RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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The Faunus subplot was undeniably flawed despite good intentions. There are numerous ways it could have been done better. Especially if there had been more of Sienna Khan and the writers had used her more effectively.

Fortunately, RWBY is more than the flaws of the Faunus subplot.
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Well said.

I do think that if Kerry and Miles tried again it would be much better so if they revisit the white fang I'll be cautiously optimistic
Yeah, and the thing about racism is that it needs to be handled with sensitivity.

I've seen some RWBY fanfic that handled the subject with more grace than the early volumes. Hell one story gave Adam a tragic backstory while still emphasizing that he's a loathsome piece of shit (among other things he sends 66 faunus who dissent with his regime to an abandoned outpost in the desert, where one of Salem's monsters is waiting to eat them. He even contacts them right before the final assault to gloat, and then without missing a beat makes it look like Humans killed them before publicly mourning the faunus he engineered the deaths of. So yeah. Huge asshole.)
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Even ignoring the aforementioned stupid reasons, It's kind of weird for people to get up in arms about Robyn at all, frankly. She's had a couple of rad scenes, but she's also had, like, an hour of screen time at most over the last year and a half. She's important to the plot, but a lot of that (if not most of it) is about Robyn, but not by her. Her conversation with Qrow last episode is kind of the most we've seen into the character underneath the plot-element politician since her introduction. Directly out of her, herself, I mean. Obviously there's a lot to infer from the people she's surrounded herself with, the sides she's taken, and other secondary sources.

Just like... if you're determined to hate on this show, I'm sure there have to be targets that are much larger actual parts of it, so the focus is baffling.
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I previously wondered if they could have made Adam like Atrocitus from Green Lantern Animated in that while he DOES have a tragic backstory he's so consumed with Rage and Anger that he's become WORSE than the people who hurt him (Adam's eye brand implies he was a slave in the Schnee mines).

Atrocitus's backstory is that millennia ago the Green Lantern's predecessors (the Manhunters) went on a rampage and slaughtered a lot of innocent people. Whole worlds were burned, entire species were annihilated....Atrocitus was a survivor of the massacre and he not only has hideous scarring but lost his entire species to the purge.

The Guardians (the creators) didn't ORDER the massacre, but rather than face embarrassment they voted to conceal it, sweeping the tragedy under the rug and leaving the worlds to suffer in squalor. Hal and Kilowog are both shocked when they receive confirmation that the massacre did indeed happen even if it wasn't ordered, and right before Hal and Atrocitus face off Hal tells him TO HIS FACE that he is justified in wanting revenge.

At the same time, the story makes it VERY clear that Atrocitus is the bad guy who needs to be defeated. His crimes include

1.) Manipulating Razer (a supporting character) into joining by deliberately escalating the civil war on Razer's world to the point everything went to shit and than murdering Razer's wife JUST to make sure Razer was hate filled enough to accept the Red Ring of Rage.
2.) Creates Doomsday devices called Liberators (massive bombs) and unleashes them on worlds in Guardian Space (at least one world is destroyed with the heroes barely able to save the survivors).
3.) Backs Prince Ragnar (a power hungry little creep who tried to claim a Green Lantern Ring via murder and was locked up) in his coup of the Planet Betrassus and than tries to BLOW UP Betrassus (the heroes are able to stop it this time).
4.) Plans to launch a MASSIVE invasion of Guardian Space that will kill countless innocents even those who had nothing to do with the massacre.
5.) When Hal offers to use the Guardian Resources to help rebuild the shattered worlds and help them recover Atrocitus briefly considers before angrily rejecting it.

So yeah. Atrocitus is ABSOLUTELY the villain, and the story makes it clear he needs to be defeated for the story to have a happy ending. (Notably Hal repeats the offer to use the Guardians resources to restore the Forgotten Zone to Atrocitus's second in command and the guardians (who have gained perspective due to the assault making them realize "this is how the people of the forgotten zone felt when the Manhunters attacked) not only agree to help but fully acknowledge that their coverup was a crime even if the massacre was never intended.)

That is clear that what the Guardians did (covering up the massacre, causing the massacre by failing to properly define the morality parameters) was fucked up and that Atrocitus SHOULD be angry about that.
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well someone found the thumbnail

I'll have to wait till I get off work to watch the episode since it drops while I'm gone. >.< curse these Saturday Shifts!
Em creates an illusion and team ruby walks right to the door of the vault up punches the bitch out of james
bet thats actually Blake or Yang there in front of him
New Episode is out, my reaction:
Oh my gosh those ships are just getting fucking tackled out of the sky XD

Oooh sabotage!

Hey Vine's now uncomfortable, neat, Harriet you bastard, also what the fuck is that gun Ironwood?

Harriet really wants to be in charge, but Ironwood's keeping Winter around, huh so she may not have been in the elevator?

Hahahahahaha, Emerald I fucking love you!

Holy shit that fight rocked and Winter did the right thing and everything is awesome so now I am expecting something to go terribly wrong XD

OK Marrow is precious son man I love him and also him and Winter act like siblings its cute.

Ah OK so there is a person inside the relic and they need blue prints possibly just to be asinine possibly out of necessity, neat regardless.

Hey they did use the hole in the floor!

Aaaah Penny!

Its a Jojo character, Jinn better have muscles the next time we see her CRWBY!

I fucking love this guy!

Also very intriguing that this is not as simple as expected, nice allusions to the prosthetics too.


Ooooh Watts you bastard, you canny, canny bastard!

Haha, Winter would have left you to fucking die Jac.

Penny remains precious, also ooh so those legs weren't part of her body they were equipment, neat!

They're leaving Atlas, I legitimately did not expect that, like, at fucking all, I am very confusing and surprised and intrigued.
Ah OK so there is a person inside the relic and they need blue prints possibly just to be asinine possibly out of necessity, neat regardless.
This has the implication that Ironwood's plan would never work in the first place since it requires blueprints and he's too coco to think that.
So things did go as we expected in the first part. The good guys linked up and beat Ironwood and the Ace-Ops, using the plan we managed to guess. I'm pretty sure Ambrosius the Spirit of Creation is a Merlin reference. Tbh using him up just to make the city float was indeed a waste of his skills. But Cinder (and probably Watts and Neo) are infiltrating into the crowd in Atlas, instead of attacking at the Vault as we expected. Watts must have known that his virus failed once the portals opened. Does Penny still have her weapons/flight? Nuts and Dolts shippers should be happy with this development. How many more episodes do we have? I think Cinder and Neo will engage our heroes in the Webway.