RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Rule 4: Don’t Be Disruptive, or, "Please refrain from strawmanning. I understand that you may have an issue with how certain characters are unnecessarily demonized, but this is nowhere near a productive way to express this frustration."
Meanwhile I'm waiting for how they'll react to a certain scene in next episode...

Are you really going to try and compare Jac slapping Weiss with Blake slapping Sun? -.-

Interested with how they will react to treatment of Whitley in Atlas since they seem to understand the situation and not demonize Whitley as some people have.

You mean like how someone tried to demonize Ruby for cutting off Tyrian's tail?
Like how people tried to demonize Blake and Yang for Adam's death?
Like how people try to demonize our protagonists for simply trying to save lives and not willingly sacrifice others?
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Meanwhile, I'm just like 'demonise'? The worst Whitley got from viewers in Atlas was people chuckling at him getting doused in wine.
Are you really going to try and compare Jac slapping Weiss with Blake slapping Sun? -.-

You mean like how someone tried to demonize Ruby for cutting off Tyrian's tail?
Like how people tried to demonize Blake and Yang for Adam's death?
Like how people try to demonize our protagonists for simply trying to save lives and not willingly sacrifice others?

I have no idea why you are bringing up completely unrelated arguments/ideas that i have never made and are not at all related to my pondering about Whitley and how he was treated by some people in the fandom? Maybe you are mistaking me with someone?

Treatment that ranged from a lot of attacks of his character and ending up with some parts of the fandom wishing him dead, or thinking that he deserved everything that has ever happened to him.

I do apologize, but like i said, i cannot engage with the rest of your questions because none of them are of any relevance to Whitley.

As far as the RWBY vs Tropes goes - Im going to be honest, RWBY is very tropey and many people are willing to ignore that for whatever reason. I am also further encouraged to hate the word "Subversion" with its continued usage. I know no word more misused as "subversion" at this point in time.
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Maybe you are mistaking me with someone?
Not someone, something.

The strawman.

An entity that represents every single argument that has ever been presented and rolled into one target in spite of who actually said what argument. It doesn't matter who said Ruby is "evil" for chopping off Tyrian's tail, the context surrounding it, or if anyone actually shares that sentiment.

What matters is that because one person said it, that means everyone says it in the collective that is the strawman and before anyone can oppose, a stream of Tumblr links shall enter the thread to quickly change the topic.

Like so!
Not someone, something.

The strawman.

An entity that represents every single argument that has ever been presented and rolled into one target in spite of who actually said what argument. It doesn't matter who said Ruby is "evil" for chopping off Tyrian's tail, the context surrounding it, or if anyone actually shares that sentiment.

What matters is that because one person said it, that means everyone says it in the collective that is the strawman and before anyone can oppose, a stream of Tumblr links shall enter the thread to quickly change the topic.

Like so!

Excellent summary of how RWDE operates, thank you!
Staff Notice: I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time, but please refrain from accusing others of being part of a group that they've shown distaste for, if only to refrain from inciting the thread.
Staff Notice: Let's pull back on some of the aggression in the future, please. Even if you disagree with someone, there's no reason to be so aggro against them.
I dont get it, is Pug part of RWDE then?

Given I don't endlessly spew hate for RWBY and it's protagonists, don't make shitty re-writes, or spew "Monty's Vision" as a means to attack Miles, Kerry, and the rest of the people who help create the show and I dont target and attack anything positive about the show, the answer is NO.
Im just going to say it honestly, i do not understand these weird attacks aimed at.... People that arent here? Its just weird to me. Should we not stay on topic when discussing whatever is posted here instead of... Going on these unrelated tangents over things that have not been said or things that people in this thread have not shown to believe in?

Like, Matrix, Pug responded to my comment by saying unrelated stuff, i responded to that by saying its unrelated, another person told me that it was a strawman, you said that it describes RWDE, but it also describes the actions of pug. So pug is RWDE? Is that not the logical chain here?

There is no need for these weird hostilities against people that arent here... This all started with Whitley but somehow is now about RWDE, people who arent even here? Or opinions that people here do not believe in? Its weird.
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Rule 4: Don’t Be Disruptive, or, "This has less to do with RWBY, and more to do with targeting a user for their activities off-site. Don't do this please. There's no reason for it at all."
Im just going to say it honestly, i do not understand these weird attacks aimed at.... People that arent here? Its just weird to me. Should we not stay on topic when discussing whatever is posted here instead of... Going on these unrelated tangents over things that have not been said or things that people in this thread have not shown to believe in?

Like, Matrix, Pug responded to my comment by saying unrelated stuff, i responded to that by saying its unrelated, another person told me that it was a strawman, you said that it describes RWDE, but it also describes the actions of pug. So pug is RWDE? Is that not the logical chain here?

There is no need for these weird hostilities against people that arent here... This all started with Whitley but somehow is now about RWDE, people who arent even here? Or opinions that people here do not believe in? Its weird.
Can we just stop pretending that you don't know what is going on? Like you are literally a mod for the main RWDE subreddit RWBYCritics and your Tumblr has a pile of posts with the tag.
Best of RWBYCritics
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I didnt know that we are able to talk about peoples actions outside the thread in this thread. I do not remember running any subreddits hating the show, nor am i part of the "RWDE", a title hoisted upon a group of people for daring to have an opinion different from the norm. Nor do i hold the opinions that some people here have expressed. The critics subreddit is not part of the RWDE, and the only reason i use that tag is because it is the only RWBY critical tag on Tumblr as far as i know, not because i am a part of that group. I also tag most of my posts with the RWBY tag for a reason.

I am not pretending to be someone else than who i am, if i tried i would change my username and profile picture to something else, no?I just do not see any relevance to assigning me opinions that i do not hold, questioning me about opinions i do not hold, or attacking me over opinions i do not hold. Nor do i see the relevance of what i moderate or do not moderate.

I did not know that moderating a subreddit disqualified me from having an account on this website? Or sharing my opinion?
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Stop: Well that was longer than I thought it would be.
well that was longer than i thought it would be.
And for that I apologize on my part. However, what I won't apologize for is not really liking what's been going on the past few pages.

Well, mostly this last page really. It's been a lot of unnecessary attacks towards a certain user and their actions outside of the thread, which is...well, let's actually talk about that.

SV staff will take notice of a user's actions offsite in very few instances. Being a user that runs a subreddit that may or may not be a part of this "RWDE" group is certainly not one of them, and going out of your way to not only bring that up in here, but also use that as a way to delegitimatize what a user is saying isn't really all that okay. Honestly, it's like ganging up on someone for having a different opinion, even if that isn't what the initial intention was.

So! Uh...please don't ever do that again. If a user is on this site treat them appropriately as a user of this site. Chill out with the sniping and snide comments, because they've been increasing in frequency for a while and it's not necessary. Remember the thread rules, because they're usually the first thing you see when you open the thread so there's no reason not to follow them.

And again. Stop acting like people with a different opinion is your enemy. about RWBY without it becoming heated.

Thread unlocked. Please don't make me lock it again.


So the trailer to the Justice League crossover dropped while the thread was locked. To me looks like a fun romp like most of the DC animated movies.

Outside of normal continuity, though looks like the vague area around V4 based on the Scheen manor and Kuo Kuana scenes.

It looks cool but it not being canon with the comics is a bit weird. I'm also bugged by the fight scene in a bright sunny field for a reason I can't quite pin down.
And here we have the big blonde girl realizing she's gay, the small white-haired girl realizing she's gay and the short black-haired girl who already knew she was gay but is still appreciating the view.
Wait, Yang has her mechical arm, Weiss can summon stuff, but they're in their Vol 1 outfits. What's going on?