RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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The SB thread is probably better for that than this one to be honest.

I'm glad someplace is. The subreddit is basically full of nitpickers and complainers (and fanart), and Tumblr hasn't given a damn about the actual content of the show for at least three years now as opposed to using the character designs as fodder for otherwise original work. :(
RT hands info on where the line is drawn for using their content. Unsurprisingly its rather lenient which makes sense considering their origins.


Three more days.
I'm glad someplace is. The subreddit is basically full of nitpickers and complainers (and fanart), and Tumblr hasn't given a damn about the actual content of the show for at least three years now as opposed to using the character designs as fodder for otherwise original work. :(

But didn't you know?

People are terrible.

And everything (but especially your waifu) is shit. :)
Haven't read into this thread too much, but I just started watching this a week or so ago. I started because of the whole Cross Tag battle and hearing Ruby's theme and liking it, and I have a few friends who love this show.

Season 1 seemed a bit rough, but had enough good points that I kept going. I've only gone a little bit into season 2 right now, but I can tell there's a huge quality improvement and I like where things are going right now. Hopefully I keep enjoying the ride.
Haven't read into this thread too much, but I just started watching this a week or so ago. I started because of the whole Cross Tag battle and hearing Ruby's theme and liking it, and I have a few friends who love this show.

Season 1 seemed a bit rough, but had enough good points that I kept going. I've only gone a little bit into season 2 right now, but I can tell there's a huge quality improvement and I like where things are going right now. Hopefully I keep enjoying the ride.
Cool, I wish you good luck and in terms of many aspects I would recommend you expect the quality to keep improving in many regards.
Haven't read into this thread too much, but I just started watching this a week or so ago. I started because of the whole Cross Tag battle and hearing Ruby's theme and liking it, and I have a few friends who love this show.

Season 1 seemed a bit rough, but had enough good points that I kept going. I've only gone a little bit into season 2 right now, but I can tell there's a huge quality improvement and I like where things are going right now. Hopefully I keep enjoying the ride.
You lucky man you. You're just in time for the release of volume 5 (this Saturday if you have FIRST, next Tuesday if you have a free account on the Rooster Teeth site).

Also since you mentioned seeing Cross Tag, if Board Games are also your thing then you might want to check out the RWBY: Combat Ready kickstarter after you've caught up. If you end up liking RWBY then it's definitely worth considering making a pledge. The game is made in collaboration with Arcane Wonders so it's bound to be good and you get the game itself at all pledge levels.
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Season 1 seemed a bit rough, but had enough good points that I kept going. I've only gone a little bit into season 2 right now, but I can tell there's a huge quality improvement and I like where things are going right now. Hopefully I keep enjoying the ride.

Yeah, I'm probably one of the more critical fans who admits to genuinely liking the show, but I do think a lot of the criticism around the first seasons quality was built on legit un-managed expectations.

People went in expecting Monty Oum : Hack and Slash the series.

They got Monty Oum : School Slice of Life, but with undertones that things are totally going to get way dark, the series.

Compound the latter with the fact that they threw the first season together in 5-7 minute drips with like, three animators and an etch'a sketch. They had nowhere near the animator hours or the tools to create the non-stop fights that I think people expected.
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Man we are so close to the next stretch goal. Anyway some news on the Add Ons
How To: A Step by Step Guide for Add-On Items

Hi all!

First, we want to thank all of you who have come together in the RWBY: Combat Ready Kickstarter to bring this great game to life! It's because of this great community that we are well on our way to the next stage of success in this campaign.

Secondly, we are closing in fast on our first Add-On Stretch Goal of the Campaign - the Collectible Villain Miniatures of Cinder Fall, Roman Torchwick, and Adam Taurus.

A new "ADD ONS" header has recently been added to the main Kickstarter page after the "PERK TIERS" heading, just before the "STRETCH GOALS". Anything in this section can be added to an existing pledge simply by increasing the amount of your pledge by the cost of what you want to add-on.

But how do you actually add on the extra money during this Kickstarter? We've put together this handy dandy tutorial to help clear up any confusion!

Step 1: Click "Manage your pledge" on the main page of Kickstarter.

Step 2: Click "Change your pledge" on the next screen.

Step 3: Click on the dollar amount of your current pledge.

Step 4: Type in the new amount (pledge level amount + price of add-ons you want.)

Step 5: Confirm your changes by clicking the blue button.

Step 6: Success! You've added funds to your pledge for your add-ons!

We hope that helps answer any questions about how to change your pledge level to include add-ons that you want to add during the Kickstarter campaign. :)

Selecting your Items: After the campaign is over, you will be sent an email to verify you pledge in BackerKit that will allow you to select the items that you want to add. At that time, you can also add additional items to your pledge, but they will not count towards unlocking stretch goals, so we hope you will increase your pledge levels during the campaign to the amount of your pledge + desired add-ons!

If you have more questions, feel free to ask in the comments and we'll jump in and do our best to solve them all!

Rooster Teeth
I was a bit confused by this at first but I'm pretty sure I get it now. If you choose to get a Add On reward while the Kickstarter is active then the extra money you use to pay for it counts towards the amount of money you have Pledged. If you wait until the project is done you will be given the option to put in some Add Ons while verifying your Pledge but since the Kickstarter has ended at that point it does not count as a Pledge, you just pay for it.

In other words if you're planning to pay for a Add On reward anyway you should do it while the Kickstarter is still active since that could help unlock more Stretch Goals and give you even more stuff to play with. And of course stretch goal rewards that don't have the Add On tag are either given to everyone who buys the game with no additional costs or to Kickstarter backers, again without any extra costs.
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Greetings all!

Our first Add-On is now available and, whew - it's a pretty amazing one. With the support of our amazing Backers, Collectible Villain Miniatures are now available to purchase!

The Villain Miniatures are incredibly detailed at this 30mm scale. Although not integral to the gameplay of RWBY: Combat Ready, these collectible miniatures are a great Add-On Item for any fan. They can now be added to your pledge for an additional cost. Not sure how to add-on an item? Check out this handy guide!

For anyone who might be attending RTX London this weekend, make sure to swing by Booth #224 near Center Stage where we'll have some demos set up of RWBY: Combat Ready!

Additionally, we wanted to emphasize something amazing for our International Backers. If you are located in the EU, Australia, or New Zealand - you DO NOT HAVE additional shipping costs! We are able to fulfill your pledges from within those regions without having to ship from Austin, TX, USA.

Keep those comments and questions coming! We love hearing from you.

Rooster Teeth
Add Ons are now available so if you like miniatures now's a good time to Pledge a little bit extra and bring us closer to those high tier Stretch Goals.
[FIRST] Volume 5, Chapter 1: Welcome to Haven
As is Vol 5 episode 1 for First members.

Not their greatest episode, but not bad either. The overall pacing between scenes felt a little rushed, and I feel like Ruby should've had more of a reaction to 'your sister's mum's a psycho bandit leader', but the stuff with RNJR and Qrow was great (especially super-drunk 'I found Oz!' Qrow, which was amazing), and Lionheart was somehow both pitiable and kinda a dickhead. The scene with Weiss was a little weak - I'm not entirely sure what it added - but the Ilia/Blake conversation was very strong, and it was fun to see Yang punch someone, though I swear if we have any more of that cunt she punched I'm going to get real salty. Also not sure if they were trying to set up Ruby/Oscar with Oscar's reaction to seeing her but... we'll see.

So on to what the credits show us - most NOTABLY, what we have to assume is the Spring Maiden facing off with Cinder (might just be thematics), and Yang in the bandit camp with Raven. The Spring maiden has an awesome character design - I love her 'mai waifu raven' tatt and short hair - and Yang and Raven finally meeting properly should be interesting.
I really loved that little moment where
Yang's hand starts shaking uncontrollably and she has to hold it down with her robot arm and breathe deeply to calm down.

It really shows that her trauma isn't something she can just magic away with positive feelings, peptalks and a fancy new arm. All those things help sure, but the scars are still there and they still act up when she least expects it.
Qrow kicking down the door was brilliant.
So it seems Yang was not heading to meet back up with Ruby after all, and she's probably going to meet Raven pretty soon.
The new intro was nice, I wonder if we'll get to see the rematch between Yang and Mercury this season.
Qrow kicking down the door was brilliant.
So it seems Yang was not heading to meet back up with Ruby after all, and she's probably going to meet Raven pretty soon.
The new intro was nice, I wonder if we'll get to see the rematch between Yang and Mercury this season.
Well unless Mercury is the one being sent after the Spring Maiden and thus a direct course for Raven I don't think so considering where he is at the moment.
Random thoughts and reactions to V5E1:

23 minutes long: squeeeeee! Now, I don't think there's any chance the entire volume will be 14x23, but...hey, any time we can get an episode that's actually a full-length episode of a show, it's a step in the right direction.

Mistral looks beautiful. Long, panning still shot looked very artificial.

Qrow breaking down the door was hilarious. Also, nobody but Leonhart was around? Even during a semester break, that says an awful lot of bad things about the situation in Mistral, even before Leo started talking.

Also, Leo's surprised yelp fit his "Cowardly Lion" reference perfectly.

Hmm. Since we know that he's been compromised by Watts (indeed, we find that Watts has a direct pipeline to listen to everything in the office), I'm going to spend the entire season wondering about how much of what Leo is saying is true, and how much is fueled by his corrupted allegiances. For example, I think we're all expected to believe "a few weeks" is a deliberate lie to allow Salem to get forces in position at the bandits and/or make a try at the Spring Maiden. The bit about the Relics only being accessible by specific Maidens seems way too MacGuffiny. On the other hand, with the "keys" being people, the writers can do a lot more with them than just having the keys be objects. (Also: Fall unlocks the Choice relic? As in, Cinder Fall could turn off free will if she finds the thing? Maybe even mind-control large swathes of population? Uh-oh.)

Weiss segment: Weiss still best girl. Also a good lesson for her in the need for power to take decisive action. If the endgame for the Atlas arc is for Weiss to take over the Dust Company to set the Schnee legacy right with her own hands (instead of just being a Huntress and making her own name clean), I expect this sort of scene to crop up now and again, the situation where just her own hands can't fix the problems. I also note her maturity in not making a big stink over going to help (given that basically, any help they can offer would be she, herself, jumping out of the cargo transport into the situation and hoping it's not beyond her skill). I expect her to be the first to rejoin RNJR, if nothing else because both Yang and Blake have genuine stuff to do while they'll have to invent Weiss's delaying tactics out of whole cloth.

Blake segment: Menagerie still looking better than V4, but setting scene at Belladonna house makes it not quite as good as the Blake short. Ilia will obviously be a key character this arc. Clearly, the fix is in, and the Fang has already seeded the ground in Menagerie so that if Ghira and Blake make a big push to take over, they're going to fight back hard and have surprisingly strong forces behind them. Ilia's last words screamed "yes, I know we'll have to force you out, and we already have prepared that and you're pretty much toast." I haven't looked yet, but I bet the subreddit is already talking about Ghira "death flags" from that scene. Also, Sun and Ghira's bit was hilarious.

Yang segment: Obviously, the big surprise was that she went after the bandits and Raven, not after Ruby. This comes as a shock, as I think pretty much the entire fandom believed she was following Ruby, based upon the way the bike was leaning when she stopped at the sign and the lyric in "Armed and Ready." ("I'm racing to her side; there's nothing that I won't do for her.") This is doubly surprising, because I'd just watched the Yang character short before watching V1E1 and of course there was its "I'll always be there for you" message from her to Ruby, only she's...chosen to not be there. I loved her trembling hand, of course, making it clear that the aftereffects of the fall of Beacon won't just vanish. (I also like the symbolism of how her natural arm shakes and she grabs it with her artificial arm, which presumably doesn't respond to subconscious tics; she's literally relying on the artificial arm to help overcome what she suffered at Adam's hands. It's probably accidental, but it's nice.)

OsPin: Nice to see them incorporate the V4 stinger into the episode. Contrast the V2 stinger. Looks like we'll finally get some answers about how Ozpin's soul transfer schtick works, since there's clearly still both Oscar and Ozpin in there as independent entities and Ruby's going to want answers.

Nora had a couple good moments of belligerence in the episode. Girl is fierce.

OP animation shown as ED: Unfortunately, I couldn't make out half of the lyrics to the song so I couldn't tell whether or not the message was "Our backs are to the wall, and now we're going to break your face to turn the tables," or "Our backs are to the wall; wow, we're totally fragged here." That seems important since thus far the "mood" of each Volume has been well-foreshadowed by the the opening theme. I'm guessing the girl who was squaring off against Cinder was the Spring Maiden. The implication is that WTCH is going to all be aggressively pursuing her and/or the Relic of Knowledge. Whether we get the specific fights shown and/or whether they'll take place at Haven Academy or the Bandit Village (both of which seem to be the central places of interest for the season) remain unknown.