RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Murder of crows, unkindess of ravens and conspiracy of ... lemurs... What is the hidden meaning of this?
Well, lemurs are a kind of monkey. The headmasters of the academies so far are clearly based on The Wizard of Oz, and we have yet to see a winged monkey. Therefore, it is a hint at where they'll be going next : Shade Academy, in Vacuo. :V
Bing watching Tales of the Lustorious before watching the last two episodes of RWBY was kind of a bad idea. I kind of can't stop nitpicking animation things now. I mean even more than I usually do. When 70% of the runtime of the last two episodes is fight scenes it really is getting in the way of enjoying it.
I'll have to wait to see the continuing brawls on Tuesday but the reactions to the plot twist that CRWBY pulled are all kinds of amazing. I think the CRWBY's laughing reaction to everyone going OMGWTF!?! over Raven's reveal can be summed up like this.

Though Cinder's mocking tone at Raven and eye-roll right before the double-cross was just beautiful.
Just a rando theory about the Relic but, what if it grants like, self knowledge?
As in, if someone grabs and activates it, it allows them to see into themselves in whole new ways.

This could allow for change as a person, but where my mind is going is the individual gaining a drastically better understanding of their abilities.

So like, if Cinder grabbed it she'd come to understand the nature of her Grimm arm and gain vastly better control of it, and would be able to use her Maiden powers in even more, new and creative ways, or if Raven handled it, she would be able to revolutionize and drastically evolve how her control over say, her Semblance, maybe going from creating portals to outright phase shifting.

Of course there might be drawbacks, maybe you can only use it once, or it puts tons of strain on the mind or somehting like that, or ones ability to use these insights vanishes the moment the Relic is gone (At least until one figures it out by themselves afterwards) so if they were doing something normally too strenuous or complicated for themselves the feedback/consequences could seriously injure or kill them.
[Public] Volume 5, Chapter 13: Downfall
And it's out for free members on RT.

-Blake taking out Adam like a punk-
I'm OK with this. Because honestly I bet Blake is the better fighter then Adam, it's just that previously she's been paralyzed with fear, doubt etc whenever having to fight him and so wasn't at her best. Also Adam is so enraged right now he simply isn't thinking straight. Dodging an enraged bull and all that.

-Weiss, Hazel and the Queen Lancer's stinger-
I give it less then a week before somebody edits in a voice-over of Scorpin's famous line for that moment if there hasn't been one already.

-The gate opens-
So it's less a vault and more a portal to somewhere. The question now is, is it a portal to some far off place in Remnant or is something like the D&D planer portals.

-Yang vs Raven teaser-
Now people have been saying that Yang has no chance but remember that Raven is currently drained of Aura. But who knows how this confrontation is going to go. She certainly wasn't pleased when she heard/saw Yang arrive.
12:40 of ep 13. Pure, simple, satisfaction. Insert Feelsgood.jpg here. Just... yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssss...
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So with Jaune's large amounts of Aura being referenced again, which by the way I loved how the focus was more on his bond with Pyrrha and that mucho Aura equals better Support Main rather than being a "wow! so spechul!" moment, anyway with the concept of some people having more Aura than others being brought up again I kind of want Hazel's first scene in the next episode to be showing him healing his injury from the Queen Lancer with his Aura before pulling out his scroll to check his Aura levels (since No Pain as a Semblance makes it hard for him to tell what condition he's in) and then reveal that after all the beatings he's taken so far his Aura is still above 70%.

Because Hazel is clearly being built up to be this juggernaut and I would love it if it was revealed that this is what having a truly exceptional amount of Aura looks like. Plus with him being built up as Salem's strongest enforcer (Cinder kind of loses that spot since Ruby can potentially oneshot her) I kind of want him to just be forced to retreat by the sheer media presence or being physically punted of the mountain by Nora rather than being truly and properly defeated. At the very least I hope it takes some extreme team attacks to weaken him enough that he will consider retreating.
Hey, you know how some people were slightly disappointed by Hazel's motivation after last episode? Well, it makes more sense to me after Downfall revealed Hazel's Semblance.

Hazel's Semblance is ignoring damage. His very soul is defined by the fact that he can't feel pain. Cue his sister's death, and Hazel feels agony for what is probably the first time in his life (continuing the theme of Semblances causing trauma for their character).

Salem being able to manipulate him so easily makes way more sense in retrospect.
So, I'm torn. On the one hand, part of me would find it extremely gratifying if Cinder were to finally die here. It's frustrating to see a villain keep escaping their comeuppance, especially if it seems like the writers are bending reality to make it happen. On the other hand, part of me would be a bit disappointed if she were to be killed off by Raven, a minor character that has little or no history with her, rather than by one of the main characters who has an established personal score to settle with her.
So, I'm torn. On the one hand, part of me would find it extremely gratifying if Cinder were to finally die here. It's frustrating to see a villain keep escaping their comeuppance, especially if it seems like the writers are bending reality to make it happen. On the other hand, part of me would be a bit disappointed if she were to be killed off by Raven, a minor character that has little or no history with her, rather than by one of the main characters who has an established personal score to settle with her.
Cinder ain't dead. I'd put actual money on that. More likely she's badly hurt and if RT was really sadistic she's going to lose her other arm or like a leg. I could see that being a running theme until the end when she's little more than a bunch of Grimm parts stitched together.
Cinder ain't dead. I'd put actual money on that. More likely she's badly hurt and if RT was really sadistic she's going to lose her other arm or like a leg. I could see that being a running theme until the end when she's little more than a bunch of Grimm parts stitched together.
But at that point, could she even hold the Fall Maiden powers?
Cinder ain't dead. I'd put actual money on that. More likely she's badly hurt and if RT was really sadistic she's going to lose her other arm or like a leg. I could see that being a running theme until the end when she's little more than a bunch of Grimm parts stitched together.
I'm honestly expecting a grimm possessed corpse to come skuttling out of the breach and shank Raven in the back while she and Yang are in the middle of Talking/Fighting.
So, I'm torn. On the one hand, part of me would find it extremely gratifying if Cinder were to finally die here. It's frustrating to see a villain keep escaping their comeuppance, especially if it seems like the writers are bending reality to make it happen. On the other hand, part of me would be a bit disappointed if she were to be killed off by Raven, a minor character that has little or no history with her, rather than by one of the main characters who has an established personal score to settle with her.

She fell off a cliff.

It's really unlikely she's dead.

In need of Mama Salem to turn her into a patchwork Grimm/Human monstrosity to keep her alive, though is quite possible.

Also, getting shit talked by Watts for this fuck up is very probable.
Picked up the Ruby Manga today and yeah it's alright the timeline is a bit all over since it expands on the trailers and adds some new adventures that ends with Torchwick planing the breach, they also show off that apparently Penny has a flight attachment which would have been cool to see in series.
For the 'Cinder isn't dead' crowd: I thought I saw a little pulse of energy or whatever go from Cinder to Raven right before she froze over. I took that to be the maiden powers transferring at the point of death like we were told it does two seasons ago, meaning she's definitely dead. D-E-D ded. If it wasn't that, what was it?
For the 'Cinder isn't dead' crowd: I thought I saw a little pulse of energy or whatever go from Cinder to Raven right before she froze over. I took that to be the maiden powers transferring at the point of death like we were told it does two seasons ago, meaning she's definitely dead. D-E-D ded. If it wasn't that, what was it?
Camera effects? Lens flare? (obviously put in, given there's no actual camera, but you get my drift.)
I'd honestly be kind of, pleasantly surprised? If Cinder were dead, I've enjoyed her as a villain in some regards but would definitely like the shift in many respects, though I am unsure what direction that could take it after that. The power go to Emerald cutting off her or postponing a potential redemption arc maybe? She's certainly much more pragmatic than Cinder is right now so she'd likely be a bigger threat despite likely being less skilled.

I do find it unlikely that she is dead though.
Raven will die/get badly hurt by irony, I can almost guarantee it. You don't drop a line like that without it backfireing
Oh, also someone highlighted elsewhere to me, that Hazel ignoring Adam's pitiful cry for assistance (What a leader XD) to him in reflection to what Adam did to him in regards to the Sienna diplomacy mission:

IE, Adam dismissed Hazel's claim and said White Fang affairs weren't his business and Hazel is doing the same to him now. Petty? Yes. But fitting.

Also, I love that unlike pretty much every other leader in the show, from Sienna, to Ozpin to Raven, when faced with everything falling out from under him or an overwhelming foe, Adam completely failed to maintain any dignity or intelligence, the moment someone didn't tell him what to do, he just starts yelling and lashing out, screaming at his followers to shoot, its cathartic to me XD
Adam's pretty much a sword, not a leader. People follow him because he's a dangerous, strong sword, but the more leadership position he has, the more people start to see problems.

I expect that pretty soon, he'll be a lone rogue villain- or fall under Salem directly, who can villain-upgrade him.