RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Yeah the reactions to that has been bugging me too
The difference with Beacon vs. Atlas is that with Beacon, Ironwood believed that the fight could be won and the situation be handled. Remember, his "no one would fault you if you leave" moment was before Cinder took the Maiden powers and his robots got hacked. The worst that he had to deal with at the time was Roman hijacking one of his ships. He thought the situation can be handled.

Then his robots, the things he placed his bets on for the fact that they can replace humans on the battlefield, get hacked and turned against everyone, adding to the casualties. And with this situation being that the Queen of Grimm herself is at Atlas and won't rest until she gets the Staff and consequently make Atlas literally fall, no shit he's going to instead rely on humans.

I get where you're coming from here, but you have to remember that the Battle of Beacon scarred Ironwood just as much as it did everyone else. And ironically broke his trust with robots, the very things that he wants to make out of people.
Caught up with the episodes.

It's rather unsettling that Salem can still fight despite having parts of her skull caved in.

I supposed that reinforces the "no victory in strength" thing we have going.

Hazel takes the sacrifice route. Not what I'd have expected on his introduction, but I have no problems with it.

I'm guessing Oscar is trying to score a big enough hit to have Salem out for a while. Long enough to blow up the whale and save Atlas maybe?

As for what that means for him and Ozpin? Not sure, hoping they don't do the "he's Oz now" bit but it could really go any way knowing RWBY.

Also: Yikes, trench warfare. you guys in Atlas really are entering this with the wrong mindset, aren't you?
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Also: Yikes, trench warfare. you guys in Atlas really are entering this with the wrong mindset, aren't you?
Ironically, as bad as an idea trench warfare turned out to be IRL between human nations, if you can back your trenches with enough automatic weapons and heavy guns, you should, in theory, be able to annihilate Grimm attacks, because trenches counteract the very 'tactics' Grimm actually use, outside of the very old and very weird. A trench is a very good way to buy time.
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Ironically, as bad as an idea trench warfare turned out to be IRL between human nations, if you can back your trenches with enough automatic weapons and heavy guns, you should, in theory, be able to annihilate Grimm attacks, because trenches counteract the very 'tactics' Grimm actually use, outside of the very old and very weird. A trench is a very good way to buy time.
Of course Salem is counteracting this by simply throwing more Grimm at Atlas than said kingdom's army has bullets. And it's not like Grimm need to eat, sleep, worry about morale or all the other sundry things one normally needs to worry about when keeping an army in the field 24/7.
I am in love with Yang calling Salem out on being a little bitch throwing a tantrum because she didn't get a happy ending. Hell, she had a happy ending and threw it away because she wanted murder. And Yang, pinned down, about to die, doesn't hesitate.
some thoughts
I think this is the first time we've seen Jaune's aura drained so much.

The Girl Who Fell Through The World;
"She brushed off her bumps and bruises, for nothing hurt worst than the loneliness in her chest."

"I never understood why she was so sad when she finally made it back home. But makes more sense."
"She wasn't the same girl anymore."

1 - this can be applied to basically anyone who survives trauma, especially war.
2 - between it being mentioned now, what they are up against, where they all are, and what we see in the opening....the implications this short moment offers are slightly nerve wracking.
James criticized Ozpin for letting his students (especially team RWBY) have so much responsibility in the war efforts. But when push came to shove he did the exact same.
Again, the push coming to shove meaning "Fuck, Salem's here, I'm not going to gamble Atlas's safety on robots that can turn on me again."
James is at the point where he will sacrifice anything and anyone to save what he considers important. Regardless of if it's his duty to protect what he's sacrificing.
Again, the push coming to shove meaning "Fuck, Salem's here, I'm not going to gamble Atlas's safety on robots that can turn on me again."

despite the fact he seems so sure he has Watts under control, the man who caused the hacking in the first place and who he ordered to hack Penny. So yeah, I doubt James is worried about hacked Robots this time. Oh and remember, Paladins got hacked during The Fall, and we clearly see Paladins on the field.
despite the fact he seems so sure he has Watts under control, the man who caused the hacking in the first place and who he ordered to hack Penny. So yeah, I doubt James is worried about hacked Robots this time. Oh and remember, Paladins got hacked during The Fall, and we clearly see Paladins on the field.

To be fair, this also assumes that James is doing any actual thinking, as opposed to bouncing from one terrified idea to the next.
so I just watched GaijinGoomba's video on CyberShadow and how it displays Ninja Philosophy/Religion, and it made me think about RWBY, The Gods, and "Keep Moving Forward".
Kinda weird.
Can we also mention the fantastic work of the team behind Salem's animation in battle? Between he sudden burst of speed straight out of a jump scare movie, her extensible arms and ragdoll physics and twitching arms, everything about the way she moves in battle feels so wrong that it become horrifying (complete with all those horrible sounds of bone crushing), it shows well that Salem isn't just a human that happens to have deadly pale skin and regeneration, but evolved into an abomination with a roughly human shape.

Yeah the reactions to that has been bugging me too
and it's like... Did people just not spot the obvious implications of the uniforms?

They're lined up like tin soldiers, shouting "Yes ma'am" when an officer makes a demand of them and wearing military uniforms. Not even the very slightly personalized outfits of Military Huntsmen or the more personalized outfits of Specialists/Ace-Ops but just straight up rank and file soldier/cannon fodder uniforms. It's like watching a Jedi put on a Storm Trooper uniform to serve in the Empire military instead of using it as an infiltration tool to rescue princesses.
I know it's a nitpick, but I really struggle to take the drama of this scene seriously with Flynt's tumpet and Neon's hoverboard presented at attention next to everyone else with their rifles. :ninja:

That recalls me the author of the webcomic Kill Six Billion Demons' comment about Mammon's fighting style :
Step 1: be a giant dragon
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What do you mean this isn't what happened?

This comparison

Really drives home how much of a Beast Hazel is. Sure Tyrian had taken a lot of hits before that bolt took him out but Hazel took a lot more and stronger ones from Salem.

Also man that cyanide capsule symbolism with that scene though. I wonder if it will actually be that easy or if Hazel will survive and find that Salem has some means to force him back into service (a evolved/modified Chill perhaps).

Hazel burned the witch


Even better

he tied a Witch to a Hazel tree and then burned her.

Well. I feel dumb.

Of course Hansel would burn a witch. Inside her gingerbread house too. And the burning happened when her own asset (Hazel) was turned against her.
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The biggest question is...

What exactly does Neo want the Relic? Or even what question she could ask it?

The only question I can think of is "Who to blame for Roman's death" and I'm sure the Jinn will say 'himself ' or something to that degree.
Can we also mention the fantastic work of the team behind Salem's animation in battle? Between he sudden burst of speed straight out of a jump scare movie, her extensible arms and ragdoll physics and twitching arms, everything about the way she moves in battle feels so wrong that it become horrifying (complete with all those horrible sounds of bone crushing), it shows well that Salem isn't just a human that happens to have deadly pale skin and regeneration, but evolved into an abomination with a roughly human shape.

That recalls me the author of the webcomic Kill Six Billion Demons' comment about Mammon's fighting style :
Step 1: be a giant dragon
Yeah they've done an excellent job making her seem unnatural and terrifying, the movements, the regeneration, all of it.

Hahaha, a fair strategy XD

Kinda reminded of this post:

Personally I am thinking its maybe a long term mutation, or a sign Salem's curse might be 'gone' in a sense of the word but that her body no longer works like it used to.

This comparison
Ooooh that'd be a good way to make the sacrafice... Not pointless, but certainly not ideal, now Salem has all the strength but none of the questions.
Ooooh that'd be a good way to make the sacrafice... Not pointless, but certainly not ideal, now Salem has all the strength but none of the questions.
Worse scenario
Watts actually makes it out of this volume intact and is tasked with making his own take on the P.E.N.N.Y project.

By using the Aura Transfer Machines (cuz seriously that chekhov needs to be fired) to create a robot powered by 100% of Hazel's aura instead of just taking in a small amount to light it's own fire. Or maybe make a small army of Hazelbots by ripping of pieces of Hazel's aura and giving each bot a piece.

And Watts would be able to do it because Ironwood gave him access to all of Penny's schematics both in volume 3 and by letting him hack her and by inadvertently giving him his own Scroll. And he understands how a sentient bots coding works too thanks to being allowed to work on hacking Penny.
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