RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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[Public] Volume 5, Chapter 3: Unforeseen Complications
V5C3 is out for non-subscribers on RWBY: Volume 5, Chapter 3: Unforeseen Complications

And the public on VRV: VRV - Watch RWBY: EP 3 - Volume 5, Chapter 3: Unforeseen Complications

Also, you know what day it is? Halloween Ruby's birthday! Happy Birthday, Ruby!

Yo, I heard the series got pretty depressive and with plenty of character deaths. (I know who they are, no need to worry about spoiling me)

My question is; is there any sign they will be brought back?

'Cause I wanted to get back to the sries, thanks to the fighting game crossover reawakening my interest, but I also have a lot of crap on my life and don't really want to deal with more negative stuff on top of it.
Shame, guess the shown just isn't for me anymore then.
I would argue strongly against the notion that the series has become "depressive". I know what you mean about stories with too much darkness and drama, but that is absolutely not a fair characterization of RWBY. There are certainly those who would criticize the show for daring to kill off any characters (including some of the posters here), but to date there has only been one major protagonist who has died and is definitely not coming back.
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I would argue strongly against the notion that the series has become "depressive". I know what you mean about stories with too much darkness and drama, but that is absolutely not a fair characterization of RWBY. There are certainly those who would criticize the show for daring to kill off any characters (including some of the posters here), but to date there has only been one major protagonist who has died and is definitely not coming back.
Frankly that's not a fair definition for why someone might label a series as "depressive." Character deaths are only one part of how a series can be depressing. For example the few episodes I watched of Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash were depressive for many reasons.

If you are looking for the Volume 1 & 2, cheerful, popcorn-for-the-brain, don't have to put too much thought into it version of RWBY then it has changed.
Frankly that's not a fair definition for why someone might label a series as "depressive." Character deaths are only one part of how a series can be depressing. For example the few episodes I watched of Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash were depressive for many reasons.

If you are looking for the Volume 1 & 2, cheerful, popcorn-for-the-brain, don't have to put too much thought into it version of RWBY then it has changed.
True, a series can be depressing in other ways, but character death was what @Grandy12 mentioned so it's what I addressed. I don't think it would be accurate or fair at all to say RWBY became depressive after Volume 1 and 2, is what I would say to Grandy12 and others wondering.

(Also, while I don't want to say too much for spoiler reasons, Grimgar does have a major character death early on.)
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Frankly that's not a fair definition for why someone might label a series as "depressive." Character deaths are only one part of how a series can be depressing. For example the few episodes I watched of Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash were depressive for many reasons.

If you are looking for the Volume 1 & 2, cheerful, popcorn-for-the-brain, don't have to put too much thought into it version of RWBY then it has changed.
True but I don't think you can call any series that has backflips onto chairs depressive. :V
So anyone else think that the fact that the maiden appears to have taken a liking to Weiss's sword is going to play a role once Yang shows up and recognizes it.
So anyone else think that the fact that the maiden appears to have taken a liking to Weiss's sword is going to play a role once Yang shows up and recognizes it.
I look forward to Yang finally meeting the bandits and the resulting brawl that should happen. I hope she punches Raven.
I think the other thing to take into consideration is that, despite the degree of improvement, RWBY is an amateur project. Right now it's gotten a lot more polish than Volume 1 did, but that's thanks to the amount of support it's gotten.

They've made plenty of mistakes, learned from that, and tried again, and kept on going. And probably the biggest mistakes have been in managing expectations.

Compare the tone of the trailers to the first Volume of RWBY. I've heard plenty of complaints about the tone shift from the trailers to the actual show, and that's because there are expectations given in the trailers don't match directly with the show.

Volume 2 is better than Volume 1 is at managing expectations, but the finale dragged down an otherwise alright season. It does give some hints about what's coming next, but it didn't do enough.

Volume 3 is where everything came to a head. The first five episodes have a radically different tone than the next seven, and people were rightly throw off by it. Whether or not you liked it, there were plenty of details in those seven episodes that hadn't been foreshadowed. The status quo was upended, and move the show in a different direction.

Volume 4 again had plenty of problems. They tried to do too much with too little, and as a result, everything felt blander for it. It felt like they didn't have enough to do what they wanted, and at the same time, that not much really happened.

Every season they go beyond the limits of their storytelling capabilities, and overall the show suffers for that. But at the same time, because of how greatly they challenge themselves, they learn a lot.

One more thing. I don't view the first three volumes as a prologue, so much as Act 1. If RWBY is around 10-12 volumes, which is about how long I always felt the show was going to be, then that reading makes sense. We'll see if that holds up, but if Volumes 1-3 are about a quarter of the total runtime, I'd be happy about that.
Can I repost this on Tumblr?
I can't wait for Old Disappointing Daughter to fight New Shiny Maiden Daughter for the right to beat up Negligent Corvid Mom :lol

Yang and Weiss back together again, ready to take on a whole bandit camp, calculated super-fighter Yang and Raven being... she's still a shit parent, but she had some interesting depth here, and Yang/Weiss' reaction to the truth should be interesting.

Also confirmation that you have to concentrate to get your aura up to block attacks - it's just after training for a while you become used to it and so it's second nature when you see a threat coming. Guess that means that Sienna either wasn't super in shape or didn't see Adamstab coming (I find the latter more likely)
OK wow!

So while my hope that Yang already knew Qrow and Ozpin were shady didn't come to fruition :(

I absolutely loved this episode!

Yang controlling the entire situation with the bandits was super boss, the fight was great, whoever said they hoped it'd be like Badlands nailed it!

Also I loved the implied Adam reference with her charged then shooting over someone's slash, I hope that's how she bypasses his Semblance later now that she knows how it works.

Yup chip, you're a dead man, the weak don't last after all XD

The Ruby VS Oscar fight was neat, I liked the specific breakdowns on what she did right and wrong. Also face punching!

The whole thing had an almost after school feel to it once Ren and Nora started dropping knowledge bombs.

Also Nora's story for her Semblance is amazing!

Good insights, calm feels, solid lead out.

The bandit camp is a very grouchy place it seems XD

Yang smacked them around then forced them to escort her to camp, that was awesome, also shows how badass she is compared to the average I feel!

Raven was amazingly chill about this, even seemingly wanting to induct Yang into the tribe or at least let her hang around. Also the reason for why Yang wanted to go to Raven is great, if a little sad as it does mean she is prioritizing others over herself, but at the same time her telling Raven to shove it was cathartic.

Yes! Ozpin is shady! I need to know more!

Again, Raven is surprisingly chill, but also seemingly a little offended Yang doesn't want to stay and now the whole camp wants to fight her and Yang kicked that dudes face in with a punch!

Wooh, Weiss! So she was just practicing to see if she could make a tiny knight before, haha, oh yeah subtly is out the window and the cage with that exit, awesome direction and growth scene, love her rushing to Yang's side.

Ooh seems Yang has not seen a summon before!

Ready to fight but Vernal-Lightning interruption! While very blunt she is more chill than I expected, hmm, I do wonder if my theory that she is stronger than Raven is going to bear fruit though.

And Raven makes a good point about the Grimm and invites Weiss & Yang in for some new info bombs, oooh I wanna see!

Also yes, Yang;s mum did kidnap her, awkward!~

Oh my gosh such heartfelt feels with the sword drop and hug reunion! Finally members of RWBY expressing open feels for each other, aaahh I have wanted this so much!

Yang looks so surprised she got a hug and Weiss is desperately clinging to her aaaaahhh I ca't take it!

And then it cuts off! Aaaahhhhh, no, I, I can't handle a cliffhanger like that!

OK, all in all, I loved this episode, awesome fights, lovely character beats and some very encouraging plot turns!

Also Raven's Semblance is portals, dang there goes the magic theory, wonder why they look so similar to the Grimm portal? Regardless, she can bind them to people and pop up with them whenever she wants.

I do wish we'd seen Yang finding out about Raven's career path though, feels like a missed opportunity :(

But overall, I adored this episode!

Edit: also the info on Aura explain a lot, poor Sienna :(

Also loved the shaking, hope to see that expanded upon more.
Why do I feel the aura explaination was written in response to the fans complaining about Sienna's death?
Because you're paranoid and assume that anything that retroactively explains something must've been due to fan backlash?

More seriously I find that unlikely. They tend to do the voice work for the episodes super early, so calling everyone back for a specific 'aurasplanation' scene seems really unlikely.
So, that cliffhanger. T_T

My immediate reaction was that I don't like raven's voice, but it kind of has some forced calm quality to it. Especially for public speaking, not sure if it's intentional though.

Yang really should have taken it inside. She made it a public display of power and almost forced Raven's hand on that.

Also the Knight is totally Weiss's Stand.

Also toothless bandit is now named steve. Goddamnit Steve.

Some of the semblance stuff seemed a bit forced exposition but hey, I'll take it.

Going to guess Raven broke off because Ozpin's orders got Summer killed.
Because I misread the title as Lightning the Fire and assumed it was a pun.

Though ironically I ended up being spot on about Vernal using lightning and I think I see some hints of rivalry/resentment forming there.

Also the episode title certainly turned out to be accurate, Lighting the Fire of the shipping wars by firing up the Freezerburn ship for a unexpected dark horse turnaround.