RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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It only took half a season for the AceOps to finally start doing their fucking job! :rofl:
Though they're only protecting the city of Atlas and not you know, the Kingdom of Atlas (which includes Mantle). I mean the only time they ever seemed to bother setting foot in Mantle (aside from providing 'oversight' to Robyn's party or arresting Qrow and co) is during an overwhelming Grimm invasion.

And judging by the mission board that they introduced the teams to (and suckered Jaune into taking a 'kiddie job') while there's plenty that needs doing in Mantle (particulary in regards to protecting people from and hunting down Grimm); all the Atlasian specialists just don't bother dirtying their hands with such work when Mantle is involved.
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I feel like one group is going to unknowingly help the other. Like Salem realizing they're using the lamp will prevent any of them catching Oscar being saved.
it might have a grapnels and climbing cables in the tips of the shaft
RWBY/Justice League info

You know it's a good redesign because it has both branding and a pun. It's a... Bat-tle axe. I bet the blades can split off and be thrown like regular batarangs, that'd cover his ranged options without needing his weapon to be one of the most common things in the setting, which he also hates: a Gun.
why were so many people duped into thinking
the bird was Raven?
Are people THAT desperate for momma birb to be back?
Honestly if she came back it would be bigger than this "blink and miss it" moment. Not to mention you would of likely heard the sound effect for her portal, or some kind of other cure (auditory or visual). And also, WHY would she be a bird at that point after the wall got blasted? If it was Raven making an entrance she would of strutted in as is, not blast the wall open and then go bird and squawk at Robyn.
Newest episode, my reaction:
Woah full on trench warfare, Atlas is trying to advance or more reclaim lost ground as the Grimm continue to swarm in with an epic display of models, number and a long tracking shot, OOF.

And we cut inside to see our heroes, huh surprised we didn't see them sneaking in but then given the fount of negative emotions that is Atlas + Ren it makes sense to skim over it to an extent.

Hahaha, adrenaline is great and all but now its wearing off & they're realizing "Oh boy, this is gonna be more complicated than expected." Oooh neat detail on Ren's Semblance & I love Yang's reaction :D Pffft oh gosh OK that interaction was cute, also, oh my gosh, Jaune did finger guns... Jaune is Bi, he loves Ren & Nora, you can't change my mind.

Oscar baby! He's telling himself a story for comfort, gosh I love this, so many feels. Oooh interesting magic/fusion lore dump, maybe that explains why Oz seemed to devour his old lives but live alongside more peaceful one's long term over the fusion always happening in the same time frame. He obviously had some control though still. Also hey affirmation, nice!

Holt shit FNKI!?!?Gosh this really is doing First World War trench warfare. Aaaah Marrow, sweetie, Atlas will never give you time to hash out your issues!

I was not expecting Hazel to pull this scheme, what does he want to know, hmm.

Holy shit, he actually is betraying Salem!? I admit I was hoping Emerald would have more agency in this but still, happy days.


Also canny way to avoid confirming what Salem's plan is, we know Hazel believes Oscar, sure, but that doesn't mean Ozpin is correct in his deductions.


Oooh Yang uses humor to cope, yeees juicy Yang emotional lore, I love to see it :D

Pffft, you two are not the best actors, the sheer look of teror on your faces is a steep contrast to usual, well at least is is for you Hazel. Also huh, Salem took time away from conducting her quire.

Oh snap, Salem can move!

Pfft, nice banter, love it :)

Oooh dyamic action!

Hah, he still gets his name wrong, fun.

Oh... Ooooh this makes so much sens, Hazel's massive awkwardness, EMerald being the one to guide and stop him, and oh heyo heyo heyo Emerald's Semblance works on Salem!

Oscar getting hugs and hair ruffles is good.

Emerald doe snot approve of Ren's vibe check.


Oh dear, poor Grimm whale, Salem is just demolishing its insides.

She deduced very quickly what Emerald did, took her out of the fight and, woah, dang, Yang just blew her chest open, Salem is very used to dying though so its not even slowing her down.

Oh snap peeps, Neo stole the lamp!

Well, at least Salem is calling them children, IE People, that's... an improvement XD Also huh, her tone of voice, that anger about Ozpin coming back, intriguing.

Yang, Yang you're my fave, I love this, but I also fear for you, and also aaah so many feels, both trying to drive a point home but also take the focus off Oscar.

... I do not like that smile, Salem, what the fuck

Also Yang called Summer her mom!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEESS!!!!! ioh;oisef ;aohgdoi 'jgsert'iojgser'gsergtesrg

I am so scared, Emerald's crying, aaaaahhhhhhhhhh!

Pffft oh my gosh sucker punch! Also neat demand/request, I like it.

Woah, does Salem take Hazel seriously as a one on one threat?

Woah snap that was fucking epic!

Hmm, RWBY is generally against throwing one's life away, but its also not against taking risks of death for the right reasons, so I am hmming on this one for awhile.

Also what the fuck did Oscar just do, did he seal Salem and Hazel, did he seal all three of them!? What just happened!?!
Yang is the first of the mains to kill Salem! Didn't matter in the long run but still bragging rights.
Salem: Her again?

Just re posting my reactions from a discord, some theories as to what waiting for us
best guess going off the Ozpin v Cinder death battle is Oscar trapped himself Salem Hazel in a long second so the kids could clear out. when she's free Oscar and Ozpin should be one and that bomb should have killed monstra
the grimm just had their leadership go awol they are animals now Atlas should start winning
yeah now that Oz is holding salem in check this is a game ironwood knows how to not lose
the only mojo that should keep salem locked down is timestop which Oz might be able to do given his bit of Haste v Cinder
I really wasn't expecting Hazel and Emerald to flip that quickly. Wonder where Neo ran off to. We got to see FNKI again finally, as troops. Hopefully they make it through this. At least we got to see the mechs finally kill something. I think there is going to be some complication with the bomb in the next few episodes. Next episode will probably go back to RNBW+Schnee as they try to stop Penny from getting to the vault. They'll be running into Cinder and Watts, who're utterly unaware of the shit that has gone down on Monstro. I don't expect Watts to survive this volume. Cinder is iffy.
Finally, Yang calling Summer Rose her mom!

Ruby and the the others when they return. "Why is Emerald in Oscar's Place?" Yang "Long story"

Yang punched god in the boob.

Hazel burned the witch

Did...Neo just scam Salem and steal the relic for herself.
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