RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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... Huh. Sudden realisation. Ironwoods 'mirror' on Team Salem is actually Hazel. Competant, intelligent, but thanks to bad judgement calls, grudges, and incredible stubbornness, ends up on a bad path, actually burning down everything they believe in.
this fits Ironwood and our heroes
What does the quote 'we both looked into the abyss, but when it looked back at us, you blinked' from the Justice League crisis on infinite earth mean? - Quora
"There is a difference between you and me. We both looked into the abyss, but when it looked back at us, you blinked.
-- Batman, Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths "
"Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche "

In short, when staring at the abyss (Salem) ol General James Ironwood blinked. He has become the monster that Oscar tried to warn him against being a few times during Volume 7. Meanwhile Ruby and her friends, despite everything they have faced have stood strong and adamantly refuse to cast aside that which they fight for.
I feel like this quote is more fitting:

Kill Six Billion Demons said:
"He that feedeth the worm called Doubt must tend it all his days,

But he that ignoreth the worm called Doubt doth permit it to swell until it feedeth upon his very heart."
RWBY & friends do fear when they look into the abyss. They get tired and weary, they hesitate and get scared, they get angry and frustrated. But ultimately they let themselves rest, process those emotions, and apologize when they act rashly or hurt others.

It sucks that every so often I see people dunking on our heroes for simply being human. Just this volume, I've seen people complaining about the people in the manor resting when their Auras are low and Nora's injured ("couldn't they go and kill Grimm while Nora's resting or something?"), Ren being frustrated with not being able to rescue Oscar, Yang for being angry at Emerald and then Ozpin. Certainly, some of these complaints are valid, but ultimately it doesn't feel like the people who complain really care for the human condition of making mistakes.

Ironwood's alternative, to push yourself to never rest, to always act stoic and repress your emotions, to try to be a paragon that you can't be, is far more terrible.
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It sucks that every so often I see people dunking on our heroes for simply being human. Just this volume, I've seen people complaining about the people in the manor resting when their Auras are low and Nora's injured ("couldn't they go and kill Grimm while Nora's resting or something?"), Ren being frustrated with not being able to rescue Oscar, Yang for being angry at Emerald and then Ozpin. Certainly, some of these complaints are valid, but ultimately it doesn't feel like the people who complain really care for the human condition of making mistakes.
Something I realized about the Schnee manor thing is also the group really on has two options. 1, go to the crater to help Mantle, a long distance that means essentially leaving Nora alone without medical care, or 2, go to where Monstra landed and risk being more hinderance than help as James and the military try to arrest them. Ideally the arresting thing wouldn't happen, but James had already shown a clear pattern of unpredictability up to that point.
I feel like this quote is more fitting:

RWBY & friends do fear when they look into the abyss. They get tired and weary, they hesitate and get scared, they get angry and frustrated. But ultimately they let themselves rest, process those emotions, and apologize when they act rashly or hurt others.

It sucks that every so often I see people dunking on our heroes for simply being human. Just this volume, I've seen people complaining about the people in the manor resting when their Auras are low and Nora's injured ("couldn't they go and kill Grimm while Nora's resting or something?"), Ren being frustrated with not being able to rescue Oscar, Yang for being angry at Emerald and then Ozpin. Certainly, some of these complaints are valid, but ultimately it doesn't feel like the people who complain really care for the human condition of making mistakes.

Ironwood's alternative, to push yourself to never rest, to always act stoic and repress your emotions, to try to be a paragon that you can't be, is far more terrible.

I brought up Carmilla Season 2. Both Laura and Carmilla make mistakes and have flaws. That's the entire point (that part of being in a relationship means admitting the others flaws). But a lot of fans don't get that and choose one side or the other. Same with the MCU. Both Tony AND Steve have fair points in Civil War and both do stupid things. Yet fans make one totally right and the other the devil incarnate
Haha. Eddy and Neath are really trying to drive us into an early grave, huh?
Eddy Rivas said:
I like Saturdays. Good thing we've got one tomorrow.
Neath Oum said:
Still a few days out but before I say goodnight, I want to ask everyone to please do everything you can to NOT

spoil the next #RWBY8 episode (or at least use spoiler hashtags, vague wording, etc.). There will be some VERY momentous events therein.

Pleasant dreams all!

I hope more people will take the time to watch RWBY: The Grimm Campaign though. It's not just a fun show but it's just fun to watch how much fun the cast are having with making it.

Also more awe inspiring concept art from Sana Freeman.

Another thing about eyes being windows to the soul + how open and unhidden Yang is
We have the fact that Yang's eyes are clear indicators of her temper. She only goes red when she is legit angry, and she has only aimed those eyes ONCE at Blake, when she was trying to get Blake to take a brake and Blake was being a stubborn cat and not listening. And then immediately after going red and being in Blake's face, Yang turns around and goes back to normal lilac, speaks softer and with worry, and gives Blake a gentle hug.


now for funny/cute things I saw this evening


Bees As Ponies


a duck's take on the savagery

also something I have not seen anyone take note of
the song playing during the team reunion
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Had some thoughts on characters who have died.

I find it interesting that, so far, Salem's inner circle have only ever been killed by her.

Granted, that's only two so far. But I wonder if that will be a continuing theme? That the cause of her supporters deaths will be directly or indirectly by her own hand.
Had some thoughts on characters who have died.

I find it interesting that, so far, Salem's inner circle have only ever been killed by her.

Granted, that's only two so far. But I wonder if that will be a continuing theme? That the cause of her supporters deaths will be directly or indirectly by her own hand.

I mean it tracks.
Humanity 1 - She aimed them at the Gods, and never thought they would retaliate with a complete of the world.
Leo - No longer useful and tried to turn at the end, so she had a Seer kill him.
Hazel - Finally found the will to turn on her and died restraining her.

She wants and can't take "NO" for an answer. She has seen herself a God for a long time. Each time she has retaliated for being denied what she wants she has lost something.
Wanted Ozma back - Lost her ability to die and thus could not join him.
Wanted to stick it to the GodBros and raised an army against them - Lost Humanity 1.
Wanted to stick it to the GodBros and rule the world as a GodQueen with her dear Ozma as her GodKing - Lost Ozma and the resulting fight cost them their children, too.
I said this before but I'm saying it again. This is how I think Cinder's story will progress.

Cinder will probably be well and truly BROKEN by the end of the volume. Maybe even "no longer even has the fall maiden powers" broken (probably through loosing the grimm arm to Ruby's silver eyes). Salem coldly abandons her with the words "You are NOTHING" (callback to the Madame). Cinder is left broken and easily taken into custody.

However, the situation has deteriorated to the point where they need allies, and like it or not that means recruiting Cinder. Ruby finds out about Cinder's past (possibly from Emerald) and being a genuinely empathetic person.....truly wants to help her even after everything she's done. Cinder is.....not happy at first, even blaming Ruby for everything that's happened (since everything started going downhill when Ruby shot her on top of that tower in Vol 3). But ultimately she's forced to open up and may even begin to heal as a person.....but the temptation for power is still there.
New episode is out, my reaction:
Well we're seeing Mantle and everyone's reactions and oof, that is depressing and horrific, Fiona is crying you bastard!!!

Huh so he's keeping Winter, for now, and the Ace-Ops are trying to justify their terrible decisions, classic "I was just following orders" types you lot.

Heyo Marrow, call him out! Oooh, is Harriet being protective, pissed off or both XD Vine you bootlicker!

Good on you Marrow! Now next time actually kill the fucker rather than trusting him not to shoot you, but hey good on ya Winter!

Now even the other Ace-Ops save maybe Harriet be looking scared!

ooh meeting time, haha, Emerald just leaning against the wall like the edgy team member.

Wow even Ruby feels helpless, this is wearing on her, and oof, Emerald is legit scared of being hit.


Heyo the badass scars are staying Aah Nora honey I'm sorry you feel that way!

Yes, yes, yes, its exactly as we said, Ren was blaming their problems on hi own weakness, so he pushed them out to try and focus on gaining his own strength, aaaah, I love it!

Jaune you are a part of this too get back in there!


Ah so that's what happened, I guess Nora wasn't an escaped slave, oh well.

Good on you Nora, I love ot see it!

Also boop, yes, boop is cute, goodness, aah!

Jailbirds back in action!

Good speech Robyn, I like it and who is that!?

Wow, Ruby is... Really beaten down, this is hard to watch but so good, love how Yang is trying to handle this and they mentioned SUMMER!

I am adoring this back and forth, very loud on the themes for the people int he back, its so good!

Penny broke the window, and eey Emerald helping out, I love it! Good strategic use of Jaune.

Holy shit, Penny's self sacrificial streak is really bad.


I can't believe it!

They fixed it!

That was so fucking clever!


Emerald gave her first rallying speech, its so cute!

OK they've got the unspoken plan guarantee, Watts is doing something to spy and Neo has arrived with a smirking Cinder accounted for, what is happening!?
Marrow confirmed for Very good boy.

And also yeah, Ruby and Yang are pretty certain that Summer Rose got turned into a Hound. Which freaking crushed Yang for a moment.

Renora is finally being open with their feelings.

I love all the group hugs Penny gets.

Soul trumps code but not enough to completely solve the problem.

And finally Emerald's confirming she's not just here for a place to crash but is full on switching sides.

Emerald's awkwardness is gold.

So. Ruby and Co are heading towards Ironwood with a PLAN. Qrow and Robyn are likely teaming up with Marrow, possibly Winter as well, to presumably stop the bomb. While Watts, Cinder and Neo are heading towards the Academy as well so Neo can finally get a chance at Ruby.

The next three episodes are gonna be INTERESTING.
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that Oscar flipping to Ozpin seemed far more subdued and subtle than usual? Usually the lights how is a lot bigger and his eyes light up a lot more. Now there didn't seem to be that big of a change. I wonder if that's a visual cue that the merge has progressed so far that there is now much less of a difference between their identities.

Also we are totally getting that "the girl who fell through Remnant" fairy tale when the FT spinoff show airs aren't we? They seem to have put a lot of thought into it.
Great speeches from Yang, Ren, Emerald, and Oscar/Ozpin. The frustrating thing about this is that the audience can see what those on the ground cannot: RWBYJNROPE+QR have the advantage now. With Marrow out and Winter having doubts, the Ace-Ops are fatally weakened. Like there's 12 of our heroes versus 2 groups of 4/5 and 3 bad guys. Actually, bringing Penny to the vault is fine, because Atlas as a whole is compromised, so getting the Relic out would be good. The interesting part will be how to get the Relic away from Salem, Cinder, Watts, and Neo. Getting the Lamp back from Neo is tertiary, since Jinn can't do anymore for them, although they'll probably still try if they see it/her. Can anyone see more death flags?
Great speeches from Yang, Ren, Emerald, and Oscar/Ozpin. The frustrating thing about this is that the audience can see what those on the ground cannot: RWBYJNROPE+QR have the advantage now. With Marrow out and Winter having doubts, the Ace-Ops are fatally weakened. Like there's 12 of our heroes versus 2 groups of 4/5 and 3 bad guys. Actually, bringing Penny to the vault is fine, because Atlas as a whole is compromised, so getting the Relic out would be good. The interesting part will be how to get the Relic away from Salem, Cinder, Watts, and Neo. Getting the Lamp back from Neo is tertiary, since Jinn can't do anymore for them, although they'll probably still try if they see it/her. Can anyone see more death flags?
They'll probably take the Relic to Vacuo next.
I feel like someone's going to track down Pietro to help Penny while they use Emerald to try and stall Ironwood and at some point CWN show up to make things more difficult. Meanwhile I think RWQM are going to go and try to disarm the bomb.
Also PennyxRuby hugs: 7
Just finished watching Ultimatum a little while ago, and something I want to note during the first scene where the two Atlas grunts are reporting to Ironwood about the bad news of Cinder's little prison breakout: specifically, the screenshot of the two Atlas grunts looking nervous while framing the broken-open doorway behind them. I really got vibes of that scene from The Death of Stalin with the two Soviet guards outside of Stalin's office:

When your own troops are terrified of you just as much as Stalin's were, you know you went off the deep end.
Good speech Robyn, I like it and who is that!?
Almost certainly Winter and Marrow. Qrow and Robyn are leaving the brig, Winter [says she] is taking Marrow to the brig, James and the rump Aesops are all accounted for, and nobody else important is in Atlas Academy at the moment.
Almost certainly Winter and Marrow. Qrow and Robyn are leaving the brig, Winter [says she] is taking Marrow to the brig, James and the rump Aesops are all accounted for, and nobody else important is in Atlas Academy at the moment.
I'm almost starting to wonder if maybe it won't be Marrow and Winter simply because it would be too obvious. But there is only so much time left of this volume, so I'm not sure they would bother with any twists on that front.
The only other people it could be on the elevator is Maria and Pietro, who we haven't seen for almost half the volume. That's a possibility - I really don't know if Qrow and Robyn would be all that shocked to see Marrow and Winter, unless they were in civilian outfit or something.
The only other people it could be on the elevator is Maria and Pietro, who we haven't seen for almost half the volume. That's a possibility - I really don't know if Qrow and Robyn would be all that shocked to see Marrow and Winter, unless they were in civilian outfit or something.
Could be Team FNKI and other defectors. Could be Ciel (though super unlikely, she seems to have fallen of Atlas or got eaten back at the Fall of Beacon). Could be Raven and Tai.