RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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on the topic of hair - I envision this scene where Weiss is forced to 'play nice' with her father, so has to leave her weapons behind. But she has her hair in a giant braid and oh look at this shiny spiky decently sized ornament I can put in the end and -

All of a sudden she's killing people with disgusted noises and spinning on her heel to walk away.
Two very important things from RTX:
  1. Volume 7 starts on November 2nd(!)
  2. New outfits, baby!

Two things jump out at me. One it's clear that Wiess is borrowing Yang's shampoo for extra volume, and two the rest of the team is clearly not used to cold weather. I just imagine Wiess watching them shivering in their layers and insisting that it's not even that cold out.
I have to be honest, I'm pretty... worried about this? Like from the covers it looks like these take place between seasons, and if I have to track down and buy extra products to keep up with the story or character developments I'll be irritated... and I also just don't trust DC to handle the universes well, given things like Weiss' botox problems?

That's the one RT approved. According to the Brand Manager, it was actually worse than Weiss' lips in early drafts.

That video is super long and with super low quality audio - timestamp for talking about that?
I have to be honest, I'm pretty... worried about this? Like from the covers it looks like these take place between seasons, and if I have to track down and buy extra products to keep up with the story or character developments I'll be irritated... and I also just don't trust DC to handle the universes well, given things like Weiss' botox problems?

That video is super long and with super low quality audio - timestamp for talking about that?
Pretty early on, after the audio gets fixed. Around 9:00 is when the Brand Manager starts going into things.

Edit: That said, I was mainly putting the video up because it is the only video of the panel, I'm pretty sure it's the official one. The Brand Manager actually covered how they chose which artists and writers for each comic (RWBY and gen:Lock) by an exhaustive process. For instance it took a really long time for the gen:Lock comic to get an artist because most were making Cammie look 30 and white-washing Kazu. That's way far in though, around 40:00. Unfortunately some of the images that highlighted the differences were not allowed to be viewed by camera, so I couldn't tell you how busty that Weiss initially was.
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Hello. I was wondering if I can get some help. I'm trying to write a quest set in Vacou but I'm having trouble with getting names that fit it. According to what I looked at something based off of Africa would work but I don't really have any knowledge on that area.
Hello. I was wondering if I can get some help. I'm trying to write a quest set in Vacou but I'm having trouble with getting names that fit it. According to what I looked at something based off of Africa would work but I don't really have any knowledge on that area.
The RWBY name rule is very simple:
  1. A color
  2. Makes someone think of a color
There is no regional distinction for names that we are aware of.
I have to be honest, I'm pretty... worried about this? Like from the covers it looks like these take place between seasons, and if I have to track down and buy extra products to keep up with the story or character developments I'll be irritated... and I also just don't trust DC to handle the universes well, given things like Weiss' botox problems?
I'm sure that it won't be necessary to read the comics to continue watching the show.

Hello. I was wondering if I can get some help. I'm trying to write a quest set in Vacou but I'm having trouble with getting names that fit it. According to what I looked at something based off of Africa would work but I don't really have any knowledge on that area.
Sounds neat. You could also try asking in the fanfic discussion thread: Lets Get To It! Rwby Ideas/discussion Thread
The RWBY name rule is very simple:
  1. A color
  2. Makes someone think of a color
There is no regional distinction for names that we are aware of.
Sorry, I didn't explain properly. My Quest is an AU set a century before canon. This means that it is about 10 years before the start of the Great War, which lasted for 10 years and ended 80 years before canon. So no color names just yet. The Kingdoms have their own themes based on real life culture. Based on what people have said its something like this.

Mantle: America
Mistral: Asia
Vale: French
Vacou: Africa

I know that people usually think of Germany for Mantle/Atlas but based on what people have said the French can also fit. Anyway you can see that Vacou should have African influences but I don't have any knowledge on how that would effect their culture.

So I want names that I can use for cities and people. But mainly I want to know what slang they would use. For example how would they address their parents? If we look at the source then it would be Baba and Mama. Things like this, does this make sense?
Then why did you put Mantle as America?
I already said.

I also had it as Germany at first but I saw someone make a good point that Vale fit more as the French with their democracy and Mantle fit American Industrialisation. It works both ways.

Actually now that I think about it Germany is still better since it fits their naming conventions based on Wiess. Whatever it's not important.

What I need are things for Vacou and the African influence that it should have.
The banner at the bottom of the thread doesn't mention anything about the spoiler policy for After The Fall. It's been two or four weeks since the book became available, so it should be fine to post spoilers, right?

Also, does anyone know who I might need to talk to, to see if I could start a discussion thread on this board, purely about breaking down canonical Semblances and designing original ones? I had one over at SpaceBattles that never got locked until the mods went and locked ALL the RWBY threads.
The banner at the bottom of the thread doesn't mention anything about the spoiler policy for After The Fall. It's been two or four weeks since the book became available, so it should be fine to post spoilers, right?

Also, does anyone know who I might need to talk to, to see if I could start a discussion thread on this board, purely about breaking down canonical Semblances and designing original ones? I had one over at SpaceBattles that never got locked until the mods went and locked ALL the RWBY threads.
Why did SB do that? I don't keep up with SB and I don't know what could've caused them to do that (beyond SB not being the greatest moderated site in the world...).
Oh. Homophobia then. Fun.

Not so much that, really. It was stuff like people getting mortally offended at the idea that Yang might have a temper problem or an over-realiance on her Semblance and were adamant that Taiyang is an idiot and a terrible father who doesn't know what he's talking about, and that becoming this pages-long argument. And that just happened often enough that the mods got sick of it.
I wouldn't say it's homophobia so much as a combination of people not accepting that Bumbleby has been built up, people acting like basically everything team RWBY did in Volume 6 was evil, the thread being divided on if the Adam Fight was good or terrible.
Not so much that, really. It was stuff like people getting mortally offended at the idea that Yang might have a temper problem or an over-realiance on her Semblance and were adamant that Taiyang is an idiot and a terrible father who doesn't know what he's talking about, and that becoming this pages-long argument. And that just happened often enough that the mods got sick of it.
No offense, but trying to mis-represent and blame me exclusively for that feels rather unfair, especially seeing as the threads got locked in debates I had no part in several times.
Also given some of the rage against BB, I would say homophobia does indeed play a part at times, just that some are careful not to let it show, either due to it being an unconscious bias or them knowing open bigotry isn't quite as embraced in many areas as it used to be.
Notice I said "stuff like." I wasn't blaming you specifically for the thread's problems (in fact I'd totally forgotten you were involved), I was just using it as an example of people making big, long arguments over relatively innocuous issues with the show, sometimes spanning 10+ pages and that often started getting into ugly territory and personal attacks on one side or the other, which the mods got sick of having to come in and break up every few weeks.

That said, I apologize if that came off as a personal crack at you.
This new layout is so confusing I got lost on the way through the page XD
Notice I said "stuff like." I wasn't blaming you specifically for the thread's problems (in fact I'd totally forgotten you were involved), I was just using it as an example of people making big, long arguments over relatively innocuous issues with the show, sometimes spanning 10+ pages and that often started getting into ugly territory and personal attacks on one side or the other, which the mods got sick of having to come in and break up every few weeks.

That said, I apologize if that came off as a personal crack at you.
Ah I see, thanks for the clarification in that regard. Apologies due to me being largely the only one to not be a fan of that arc and it being the only argument referenced and such it did feel kind of targeted. Anyway thanks for being understanding regarding my response.