RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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I wanted to speculate about what kind of life Weiss and Sun could agree to live together, but given that the story is probably going to climax with the gods returning to Remnant and Salem and the Wizard finally dying, it's hard to tell what Remnant will even look like by the time Weiss would have been old enough to graduate from Beacon.

So instead, I want to talk about Coco Adel's equipment.

If we assumed that Coco is using just one kind of cartridge during Beacon's Initiation, then it would have to be Dust-tipped rounds with Gravity Dust propellant.

Her landing strategy involves shooting the ground while still in the air, and using her Semblance to enhance the power of the Gravity Dust in the rounds. Her gun is still shooting bullets that are tearing up the landscape below her as she falls, with the zero-gravity effect being localized around her gun.

This is what suggests to me that the Gravity Dust is acting as the propellant rather than the payload of the tips, since the propellant would be exploding in the gun's firing chamber, close to her, rather than far away on the ground away from her. Gravity Dust can also be used to achieve effects other than zero-gravity, such as extremely powerful repulsion, as displayed by Ruby Rose during the Red Trailer.

A later phase of Coco's landing strategy involves using her Semblance to enhance the explosive properties of the bullets which are hitting the ground below her, causing their tips to explode on the ground below her, creating a distant shockwave coming up from the ground to cushion her fall from the sky. She also later shoots a Boarbatusk with a bullet that she actively and deliberately causes to explode inside of its body.

This is what suggests to me that the tips of the bullets of her cartridges are loaded with Dust. Perhaps not enough to make them explode on contact (since they clearly would not pierce through the Boarbatusk's hide if they had instead exploded upon it), but enough to explode once enhanced by her Semblance and ignited by her Aura. This would be a rather specialized amount of Dust-tipping useless to most people, and thus a rather expensive custom product. An expense multiplied by the sheer number of rounds Coco would need to buy.

But then, why wouldn't you take The Good Ammunition into Initiation; or the Breach? Those wouldn't be the times or places for the cheap stuff, though the cheap stuff might be what she decided to use for the Vytal Tournament to avoid killing anyone, and possibly also the stuff she starts to resort to in Vacuo to avoid going bankrupt.

It's also possible that her weapon, Gianduja, has multiple, separate ammunition magazines and the ability to fluidly switch between them, as Yang built into Ember Celica and displayed for us in the Yang Short. But the author makes no mention of any such function for Coco's weapon, and no such function is ever seen in the show.
If we assumed that Coco is using just one kind of cartridge during Beacon's Initiation, then it would have to be Dust-tipped rounds with Gravity Dust propellant.
Except we have no reason to believe that? I have the book now and it clearly shows that she gets very different effects from Hyping regular bullets and hyping Gravity Dust rounds. And she Hyped both at initiation (one caused artillery tier craters, the other involved zero gravity fields).
Except we have no reason to believe that? I have the book now and it clearly shows that she gets very different effects from Hyping regular bullets and hyping Gravity Dust rounds. And she Hyped both at initiation (one caused artillery tier craters, the other involved zero gravity fields).
I did explain this.

There's no word of her changing between ammunition (certainly not while falling from the sky), and she would clearly get different results from Hyping propellant and Hyping explosive tips.

Did you read my post beyond that sentence?
[News] RWBY character skins for SMITE
The copy of RWBY: After the Fall that I had ordered arrived in the mail recently. When I have time I intend to comb through it properly to share details but for the moment I will simply stick to the basics: Is the book worth buying? In my opinion yes. It is by no means required reading, if any of the plot details that occur in this book ever become relevant in the show they should easily be able to cover it there since the plot itself is relatively sparse and not particularly complex. If you miss the Beacon saga or are fans of Team CFVY however then this book does a lot to flesh them out, both in the "present" day story and via flashbacks (which also flesh out Team RWBY and a bit of JNR and SN).

Sun and Neptune fans or SSSN fans who are desperate to see Sage and Scarlet be fleshed out will likely enjoy the sequel book when that comes out as well.

Anyway, I will post more later when I've had time to go through the book again. But before I go some unrelated news:

While this crossover will apparently only involve RWBY skins rather than full on characters it's still pretty cool to see. I'm curious about which characters will get which RWBY skins.
Wow, I really sympathize with Salem here. Like, she legitimately seems like the good guy in this, and the two gods are huge jerks. "Oh, you started a rebellion against us? I'll just wipe out every human on earth to punish you. That seems like a reasonable response. Also, I'ma smash the moon on my way out, just for shits and giggles." "Yes, this seems like a good plan. Well done, brother." Like, what the fuck. And thats not even getting into the immortality curses. Like, this entire set up was entirely avoidable. All they needed to do was, like, anything else. -_-

Edit: Or, if not the good guy, at least sympathetic. "You want your loved one back? How dare you! Oh no, you actually managed to get him back? Lets repeatedly resurrect and kill him in your arms, and then get pissy and curse you when you lash out in anger at this treatment!" Again, what the fuck. -_-
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Wow, I really sympathize with Salem here. Like, she legitimately seems like the good guy in this, and the two gods are huge jerks. "Oh, you started a rebellion against us? I'll just wipe out every human on earth to punish you. That seems like a reasonable response. Also, I'ma smash the moon on my way out, just for shits and giggles." "Yes, this seems like a good plan. Well done, brother." Like, what the fuck. And thats not even getting into the immortality curses. Like, this entire set up was entirely avoidable. All they needed to do was, like, anything else. -_-
"God is a dick and wiped out humanity for petty reasons" is a pretty consistant theme in pretty much every religion.
Ain't dat da truth. -_-
It makes a lot of sense when you realise that religion was basically people making up stories about why the world is the way it is. And well, the world is pretty shit. Especially to primitive agricultural societies. The myth about humanity being wiped out by a flood is likely so prevalent in so many myths because it is based on real flooding events that were uttely devastating to civilizations in the regions where they occurred. Humans being humans they then tried to explain why and how such a tragedy could have happened and not knowing the scientific cause behind it the natural conclusion was a higher power.
the two gods are huge jerks
The Dark God is a jerk. The Light God is the guy who has to appease the jerk because he either can't or doesn't want to kill his own brother.

The Light God isn't perfect, and can be hidebound and controlling, but he ultimately wants to respect others' free will and let them live in happiness.

His brother might have made the Crown of Choice, but his own freedom of choice is apparently the only one he cares about, since destroying all of humanity denies them the ability to make any new choices. Not to mention all of the innocent children he murdered.
While this crossover will apparently only involve RWBY skins rather than full on characters it's still pretty cool to see. I'm curious about which characters will get which RWBY skins.
After looking over the god list to refresh my memory and get a look at gods introduced since I stopped playing:

Ruby - Thanatos is the obvious one, because scythe. Mercury would also be plausible (he leans far more into the "speedster" thing than RWBY's Mercury does). Super-fun long-shot option is Medusa (petrifying eyes, plus Hunter is the most appropriate class for Ruby).
Weiss - Makes the most sense as a Mage: Freya's the more straightforward option with the way she can toggle between melee and ranged effects, but my bet's actually on Hera, since her giant construct companion is an obvious swap for Weiss's knight.
Blake - Bastet is probably the cleanest fit, with Izanami as a slightly less obvious option. Neither's ultimate fits Blake terribly well, but eh.
Yang - She'd fit best as a Warrior or maybe Guardian, but the god that lines up the best on both abilities and flavor is actually probably Pele (an Assassin): none of the other fire gods are melee-based, and all of the more "punchy" gods just feel off for one reason or another.

(Meanwhile, Thor and Achilles are both already gods in the game, so there are obvious fits for Nora and Pyrrha if they ever add more RWBY skins past the core four.)
Here's an idea for a RWBY/Homestuck crossover fanfic I just had:

Living in an underwater kingdom, a seadwelling variant of Faunus live. They worship their ancient sea beast Gl'bgolyb, who protects them from the Grimm in exchange for sacrifices. However, they remain isolated from the rest of the world, and have grown bitter to it.

This story is about two young members from the kingdom, a young princess and the son of an admiral, who leave to the surface; the former fleeing from her power hungry mother who wants to conquer all of Remnant, while the latter searches for glory and violent adventure. While initially they work together, soon conflict arises between them, and they lie on opposite sides as the mad queen rises from the depths, seeking an empire of over which the sun never sets...

I know I probably wouldn't write this myself (since I have too much stuff going on around me), but yeah I just wanted to type this up to see what you think.

I also had another idea where a piece of Lord English's soul possess Ozpin, but I don't really have anything else for that.

What do you think?
The GoL is planning a genocide if the people of Remnant aren't up to his oh so high standards, he's as much of a shit as his brother in my eyes and that is based on that alone, even ignoring his other shitty behaviour.

Here's an idea for a RWBY/Homestuck crossover fanfic I just had:
Sorry I think you should post that in this thread:

Warcraft Fic, Discussion, and Idea Thread

Since there is none up from what I can see, I decided to take the initiative. So, I can see Warcraft crossing with Zero no Tsukaima(Illidan and his forces retreating and finding themselves in Halkiginia after getting routed by Arthas), or Fairy Tail, or even SAO or Log Horizon. What else can...
The GoL is planning a genocide if the people of Remnant aren't up to his oh so high standards, he's as much of a shit as his brother in my eyes and that is based on that alone, even ignoring his other shitty behaviour.

Sorry I think you should post that in this thread:

Warcraft Fic, Discussion, and Idea Thread

Since there is none up from what I can see, I decided to take the initiative. So, I can see Warcraft crossing with Zero no Tsukaima(Illidan and his forces retreating and finding themselves in Halkiginia after getting routed by Arthas), or Fairy Tail, or even SAO or Log Horizon. What else can...
Why that thread?
Sorry I think you should post that in this thread:

Warcraft Fic, Discussion, and Idea Thread

Since there is none up from what I can see, I decided to take the initiative. So, I can see Warcraft crossing with Zero no Tsukaima(Illidan and his forces retreating and finding themselves in Halkiginia after getting routed by Arthas), or Fairy Tail, or even SAO or Log Horizon. What else can...
I think @Zam meant to link this thread:

Lets Get To It! Rwby Ideas/discussion Thread

Title says it all. Blake -The Hopeful Excalibur -The First Rhino -The Charger Ember -The Flame Recommendations; There are probably a few others that I missed as I was going through but these 2 seem to be the most common overall. Also if you guys who made snippets and the like...
I think @Zam meant to link this thread:

Lets Get To It! Rwby Ideas/discussion Thread

Title says it all. Blake -The Hopeful Excalibur -The First Rhino -The Charger Ember -The Flame Recommendations; There are probably a few others that I missed as I was going through but these 2 seem to be the most common overall. Also if you guys who made snippets and the like...
mistakenot is right, sorry I had both threads open next to each other and got mixed up, I am a dumbass, XD
So, essentially we're going to get a price increase that has its lowest priced membership go to 20% while the highest priced membership becomes 66%.

I'm pretty skeptical about the price gouging, IMHO.
So was the Team CFVY book any good?

I usually ignore expanded universe material, but I have been trying to keep up with the popular YA books these days.
I've seen some criticisms here and there, but nothing that sounds like it would substantially harm my ability to enjoy it, which is really the only thing I actually care about.
Is there even anything that would harm a hardcore fan's willingness to consume more of their franchise?
Is there even anything that would harm a hardcore fan's willingness to consume more of their franchise?

Sure. If a lot of people whose tastes actually seemed to generally mesh with my own elsewhere, and/or whose opinions or analysis I put actual stock in, told me it was absolute garbage and they hated it, I would probably be a lot more leery about dropping money on it. Especially since reading a book is more of an investment of time than sitting down to watch even several episodes of the actual show as well as money, since the show is free if you're at all patient.

But taste is subjective, so if some random person I don't know or know for a fact doesn't really share my tastes, I'm naturally not going to be as influenced if they tell me they personally didn't like it.

I enjoy watching RWBY. If it weren't actually enjoyable for me, or if I didn't believe it would be enjoyable, I wouldn't be a "hardcore fan." Certainly there are people who will cling to a franchise out of sheer stubbornness, but I'm not one of them, and I'm certainly not going to shell out cash for subpar adaptations and tie-ins just for the sake of brand loyalty or whatever.
So was the Team CFVY book any good?

I usually ignore expanded universe material, but I have been trying to keep up with the popular YA books these days.
It was pretty good, but you could definitely tell that it was a YA novel (aka the writing was a bit simplistic). If you liked Team CFVY in their appearances in the show and you have wanted them to have more screen time then this books is definitely for you. If you miss the Beacon Days part of RWBY then this book has plenty of flashbacks that you will likely enjoy. If you're curious about Vacuo or world building in general then this book does a lot to flesh out the world more. The book actually does a very good job of portraying a blind character and the difficulties they face (and the ways they can overcome that) so if you're interested in that then this book is also for you.

Obviously LGTB fans who want more representation are likely to like this book, Coco is a big gay mess and it is glorious. :grin:

But if none of that stuff is something you care about then there is no need to buy this book. If any of the stuff happening in the book becomes plot relevant in the show it will be easy to recap it with a quick summary to get show-only fans up to speed.

Is there even anything that would harm a hardcore fan's willingness to consume more of their franchise?
Absolutely. For example the art style in the official RWBY manga looks so awful that I already had no intention of ever buying it, and that was before I learned that it too just keeps skipping tons of content when it's strength lies in the fact that it could have expanded on the early volumes and show things that the writers couldn't fit into the limited screentime of the show.