RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Given that the big cities do in fact have giant walls and lots of guards and don't randomly disappear all the time, it would seem a tad important. Qrow even states as much, town survival depends heavily on favorable location, fortifications, good huntsmen, etc etc. Shion by comparison was protected only by thinking positive, which did them a lot of a good when Raven raided them and then grimm naturally swarmed as a follow-up.
Don't the kingdoms rely on natural defenses more than walls? Vale's beneath a gargantuan cliff after all and I think Mistral is behind a mountain range and huge lake. Plus fortifications could theoretically mean stuff more like guns and certain smaller reinforced buildings over big walls that could just as easily hem people in if the Grimm broke in and would likely gt destroyed or jumped or flown over by most Grimm.

Part of me expects Raven's going to eventually get called out, probably by Yang, for her fuckery. Not even the being a bad mom part, which wouldn't move her. Rather, being an awful leader.

As near as I can tell, Crow-Mom is also Darwinist-Mom and uses it to justify her behavior. She saved Yang once as her maternal concession to bad luck. But otherwise, if you can't carry your weight on your own, at all times, she has no use for you.

In other words, she has no need for anyone who needs something from her. Which is a wonderful way to justify running away without conceding her own weakness.

Other than that, Qrow managed to get a rise out of his sister from what I recall of last season. So she clearly cares about things even if she gives only a millifuck for her own child*.

I think there are good odds that she's hiding behind the Darwinist facade to justify doing nothing against Salem and her minions. Because frankly, they scare her. Even though her own people's safety will only last so long as the Kingdoms still stand and Salem permits it.
Good insights, definitely agreed. Honestly I have this wish fulfillment version of Raven and Yang meeting that starts with Yang looking nervous and Raven going on a contemptuous little speech about Yang searching for her so desperately with faint traces of mockery only for Yang to lose her patience and be like:
"So does this unjustified ode to your ego have an intermission where I can get snacks and stretch, or is that just not happening?"
Then they continue to bicker and Yang just keeps calling Raven and her band of brigands cowards, talking smack about them for 'sniveling in the back woods' and highlighting that whatever Qrow and Ozpin's flaws that made Raven leave, they at least aren't too scared to fight, unlike the cranky chicken in front of her.

I also imagine Raven's social darwinist thing is how she justifies the banditry, even though she almost certainly wouldn't accept it if her 'tribe' was destroyed.
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"So does this unjustified ode to your ego have an intermission where I can get snacks and stretch, or is that just not happening?"
Then they continue to bicker and Yang just keeps calling Raven and her band of brigands cowards, talking smack about them for 'sniveling in the back woods' and highlighting that whatever Qrow and Ozpin's flaws that made Raven leave, they at least aren't too scared to fight, unlike the cranky chicken in front of her.

That is wish fulfillment. :lol

Here, let me offer a visual aid :

I don't know. I can see this going a couple of ways. I don't expect Raven to be immediately antagonistic towards her daughter. Despite being callous towards Yang's life, Raven does not hate her child by all indications.

In fact, if there reunion isn't too urgent, they have at least superficially complementary personalities. If Yang is first there simply to meet her and get answers, I doubt either of them will rise to deliberate antagonism at first.

So I could see them catching up cordially enough. Even if Yang isn't happy about her mother's answers. Once the urgency kicks in, say, Yang discovering Ruby needs her help, that's when I expect the battle lines will be drawn.
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That is wish fulfillment. :lol
I know, I know XD

It gets wilder, in my version Yang and Raven beat each other up but while Yang leaves it gets revealed she could have won that fight.

Here, let me offer a visual aid :
Wait do you mean Yang mocks Raven and if Raven gives in she loses?

I don't know. I can see this going a couple of ways. I don't expect Raven to be immediately antagonistic towards her daughter. Despite being callous towards Yang's life, Raven does not hate her child by all indications.

In fact, if there reunion isn't too urgent, they have at least superficially complementary personalities. If Yang is first there simply to meet her and get answers, I doubt either of them will rise to deliberate antagonism at first.

So I could see them catching up cordially enough. Even if Yang isn't happy about her mother's answers. Once the urgency kicks in, say, Yang discovering Ruby needs her help, that's when I expect the battle lines will be drawn.
That is true, she seems to have a more forced indifference towards Yang and most other things.

Little unsure about them having complimentary personalities, Yang has been consistently kind and good willed while Raven is a bitter misanthrope, Yang is certainly less happy at the moment but still.

That does make sense, especially as Raven did leave the Oz conspiracy for some reason.

Oh and in line with wish fulfillment, that creeper dude who accosted Yang is actually an agent of Sienna Khan who wants to use Yang as a weapon against Adam, expecting a betrayal and wanting to play on his decision to work with humans in a way that embarrasses him.

IE "Well you were working with humans, so I thought I'd give it a try. Of course, she serves me, not something you can say of your handlers."
Little unsure about them having complimentary personalities, Yang has been consistently kind and good willed while Raven is a bitter misanthrope, Yang is certainly less happy at the moment but still.

I did say 'superficially' complimentary. I believe Qrow has observed that Yang and Raven are both direct and aggressive individuals. The way I see it, if their reunion isn't urgent, or that urgency is directed at immediate survival, say in battle, they could well hit it off. Of course, I expect the falling out to come quickly afterwards once Yang starts to see the sort of person her mother is.

Also something that's been bothering me. Yang stopped at a service station . . . out in what is presumably the wilds . . .

Meanwhile Ruby and crew have been walking. :???:
I did say 'superficially' complimentary. I believe Qrow has observed that Yang and Raven are both direct and aggressive individuals. The way I see it, if their reunion isn't urgent, or that urgency is directed at immediate survival, say in battle, they could well hit it off. Of course, I expect the falling out to come quickly afterwards once Yang starts to see the sort of person her mother is.
Point. I believe that was Tai actually, in truth I find a lot of Tai's actions, views and decisions questionable so I tend to take his statements, especially tied to Raven with a grain of salt myself, but I don't want to get into that hear that debate ending with a lot of unnecessary drama over on SB. That does seem possible, though given she already knows Raven is a bandit (I feel so robbed not getting to see her reaction to that) I am still unsure. Though it could be kind of like Aqualad and his father condensed (Possible spoilers?)
IE "Having spent time with you, I can see your noble/likable side but you're still a villain so bring it."

Also something that's been bothering me. Yang stopped at a service station . . . out in what is presumably the wilds . . .

Meanwhile Ruby and crew have been walking. :???:
I think the service station is mainly for flying machines given the landing pads, and no one in RNJR seem like they'd have a license, I mean, really of them I'd only trust Ren to drive.
Point. I believe that was Tai actually, in truth I find a lot of Tai's actions, views and decisions questionable so I tend to take his statements, especially tied to Raven with a grain of salt myself, but I don't want to get into that hear that debate ending with a lot of unnecessary drama over on SB. That does seem possible, though given she already knows Raven is a bandit (I feel so robbed not getting to see her reaction to that) I am still unsure. Though it could be kind of like Aqualad and his father condensed (Possible spoilers?)

I'm not going to ask about the SB drama, but really, Raven is one of the more interesting characters in RWBY right now simply because we don't know much about her. I don't expect that will persist once her character is more fleshed out. Not because the characterization will be bad, it's simply hard to beat expectations.

Though I'd personally mention, not only is she a bandit, she was raised by bandits. As was Qrow. Both of them carry the clan name. So clearly that isn't an unforgivable sin. At least not if your young, haven't partaken in any particularly heinous crimes, and have potential as a huntsmen.

I suspect Yang was a product of the time when Raven was trying to stay on the straight and narrow. Qrow managed, maybe with a few stumbles, but Raven clearly not so much.
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I'm not going to ask about the SB drama, but really, Raven is one of the more interesting characters in RWBY right now simply because we don't know much about her. I don't expect that will persist once her character is more fleshed out. Not because the characterization will be bad, it's simply hard to beat expectations.

Though I'd personally mention, not only is she a bandit, she was raised by bandits. As was Qrow. Both of them carry the clan name. So clearly that isn't an unforgivable sin. At least not if your young, haven't partaken in any particularly heinous crimes, and have potential as a huntsmen.

I suspect Yang was a product of the time when Raven was trying to stay on the straight and narrow. Qrow managed, maybe with a few stumbles, but Raven clearly not so much.
That's fair. And yeah there's a mystique to mystery that can never quite be gotten back.

Good insights, though it could also be that the tribe is renamed to fit whoever is the leader or simply called that for convenience by outsiders.

s a definitely plausible theory. My own is that there some some unseemly stuff going on in the Oz conspiracy that freaked her out or bothered Raven enough that she retreated to what she knew and was comfortable with.
Kickstarter update:
Campaign Update #12 - Midweek Update!

Happy Wednesday! Today we are officially less than two weeks away from the end of the RWBY: Combat Ready Kickstarter. We have been blown away by your support for the campaign, and all of us at Rooster Teeth and Arcane Wonders couldn't be more ecstatic for you to play our game. <3

We're very close to unlocking the Emerald and Mercury Add-On, so please continue to tell your friends and family about RWBY: Combat Ready. In the meantime, we wanted to offer a new add-on that has been frequently requested!

You can now add additional copies of RWBY: Combat Ready to your pledge! Any additional copy of the game that you add will also include all backer unlocked content. Each additional copy of the game will be USD $45.00 - remember, this includes shipping if you are in the USA, EU, Australia, or New Zealand.

To add to your pledge, go to your Pledge Manager and increase the monetary amount of your pledge by the cost of your add-on item(s). For a more in-depth explanation, here is a post explaining it all!

For those of you who were able to stop by the RWBY: Combat Ready booth at RTX London - thank you so much for taking the time to play a demo with us! We hope you had as much fun as we did getting a chance to play it with you.

We'll be in touch soon with a new developer update from Arcane Wonders!

Rooster Teeth
Summary: You can now order more copies of the game as Add Ons if you want to. In that case alter your Pledge to add a extra 45 dollars and you can select a extra copy of the game when the Kickstarter is over. The Add On copies of the game get all the same benefits as regular Kickstarter copies of the game, so you don't have to pay any extra for stuff like Neo in your additional copy of the game.

Also Arcane Wonders will be making a developer update soon.

Hopefully this will speed up the Kickstarter again, it seems to have slowed down a lot in the last couple of days. Still, not sure how many people would want extra copies though we are getting close to Emerald and Mercury, probably a lot of people who will cash out for those. Also is it just me or do the images on the kickstarter have a tendency to crap out and stop working?
Oh yeah, if I recall correctly I think you mentioned somewhere on Spacebattles Tech Support you're still using Internet Explorer?
Yes. And I did this myself; using Chrome on another machine to watch the episode. It was cool, but the fact that I have to use another computer remains somewhat irritating. I figure I'll deal with that whenever I switch to Linux.

Thank you for your time.
That is wish fulfillment. :lol

Here, let me offer a visual aid :

I don't know. I can see this going a couple of ways. I don't expect Raven to be immediately antagonistic towards her daughter. Despite being callous towards Yang's life, Raven does not hate her child by all indications.

In fact, if there reunion isn't too urgent, they have at least superficially complementary personalities. If Yang is first there simply to meet her and get answers, I doubt either of them will rise to deliberate antagonism at first.

So I could see them catching up cordially enough. Even if Yang isn't happy about her mother's answers. Once the urgency kicks in, say, Yang discovering Ruby needs her help, that's when I expect the battle lines will be drawn.

You know, I don't think that Yang is currently looking for Raven, it is just a bit of classic Dramatic Irony, she has dropped the hunt for Raven only for all the information that he has spend all her life looking for to suddenly start dropping in her lap. I think that at some point she is going to run into Raven and she is going to ignore her to go to Ruby.

Also while I think that she had already an idea that her mother was not a good person she will have to deal with the issue that her mother is probably one of the lowest scums in Remnant, it is just that she already has a lot of issues to deal with and knowing that she is probably the only good thing to have come out of Raven is rather low on the list.
Also, not sure if I mentioned it but someone floated an interesting theory that much like V4's Oscar and Qrow scene being used in V5, Yang riding up to that bandits/Mistral sign hasn't actually happened yet and so the creeper dude is there to present her with that choice to create some tension but she will ultimately choose Mistral.
You know, I don't think that Yang is currently looking for Raven,

I've seen this theory more than once and I just don't buy it. Last volume, Tai specifically tells Yang where Raven is currently hanging out, having gotten this information from Qrow. In V5E1 we're shown this same general information, and it's nowhere near Haven Academy and the Mistral map. Yang isn't heading to Ruby's side and randomly blundering over Raven's gang.

We were shown, last season, Yang having stopped her bike at a crossroads. One way led to "bandits" (i.e. in the direction of Raven's gang), and the other way to Haven Academy (and catching up with Ruby). She was explicitly shown having to make a choice. We weren't shown which way she turned, just her driving down the road a bit later. Yet, because of the way the bike was leaning when she was stopped and because the quip (the words of which could apply to either Raven or Ruby equally) she gave while driving were said in a light tone of voice, most people came to the conclusion that she was heading towards Ruby.

Whereas, now we have found that she was not. The shopkeeper knows of Raven. The thug knows of Raven. This isn't accidental. This is because Yang deliberately chose to head towards the area where Raven was located. This is because she made a choice.
(i.e. in the direction of Raven's gang)

Y'know, this might just be pedantry. But the fact that they're called a 'tribe' rather than a gang makes me think of Raven's people as more like Mongol raiders as oppossed to Mad Max criminals.

Which would make some sense. The regions outside the Kingdoms are essentially lawless beyond what law can be exterted by settlements and Hunstmen.

I think we'll have to wait and see to be sure.
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Y'know, this might just be pedantry. But the fact that they're called a 'tribe' rather than a gang makes me think of Raven's people as more like Mongol raiders as oppossed to Mad Max criminals.

Which would make some sense. The regions outside the Kingdoms are essentially lawless beyond what law can be exterted by settlements and Hunstmen.

I think we'll have to wait and see to be sure.

Makes sense, though.
Y'know, this might just be pedantry. But the fact that they're called a 'tribe' rather than a gang makes me think of Raven's people as more like Mongol raiders as oppossed to Mad Max criminals.

Which would make some sense. The regions outside the Kingdoms are essentially lawless beyond what law can be exterted by settlements and Hunstmen.

I think we'll have to wait and see to be sure.
That would explain why Raven put so much emphasis on them being family and might also explain why she gives so few shits about Yang. The Tribe literally is family and not just a gang of scoundrels that rounded up some kids and had them do errands until they were old enough to fight. And as a half-breed born to a outsider Yang isn't part of the tribe and therefore is not important. Powerful people like the Spring Maiden can be inducted into the tribe but they need to prove their worth first.
I've seen this theory more than once and I just don't buy it. Last volume, Tai specifically tells Yang where Raven is currently hanging out, having gotten this information from Qrow. In V5E1 we're shown this same general information, and it's nowhere near Haven Academy and the Mistral map. Yang isn't heading to Ruby's side and randomly blundering over Raven's gang.

We were shown, last season, Yang having stopped her bike at a crossroads. One way led to "bandits" (i.e. in the direction of Raven's gang), and the other way to Haven Academy (and catching up with Ruby). She was explicitly shown having to make a choice. We weren't shown which way she turned, just her driving down the road a bit later. Yet, because of the way the bike was leaning when she was stopped and because the quip (the words of which could apply to either Raven or Ruby equally) she gave while driving were said in a light tone of voice, most people came to the conclusion that she was heading towards Ruby.

Whereas, now we have found that she was not. The shopkeeper knows of Raven. The thug knows of Raven. This isn't accidental. This is because Yang deliberately chose to head towards the area where Raven was located. This is because she made a choice.
When did he specifically tell Yang where Raven was.I don't recall that being done onscreen.

Given the Oscar stinger got worked into the first chapter of the volume I wouldn't be surprised if Yang hadn't been presented with that choice yet. Also given her fond tone of voice, I feel its incredibly unlikely she is referring to Raven, especially as Yang has no power to chastise Raven (Unless she can beat her up)

Also if Yang did make that choice and Tai knew, that makes him staying home even worse, or it means Yang decided to lie to Tai, which feels super OOC (Edit) to me.
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That would explain why Raven put so much emphasis on them being family and might also explain why she gives so few shits about Yang. The Tribe literally is family and not just a gang of scoundrels that rounded up some kids and had them do errands until they were old enough to fight. And as a half-breed born to a outsider Yang isn't part of the tribe and therefore is not important. Powerful people like the Spring Maiden can be inducted into the tribe but they need to prove their worth first.

Or just the fact that she knew Tai would come after her if she took Yang. His judgment may be a bit spotty, but I think that would have tipped him into action. Whereas Raven abandoning them may have hurt, or maybe not, but he was going to abide her wishes.
Or just the fact that she knew Tai would come after her if she took Yang. His judgment may be a bit spotty, but I think that would have tipped him into action. Whereas Raven abandoning them may have hurt, or maybe not, but he was going to abide her wishes.
Given her portals I am unsure him being willing to track her down, especially alone would have made any difference, the whole team, that I could see scaring Raven but Tai alone not so much.