RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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I think one of the appealing parts of RWBY is that you don't have to sit through loads of boring filler.
I think one of the appealing parts of RWBY is that you don't have to sit through loads of boring filler.
That depends on the filler in general, if the filler can help us understand the world better and how the world works then I think it is just fine since such information could be used to justify later plot points.

Frankly early RWBY reminds me alot of Bleach in that Kubo Tite has awesome art skills(early Bleach that is since it seems after a while he stopped trying) but only uses story to loosely connect such art hence why Bleach suffered in the story department later on, Monty while a great action scene director wasn't a very good story teller and needed alot of help and even then he decided to add things that the writers thought was stupid or unnecessary such as showing off Penny and her abilities early thus proving that she was a robot and ruining the big reveal in season 2, and of course the whole Raven/Yang dream sequence at the end of volume 2 etc.
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After mostly catching up. I think RWBY would have been helped by some more filler in the first couple of seasons. It really did feel rushed in terms of pushing the plot. I think it needed the occasional episode of cute girls doing cute things like the foodfight episode.
I don't think they really had the resources for filler. I mean the whole production was done on a shoestring budget and cast using the existing staff at RT. Other than the expensive mocap equipment this was not much more than an amateur production. Frankly I'm surprised they were able to make as many episodes as they did before the show started to bring in real money.
Wait, so Oscar uses his cane like a kendo shinai? :o

Oscar, buddy, pal, you've got a weapon genius there, you're at an Elite Combat Academy, get your arse in gear and ask Ruby to make you a proper weapon! Kendo's not gonna do shit to an incarnation of darkness!
Well, this is irritating. I've been waiting for this episode and now that I can finally watch it, it won't load. Someone on SB suggested the Roosterteeth app, but wouldn't tell me where to find it. Can any of you help me?
Well, this is irritating. I've been waiting for this episode and now that I can finally watch it, it won't load. Someone on SB suggested the Roosterteeth app, but wouldn't tell me where to find it. Can any of you help me?
Loaded fine for me about an hour ago, so can't help you there.
Oscar, buddy, pal, you've got a weapon genius there, you're at an Elite Combat Academy, get your arse in gear and ask Ruby to make you a proper weapon! Kendo's not gonna do shit to an incarnation of darkness!
If you mean Ruby, she may be a weapons geek but he's not all that hot with anything but a scythe as she herself said back in v1.
Well, this is irritating. I've been waiting for this episode and now that I can finally watch it, it won't load. Someone on SB suggested the Roosterteeth app, but wouldn't tell me where to find it. Can any of you help me?
Here's the Rooster Teeth app for Android: Rooster Teeth® - Android Apps on Google Play

And here's the app for iOS:

EDIT: Looks like you can also watch the episode on VRV (Crunchyroll subsidiary and Rooster Teeth partner), even without signing up for an account: VRV - Watch RWBY: EP 1 - Volume 5, Chapter 1: Welcome to Haven

Though it still took several minutes for the video to load on VRV.
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[Public] Volume 5, Chapter 1: Welcome to Haven
I would just like to note the pilot casually mentions leaving people for dead. Half expected Weiss to do the Stand-Drop to save the day.

Also why are Hunters always referred as being individual?! They're trained in teams of four. Why are you training them like that if they so rarely get deployed together? Why not focus on pairs or even solo operations? At least some of them could do the alternate curriculum.

Also I would not be surprised if Raven implies that SpringMaiden and Yang would make a good couple. Troll shipping go!
So it's only for mobile then? Figures. I use a desktop and don't have Android.
EDIT: Looks like you can also watch the episode on VRV (Crunchyroll subsidiary and Rooster Teeth partner), even without signing up for an account: VRV - Watch RWBY: EP 1 - Volume 5, Chapter 1: Welcome to Haven

Though it still took several minutes for the video to load on VRV.
That one just says that it isn't available in my region "yet". Naturally.
I would just like to note the pilot casually mentions leaving people for dead. Half expected Weiss to do the Stand-Drop to save the day.

Also why are Hunters always referred as being individual?! They're trained in teams of four. Why are you training them like that if they so rarely get deployed together? Why not focus on pairs or even solo operations? At least some of them could do the alternate curriculum.
Given what we have seen in the trailer I wouldn't rule it out.

It wouldn't shock me if some teams break up after their academy days, I figure the team stuff is so they can be integrated into teams when necessary but lots of jobs don't pay enough for four to live on so many take them solo.

Also I would not be surprised if Raven implies that SpringMaiden and Yang would make a good couple.
That would imply Raven would ever say anything nice to or about Yang, and I think we all know that isn't gonna happen unless Yang beats the living snot out of Raven or someone of equal or great strength, in which case it'd probably be a bit like this:
I'm still not particularly sure how bandits living in literal wooded encampments are compatible with a setting that has modern day tech and monsters powered by negative emotions, even if the bandits have superpowers.

But then again this is the setting where people are like "walls, why would we need walls, its not like our world is full of an infinite number of murder monsters hungering for our flesh AND superpowered bandits that are a thing because reasons" so perhaps I'd be better reciting the mst3k mantra.
I'm still not particularly sure how bandits living in literal wooded encampments are compatible with a setting that has modern day tech and monsters powered by negative emotions, even if the bandits have superpowers.

But then again this is the setting where people are like "walls, why would we need walls, its not like our world is full of an infinite number of murder monsters hungering for our flesh AND superpowered bandits that are a thing because reasons" so perhaps I'd be better reciting the mst3k mantra.
Would walls even help?

I mean if a larger than average Ursa is this strong and there are tons of flying Grimm out there I don't think manmade walls would be of much use unless you sunk billions into making the walls 40 meter thick. At that point you're probably better if by thinking positive and pretending the Grimm don't exist.
Would walls even help?

I mean if a larger than average Ursa is this strong and there are tons of flying Grimm out there I don't think manmade walls would be of much use unless you sunk billions into making the walls 40 meter thick. At that point you're probably better if by thinking positive and pretending the Grimm don't exist.
Given that the big cities do in fact have giant walls and lots of guards and don't randomly disappear all the time, it would seem a tad important. Qrow even states as much, town survival depends heavily on favorable location, fortifications, good huntsmen, etc etc. Shion by comparison was protected only by thinking positive, which did them a lot of a good when Raven raided them and then grimm naturally swarmed as a follow-up.

It often feels like there are two different RWBY worlds. In one world, a modern-esque humanity is under siege by an infinite horde of monsters and everyone lives in walled cities, where attempting to expand resulted in disaster and death. In the other, a medieval-esque humanity lives in quaint villages that has to deal with D&D-esque random encounters with monsters and bandits that can wipe out villages but isn't a constant existential threat, where people think that camping in the woods is a non-suicidal thing to do.
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Having walls would help provide a sense of safety, which in turn would help with the negativity problem.
In a world where walls have been known to be useless against the grimm since civilization was a thing would walls really provide a feeling of safety though?

Also we don't know that the towns don't have a forcefield generator like the arena did.
So it's only for mobile then? Figures. I use a desktop and don't have Android.

That one just says that it isn't available in my region "yet". Naturally.
Darn. You don't have any mobile device? There was a link for iOS, too:

They do have an Xbox app as well, but they haven't rolled it out to non-subscribers yet (requires a FIRST subscription or trial):

Have you tried visiting again? I thought the video player wasn't working earlier but I just realized it was because's video player doesn't work with HTTPS links. See if this link works: RWBY: Volume 5, Chapter 1: Welcome to Haven
If I had to make a plausible explanation, I'd argue grimm avoid low population areas for the most part, but will congregate around cities. The level of grimm threat around villages is low enough that huntsmen can handle it, whereas cities need military and fortifications. There's just not enough negative energy to get large amounts of grimm to attack except around urban areas.

Camping probably is pretty dangerous, but no more than farming- and people have to eat.
Given that the big cities do in fact have giant walls and lots of guards and don't randomly disappear all the time, it would seem a tad important. Qrow even states as much, town survival depends heavily on favorable location, fortifications, good huntsmen, etc etc. Shion by comparison was protected only by thinking positive, which did them a lot of a good when Raven raided them and then grimm naturally swarmed as a follow-up.

It often feels like there are two different RWBY worlds. In one world, a modern-esque humanity is under siege by an infinite horde of monsters and everyone lives in walled cities, where attempting to expand resulted in disaster and death. In the other, a medieval-esque humanity lives in quaint villages that has to deal with D&D-esque random encounters with monsters and bandits that can wipe out villages but isn't a constant existential threat, where people think that camping in the woods is a non-suicidal thing to do.
The Kingdoms can afford a lot thicker walls than a random village out in the middle of nowhere though, not to mention that they're also augmented by the terrain (if they're not just referring to the terrain itself when they say "walls").

Shion also had a Huntsman and a airship and possibly other defenses. While terrain is important its not absolutely necessary if you have strong defensive weapons and strong and determined defenders. Shion got screwed over by the fact that they were attacked by a bandit tribe led by a extremely powerful ex-Huntress as well as a Maiden at/near the peak of her powers. When you're being attacked by the closest thing the setting has to a god then you're kind of fucked no matter what kind of fortifications you have. And then they got attacked by a bloody Nuckelavee, an old one at that and sooner than Raven excepted. That's such a perfect chain of escalating disasters that no village could have survived it.
Darn. You don't have any mobile device? There was a link for iOS, too:
My only mobile is one I bought about a decade ago. It doesn't even have a touchscreen.
They do have an Xbox app as well, but they haven't rolled it out to non-subscribers yet (requires a FIRST subscription or trial):
The only platform I have is a desktop computer. I don't have an XBox, a Playstation, a Wii, or anything else at all.
Have you tried visiting again? I thought the video player wasn't working earlier but I just realized it was because's video player doesn't work with HTTPS links. See if this link works: RWBY: Volume 5, Chapter 1: Welcome to Haven
Same thing as last time: loads forever, never finishes. However, I do think I've managed to figure out the problem: my browser is too old for their fancy site. Irritating.
That would imply Raven would ever say anything nice to or about Yang, and I think we all know that isn't gonna happen unless Yang beats the living snot out of Raven or someone of equal or great strength, in which case it'd probably be a bit like this:

Part of me expects Raven's going to eventually get called out, probably by Yang, for her fuckery. Not even the being a bad mom part, which wouldn't move her. Rather, being an awful leader.

As near as I can tell, Crow-Mom is also Darwinist-Mom and uses it to justify her behavior. She saved Yang once as her maternal concession to bad luck. But otherwise, if you can't carry your weight on your own, at all times, she has no use for you.

In other words, she has no need for anyone who needs something from her. Which is a wonderful way to justify running away without conceding her own weakness.

Other than that, Qrow managed to get a rise out of his sister from what I recall of last season. So she clearly cares about things even if she gives only a millifuck for her own child*.

I think there are good odds that she's hiding behind the Darwinist facade to justify doing nothing against Salem and her minions. Because frankly, they scare her. Even though her own people's safety will only last so long as the Kingdoms still stand and Salem permits it.

In a world where walls have been known to be useless against the grimm since civilization was a thing would walls really provide a feeling of safety though?

Insert Trump joke here. :V

* I like this pet theory largely because it contrasts Raven and Qrow so well. Qrow can't be close to other people, even though he wants to be. Raven doesn't want to be close to other people, even though she has reason to be.
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My only mobile is one I bought about a decade ago. It doesn't even have a touchscreen.

The only platform I have is a desktop computer. I don't have an XBox, a Playstation, a Wii, or anything else at all.

Same thing as last time: loads forever, never finishes. However, I do think I've managed to figure out the problem: my browser is too old for their fancy site. Irritating.
Oh yeah, if I recall correctly I think you mentioned somewhere on Spacebattles Tech Support you're still using Internet Explorer?

Just checked and the video does play in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge (default browser on Windows 10, replacing IE), but not Internet Explorer. So yeah, the site is working fine and the problem is simply that IE can't handle it.

Chrome and regular Firefox support Windows 7 and later. Edge is only available on Windows 10. If you're still running Windows XP or Vista, you could download Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release): Firefox Extended Support Release for Your Organization, Business, Enterprise - Overview