RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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At what point did Ironwood send troops to defend Mantle from the Grimm?

He sent a handful down after the heat was turned off. The video I was referring (I'll see if I can find it, but it was back during the 7-8 hiatus) to was arguing that Ironwood could just park an airship there, so what was the problem, ignoring the fact that Ironwood Wasn't Doing That, and his failure to Do That was part of the reason Mantle was so irritated. It was the sort of half argument that you see critics pull out, where even a lack of imagination shouln't stop them from filling in the gaps.
Death of the Author is completely valid as an analytical tool. It shouldn't ever be used as the only tool though. That's just depriving you of a lot of nuance and ability to a converse with a work.
Isn't Death of the Author more "disregard any and all info on this author and just look at the work for what it is" and is the reverse of an analytical tool?
Isn't Death of the Author more "disregard any and all info on this author and just look at the work for what it is" and is the reverse of an analytical tool?
Nooooo? It means that whatever the Author intended does not matter. I read Enders Game with an incredibly thick homosexual undertone because of just what those kids say and how they treat each other all the time, yet the author is incredibly homophobic on multiple levels, and certainly didn't intend that message. (Also they have to be older than they realize or are genetic experiments of some kind because no, Orson, smart children do not talk or think like that at such a young age!).

Death of the Author is an analytical tool for judging the book outside the intent of the author. It has both pros and cons in that respect.
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Isn't Death of the Author more "disregard any and all info on this author and just look at the work for what it is" and is the reverse of an analytical tool?
No? Death of the Author is notoriously finicky in an academic sense, but in essence it's
"Do not privilege the author's interpretation over the text" Like a fairly famous one is Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, most people take away 'Censorship is bad' Ray's intent was 'Tv Is the fucking devil'
Now that interpretation is there, but its not necessarily the one the text itself lends itself to. Death of the author is 'not ignore the author' its 'the author has no especial authority over interpretation'

So yes its incredibly useful as an analytical tool because seeing what the text says to you/others, gives a work so much more to say than just restricting your analysis to whatever the author says.

And Blake'd apparently
Nooooo? It means that whatever the Author intended does not matter. I read Enders Game with an incredibly thick homosexual undertone because of just what those kids say and how they treat each other all the time, yet the author is incredibly homophobic on multiple levels, and certainly didn't intend that message. (Also they have to be older than they realize or are genetic experiments of some kind because no, Orson, smart children do not talk or think like that at such a young age!).

Death of the Author is an analytical tool for judging the book outside the intent of the author. It has both pros and cons in that respect.

A guy on youtube I watch called "CloudCuckooLander" or something (an Australian book reviewer that uses a birdman has his image) once had a video on DoA but for the life of me I have not been able to find the damn video. The guy does good work and has had some good videos out over the last few years. Heck I think for the video he also used Orson as an example (I could be wrong).

Any, back to RWBY and the next episode
So is there gonna be a call between Ruby and James? Or is this the time for Qrow and Robyn to have words with The General.
James: "We must all make sacrifices." *looks down at his new mechanical hand*
I would not be surprised if that is what we get in that scene.
A very handy guide to making good Ship names with some examples of ship names that meet varying amounts of the listed traits.

Seriously who came up with the Enabler and Disabler names? They're awful.
A very handy guide to making good Ship names with some examples of ship names that meet varying amounts of the listed traits.

Seriously who came up with the Enabler and Disabler names? They're awful.

Enabler I know came up because during v1, someone posted how they had shipped Ruby/Yang after the Yellow Trailer dropped, thinking that the 'Sis' was a friendly affection. They tried to stop after realizing that no, they were blood sisters, but their friends kept 'enabling' them.

Disabler I don't know but if I had to guess, Yang/Mercury?
I assume Precious Gems is Ruby and Emerald.

Disabler is most likely Adam and Yang, or Yang and Mercury like the guy above me said.

The origin of the Enabler name comes from the fact that the guy who made the name after people kept encouraging him to ship Yang and Ruby after the sister thing got revealed, with him calling those people his Enablers.
It's also hard to get people into the show because the first few seasons are the weakest parts of the show. There's a ton of good reasons for that, but it's not really until Volume 3 that the show really picks up and it's not until Volume 5 that the actual plot of the show gets put into motion.
Another problem I think is that the first three volumes and the ones following it are two different genres: if you're here to see eccentric characters duking it out with improbable weapons and Monty's trademark fighting choreographies, you might be disappointed once the plot picks up come volume 4 and fights become less prominent (Monty's death probably played a big role in this shift, although it was already starting since volume 3), and if you're someone interested in the story and how it tackles themes that aren't often brought up in fiction, the first three volumes might look like only fights with dull character interactions in between.

Leila claimed that Yang was obviously a gaslighting psychopath who was actively trying to isolate and prey on Ruby to make her dependent on Yang. So uh, yeah suffice to say I never really got the sense that she was giving the series a fair shake.
Which is an really ridiculous claim since one of Yang's first scenes in the series is her pushing Ruby to make some friends instead of clinging to her. :rolleyes:
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RWBY V8: Episode 10 Ultimatum, my reaction below:
Oh my a warning!

Ironwood is looking ominous, ships are flying, great shot composition.

Terrified Specialists reporting, Jac is still alive, Robyn & Qrow have escaped, Ironwood is pissed, dang watching Qrow tackle someone as a bird was both hilarious and oddly intense, cool stealth take down.

His soldiers are clearly terrified & he's zeroed in on Qrow, dang, what does Robyn gotta do to get on the watch list Ironwood XD
Interesting use of the building tension then sudden stop and WHAT THE FLYING FUCK OSCAR!?

He blew the fucking whale up!? And all the other Grimm?! Can Ozpin usually do this!?

Also Vine trying to comfort Elm but being rejected, Marrow is very upset, seriously what just happened!?

Yeesh Ironwood, no rest for the wicked huh?

Huh, there's still some of Monstra left, and wow, Watts sounds nervous.
Watching Cinder & Watts back and forth is quite fun, its rare either deals with someone that feels they are on an even laying field with the other, but Cinder obviously hates it & Watts clearly thinks little of her. Interesting stuff with the virus and context.

Wow that was an epic speech and lead up Cinder, seriously, very cool, and then just like with Ironwood, she gets the wind sucked out of her sails.

Wow, this is legit a pretty epic rant, like total bastard, but also not bereft of points, this has clearly been building up for awhile.


Holy shit, Cinder's crying.
Also Watt's brain finally caught up with his mouth it seems.
Dang no teary "I thought you were dead reunion" for the bees ><

Wow, those Scrolls/Weiss are good.

Also oof, Emerald, also Oscar is not having a good day, nor is Emerald again, yeesh, I mean I get it, but still, girl needs a hug.

Ooh neat divide there in the groups, and eeey they brought up Ozpin, though dang it Oscar, don't make up lies for him!

Nice subtle shift in the situation, and oof, that crowd scene hits heavy.

Ironwood looking frantic!

Oh, OK, so he plans to torture the kids. Classy Ironwood, classy, Oscar was right you & Salem have a lot in common.

Oh wow so that did come back up, hah, oh dear,, ooooh dear.

Well he's still got some arms, I'll give him that, also a temper, such a 'rational' man Ironwood is (Rolls eyes)

OK, Ironwood is clearly becoming unhinged, I suppose several days of no sleep will exacerbate pre-existing issues, and unlike the other characters he has no one who will call him on his shit, Atlas you are so fuuuuckeeeeed.

Holy shit Neo stol the Lamp to use as leverage against Cinder!


Ooooh Ruby was ready to cut!

What the fuck Ironwood, this is terrifying!

Ironwood really has long since fallen down the hole of "The more morally fucked up my actions are the more rational and pragmatic I am."

Heeey Nora's back up, and Penny's still out and the evacuation hs been brought low, wow, that brief moment of calm was appreciated but damn, this sting so good, and also reminds me that, oh yeah, Ironwood was described as the primary villain of this volume, so, haha, oh my.
I've been a bit frustrated
at how Salem showing up so early and attacking with so much force has largely prevented the Ironwood/Protagonist split from leading to any serious conflict between the two sides. Can't exactly have Ruby and co having cool Final Fantasy 7/Black Trailer fight scenes against mechs and the military industrial complex if every Paladin is needed on the front lines.

But this is IT. Salem is out of commission for likely a few hours, the Grimm attacking Atlas are all or mostly all gone and Ironwood has jumped even further into outright villany. Now is the time for a direct conflict between Ruby&Co and the Atlesian military.

Also hahaha this episode fucking wrecked all those people whining about Ruby including a "don't trust Ironwood" section in her broadcast.

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Are we there yet? have people figured it out, is the debate settled?

ALSO when in doubt pinky out
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Yeah I want to see the "But Ironwood isnt the bad guy here!" justification now.
Fully expecting them to topple Ironwood have some breathing room only for pissed Salem to rise up "DID YOU ASSHOLES FORGET WHO THE BIG BAD IS AROUND HERE?!