RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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volume 3 when we get flashbacks to how Cinder recruited Emerald, Roman, Mercury, Adam, and got half the Fall Maiden powers. and then later in volume 6 when Emerald is lamenting that Cinder is not around and is thus now questioning why they are even there, to which Mercury basically tells he to stop simping for Cinder and reveals (while batting Emerald around) that his dad Marcus Black "took" his semblance away and claiming it was a crutch for the young Mercury.
My guess is that Mercury's semblance was physically connected with his legs.

Oh, it's entirely a valid argument, but I've often wondered what about Gretchen we don't know. Namely, how old was the Ozpin reincarnation, how well did he actually know Gretchen, and what were the circumstances of her death? Those are the details we don't know that really determine the level of guilt Oz should face in regards to her. Especially since, just like every huntress in the show, Gretchin would have had a choice, she wasn't conscripted. There are details we don't know, and I'm certain it's not as simple as Hazel wants it to be.
Hazel ain't that old. Gretchen was probably a Beacon student under Ozpin himself probably within the last 40 years or so.
Oh, it's entirely a valid argument, but I've often wondered what about Gretchen we don't know. Namely, how old was the Ozpin reincarnation, how well did he actually know Gretchen, and what were the circumstances of her death? Those are the details we don't know that really determine the level of guilt Oz should face in regards to her. Especially since, just like every huntress in the show, Gretchin would have had a choice, she wasn't conscripted. There are details we don't know, and I'm certain it's not as simple as Hazel wants it to be.

Pretty sure it was during Headmaster Ozpin time, considering Ozpin is the name Hazel uses.
As for age, if I recall correctly it was a training mission that went wrong, meaning she was still a student.
And, like basically every bad thing that has happened in his life and under his watch, I am positive Ozpin has what happened to Gretchen as yet another notch in his belt of mistakes. And boy oh boy are there a lot of notches.
Also I doubt Gretchen has been the only student Ozpin has lost, be it as Ozpin or as a previous Headmaster/Teacher.
My take is that the losses that hurt him the most are those of people close to him (i.e. those he has let into his circle such as the Headmaster and STRQ) and those young and still learning (especially if they are directly his students such as Gretchen).
Possible, but there is the fact Oz tends to blame himself for everything that goes wrong, no matter how uninvolved he is. Also keep in mind Oscar did try some of that argument on Hazel at Haven, but well, Hazel was too busy trying to kill kids to protect kids from being murdered. At the same time though... Look, Remnant is a death world. If Gretchen chose to stand against the Grimm and become a huntress, that was her choice to make, and there are times it feels like Hazel is denying her own agency in her choices.
I've never quite vibed with this take given he also tried to skirt around having any responsibility or blame assigned to him for the Grimm attack on the train or the problems caused by the lamp. I never said Hazel wasn't a hypocrite, but like I said no one has said she was a consenting adult who knew what she was getting into which was Hazel's issue, he's probably rather indifferent to grown soldiers dying. The fact Volume 6 spent so much time calling Ozpin's methods out and that no one has changed their minds on his ideas and said he was right, I feel indicates that it being a death world isn't an excuse to send teens off to do your fighting for you.
I've never quite vibed with this take given he also tried to skirt around having any responsibility or blame assigned to him for the Grimm attack on the train or the problems caused by the lamp. I never said Hazel wasn't a hypocrite, but like I said no one has said she was a consenting adult who knew what she was getting into which was Hazel's issue, he's probably rather indifferent to grown soldiers dying. The fact Volume 6 spent so much time calling Ozpin's methods out and that no one has changed their minds on his ideas and said he was right, I feel indicates that it being a death world isn't an excuse to send teens off to do your fighting for you.

And no one has said that the huntsmen system is all bad and should be abolished. Meaning that despite everything in-universe it is seen as a good/needed thing that admittedly needs a systems patch.
Again, no one is conscripted to enroll in the academies. Everyone, from combat prodigies like Pyrrha and Ruby to uncoordinated goofs like Jaune, have the choice to enroll in the huntsman program and USUALLY have to go through some kind of screening (test or paperwork and the like) to get in.

And again, like it or not Zam, what happened to the Argus Express was not something you can put a lot of blame on Ozpin for just for failing to mention before hand that it has a FEINT grimm attraction. No one asked him if the relics attracted grimm, and thus he did not break his word to them in regards to what he had promised them. The only thing connected to breaking his promise and having any real fault in was lying about how many questions were left and trying to stop them from using it. If we REALLY were meant to blame Ozpin for the train then the show would of had Oz keeping his ancient trap shut about the attraction and just let the kids do their thing and figure out that truth on their own.
And no one has said that the huntsmen system is all bad and should be abolished. Meaning that despite everything in-universe it is seen as a good/needed thing that admittedly needs a systems patch.
Again, no one is conscripted to enroll in the academies. Everyone, from combat prodigies like Pyrrha and Ruby to uncoordinated goofs like Jaune, have the choice to enroll in the huntsman program and USUALLY have to go through some kind of screening (test or paperwork and the like) to get in.

And again, like it or not Zam, what happened to the Argus Express was not something you can put a lot of blame on Ozpin for just for failing to mention before hand that it has a FEINT grimm attraction. No one asked him if the relics attracted grimm, and thus he did not break his word to them in regards to what he had promised them. The only thing connected to breaking his promise and having any real fault in was lying about how many questions were left and trying to stop them from using it. If we REALLY were meant to blame Ozpin for the train then the show would of had Oz keeping his ancient trap shut about the attraction and just let the kids do their thing and figure out that truth on their own.
... I never said they did? You're arguing against a straw figurine by putting words in my mouth and I don't appreciate it.
Just a few hours till the Grimm Campaign and I just discovered this wonderful recap of season 1.

I seriously can't believe we slept on this all week, the animation is both gorgeous and hilarious. I seriously need to rewatch this frame by frame when I have the chance because there are so many beautiful blink and you miss it moments. I love how utterly DONE the team looks in some of these scenes.

And NP taking a barbed wire bat to Asher's leg somehow became even more hilarious. 😂
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Just a few hours till the Grimm Campaign and I just discovered this wonderful recap of season 1.

I seriously can't believe we slept on this all week, the animation is both gorgeous and hilarious. I seriously need to rewatch this frame by frame when I have the chance because there are so many beautiful blink and you miss it moments. I love how utterly DONE the team looks in some of these scenes.

And NP taking a barbed wire bat to Asher's let somehow became even more hilarious. 😂
Nice, I'll be sure to tune in for it.
This tweet is a mood and quite handy for a lot of us.

Second season of RWBY: The Grimm Campaign is out and we now have proper Talespire character models for the team thanks to the initiative of Bouncyrock entertainment. If you play D&D or other tabletop roleplaying games consider giving Talespire a look when it's released to the public.

Nice, I'll be sure to tune in for it.
Suffice to say, it starts out strong. You're going to love it. :D
I think I kind of like that Blake has such unflinching loyalty to Ruby and its actually been consistent with her from the start of the series. She never once has really questioned Ruby's mindset and gone along with everything for the most part when they were all together. She called Weiss out and even questioned Yang's mental state (v3 after Mercury) but she's never questioned Ruby's decisions. Which i think makes for an interesting dynamic. Weiss questions Ruby's mind, Yang challenges Ruby's morals and Blake supports her no matter what. I remember noticed that in v6 when everyone was affected by the apathy Blake is still the first one to say she'll go down the well after the lamp with Ruby. Despite spending two volumes evolving into a leadership role herself, Blake still trusts Ruby enough to know she is doing what she thinks is best to make everything better.
so for next episode
I take it we agree that it will probably go back to Ruby's group at the Schnee Manor as they come to grips with the aftermath of Hound, Penny's hacked state, and get Cinder and Watts gatecrashing? Or are they going to risk the big sneak of going to The Atlas Vault themselves?
so for next episode
I take it we agree that it will probably go back to Ruby's group at the Schnee Manor as they come to grips with the aftermath of Hound, Penny's hacked state, and get Cinder and Watts gatecrashing? Or are they going to risk the big sneak of going to The Atlas Vault themselves?

I'm putting my bets on seeing the Aceops+Winter carrying the bomb, while at the same time Qrow and Robin escape prison and confront Ironwood.
My guess is the immediate aftermath of the Salem Fight. Keep in mind that we're going into chapter 10, and RWBY's Volumes always has the last four episodes where the action really picks up and the story focuses on as many characters as possible.

With this, I don't think they're going to just focus on one group at a time and instead will try to split the focus across all groups.
Holy carp! It seems like there's been a update on that new fairy tale show they talked about at RTX!

No idea where the source of this is from though. Based on the little RT logo I guess it's on one of RT's podcast shows or something? There's nothing on the official twitter pages at least.

ok I found the source. It's from a recently released "Bring it on 2021" trailer. So yeah, no set date yet but they're doubling down on this being a 2021 show.

I've timestamped the video to start playing at the point where the RWBY Fairy Tales show turns up (1:05 into the video).
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Holy carp! It seems like there's been a update on that new fairy tale show they talked about at RTX!

No idea where the source of this is from though. Based on the little RT logo I guess it's on one of RT's podcast shows or something? There's nothing on the official twitter pages at least.

ok I found the source. It's from a recently released "Bring it on 2021" trailer. So yeah, no set date yet but they're doubling down on this being a 2021 show.

I've timestamped the video to start playing at the point where the RWBY Fairy Tales show turns up (1:05 into the video).

This makes me wish I could find my book.
And I hope it's animated shorts, something simple like the World of Remnant videos.
I mean the art style looks similar to them.
Would be pretty cool

If Salem starts fighting someone seriously and she just starts raining down the same multi element morning stars of doom that Hazel used on her just to make a point about how much stronger she is than modern humans.

I admit part of the reason I'm suggesting this is because they already went to the effort if making that model and those effects so they may as well make use of them and get their money's worth.

Also a note on Salem holding back in Witch. It actually makes a lot of sense considering that she likely didn't want to kill any of her opponents. Her lamp is still missing and she has no clue where it is so she likely wanted to capture all of them to bring back for interrogation.

As Oscar noted even if Jaune and co got off the whale she could just follow them after dealing with Hazel.

That was probably cRWBY's intention but when you think about it, trenches aren't good defensive structures against Grimm (compared to walls or a moat/big ditch between you and them). Because their purpose is to hide a fighter from gunfire etc and the Grimm are overwhelmingly melee combatants. It's not actually helping the Atlas soldiers very much.

The fact that they're using such incorrect tactics makes sense because Atlas has never had to deal with being on the defensive against Grimm because of the shields+flight. Whenever the army/Specialists have fought Grimm its been out in the field or on somebody else's turf that they can ultimately retreat from (since they would have been brought there via the air fleet). But now with the fleet getting torn to shreads and Grimm literally on their doorstep they're flailing around and falling back on ancient techniques/protocols because that's all they have.