isn't, in the strictest sense of the word, actually indie. They're owned by Fullscreen, which is in turn owned by Disney. That's not entirely independant.
I think at this point everyone is in some way owned by Disney. If you shoot a video with your buddies on your phone somehow Disney is part owner.
In any case while RWBY might not reach the level of the best animes of the year it is certainly better than the vast majority of lazy cliche filled trash that gets pumped out every year. Heck in some cases it's better than the original animes, take Kado for example. Kado might do the big special effects better but the 3D animation makes the people look like stiff and awkward dolls, most of the character's are flat and one-note and the final episodes just absolutely destroy everything that was actually interesting about the show.

Also unlike the studios that keep churning out the same garbage over and over RWBY is consistently getting better each year with the only exception being the fight scenes and even then volume 5 shows a lot of improvements over Volume 4 with the only exception being the awkwardness of the team fights at Haven. And giving the show crap for the fight scenes not being as great as they used to be just seems like a dick move, it's like if Hayao Miyazaki had died when Studio Ghibli was still in its infant stages, no shit the animation might suffer a bit.

Its also worth keeping in mind that most animation studios over in Japan has staff that have worked on the field for decades and have tons of prior experience with making other shows. For Rooster Teeth that's not really the case. Stuff like the Sea Dragon fight or the Lancer chase were the first times they worked on something like that.
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I'm going to be a bit pedantic here but RT isn't, in the strictest sense of the word, actually indie. They're owned by Fullscreen, which is in turn owned by Disney. That's not entirely independant.
Hahahaha, holy shit, did not know that.

That means, since Yang is the daughter of a Bandit chieftain, and that Blake is the daughter of the former White Fang chieftain, and that Weiss is the former Heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, all three of them are technically Disney Princesses.

Hahahahaha oh my fucking God that's rich. xD
I'm sure there's some fan-art rattling around the internet of the team in princess dresses.

Whether or not it includes Ruby doing a face-plant due to the fact that she can't handle walking in heels is another matter.
I think at this point everyone is in some way owned by Disney. If you shoot a video with your buddies on your phone somehow Disney is part owner.
In the future, movies will be called Disneys.
AFAICT, Disney does not own Fullscreen.

Rooster Teeth was acquired in 2015 by Fullscreen which is owned by Otter Media which is jointly owned by AT&T and the Chernin Group. Disney doesn't enter the picture.

Interestingly, Otter Media also owns (via umbrella company Ellation) Crunchyroll and VRV, perhaps a factor in why Rooster Teeth partnered with VRV to show RWBY episodes and other RT videos.
Also unlike the studios that keep churning out the same garbage over and over RWBY is consistently getting better each year

Eeeeh. Personally, I feel like this season have been a step back compared to season 4. While season 4 wasn't perfect, in general the writing was decent, I didn't notice huge plot holes, every character was relatively believable... Season 5 though? It's kind of all over the place. I'd say it's even a step back from the second half of season 3.
What a load of garbage. The show itself is still as free as its ever been. You don't need to pay a single dime to watch it. You don't need to sign up with any subscription fees to get behind any pay walls. Every episode is uploaded onto Youtube where you can watch it for FREE. Nobody is forcing you to pay for any of their products unless you actually want to buy those products.

Their monetization efforts basically consists of a combination of "won't you pretty please actually pay us for our work so that we can actually afford making this stuff?" and "here are some products that we hope you will like, please consider buying some of them if you see anything you like." And really just, compare the price of a RWBY Blu-Ray to the Blu-Ray's for half a season of most any Japanese Anime. One is about 20 bucks, the other is often over three hundred and the latter comes from companies who pay their animators so little that they literally have to go online to beg people for money so that they can afford a place to stay.

I don't know about you but I'd rather not judge a indie company that treats its clients and workers well by the same standards as AAA giants that squeeze every last drop of blood out of both their customers and their workers.

You also don't need to pay to watch things that are meant to be entirely locked behind paywalls, you just wait a week or two and pirate them. RWBY's model only differs in that the company behind them isn't dumb enough to think they can stop people pirating it, so they use those viewers to drive up their own traffic instead of losing them to streaming sites. Meanwhile their merchandising has exceeded the average anime by a long shot.

This is not some solo web comic whose author barely scrapes by on t-shirts. This is not some indy darling passion project. Not any more.

This is a company that makes multiple popular shows. By any objective measure they are a small studio at this point, not a bunch of amateurs to be forgiven for their every mistake. Not the same people who put out RvB episode 1 all those years ago. Continuing to pretend that they are is what allows them to keep making excuses instead of fixing the problems that everyone can see.

I get that we all want to pretend that they're just a nice bunch of people just like us, but they're not.
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I get that we all want to pretend that they're just a nice bunch of people just like us, but they're not.
I mean they are more or less just a step above us. Even if RT is a small studio the people involved are not professional writers or actors. Weiss is played by their receptionist after all. Like there's more to being a professional work than just getting paid to do it. Involving actual professionals would be a good start.
Anime - RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye | Page 385
But yeah, you're right with the rest of the stuff. Episode 14 even had teasers for not one, but two new animated shows at the end.

Yeah, that one was my mistake.

Just to put a few more nails in the 'but it's free bullshit' while I'm at it.

1) They had enough of a backlash when they went to the subscription model. If they went fully paid then they would lose fans, simple as that, and for a small company that trades on its reputation that is no laughing matter. EA they are not.

You can argue the right and wrong of this either way, but the reality is that when something starts out as free then its fans will feel cheated if it later becomes paid.

2) Again, there is an element of pragmatism in giving people access for free after a week. People who won't pay to watch it a week earlier likely won't pay to watch it at all, meanwhile those who presently watch for free on their site would be just as able to watch for free on any number of streaming sites, whose resilience in the face of far larger companies shows exactly how helpless RT would be to stop them.

3) Their view numbers are not small, and advertising on those kinds of numbers is big business. A hell of a lot of internet content providers have demonstrated that. So don't think that watching for free stops RT from making money off you. Even if you never click on a thing your view still helps them sell themselves to advertisers.

The naivety needs to stop. RT are not your damn friends. They're not even indy. They're a company much like any other and their goal is to make money, not make content out of the goodness of their hearts.
You also don't need to pay to watch things that are meant to be entirely locked behind paywalls, you just wait a week or two and pirate them.
That's like saying that you don't need to pay for stuff at Wal-Mart because you can just shoplift it.

This is not some solo web comic whose author barely scrapes by on t-shirts. This is not some indy darling passion project. Not any more.
No it's not a webcomic. A webcomic can be made by a single person with a computer. A 3D animated show that doesn't look like shit requires a huge amount of equipment, animators, sound crew, voice actors, etc. Edit: And Webcomics make their own concessions towards the money issue, Order of the Stick for example is always excellent every time it updates but if we get more than one page per two months then we can consider ourselves lucky because the Giant is simply to busy working on the Kickstarter and store products that actually pays the bills to put as much effort into progressing the story as he wants to.

This is a company that makes multiple popular shows. By any objective measure they are a small studio at this point, not a bunch of amateurs to be forgiven for their every mistake. Not the same people who put out RvB episode 1 all those years ago. Continuing to pretend that they are is what allows them to keep making excuses instead of fixing the problems that everyone can see.
Exactly. They make multiple shows. Their total workforce that they have spread out working on multiple projects is smaller than the departments that most animation studios dedicate to a single show.

Just because they're not technically indy doesn't change the fact that they're still pretty damn small relative to the companies you insist on comparing them to. And you don't need to forgive every mistake but it's completely ridiculous to expect a tiny company that's only been biggish for a few years to be comparable to the best shows produced by titans that have been established in the industry for decades.

Just because it's not as good as the best anime being made is not the same as being bad.
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The naivety needs to stop. RT are not your damn friends. They're not even indy. They're a company much like any other and their goal is to make money, not make content out of the goodness of their hearts.
Ok, I don't think anyone here is claiming that they're friends. I however am not sure how the desire to make money off their work is negative or even something to question. Of course they want to make money. Everyone wants to make money. Anyone who says they only create art for art's sake are either liars or fools.
I mean they are more or less just a step above us. Even if RT is a small studio the people involved are not professional writers or actors. Weiss is played by their receptionist after all. Like there's more to being a professional work than just getting paid to do it. Involving actual professionals would be a good start.

No, there really isn't. You get paid and that makes it your profession. You get paid to do it as your main job and it is definitely your profession.

Do they lack experience? Sure, but that doesn't make them any less professionals. Nor is it some kind of limitless excuse that never rings hollow.

They lacked experience, so they got a pass, but eventually that pass runs out. Eventually the expectation is that someone will gain enough experience to improve.

Having been founded fifteen fucking years ago makes it a little ridiculous to try to claim they haven't had a chance to gain that experience. Even just looking at RWBY gives us five years, an amount of time in which it is possible to get a medical degree.

If someone can be expected to go from student to in a hospital treating patients in that amount of time, then I don't think it's unreasonable to expect RT to figure out how to do exposition right in that same time frame.

That's like saying that you don't need to pay for stuff at Wal-Mart because you can just shoplift it.

Are you really trying to draw an analogy between physical and digital goods? What are you, a geriatric politician? Don't be ridiculous.

No it's not a webcomic. A webcomic can be made by a single person with a computer. A 3D animated show that doesn't look like shit requires a huge amount of equipment, animators, sound crew, voice actors, etc.

Your point being?

Exactly. They make multiple shows. Their total workforce that they have spread out working on multiple projects is smaller than the departments that most animation studios dedicate to a single show.

Just because they're not technically indy doesn't change the fact that they're still pretty damn small relative to the companies you insist on comparing them to. And you don't need to forgive every mistake but it's completely ridiculous to expect a tiny company that's only been biggish for a few years to be comparable to the best shows produced by titans that have been established in the industry for decades.

Just because it's not as good as the best anime being made is not the same as being bad.

Where the hell did you get this from? I'm not expecting them to compete with industry giants. I'm not expecting anything of the sort.

I'm expecting them to be good. Just like I expect the industry giants to be good. Just like I expect solo authors online to be good.

RWBY isn't going to have animation or episode length on par with major anime. That doesn't mean it can't be good. Pacing is not a matter of how much money you can throw at a project. Writing quality is not a matter of throwing money at a project. Working within your means is not a matter of throwing money at a project. RWBY's problems are not just a matter of them not having enough money.

Ok, I don't think anyone here is claiming that they're friends. I however am not sure how the desire to make money off their work is negative or even something to question. Of course they want to make money. Everyone wants to make money. Anyone who says they only create art for art's sake are either liars or fools.


I don't think anyone works at RT for the pay. It's mostly about the environment and the fact that most of the people are actually friends.
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A lot of the things RT competes with are on a free model, such as Crunchyroll, or outright piracy. They can't go to a fully-paid model, it would be suicide.

Shows have to make money off merchandising as much as they do the shows themselves- I think RT does pretty good here. I mean, I have a Blake figure (Was meant to be xmas for someone else, but I got him something he wanted even more two weeks later- Jim Cornette, who had a good laugh when I told him that he replaced a catgirl)

RWBY is well-positioned to make money off the characters more than the show itself- RWBY characters are pretty cool, marketable, and translate into games well.
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No, there really isn't. You get paid and that makes it your profession. You get paid to do it as your main job and it is definitely your profession.

Do they lack experience? Sure, but that doesn't make them any less professionals. Nor is it some kind of limitless excuse that never rings hollow.

They lacked experience, so they got a pass, but eventually that pass runs out. Eventually the expectation is that someone will gain enough experience to improve.

Having been founded fifteen fucking years ago makes it a little ridiculous to try to claim they haven't had a chance to gain that experience. Even just looking at RWBY gives us five years, an amount of time in which it is possible to get a medical degree.

If someone can be expected to go from student to in a hospital treating patients in that amount of time, then I don't think it's unreasonable to expect RT to figure out how to do exposition right in that same time frame.

Are you really trying to draw an analogy between physical and digital goods? What are you, a geriatric politician? Don't be ridiculous.

Your point being?

Where the hell did you get this from? I'm not expecting them to compete with industry giants. I'm not expecting anything of the sort.

I'm expecting them to be good. Just like I expect the industry giants to be good. Just like I expect solo authors online to be good.

RWBY isn't going to have animation or episode length on par with major anime. That doesn't mean it can't be good. Pacing is not a matter of how much money you can throw at a project. Writing quality is not a matter of throwing money at a project. Working within your means is not a matter of throwing money at a project. RWBY's problems are not just a matter of them not having enough money.
RWBY is a good show. It's hardly flawless, but no show in history is flawless. Even things like Breaking Bad had massive pacing issues and got pretty hard to watch thanks to a total lack of likable characters. So basically the disconnect here is you see one thing and other people see something else. This is never going to be resolved and frankly is a pointless argument.

There's a difference between working a job that pays less because you like it vs not getting paid at all because you love art.
Yeah, he had a booth at an event I went to last Thanksgiving weekend. I don't agree with all of his opinions, but he's a large reason I became a wrestling fan- I grew up on Midnight Express squashes.

Now, I'm wondering what pro wrestling would be changed with semblances. Would team RWBY need Yangservice to get over? ^_^
Ok, I don't think anyone here is claiming that they're friends. I however am not sure how the desire to make money off their work is negative or even something to question. Of course they want to make money. Everyone wants to make money. Anyone who says they only create art for art's sake are either liars or fools.
This basically. I was going to bring up a comment from the author of Order of the Stick about how despite only working on OotS because he truly cares about it and wants to tell that story money still has to come first because without money he can't make the comic at all. Sadly the OotS forums seem to have been purged so I can't find the thread that indexed all his quotes and I don't know which thread the original comment was made in.

Anyway, point is that just because Rooster Teeth has to make money that does not mean that they don't give a crap about the shows they make. For an actual example of companies only caring about money and not giving a crap about the art just look at the endless tide of Isekai clones that has completely taken over the Japanese manga and anime industry. In comparison RWBY, Gen:lock and Nomad of Nowhere are all shows that the creators actually want to make and enjoy working on even if in some cases it means killing their sleep schedule (poor Kerry) and the way that those shows are being monetized is pretty much the best that fans could ask for short of a utopian society where government subsidies pays artists to create the best products they can possibly make with no concern for profit.
I'm not sure if this stuff is appropiate for here or the gaming forum, but it's RWBY-related

BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Director Talks About DLC Pricing - Siliconera

This is stating that the pricing for Cross Tag Battle is going to be in line with other games total, not more.

Now, I can't speak for Team Blue (the team that's doing the game, well the part that is)- but this is why I think we're getting things how we're getting them.

1) The game is being made with a skeleton crew on the art side. Team Blue is also working on a Blazblue RPG. This means the folks working on this game are the fighting game design folks (who aren't needed for an RPG), 1-2 artists, and whoever has spare time (and Arcsys is pretty damn busy right now) . This means Blake will probably be rushed out a bit, and Yang won't be ready for a few more months.

Why not release it when you're ready? Well-

2) Arcsys makes other fighting games. The game Arcsys is most known for is Guilty Gear. Guilty Gear late this year is going to be coming out with another iteration of Revelator. GG Rev is a pretty popular series. If you released GG Rev and BBXT at the same time, they'd hurt each other saleswise.

Why not just hold BBXT until 2019 then? Well-

3) EVO. The world's biggest fighting game tournament, and a great platform to advertise your game. There's only so many EVO spots. This year , for example, it's supposed to be just 7 games (will likely end up 8 with a fan vote). Arcsys is getting one spot for sure with Dragonball Fighter Z, but they want that 2nd spot. Their current iteration of Blazblue is kinda old, and not overly popular. In 2019, they think their next iteration of Guilty Gear is going to get a spot. They want this game to get a spot in order to advertise it, so they gotta rush it out a bit. The late May timeframe they are releasing is just ahead of EVO's deadline for a game to be considered for EVO.

Put all these things into consideration, and I can understand why they're doing things the way they're doing them, even if it did cause an outcry.
Usually, passion projects like these historically among fighting games tend to be either classics (Marvel vs Capcom 2 is the best example of this), or total disasters. I'm going to bet on Mori, and well, I kinda want to play Blake and Yang some in a fighting game. (watch my skillset drive me to UNIEL characters instead- and if I get my streaming started- maybe you guys can actually watch that happen in realtime, and get a heaping dose of salt in the process!)
So barring my issues with, Sienna Khan's handling (She was great, but I want more) Weiss being inured and how that was handled and the lack of onscreen Yang & Blake resolution, I thought it was pretty solid, some persistent issues carry over from previous volumes, but still, it was much better than V4 to me though not near V3 levels.

Also, on Leo:

My headcanon is that his cowardice and willing to betray others (Unfortunate implications and issues aside) were in universe seen as a feature and not a bug by Ozpin and company, to the point where they didn't even understand these aspects of Leo.

This ties back into the Faunus Rights Revolution, where I think Leo probably aided humanity, sold out tons of Faunus and this ingratiated him with Ozpin and co who saw it as him 'bravely' 'striving towards peace, protecting the relic, keeping his eye on the missions' ETC. Basically, he betrayed Faunus to protect himself, but the humans watching were like "Wow, this guy is so loyal to us, he'd make a great agent!" and thus failed to realize that if someone more powerful than them came along, Leo would fold and back stab them just like he did to his own people.

Faunus, at least any with a remote understanding of history, hate him, 'Lionheart' may well be an insult to imply cowardice and betrayal of one's own people and thus those from the Faunus Rights Revolution, would not even be remotely surprised bu him betraying his allies, or it'd be real mild, somewhat scathing surprise.
Faunus, at least any with a remote understanding of history, hate him, 'Lionheart' may well be an insult to imply cowardice and betrayal of one's own people and thus those from the Faunus Rights Revolution, would not even be remotely surprised bu him betraying his allies, or it'd be real mild, somewhat scathing surprise.
Huh, interesting idea. I might have to file off the proverbial serial numbers if Leo ever shows up in my writing.
So barring my issues with, Sienna Khan's handling (She was great, but I want more) Weiss being inured and how that was handled and the lack of onscreen Yang & Blake resolution, I thought it was pretty solid, some persistent issues carry over from previous volumes, but still, it was much better than V4 to me though not near V3 levels.

Also, on Leo:

My headcanon is that his cowardice and willing to betray others (Unfortunate implications and issues aside) were in universe seen as a feature and not a bug by Ozpin and company, to the point where they didn't even understand these aspects of Leo.

This ties back into the Faunus Rights Revolution, where I think Leo probably aided humanity, sold out tons of Faunus and this ingratiated him with Ozpin and co who saw it as him 'bravely' 'striving towards peace, protecting the relic, keeping his eye on the missions' ETC. Basically, he betrayed Faunus to protect himself, but the humans watching were like "Wow, this guy is so loyal to us, he'd make a great agent!" and thus failed to realize that if someone more powerful than them came along, Leo would fold and back stab them just like he did to his own people.

Faunus, at least any with a remote understanding of history, hate him, 'Lionheart' may well be an insult to imply cowardice and betrayal of one's own people and thus those from the Faunus Rights Revolution, would not even be remotely surprised bu him betraying his allies, or it'd be real mild, somewhat scathing surprise.

My view if it's something like that, it's not so blatant. Faunus wouldn't hate him, because he's made back room deals to make things happen. They may think him as soft or hard to get him to move. Ozpin and co think he's good at arranging stuff, and maybe he sold out someone dangerous to save his skin, which to them looked like a wise judgement call. With power behind him, he may actually be pretty fair and wise, it's just those earlier deals before he got there just-happened to work in a way that looked good for him.
My view if it's something like that, it's not so blatant. Faunus wouldn't hate him, because he's made back room deals to make things happen. They may think him as soft or hard to get him to move. Ozpin and co think he's good at arranging stuff, and maybe he sold out someone dangerous to save his skin, which to them looked like a wise judgement call. With power behind him, he may actually be pretty fair and wise, it's just those earlier deals before he got there just-happened to work in a way that looked good for him.
I'm not sure someone can be made exempt from forced deportation subtly which is why I feel most nominally aware Faunus would know who he is. Your idea is interesting, though I confess I was a tad confused by it, sorry :(
I'm not sure someone can be made exempt from forced deportation subtly which is why I feel most nominally aware Faunus would know who he is. Your idea is interesting, though I confess I was a tad confused by it, sorry :(

Basically I think while Leo would do sell-outs, something like that in the Faunas Rights Revolution... if it was something so blatant that the Faunas viewed him as a sellout, why would Oz and co be impressed? Ozpin is no fan of artificial division of people and the distrust that breeds. And considering the Faunas Rights Revolution won, selling them out to side with the humans would hardly put him in such a good position as to be headmaster.

I imagine him doing actions like maybe selling out people of both sides- who were threats to him, but threatened stability and risked making things worse than they were for unrelated reasons. Like maybe sell out a faunas to a human, only to discover the human planned on getting rid of him, and then eliminating that human leader who was pushing for escalation of the faunas war.
Basically I think while Leo would do sell-outs, something like that in the Faunas Rights Revolution... if it was something so blatant that the Faunas viewed him as a sellout, why would Oz and co be impressed? Ozpin is no fan of artificial division of people and the distrust that breeds. And considering the Faunas Rights Revolution won, selling them out to side with the humans would hardly put him in such a good position as to be headmaster.

I imagine him doing actions like maybe selling out people of both sides- who were threats to him, but threatened stability and risked making things worse than they were for unrelated reasons. Like maybe sell out a faunas to a human, only to discover the human planned on getting rid of him, and then eliminating that human leader who was pushing for escalation of the faunas war.
Good question, the basic idea is that they misunderstood what motivated his selling out Faunus, seeing it as a desire to end the war quickly, maintain order and or ensure the safety of the conspiracy, even though it was just rank cowardice and self serving protectionism for himself. While its true Ozpin isn't a fan of artificial divisions, we haven't exactly heard or seen him ever do much about them beyond make a vague statement to Blake which she quickly refuted and then he dropped the subject, so I'm unsure how passionate he'd have been about this matter save in regards to its impact on the war with Salem. But as to trusting Leo, its basically a case of "I think he is loyal to us, because he did not side with his kin" basically viewing him as making a noble sacrifice, while in reality he just picked the side he thought would win. While it is true the Faunus won, given the response the White Fang got, it seems that people have short memories and a 'controllable' Faunus would likely seem like a good compromise to higher level politicians in Mistral so they'd likely support his appointment.

Still, I see your point and rather like your idea as well, basically a constant daisy chain of betrayals and lies, with him constantly revealing or helping take down actual or perceived threats and that allowing him to avoid deportation and generally looking a lot more heroic and dedicated than he actually was.
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