RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Well, considering that throughout V5 so far she's been getting random angry phases in less uncomfortable situations, the fact that Weiss just got ran through, Ruby got knocked out, her asshole mother not only replaced her and shot Ruby, but also joined Salem. I'd say it'd be pretty IC for Yang to go supernova, especially if Blake turns up.

So our main characters have made mistakes and not learned anything from them- am I rewatching The Last Jedi?
Qrow, you are an idiot. You did not notice the damned bird? The clear ambush set up? Seriously?!

Ok. Raven does not emote. At all. Like I don't think she has facial expressions.

Got the classic'transform conspicuously right behind the guy who's shorter then you. Thing going on.

Hate Adams voice still. So much.

So much standing and talking. Especially given that there is a fight going on. Lots of them. Off screen. Five feet away. On flat terrain. Again.

I love Cinder being a bitch. Though I wish she'd curb stomped Jaune. And that any of the fights were interesting in the least. Two blade locks, one weird tracking shot, lots of bad dialogue and terrible camera angles.

Leo is just pathetic. Fighter and personality. He's not even fun to hate!

Also they're really bad about spacing and timing. Everyone is way too close for the amount of overlap we see...and most of the animations are pretty awful. Like, they have to many people but prior fights had people cooperate!

Jaune needs to go back to sword and board. Also please integrate his sweatshirt stuff towards mail and Give him a visual evolution towards being a proper hunter. I haaaate his current outfit and I have only recently realized why.

Ok will we please kill Weiss? Do it. I fucking dare you. I mean, she didn't disintegrate but you're clearly trying to parallel the last time Cinder killed someone. Right down to the silver eyes bullshit.

Oh and for a second I thought they really were going to show Cinder with a hollow eye socket. That'd be interesting.

I mean, you're not going to kill her and Jaune will show his semblance but please, prove me wrong.

Really weird to me that Emerald and ruby don't seem to bring up that Ruby considered her an actual friend. Also weird how slow she was after the Cinder illusion, she can flashstep. Do it!

Every time I see Jaune I realize I dislike him just a bit more because I can see interesting things you could do with him. If he wasn't himself.

Also there are so many bulging eyes and I'm really disliking it.
Trailer for the next episode.

Not exactly liking what I am seeing, save that I am intrigued by Hazel's rage.

Wow Oscar, nice pimp cane!
Don't... please don't make Hazel a more sympathetic Raven. *sigh* Ragnarok's gonna have a field day over on QQ...
Wow Oscar, nice pimp cane!
Don't... please don't make Hazel a more sympathetic Raven. *sigh* Ragnarok's gonna have a field day over on QQ...
He's been hunting down and murdering hunters for Salem and generally been helping her way longer than Salem, I am doubtful he could be more sympathetic than her. Granted she's not terribly sympathetic, but at least she doesn't want to help.
I'm really not super enthused by the preview.

Emerald has just disappeared, Cinder is apparently far more interested in reveling in tormenting someone she barely knows than capturing or killing Ruby who she has been showing an obsession with for the last two volumes, both Ruby and Weiss are down, helpless and being rushed to not by their team mate or family but by Jaune and Oscar, while Yang just stands motion-less, if she was having a flashback I could accept it but as it stands it just looks like ignoring the person closest to them to let Oscar and Jaune be the main focus of two title characters getting injured.

At least Hazel getting angry seems interesting.

That's the only thing I find interesting in that trailer. Two people go down and everyone just stops fighting? The characters aren't supposed to be the audience.
There is that too, yeah.
Yeaaah, I can kinda understand the heroes freezing up when Ruby and Weiss get taken down like that, but their opponents also stopping is just weird. And Yang just standing there instead of going to help her sister or her teammate is kinda dumb.
Yeaaah, I can kinda understand the heroes freezing up when Ruby and Weiss get taken down like that, but their opponents also stopping is just weird. And Yang just standing there instead of going to help her sister or her teammate is kinda dumb.
Its incredibly frustrating and just adds to the feeling that Weiss and to a lesser extent, Ruby being injured has nothing to do with them, the team or Yang, but is instead all for Jaune and to an extent Oscar's narrative focus and benefit, thus Yang s locked into stasis so they scene can focus on them rather than having an actual reaction.

If I thought they were trying to show her having a flashback or somehting I might feel slightly different but given the cameras focus on Jane it doesn't feel like that to me.
I'm going to be really pissed if we're going back to having the title characters sidelined in favor of Jaune and the dudebros again. :mad:
Am I the only one who found the last episode...boring?

I just can't get into it. The choreography and animation ain't great, there's too many people too close together for me to buy that they're really all doing 1v1 fights(Ren and Nora don't exist as separate characters) and everyone acts like blazing idiots. Lionheart can't beat a barely trained Oscar, Qrow can't spot an obvious ambush, Ember doesn't just beat down Jaune when she was in the 'who are you and why don't I care' mode. Oh and I can't even remember any bit of the music that wasn't just reusing a sample of 'mirror mirror'.

I know I'm in nitpick mode but I just can't get into it anymore. I want to like it, but I can't find it in me.
Oh god, Leo's weapon is a Dual Disk in Turbo Dual mode ripped straight from a D-runner. Where's your bike yo?
I love how Pilot boi is still there on the chart. Will he be the one to transport Blake and her people to Haven? Because he should be.
Clearly Vernal is able to use lasers because her Maiden powers let her manipulate lightning.

All she had to do was figure out how to remove the ning from the light, and she was set.
Been reading through Leila's "Let's Watch RWBY" thread.

With all the stuff about Pyrrha being Jaune's titninja that was pointed out there, suddenly her role in Volume 3's ending becomes awful beyond measure. Dammit, the show had to go jump the shark within a season of growing the beard. The ending bugged me upon initial release, too, but now I suddenly understand why. May as well have stuffed her in an actual fridge for all the difference it made. Which sucks, because titninja-ing aside, she was one of my favorite characters in theory - famous but socially isolated badass champion who winds up getting involved in the whole Maidens issue.

I should probably get around to watching Volume 5, but that thread has lowkey ruined the show for me. How good would people say it is? Still Volume 3/4 level material, or more about what I've been dreading it to be based on hearsay?
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Been reading through Leila's "Let's Watch RWBY" thread.

With all the stuff about Pyrrha being Jaune's titninja that was pointed out there, suddenly her role in Volume 3's ending becomes awful beyond measure. Dammit, the show had to go jump the shark within a season of growing the beard. The ending bugged me upon initial release, too, but now I suddenly understand why. May as well have stuffed her in an actual fridge for all the difference it made. Which sucks, because titninja-ing aside, she was one of my favorite characters in theory - famous but socially isolated badass champion who winds up getting involved in the whole Maidens issue.

I should probably get around to watching Volume 5, but that thread has lowkey ruined the show for me. How good would people say it is? Still Volume 3/4 level material, or more about what I've been dreading it to be based on hearsay?
If you think Pyrrha gets fridged at the end of V3 you haven't been paying attention.

First - what is it to be 'fridged'? In general it means either a disposable female character who is attacked solely to progress the story and other characters' plot arcs, or a particularly gruesome death of a character for no reason other than shock value for either the cast or audience. Now, there certainly are elements of fridging to Pyrrha's death - narratively, her death triggers Ruby's silver eyes, triggers a lot of Jaune and Ruby's character development in V4, and it is a rather unpleasant death (second or third most unpleasant of the five on-screen deaths we've seen up to that point) that is meant to shock both the audience and Ruby.

However it is not solely a shock moment. It's the culmination of Pyrrha's entire plot arc.

Pyrrha is based on Akhilleus. Her V3 plot as a whole is a take on the classic arc that describes Akhilleus in the Iliad - will he chose a long, simple life, or a blazing moment of glory? Or in Pyrrha's case, will she choose to struggle through an average life as a Huntress with Jaune by her side, or will she become a Maiden and potentially lose her own personality in merging with Amber's soul? In the Iliad Akhilleus makes his choice in a moment of blinding rage at Patroklos' death, but in RWBY the choice is removed from Pyrrha just as she makes it by Cinder's intervention. Her response is to attempt to take that choice back by choosing to confront Cinder despite lacking the glory - the literal crown of fire (which in the Iliad is bestowed on Akhilleus by Athene to drive back the Trojans) - and in fact having that glory be stolen by her opponent. She proceeds to almost beat Cinder despite that massive gap in power, and much as Akhilleus' death is the trigger for the Greeks to make the Trojan Horse in most versions of the myth of Troy, Pyrrha's death is the 'trigger' for Ruby to unleash her silver eyes and turn Cinder's victory into a stalemate.

Do I think they could've done it better? Maybe. I personally would have had Cinder kill Jaune in the Maiden chamber, then have Pyrrha go full vengeful Akhilleus on Cinder because I prefer more direct mythological parallels. But saying Pyrrha was 'fridged' does massive disservice to the character - if anyone was fridged, it was Penny, whose character solely exists for the moment she gets torn in half, and solely dies to motivate everyone (particularly Ruby) to fight the bad guys.

Also V5's aight. It's got some pacing issues, and a couple of the fight scenes look... weird (think the floaty nonsense in the Sun/Blake vs sea dragon fight), but the rest of it's fairly solid, even if there is a lot of sitting around and talking. We'll see how they bring it all together though, because I think that'll determine if it's a good volume or just a volume with some good episodes.
Pyrrha's death is the 'trigger' for Ruby to unleash her silver eyes and turn Cinder's victory into a stalemate.
That's part of the problem I have with the whole thing. It would maybe make more sense had their friendship been touched upon in any significant way leading up to that, but it just felt to me like a non-sequitor since she mostly only interacted with Jaune until the stuff with the Maidens cropped up. Sure it can be assumed that they're friends by inference, and Ruby's a pretty compassionate person regardless, but I just feel like the power-up is a shitty reason for killing her off.

Do I think they could've done it better? Maybe. I personally would have had Cinder kill Jaune in the Maiden chamber, then have Pyrrha go full vengeful Akhilleus on Cinder because I prefer more direct mythological parallels. But saying Pyrrha was 'fridged' does massive disservice to the character - if anyone was fridged, it was Penny, whose character solely exists for the moment she gets torn in half, and solely dies to motivate everyone (particularly Ruby) to fight the bad guys.
Makes sense. And yeah, that bothered me too, though a bit less so since a lot of the plot hinges on it.

Also V5's aight. It's got some pacing issues, and a couple of the fight scenes look... weird (think the floaty nonsense in the Sun/Blake vs sea dragon fight), but the rest of it's fairly solid, even if there is a lot of sitting around and talking. We'll see how they bring it all together though, because I think that'll determine if it's a good volume or just a volume with some good episodes.
Ah, that's good to hear. I guess I'll wait and see what people have to say once it's wrapped up whether I want to continue or not.
Been reading through Leila's "Let's Watch RWBY" thread.

With all the stuff about Pyrrha being Jaune's titninja that was pointed out there, suddenly her role in Volume 3's ending becomes awful beyond measure. Dammit, the show had to go jump the shark within a season of growing the beard. The ending bugged me upon initial release, too, but now I suddenly understand why. May as well have stuffed her in an actual fridge for all the difference it made. Which sucks, because titninja-ing aside, she was one of my favorite characters in theory - famous but socially isolated badass champion who winds up getting involved in the whole Maidens issue.

I should probably get around to watching Volume 5, but that thread has lowkey ruined the show for me. How good would people say it is? Still Volume 3/4 level material, or more about what I've been dreading it to be based on hearsay?
I think the death Pyrrha got was better than the original one, where Jaune was present and possibly the reason for her loss, that would make it clearly not about her, but all about him and to a lesser extent, Ruby. As it is, her death is sad and frustrating, especially as I feel there's a lot if interesting things that could have been done with her (Especially if Jaune died) but I personally felt it worked over all.

As to V5 there's some very good feelsy moments, and some good talks, though some of your fondness or lack there-of will depend on how you felt about certain character interactions in the previous volume.

However there's, to me, some borderline game breaking stuff going on in chapter 11, suffice to say, if you feel Pyrrha got fridged, Weiss likely looks like she's got one foot in there at a minimum.

That's how it feels to me anyway.
As to V5 there's some very good feelsy moments, and some good talks, though some of your fondness or lack there-of will depend on how you felt about certain character interactions in the previous volume.
The only things springing to mind is the Ren/Nora stuff near the end, which I didn't hate but didn't particularly care about either, or maybe Oscar and Ozpin's shenanigans?

Guess I'll see at some point.
That's part of the problem I have with the whole thing. It would maybe make more sense had their friendship been touched upon in any significant way leading up to that, but it just felt to me like a non-sequitor since she mostly only interacted with Jaune until the stuff with the Maidens cropped up. Sure it can be assumed that they're friends by inference, and Ruby's a pretty compassionate person regardless, but I just feel like the power-up is a shitty reason for killing her off.
Honestly I think it does Ruby more credit if she and Phyrrah weren't all that close. It emphasizes just how much Ruby cares about everyone that she gets a trauma power up seeing anyone get killed by the villain.
I should probably get around to watching Volume 5, but that thread has lowkey ruined the show for me. How good would people say it is? Still Volume 3/4 level material, or more about what I've been dreading it to be based on hearsay?
That's because that thread is basically an anti-RWBY circlejerk, due to any attempts at having an actual debate or presenting reasoned, constructive criticism towards the show will result in you getting shouted out of the thread for being a 'RWBY shill' or something.

If you want a fair, unbiased view of the show.... you're not getting it there. Like fuckin' Blighttown in there, it's so toxic.
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That's because that thread is basically an anti-RWBY circlejerk, due to any attempts at having an actual debate or presenting reasoned, constructive criticism towards the show will result in you getting shouted out of the thread for being a 'RWBY shill' or something.

If you want a fair, unbiased view of the show.... you're not getting it there. Like fuckin' Blighttown in there, it's so toxic.
True, watching it after reading a whole thread of "RWBY is bad and you should feel bad" isn't the most conducive to a good viewing experience. I will say that I do think there are some legitimate criticisms to be made, but I'll be interested to see whether the tone changes once they hit Volume 3.

Honestly I think it does Ruby more credit if she and Phyrrah weren't all that close. It emphasizes just how much Ruby cares about everyone that she gets a trauma power up seeing anyone get killed by the villain.
I still would have liked something. :/
And TBH I wasn't the most thrilled about the power-up to begin with, so that doesn't help either.

True, watching it after reading a whole thread of "RWBY is bad and you should feel bad" isn't the most conducive to a good viewing experience. I will say that I do think there are some legitimate criticisms to be made, but I'll be interested to see whether the tone changes once they hit Volume 3.
I mean, I have a mile-long list of complaints about RWBY; the problem is that any attempts to have an honest, frank discussion about RWBY and it's flaws will inevitably descend into the worst kind of toxicity.

I've seen it happen over on SB. It's... not great.
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