RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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That's why I'm so confused at why Rooster Teeth gave her that semblance.

Tragic irony, one would hope.

As we've seen Raven grow more powerful, we've also seen her abusing the bonds she made by being manipulative and emotionally distant to the people closest to her.

The end of her story therefore would involve her fighting a strong foe and needing to use her portals- but none manifest. She's burned her bridges, isolated herself, and the cost of that comes in the form of a slow death at the hands of someone equally cynical, but more powerful.

She calls out for help before the end, but no one comes. Classic tragedy.
That's why I'm so confused at why Rooster Teeth gave her that semblance.
Dramatic irony. Because this is a woman who could have had a relationship with her family at any time with little effort but chose not to. She could have been with Taiyang if she wanted, she could have been a part of Yang's life. But she cut herself off.

Qrow's semblance keeps him away from his loved ones, yet he makes every effort to drop by and spend time with them.

Raven is the opposite.
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This, admittedly, is all just headcanon right now. It's what makes the most sense, but what I thought made the most sense for Yang's character never panned out.

I like Raven, but I'm also aware that the reasons I like her may exist more in my head than what's actually in the show.
Sorry I should have spoilered the episode!

Maybe aura doesn't protect you from yourself? So the wires could simply cut through Penny because the wires are a part of penny?

Also, maybe penny simply doesn't have aura. Do we have any indication that she does?

The only times I remember her being hurt are when she stopped the truck and when pyhrra pyhrra'd her, and in both times she suffered visible damage, which isn't what usually happens when one is protected by aura.

I should watch the penny vs pyhrra fight again and see if Pyhrra scored any hits, because if she didn't then Penny might have never had an aura to begin with.
I have toyed with that a bit in the past because of that exact scene, but I don't see why Penny would be told she had Ara and be able to fight like it if she didn't. One's own Aura being able to do that to themselves does feel plausible.

That's why I'm so confused at why Rooster Teeth gave her that semblance.
Semblance origins aren't strictly understood in universe, plus people can change or deny aspects of themselves, plus 'bond' is a somewhat vague term, it could just be her making a mental 'bond' designating someone as an anchor point, though its implied she does still feel a bit bad about Yang when Verna; asked her.
You know, this episode really shows that RWBY is stronger for 1v1 fights rather than group brawls. Like, this Maiden duel (or whatever we're calling it :V) was really dynamic and good, whereas the group fights from that episode (or the two previous) really were... infuriating — mainly in the "me screaming 'Don't just stand fucking there doing nothing' at my screen" way.
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[FIRST] Volume 5, Chapter 14: Haven's Fate
So, this was... an odd finale.

People who were hoping Blake would just totally dismiss Adam won the toss.

Leo is D-E-D DED. That audio was gruesome.

The talk between Raven and Yang went... better than expected, actually.

Still no sign of Cinder.

Yang comes back up the elevator with the Relic in hand, Emerald promptly loses her shit on realizing Cinder's gone and goes buckwild with the illusions (the opening crawl with Salem appears here!)

Looks like they're headed to Atlas next. Best possible opportunity to have Penny return, looks like.

Raven portaled to Tai, according to the after credits scene. He's... not amused.

Short finale is short.
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Who wants to bet something weird happens to Yang from setting foot in the Spring Vault alone?

Also, wasn't Emerald's thing that she could only affect like, 2-3 people with her semblance at a time?
Yang's speech was good, Raven's breakdown was interesting, Emerald's freak out was great, Blake not being controlled by Adam was nice. Also Salem seems incredibly chill about all of this and Yang seemingly protected Raven's identity as the Spring Maiden from Qrow and Ozpin.
The rest felt fairly underwhelming, I feel like a lot of hype and tension was raised then just kinda dissipated, especially for the reunion with Yang & Blake, on one hand yes showing forgiveness is strength, but I wanted them to actually like, talk.

Who wants to bet something weird happens to Yang from setting foot in the Spring Vault alone?

Also, wasn't Emerald's thing that she could only affect like, 2-3 people with her semblance at a time?
Semblances can evolve to certain degrees, we see this with Blake VS Adam and the sea dragon, so having a massive breakdown may have broken through a mental wall for Emerald, though the strain also knocked her out, huh, she's the villains Ruby.
So who's the Fall Maiden now? I think there's three possibilities:
  • Emerald, and that combined with her freakout was what allowed her to do the giant Slaem illusion for everybody
  • Ruby, and that was what her tiredness was. Didn't that seem oddly focused on, and just a little weird, to you guys?
  • Still Cinder. This is the obvious one, and the longer we don't see a new Fall Maiden the odds of this one go up.
So who's the Fall Maiden now? I think there's three possibilities:
  • Emerald, and that combined with her freakout was what allowed her to do the giant Slaem illusion for everybody
  • Ruby, and that was what her tiredness was. Didn't that seem oddly focused on, and just a little weird, to you guys?
  • Still Cinder. This is the obvious one, and the longer we don't see a new Fall Maiden the odds of this one go up.
I highly doubt Ruby will become a maiden, ever, and at the very least she won't become one until they explain the silver eyes. I don't think that they will give her another poorly explained power when she already has one.

But Emerald becoming a maiden is an interesting idea, though I do think that Cinder is still alive.
Huh... Ya know it just occurred to me but tons of people seemed angry Adam's attack was strong enough to break through Yang's Aura back in V3 or assumed he has an Aura cutting blade or that it was just bad writing but, Pyrrha's attack on Penny also was strong enough to tear through Penny's Aura and I'm not sure anyone noted that.
does people include you? Just asking

it's interesting but every character Arc that concludes on major victory doesn't conclude with someone leveling up in order to defeat their phone. It's them ultimately surpassing their weaknesses and flaws often embodied and another person. Yang basically tells Raven that yes she is scared period that she needs help but it doesn't matter because she's still going to choose the right thing. Her dedication to virtue to a strong heart even in light of weakness actually is what makes her strong. This is also paralleled with Blake's confrontation with Adam. Though in her case she doesn't indulge Adam nearly as much. She just confesses and it mitts that she has to move Beyond Adam even while she doesn't deny him. She may even see the same problems he does. But she's choosing the door. And when sun comes in he is able to rebuke Adam in the most casual and simple way possible.

You want to know what's going to be the absolute worst fate for cinder? She's alive her Grim is dissolved inside her body so she's deeply incapacitated. But the person who saved her is Adam Taurus. The bad girl and turns out to actually be full of s*** is now in the clutches of the bad boy who is actually full of spite
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For those who don't watch RWBY Rewind I'd like to point out that Miles and Kerry mentioned that team fights were incredibly difficult to do and that they want to avoid it if they can in the future. Also Volume 5 is also the volume that gave us this fight:

Just something to keep in mind before jumping to conclusions about what Ruby fights will look like going forward.

does people include you? Just asking

it's interesting but every character Arc that concludes on major victory doesn't conclude with someone leveling up in order to defeat their phone. It's them ultimately surpassing their weaknesses and flaws often embodied and another person. Yang basically tells Raven that yes she is scared period that she needs help but it doesn't matter because she's still going to choose the right thing. Her dedication to virtue to a strong heart even in light of weakness actually is what makes her strong. This is also paralleled with Blake's confrontation with Adam. Though in her case she doesn't indulge Adam nearly as much. She just confesses and it mitts that she has to move Beyond Adam even while she doesn't deny him. She may even see the same problems he does. But she's choosing the door. And when sun comes in he is able to rebuke Adam in the most casual and simple way possible.
For those who don't watch RWBY Rewind I'd like to point out that Miles and Kerry mentioned that team fights were incredibly difficult to do and that they want to avoid it if they can in the future. Also Volume 5 is also the volume that gave us this fight:

Just something to keep in mind before jumping to conclusions about what Ruby fights will look like going forward.

You want to know what's going to be the absolute worst fate for cinder? She's alive her Grim is dissolved inside her body so she's deeply incapacitated. But the person who saved her is Adam Taurus. The bad girl and turns out to actually be full of s*** is now in the clutches of the bad boy who is actually full of spite

I find it more likely that
Cinder actually is dead and Emerald is going to be her replacement.
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For those who don't watch RWBY Rewind I'd like to point out that Miles and Kerry mentioned that team fights were incredibly difficult to do and that they want to avoid it if they can in the future.
That sounds problematic for a series named after a team of four people. :p

In general, fights with multiple participants are going to require more work to choreograph because there are more elements to keep track of. And one of the issues with choreographing a big fight is making sure that you don't have people just standing around in the background with nothing to do. Fight choreography is a job that requires skill and effort, just like any other part of filmmaking. And bigger fights are going to require more of both, probably exponentially more.
I don't think Cinder is dead, there are too many unresolved things between her and Ruby for her to be dead. The writers went out of their way to make sure that those two did not have a confrontation, so I'm gonna say that Cinder's not done yet.

That said, here is my favorite Cinder Fall cosplay:
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Okay, so I just finished watching V5E13 - Downfall on YouTube, and some notes:

  • Particularly given some of discussions in the blind watch thread, I'm amused at how astounded everybody seems to be at the idea that somebody actually bothered to call the police. "How could you have done this?" Dude, dialing 911 isn't that hard. :lol
  • Blake doing the James Kirk double-hammerfist to the top of Adam's head looked kind of awkwardly animated. Shoulda just had her club him over the head with the butt of her weapon instead.
  • Kinda think it would have been even better if, when Adam yelled, "Kill them!" the other White Fang took one look at the hopeless situation and were like, "Fuck that, dude, you're on your own." Considering that one of them had just been like, "WTF dude?" at him trying to detonate the explosives, I'm surprised they didn't.
  • The lyrics of the song playing while Raven and Cinder fight sure seem to want us to think that Cinder's about to die, but the soundtrack is often a liar.
  • Are we not going to discuss the fact that the basement of the Academy seems to contain some sort of doorway through time and space to the middle of the desert? (Freakin' Iconians, always leaving their shit all over the place.)
For those who don't watch RWBY Rewind I'd like to point out that Miles and Kerry mentioned that team fights were incredibly difficult to do and that they want to avoid it if they can in the future.
That is incredibly disappointing.
So was this episode.

"Checkmate!" Cut

Fuck you RT!

This episode could have been an extension of 13, and it would have been fine, but for a finale this was subpar.