RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Well. I have to admit, when I thought things might be awkward between Yang and Blake I wasn't expecting it to be because Blake is treating her as a fucking invalid. Good, quality writing here, top notch. Oh, and Oz withheld extremely pertinent information that got someone killed? And already fans coming out of the woodwork to defend him? Why, I thought it was Friday, not Tuesday. Meanwhile Jaune has the most OP Semblance out there, and mastered it within a few weeks. Nope, certainly not an SI or wish fulfillment character, no siree. Not sure what the point was in Oz falling unconscious at the end of V5 was when he's right back up and ready to go. At least if he was unconscious then he would have a reasonable excuse for withholding aforementioned vital information. Yes, I understand that in-show a cew weeks have passed, but narrqtovely there is no point in him falling unconscious in the first place. Just another example of that flawless, top quality writing. The best people are working on the show.

Hey, the background scenery looks a lot nicer, I guess that forgives everything am I right?
Did they improve battle choreo or is it still janky?
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*shrugs* It feels sluggish. Awkward pauses for the cameras to linger on 'dramatic' glares, cuts are kind of awkward and scenes linger a bit too long to be comfortable.

But hey, new material! It's a win-win situation for me. If the show finally becomes good, I can sit back and enjoy the show. No need to gripe about it. If it continues to be bad, then I have fresh material. It's been 8 months, I was running out of things to criticize that hadn't been done to hell and back.

Sometimes, I admit, I start to feel bad about constantly criticizing the show. I mean, it's such an easy target. Talk about punching down. Very low hanging fruit, you know? But then I recall that despite its shitty writing quality, it is making money hand-over-fist. InB4 people start saying that high profits equals high quality. That and it's a fictional show to boot, it doesn't have feelings, and I am a random Anonymous person on the internet, like criticizing it will somehow hurt anyone.
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Well. I have to admit, when I thought things might be awkward between Yang and Blake I wasn't expecting it to be because Blake is treating her as a fucking invalid. Good, quality writing here, top notch. Oh, and Oz withheld extremely pertinent information that got someone killed? And already fans coming out of the woodwork to defend him? Why, I thought it was Friday, not Tuesday. Meanwhile Jaune has the most OP Semblance out there, and mastered it within a few weeks. Nope, certainly not an SI or wish fulfillment character, no siree. Not sure what the point was in Oz falling unconscious at the end of V5 was when he's right back up and ready to go. At least if he was unconscious then he would have a reasonable excuse for withholding aforementioned vital information. Yes, I understand that in-show a few weeks have passed, but narrqtovely speaking there is no point in him falling unconscious in the first place. Just another example of that flawless, top quality writing. And what's this? Team RWBY fighting together flawlessly without any sort of on-screen difficulties after spending at least half a year apart? Well someone'd better pick up that phone, because I fucking called it. The best people are working on the show.

Hey, the background scenery looks a lot nicer, I guess that forgives everything am I right?
Ok first off spoilers. Secondly, it seems like Semblances are something you master right away or at least with little training. Ren mastered his within moments as a child while watching everything he knew and loved being destroyed. Weiss went from not knowing how to summon at all to being able to use summons to fight off giant mechs. Jaune knowing how to use his powers seem pretty in line with everything we've seen. Thirdly, you were upset at the idea that Blake and Yang wouldn't be awkward, but now the issue is that they're awkward in a way you don't like. I mean what do you want to have happened? Lastly it's Thursday.

*shrugs* It feels sluggish. Awkward pauses for the cameras to linger on 'dramatic' glares, cuts are kind of awkward and scenes linger a bit too long to be comfortable.

But hey, new material! It's a win-win situation for me. If the show finally becomes good, I can sit back and enjoy the show. No need to gripe about it. If it continues to be bad, then I have fresh material. It's been 8 months, I was running out of things to criticize that hadn't been done to hell and back.

Sometimes, I admit, I start to feel bad about constantly criticizing the show. I mean, it's such an easy target. Talk about punching down. Very low hanging fruit, you know? But then I recall that despite its shitty writing quality, it is making money hand-over-fist. InB4 people start saying that high profits equals high quality. That and it's a fictional show to boot, it doesn't have feelings, and I am a random Anonymous person on the internet, like criticizing it will somehow hurt anyone.
I actually want to know, what do you get out of criticizing the show. I mean you just admitted that you do it constantly and actively look for things to criticize so why do it? What joy does it bring you? I mean it doesn't seem like you enjoy debate for the sake of debate given how often you drop a topic and shift gears, even when given actual debating. For a show you claim to dislike you spend a shit ton of time involved in it, looking at fanfics, and discussing it online. Hell, you have to be paying RT in order to have seen the episode already, which seems odd to do given your personal dislike of the people involved. Like I'll admit sometimes it's fun to rag on something you dislike. I do it as well, but I don't go out of my way to consume the media I dislike just to rag on it. For as much as I hate stuff like 40K or Witcher or Dark Souls, it's not like I spend time and money studying those things. You show an insane amount of knowlege about RWBY, from the lore to the behinds the scenes drama. Shit that I as a fan often have to look up in order to discuss. So like I just have to know, what's the vig on this action here? Why do you do it? What draws you to this show you dislike and compelles you to study every aspect about it?
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Violation of Rule 3 and 4 - This is not civil. This is condescending sniping. Stop.
Well. I have to admit, when I thought things might be awkward between Yang and Blake I wasn't expecting it to be because Blake is treating her as a fucking invalid. Good, quality writing here, top notch. Oh, and Oz withheld extremely pertinent information that got someone killed? And already fans coming out of the woodwork to defend him? Why, I thought it was Friday, not Tuesday. Meanwhile Jaune has the most OP Semblance out there, and mastered it within a few weeks. Nope, certainly not an SI or wish fulfillment character, no siree. Not sure what the point was in Oz falling unconscious at the end of V5 was when he's right back up and ready to go. At least if he was unconscious then he would have a reasonable excuse for withholding aforementioned vital information. Yes, I understand that in-show a few weeks have passed, but narrqtovely speaking there is no point in him falling unconscious in the first place. Just another example of that flawless, top quality writing. And what's this? Team RWBY fighting together flawlessly without any sort of on-screen difficulties after spending at least half a year apart? Well someone'd better pick up that phone, because I fucking called it. The best people are working on the show.

Hey, the background scenery looks a lot nicer, I guess that forgives everything am I right?
If you could possibly be any less condescending, given you're quite consistently shut down and then, as volant said, ignore debates that don't seem to instantly be in your favour, it would be greatly appreciated.
you were told to stop this
If you could possibly be any less condescending, given you're quite consistently shut down and then, as volant said, ignore debates that don't seem to instantly be in your favour, it would be greatly appreciated.
Speaking of not being condescending, this. Don't do this. You were warned more than once to stop this. Now it's 25 points and a three day break.

@thesevenwielder For you too, post unmarked spoilers like that again and you're on break too. Also, ramp back the trash talk a notch. RWBY has more flaws than stuff too often, but you're not exactly convincing people here by framing it like this all the time.
No it isn't, because I have no idea what the spoiler policy *is*. "No unmarked spoilers." Okay. What are spoilers?

@mistakenot, you're the OP, what do you declare the spoiler policy is? Until it's available for free, an entire week, or sometime less?
'for the current season'. Maybe I'm mistaken, but I would read that as 'all events of the current season are considered spoilers, and must be under appropriately marked spoiler boxes'.
So... Should we have put all the V5 talk in spoiler boxes? Even a month after the final episode for V5 aired?
Look, I'm not speaking as staff here. Ask a private question exists for questions. I'm just saying that I, personally, read the thread banner as saying such. If it's not clear, you could use a report or go to ask a private question to request official clarification on the thing.
So Volume 5 is totally fine to talk about without spoilertags if it has nothing to do with stuff that happens in Volume 6. Alright then.

On a related note, is there an option to ignore-list posters to help us avoid this situation happening again?
So if the Black trailer took place on a train, Oscar took a train to Mistral, and RWBY are taking a train to Atlas... Why didn't JNRR take a train to Mistral? This is 3 times now that trains have been shown to exist and are unmolested by Grimm. So much for them "destroying man and all his works" amirite?
Grimm thrive on the negative emotion generated by metro stations. Whenever the Grimm get hungry Salem just presses the "all metro lines are singletracking now" button.
[Discussion] Volume 6, Chapter 1: Argus Limited

Best girl is back!

Actual reaction and stuff a bit later, I'll write up something for here and reddit.


Seeing as I got Threadmarked, I might as well do it here.

I like the In Medias Res start. Gets us to the part that most people like best about RWBY: The fights. I'll talk about animation when we get back to the fight.

Adam lost the Fang, murdered his way to the throne, and then realised all of it is gone due to Blake. That delivery could use work, since it was so deadpan. Maybe add hate to it? A lot of it.

What happened to the Send button, Qrow? Inter kingdom comms still down? You'd think people would fix that sooner or later. Also, anyone think Qrow may have encoded some messages in that letter? Anyone want to transcribe it so we can check?

Speaking of delivery.... I don't know why, but Weiss feels a bit off. It sounds to me she isn't speaking naturally, but reading her lines. Just me? Also, later when she's talking about Blake, while her voice feels better, her face animations look weird to me. Again, anyone else seeing it?

Dee and Dum really chose the best people to talk to. It's not like you can tell RWBY and the rest are hunters from a km away....

That line from Oscar was great. It'd probably go into my sig if I had some space left there. (No I'm not editing it out reddit, this was posted on a forum first, deal with it)

I like Illia's new outfit. Also the fact that Blake got the Salem talk offscreen. Her reactions might have been interesting, but we don't need that unless something new is revealed. By the way, how did she miss Sun standing behind Blake?

Oh, and Neptune's here too. No, I didn't miss him at all. Better than Shitty Neptune I guess. Might have been interesting to see him interact with Weiss, but him showing up here's just a "Yes, Sun's team is still a thing". The wrong tree joke was somewhat amusing I suppose.

Black Sun shippers get heartbroken, rejoice and then get heartbroken again in like half a minute.

Oh hey we're back in the dorm. With safer but less fun bunks. Blake trying to be helpful, just a couple months late. That flat look from Yang when she tries to help is hilarious.

"Just my luck." "Not yours." This episode is full of quotable things. This one even applies to me IRL!

Grimm attack!

We're back to the start of the episode. Dee and Dum are professionals as shown here. Ruby's "Don't let anyone else die" sounds a lot better in this context as we see someone get killed just moments before, but... That's still not a plan.

As we get to the fighting we see Dum armor up the train. Perhaps start with that next time.

We see more of Qrow's fighing style, which is acrobatic to say the least. Seriously, a handstand? He's using his Scythe now, which looks amazing, and also, we see him transform into a bird on screen. I think. It's a blink it and miss moment so maybe he's blocked from view by something again? Someone slow it down and check. I still have like half the ep to write about.

Again. Dum is a professional who clearly knows what he's going. And that sound physically hurt me. I know it only happened so we see that Jaune's better with his semblance, but still. Also, I have no idea how these two graduated. I know RWBY are strong, but they seem to be on another level compared to the so called "pros" from what we've seen.


Oh hey Ruby's doing actual leading, that's nice. Wonder if she keeps this up. And now we know why they don't like Ozcar in the trailer. Still keeping vital intel in secret.

Blake having flasbacks. That can't be good.

Okay, now, the fight. I can say that fight animations appear to be great this season. Everyone is doing things, even in the background, small details like Weiss skating on her glyphs, or that people actually work together. I don't recall if past fights had them injure grimm before killing them, but I like this style of fights. There are some moments that are just great, like Renora copying Rocket (Grab hand and spin) or the two scythe combo. All in all, I can say that the train fight is worthy of a top 10 list of RWBY fights, IMO. Probably not Number 1, but on the list.

Also, grimm seem to be evaporating a lot quicker than before.

The music was also great, but that's nothing new. Even the songs I don't like in this show aren't bad songs, just not my style.

Things in the opening (or closing, this time anyway)

Renora hug and Qrow's luck, White Rose shananigans while Bumblebee is still affected by Adam, weird lady is definetly silver eyed, and then we see a *khm* hentai grimm catch Qrow and attack Ruby. There's definetly a fanfic of that somewhere.

Anyway, we get to Hooded Woman who's either Neo or Cinder. Then Torchwick's hat flies by and is hit by something, startling Hoody.

Adam fighting, and the cut makes it look like it's against Ghira, so I'm assuming New Fang vs what little Adam has left. Cut to villains and angry Salem. Probably she'll keep getting foiled this season.

Then a woman at the statue of Probably Ozpin. Who knows. Then Ozpin's past lives flash by. And then Jaune is angry at Ozcar. Probably secrets again.

Cut to RWBY fighting in an awesome sequence, and then the entire good guy cast of the season. It includes Ozcar, so the problem probably gets resolved. Also, Ruby is hurt in it for some reason.
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So if the Black trailer took place on a train, Oscar took a train to Mistral, and RWBY are taking a train to Atlas... Why didn't JNRR take a train to Mistral? This is 3 times now that trains have been shown to exist and are unmolested by Grimm. So much for them "destroying man and all his works" amirite?
we're at a 2/3 arrival rate, 1/3 unattacked rate. Oscar's was (as far as we know) fine, or at the very least it arrived. The Schnee train was attacked by White Fang, but if they weren't there in case of Grimm attacks, which would also be more likely to succeed between the loss of said mechs and the negative emotions of losing a fortune in Dust, as well I'll die of shock. Especially after we saw half of the latest one get derailed, despite having (admittedly incompetent, Mistral is short on free lancers remember) huntsmen and what I'm assuming are standard issue fortifications and defenses.
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