RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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They haven't seen each other for months. Whether it's shipping, friendship, or anything in between, they do miss each other nonetheless.
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[FIRST] CRWBY Episode 4: Setting the Scene
CRWBY: Behind the Episode: Setting the Scene

Also don't forget CRWBY: Behind the Episode. This time we get to see more on how they make the environments. This episode was a good fit apparently because while the bandit camp set was small it was also very dense, with a lot of stuff in it. Apparently when animating they make two versions of the environment, one low rez version with only the bare bones details that gets used to set up the scene and make sure everything works properly and then one high rez version that goes into the final cut but which is much slower to work with because it has to process more details so its not good for testing.
Crosspost from Reddit:
Holy... Why is this season so good!!!
  • Yang clearly knew the bandit was up to no good; her expression when he gave his lame story was hilarious.
  • Her fight scene wasn't Monty-good (the slight use of slowdown in places for emphasis, specifically) but it was very good. It felt like, well, Yang, and I especially liked her somersault move.
  • "Why didn't you engage your Aura?" from Ozpin. I think we were just given the answer to the Sienna question. Aura officially has a mental on-off switch. I feel vindicated. :)
  • We also learned exactly what Ren's Semblance does. Specifically, it masks emotions, not calms the people it works on, so it's camouflage rather than psychological assistance.
  • Love Nora's story about how she learned her Semblance. Also note: it was Thursday. Thor's Day. Heh.
  • Raven seems...way more reasonable than I expected.
  • Raven's Semblance defined! It's two-for-one sale day on Semblances!
  • People who thought Yang was definitely going after Ruby have now been justified! (Darn! But...good for those people!)
  • Also, that actually wasn't a bad plan; she doesn't know exactly where Ruby is but does know exactly where a teleport portal to Ruby is. Expecting Raven to just say, "sure, I'll send you there!" is not as good a plan.
  • Weiss remains best girl. "Subtlety is out," heh.
  • Spring gets lightning storms, natch. (I wonder...there are four base kinds of Dust...does each Maiden match with one of those four kinds as their power base? Also, if we have to fight Vernal, I vote we let Nora do it.)
  • Raven being reasonable again? Whatever happened to all those Worst Mom memes?
  • Ooooh, looks like we're going to get some of the down side to Ozpin's actions in the next couple of episodes (probably not until E6; I'm guessing E5 will be Blake and RNJR...but I could be wrong!).
  • Big d'awwwww! It's nice to see how RWBY really were close--and how much Weiss values them. Given that in her previous life her only sources of affection were apparently Winter (who loves her, but definitely doesn't show it through hugs and snuggles) and Klein (nevertheless a servant), it really stands out.
For those who haven't seen the episode because you lack FIRST I implore you lucky bastards to watch this gif. Its so much better without context:
Oh dear lord Ruby has so many hilariously evil faces when taken out of context. :rofl:
For those who haven't seen the episode because you lack FIRST I implore you lucky bastards to watch this gif. Its so much better without context:
Oh dear lord Ruby has so many hilariously evil faces when taken out of context. :rofl:
God I can't wait for it to be available for free accounts.
For those who haven't seen the episode because you lack FIRST I implore you lucky bastards to watch this gif. Its so much better without context:
Oh dear lord Ruby has so many hilariously evil faces when taken out of context. :rofl:
Fuck, I know there were jokes in early canon that Ruby was part Grimm, but she doesn't need to restart that discussion. :o
I kind of wish that the Knight had been Weiss's semblance all along.

Also I am happy with Yellow Snow shippers, it means less obstacles to LadyBug. Because damnit they are cute together in that first episode and I have not given up hope ever since.
I kind of wish that the Knight had been Weiss's semblance all along.

Also I am happy with Yellow Snow shippers, it means less obstacles to LadyBug. Because damnit they are cute together in that first episode and I have not given up hope ever since.
It's Freezerburn, not yellow snow. Yellow snow is pee. I don't think Weiss or Yang would want to be associated with that.

Unless they're into that. In which case, uh, good foresight on knowing fictional characters' kinks.
It's Freezerburn, not yellow snow. Yellow snow is pee. I don't think Weiss or Yang would want to be associated with that.

Unless they're into that. In which case, uh, good foresight on knowing fictional characters' kinks.

I always forget it's freezerburn since it doesn't have that obvious color connection.

...and I don't think it's a very good ship.
Nor does 'Milk and Cereal', 'Nuts and Dolts', 'Jewelthief', or 'Lancaster' (ugh, Lancaster), but they're all pretty memorable.

To be fair, I also see Lancaster and Nuts and Dolts more often. Not sure what Jewel thief is...unless it's emerald and Ruby? Which I wouldn't mind in an AU but I'm not game for main show(I have a dozen ships I list as good for AU honestly)

Milk and Cereal is...Coco and Weiss? Coco and Velvet? Weiss and Pyrah?

And yes, I do deserve some boo'ing.
Milk and Cereal is Ruby "I drink milk" Rose and Pyrrha "Cereal Mascot" Nikos. Coco and Velvet is "Crosshares".
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To be fair, I also see Lancaster and Nuts and Dolts more often. Not sure what Jewel thief is...unless it's emerald and Ruby? Which I wouldn't mind in an AU but I'm not game for main show(I have a dozen ships I list as good for AU honestly)

Milk and Cereal is...Coco and Weiss? Coco and Velvet? Weiss and Pyrah?

And yes, I do deserve some boo'ing.
I thought Coco and Weiss was White Chocolate..
I've always disliked shipping name, more often than not they're rather vague. Like if someone told me they shipped White Chocolate I would have no idea what that means.
Nuts and Dolts at least has connections to the characters described. Ruby's "nuts and bolts" line to Penny and the fact that Weiss called Ruby a dolt :V Makes some kinda sense.
True, a series can be depressing in other ways, but character death was what @Grandy12 mentioned so it's what I addressed. I don't think it would be accurate or fair at all to say RWBY became depressive after Volume 1 and 2, is what I would say to Grandy12 and others wondering.

(Also, while I don't want to say too much for spoiler reasons, Grimgar does have a major character death early on.)

Now I would say the character death made me depressed about the series... because of how badly handled it.

So the strong female leader with good characterization is killed off so the male audience surrogate character can feel man pain because his girlfriend was killed. I was even starting to warm up to Jaune and then that bad fumble ruined it all for me again. Season 4 didn't help much at all as all the attempts at pathos fell flat for me and not just for Jaune. It was a reminder that the show is still very much an indie project by self taught amateurs. Though season 5 is getting better as it goes back to a focus on high melodrama and comedy which is where I have always found the strength of the show.
Now I would say the character death made me depressed about the series... because of how badly handled it.

So the strong female leader with good characterization is killed off so the male audience surrogate character can feel man pain because his girlfriend was killed. I was even starting to warm up to Jaune and then that bad fumble ruined it all for me again. Season 4 didn't help much at all as all the attempts at pathos fell flat for me and not just for Jaune. It was a reminder that the show is still very much an indie project by self taught amateurs. Though season 5 is getting better as it goes back to a focus on high melodrama and comedy which is where I have always found the strength of the show.

You don't need to spoiler stuff from two years ago.

Pyrrha is by no means a leader. She's strong in terms of combat ability, but she's incredibly passive as a person. She falls for Jaune at first sight basically because he didn't recognize her even while Weiss was reeling off her accomplishments, then spends the rest of the show meekly following him around hoping he'll notice her without ever womaning up and confessing her feelings until right before she's killed. One of the reasons people dislike Ozpin's V3 actions is that for all his talk about free will, it was a lead-pipe cinch that Pyrrha would accept the job of Fall Maiden when offered because duty is a thing. Heck, even the bits of fleshing her out in V3 with all the "destiny" stuff just wraps back around to emphasizing her belief in a lack of free will.

She was pretty-looking and an awesome fighter, but she was never, ever more than a love interest and sidekick. She was as much of an adjunct to Jaune's character as Crocea Mors.
Hmm now that we know for sure that Ozpin reincarnates and isn't some sort of immortal(though I suppose his reincarnation is a form of immortality just not the type we were expecting) I suppose the old theory that one of his previous incarnations was the old king of vale is possible, though now it just creates even more questions about Ozpin or rather the people he used to be.
Pyrah's the type who would shoulder the world if she had to but would have trouble lifting a finger to help herself. I wouldn't call her weak but she's certainly not indipendant.

I can't help but wonder if Jaune and Ruby will be the heroes because they are both new and idealistic. Ruby literally wants to be a storybook hero and Jaune entered Hunstmanning blind to its traditions and culture.

Also makes me wonder if Ozpins a bit too detached. He cares about people but mostly in the abstract. Actually might explain why he wouldn't notice Lionheart being turned.

It wouldn't surprise me if one of the reasons Qrow stays around is to be something of a moral compass.