RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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I'm playing devil's advocate here, but Jaune is basically the ultimate foil to Ruby. While both of them hit the same conclusions at almost the exact time (i.e. figuring out that Pyrrha was set up and later having the same thoughts about Pyrrha fighting Cinder, right down to similar word choices), they have very polar opposite views on certain situations, such as when they need to split up their team in Volume 4. Ruby believes things will work out okay while Jaune is more pessimistic about it. Ruby blames Salem for what happened to Pyrrha, but Jaune blames Cinder to the point where he caused the battle of Haven. There's also their views on Ozpin. Ruby's response is to question Ozpin, but still regard him as the mentor. However, Jaune instantly goes for the jugular and not only accuses him of forcing the Maidens on Pyrrha but also calls him a liar and assaulting Oscar.

And it goes right down to how they got into Beacon. Both of them went in through non-normal means, but whereas Ruby got in by doing what she loves, Jaune got in through manipulation. Essentially we're looking at Jaune potentially being a nicer version of Sasuke or Bakugou to Ruby's Naruto or Deku. To remove Jaune's involvement is to remove the depth that makes Ruby... Ruby.

The problem is that the Jaune Arc is so unneeded that its removal didn't even remove anything in the grand scheme of things. Outside of Cardin blackmailing Jaune, when does the "I faked my transcripts" thing come into play?
That's... a really good point, actually. They stumbled into a great position of narrative leverage with which to have some interesting development... and then just kind of didn't use it at all. A RWBY adaptation that massively rewrites both Jaune and RWBY's arc(or rather, gives them arcs at all) to make use of this would be interesting to see.
That's... a really good point, actually. They stumbled into a great position of narrative leverage with which to have some interesting development... and then just kind of didn't use it at all. A RWBY adaptation that massively rewrites both Jaune and RWBY's arc(or rather, gives them arcs at all) to make use of this would be interesting to see.
Really, there's quite a lot of things that would be better rewritten with the hindsight of six volumes now in the forefront.
A conversation on Tumblr pointed something out to me.

Ozpin/Ozma/Oscar was legitimately shaking after Emerald's illusion of Salem illusion. That looked like genuine terror.

His grip on the cane is wobbly. The cane actually makes sound as it shakes. He can't even initially raise his head to look at them. When he does his face is flushed, and there are tears in his eyes. He's hunched over and his grip on his cane is part of that control. He might be tired from the battle sure. But there was an instinctive fear response that he very quickly suppressed after seeing Salem.

That's fear. That's terror. That's someone fighting down a sudden surge of panic. Its controlled, yes, because Ozpin is very much someone who has control down to an artform. It's not like when he breaks apart later, but it is a good hint to where his mind was at at the start of Volume 6. It's a good hint toward his actual, eventual breakdown. Hes not close to it yet, but give it a few weeks of nightmares and memories and I can see how Ozpin/Ozma just looses it by the time Oscar tells the group about Jinn. How hes falling apart at the whole start of Volume 6 and it's so damn obvious. He's closed himself off, and you can see that Oscar knows something is wrong before it hits a head too, but Oscar doesn't know everything and is dealing with his own insecurities and fears, especially with control over himself vs Ozpin taking it. That's apparent throughout all of Volume 6 even.

So it's really no wonder the whole reveal was a shitshow. Neither of those boys were okay or thinking right.

Also, I had a realization about the "yOu TuRnEd ThEm InTo Birds!!" reaction.

None of the student heroes knew that Ozpin was the Wizard who made the Seasonal Maidens. It's only after the initial outburst that Ozpin explains that he can only give powers away by paying a permanent personal cost, and that Qrow and Raven are transforming themselves through the power he gave them.

Before they understand this, to everyone else, it looks like Ozpin has the power to directly transform anyone he wants into animals whenever he wants. Which is actually, honestly, sincerely, FUCKING TERRIFYING.

That has nothing to do with latent racism against faunus. Blake would also freak out if she met someone she legitimately thought could turn her into an actual cat.

I can sort of understand how something that scary can sort of gloss over how Raven and Qrow seem capable of transforming back whenever they wanted, especially when Raven (and then Yang) makes it sound like Ozpin forced the transformation on them.
Before they understand this, to everyone else, it looks like Ozpin has the power to directly transform anyone he wants into animals whenever he wants. Which is actually, honestly, sincerely, FUCKING TERRIFYING.
The thing is that the reactions don't exactly translate into fear.

Their reactions are more akin to disbelief than outright fear. Ren's reaction especially.

Ren: (Absolutely deadpan) "You turned them... into birds."

The only people who are anything but are Yang and Jaune, for obvious reasons. That is to say nothing about how it's minuscule compared to "Every time I die, I immediately possess an unwilling person and eventually merge their ego with my own conglomerate", which, may I remind you, is something RNJR had been informed about, with Oscar having that extra nugget of info regarding being just another one of Oz's lives.
The official leak should be around 9am pacific. Cross Tag moves very fast as a fighting game, and often finishes way ahead of schedule.
Might be another RWBY character in there as well, 5 unknown characters.
Penny is allegedly one of the favorites of the guy in charge.

Adam should also be in the game because of style points, and so you can relive his final battle by playing Yang and Blake.
Penny is allegedly one of the favorites of the guy in charge.

Adam should also be in the game because of style points, and so you can relive his final battle by playing Yang and Blake.
And if they do attention to detail, recreate most if not all the fights he had in detail.

Like an Astral Finish lobbing off Yang's arm (because she's in her Beacon garb) or Blake dodging his slash to punch him.
Mori did a lot of detail in the animation for the RWBY girls - you can see it in some of the animation.

You probably won't get stuff like you mentioned due to time constraints/budget constraints. Arm-cutting in particular would be hard since it's a sprite game and you'd have to mirror the sprite based on the side of the screen. (This is why Sagat's eyepatch changed sides in the old sprite-based Street Fighters)
I've heard several times that the RWBY fandom is very toxic, how bad it is really?
It's divided. The thing is the RWBY fandom can be split into two distinct groups (and more from there) - those who actually enjoy the show and those who don't but love to make hour long videos talking about how much they hate it. The latter group is unbelievably toxic in the kind of smug way the gaming community used to be before they devolved into outright racism. The former group can also be toxic - there are some pretty fierce shipping wars out there - but in my experience the majority of the toxicity comes from people who I'm not sure should be defined as fans in the first place.
It's divided. The thing is the RWBY fandom can be split into two distinct groups (and more from there) - those who actually enjoy the show and those who don't but love to make hour long videos talking about how much they hate it. The latter group is unbelievably toxic in the kind of smug way the gaming community used to be before they devolved into outright racism. The former group can also be toxic - there are some pretty fierce shipping wars out there - but in my experience the majority of the toxicity comes from people who I'm not sure should be defined as fans in the first place.
That sounds like a lot of other series/animes/videogames fandoms to be honest.
That sounds like a lot of other series/animes/videogames fandoms to be honest.

The thing is that fandoms in general have a toxicity problem; it's hard for me to come up with ones that don't. RWBY isn't really that special in that regard, aside from its decent size making the toxicity especially notable, as well as the Hatewatching tag-a-longs and their hour-long videos.
That sounds like a lot of other series/animes/videogames fandoms to be honest.

The former is pretty common, but I don't think it's a common thing in most fandoms to have such a vocal minority of the latter, with so much content dedicated to talking about how irredeemably shitty and awful RWBY is. At least, I've never seen anywhere near so much for any other fandom I've participated in. How many fandoms do you know have a separate hashtag/label (RWDE) dedicated solely to hating on it?
The former is pretty common, but I don't think it's a common thing in most fandoms to have such a vocal minority of the latter, with so much content dedicated to talking about how irredeemably shitty and awful RWBY is. At least, I've never seen anywhere near so much for any other fandom I've participated in. How many fandoms do you know have a separate hashtag/label (RWDE) dedicated solely to hating on it?
That's actually a mis-representation, 'RWDE' was created by people who wanted to analyse and critique the show, not strictly hate on it. They did so for the purposes of being polite, at least on tumblr, but then hate watchers took the term.
And the flipside could be said for the people who love RWBY to death, ignoring any and all possible flaws the characters or show may have had, even if they're 100% legit, then proceeding to call anyone who even has a slight problem with RWBY "part of the problem".
And the flipside could be said for the people who love RWBY to death, ignoring any and all possible flaws the characters or show may have had, even if they're 100% legit, then proceeding to call anyone who even has a slight problem with RWBY "part of the problem".
No one loves RWBY un-crintiically and fights about it they just watch it, people not agreeing with you is not some great injustice nor particularly unreasonable.
And the flipside could be said for the people who love RWBY to death, ignoring any and all possible flaws the characters or show may have had, even if they're 100% legit, then proceeding to call anyone who even has a slight problem with RWBY "part of the problem".
I don't think it's an issue with people having "a slight problem" as far as I've encountered most of the time critics get shut down it's when the second a new episode hits they dedicate paragraphs to ripping apart every detail and decrying the show as awful shallow garbage that only morons would like. That's really fucking annoying and it happens constantly.
I don't think it's an issue with people having "a slight problem" as far as I've encountered most of the time critics get shut down it's when the second a new episode hits they dedicate paragraphs to ripping apart every detail and decrying the show as awful shallow garbage that only morons would like. That's really fucking annoying and it happens constantly.

Case in point, the guy who bitched about a one-frame animation issue in a preview/trailer that most people never even saw, claiming it proved RT were a bunch of lazy hacks, and then when in the final product it was removed he started crowing about how it was all thanks to him.

Guys like that are just about the most annoying kind of "critic" possible.
Minor clipping issue that appears within a trailer, not an actual episode.
Greetings viewer. I now have absolute and inscrutable evidence that RWBY is by far the worst web show that has ever existed in the entirely of the universe, and even for any that would come sometime within the future. While I was masturbating to Eruption Fang destroying Rooster Teeth with FACTS and LOGIC about their illogical reasoning for killing off our Once and Future King Adam Taurus, the true protagonist of the show as well as him shinning a light on the truth behind CRWBY succumbing to the rabid LGBT fanbase and making "Bumblebee" canon (Here is a link to my 5 hour video saying why RT are the real bigots, not us), I decided to re-watch the Volume 6 trailer for episode 6. During this time, I noticed that a background character that is within sight walks in-front of a garbage can INSTEAD of behind it. While this may seem minor, it, in-fact, proves that RT does not care about the RWBY fanbase as they messed up simple animation such as that.

Subscribe to my Patreon and send me video ideas at PuckDaMourse@. I will be releasing my full throughts in my next 4 hour long video that has nothing to do with what I am talking about.
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