With Volume 7 just beyond the horizon, I figured to look back at my thoughts for Volume 5 and, through more cooled down eyes, boil down why I consider it to be the worst volume of RWBY. When I wrote my review of Volume 5, it was literally the night the episode premiered, so I was boiling. But now? I'm going to look through the review with fresher eyes and clarify what sort of problems I had with RWBY.
First, a bit of backstory. There was an
interview made during the summer in between Volumes 4 & 5 that had the cast say what sort of themes one could expect for Volume 5. Among these were stuff like "building yourself back up again", "shouting 'we're not done here!'", "solving problems on your own", and lastly, from Barbara herself, "Strength" and "Growth". For someone who was just starting to realize why people were turned off by the darkness of Volume 3, this was uplifting to say the least…
The Character Shorts kinda hyped the Volume, though they sunk in their own way. Weiss's Character Short effectively foreshadowed her loss to Vernal. This tough and talented girl gets her ass stomped rather quickly and needed to be bailed out. Winter's line about how she "won't be around to save her" was foreshadowing to her not actually being in the season, but when I first heard it, I thought she meant "Hey, I'm going to die this volume, lol!" and that's without bringing up how the trailer fails to hype Weiss up like the other trailers did.
Blake's Trailer was alright, especially in taking steps to address a problem regarding Menagerie, but it felt more like Ilia given the backstory dump we got that feels all the more like mandatory reading. The problem is that, and it's perhaps the very first problem I've heard about RWBY, is that the trailers (and by extension, anything that's a spin off of RWBY like World of Remnant) feel more like you
need to watch this rather than you
can watch this. It's confusing, but let's use Blake's Short as an example.
Ilia talks about her backstory as it is contrasted with a chase between Blake and a random dude we never see again. Assuming you've never watched the trailer, you'd just get the truncated version of "MUH PARENTS ARE DEEEAAAD!" and not the bits where she was forced to resent her own race because it was easier to blend in to her surroundings, like a chameleon. It's ironic, since RWBY would do the reverse problem with Adam, where his trailer isn't mandatory but we barely get a backstory for him beyond "I got branded, but everyone will speculate that it's because I did something bad and not that it
drove me to do bad things".
Lastly, there's Yang's short, which had the minor hiccup of contrasting what an interview said about running out of Aura means you can't use your Semblance. The Aura thing is something that can be discussed for another day, but the basics you should take away from this is that, for some time, people didn't know how running out of Aura is symbolized. Most people take the flickering as the signal as the next hit on those guys are usually the one that does them in. As such, you had this huge debate on what kind of flickering means Aura broken and what just meant Aura is low, which, personally, could have been avoided if the writers and/or animators just utilized that Aura dust thing (seen prominently in the Bumblebee vs Adam fight) as their definitive "aura broken" animation instead of just using it some of the time.
The first episode proper promised a lot. In fact, a good chunk of the first half promised a lot. However, it became much clear in a second viewing that a lot of it was just padding at worst and showing us where the characters are at best. But what I think was done dirty the most in this episode was introducing Mistral. We were hyped in Volume 4 (thanks to World of Remnant) that Mistral was this dichotomy of rich, cultural people and the seedy underbelly of criminals and that, at least one of the elements would be utilized in Volume 5. Unfortunately, all we got were a few mat paintings that contrast what Lionheart was saying in regards to Mistral being in chaos.
And so, the most we get out of Mistral are those mat paintings and a perpetually raining downtown that we don't see much of, even when it gets briefly revisited in Volume 6. We're supposed to be invested in the city and yet all we get are empty rooms and 2D art. They took great steps to improve this in Volume 6 with Argus, though, so if there's any consolation, it's that they learned from their mistakes here.
But we now get into the biggest problem of why Volume 5 is disliked. Because of the situation, the group are left to basically wait until Lionheart convinces the council to get them some Huntsmen. The heroes. Wait. In a volume where the writers were talking about the themes of improving yourself and pulling through with your own strength.
Do you guys see the problem here? I know people have bitched about Volume 5 to hell and back and you've probably heard the complaints to high noon, but this entire issue is what rots Volume 5 to the core the most. Not the piss poor fight scenes, not the inconsistent characterizations, it's that the plotting decides to take a back seat when the volume was meant to be about taking action.
As the episode goes on, you see the problem unfold. Ruby and friends hit a dead end until Oscar appears and has Ozpin exposit things to them, Weiss is denied a chance to save people and fight the Grimm until the Grimm come to
her, Blake is hit with the dead end of the Albains deflecting blame, and Yang had the chance encounter with Bakugou where he knows the hideout of her mom.
The closest person who is taking action here is Yang, who established that she is actively looking for Ruby (technically Raven, but as we see later on, moot point). Blake's situation is being handled by her dad, Weiss is sitting in the plane until the Grimm come for her, and Ruby is sitting on the couch that I'm pretty sure has her grooves molded into the cushion with how many times she's sat there.
A minor complaint before we go to Episode 2, we had the Stinger repeat itself because the crew thought that people wouldn't see the stingers. This is the show, mind you, that makes a point to include scenes at the end of every volume, regardless of how long they are or what point they serve in hyping the next Volume. Hell, one of the major complaints about Volume 2 was about the stinger not mattering. So why did they suddenly decide that the viewers might not see the stinger in a culture where the MCU exists?
Alright, cooling things down, we have three major scenes in Episode 2. Salem's chat with Lionheart was meh at best and wtf at worst. I get the idea of Salem using different approaches to get people to do what she wants, but the cool aspect of Salem was that her approach was not what a villain would normally be. Instead of berating or choking her minions should they fail or talk back, Salem instead talks people down like she's a mother to them. Even when Tyrian fails, she doesn't hurt him, but rather tell him that he disappointed her. So, having her choke Lionheart, even when in hindsight it made some sense, is kinda an odd thing to do.
But not as odd as Salem's whole "Not you, Arthur" bit. A lot of people drew points to that and the best I can explain is that it's either a typo (she's meant to say not
yet or not
now) or Arthur and Watts are some sort of Jekyll & Hyde thing. Unfortunately, it seems Watts is more a parallel to Watson rather than Jekyll, so that brings me to believe that it's a typo and so, rather than have an easy explanation for a problem, we just have a compounded problem. One of
And there's something funny to be said about Salem warning Cinder about Silver Eyes when Ruby barely learns about it this Volume. And also that she wants to speak with Tyrian but we never see what comes of it. At all.
I only have one new thing about Weiss vs. the Bees. Originally, the pilot was supposed to be gay, but held off on it because they'd be killing off their first revealed gay character, something that wouldn't look good to the fanbase. Now, while I understand the reason behind it, I have to question the logic behind why they think it isn't okay for their first LGBT character to be offed, but instead be someone who seemed okay with murdering her crush's parents while sending said crush to her abuser.
But more on that later, we have Sienna to discuss. Now, there's a lot to dissect. For one, RT has obviously realized that they've messed up and brought Sienna back for a bit (while taking the heat for "if she's so badass, why did she go out like a chump"). However, in hindsight, what purpose did she actually
serve outside of some cute nod to Shere Khan?
All she did was tell Adam that he's going too far and that's it. And really, it just seems hypocritical for the leader of the White Fang to effectively restructure the organization into a terrorist group, murder tons of people, and then suddenly back away and say "woah, too much" when Adam proceeded to help torch Beacon. It's to the point where one question most people want to ask at cons is "did Sienna order the hit out on the SDC", since we don't actually know and that it could be a radical leader of that quadrant like Adam.
It felt more like Sienna should have been just the leader of Mistral's White Fang faction instead of ruling over
all the White Fang, which would make more sense as Adam would need permission to attack a kingdom that isn't his stomping ground. Then there's the introduction of Hazel, who at first is presented to be a pretty decent character, not wanting to kill people if he had no choice, but as time goes on, is basically your stock "big soft guy with a secret hulk side" character.
Unfortunately, this episode didn't help enforce the theme of taking action when it's the villains who are doing it and seeming to be two if not twenty steps ahead of the heroes.
Episode 3 has that whole speech thing I overlooked. Barring Ghira's speech that the crew said is based off Obama's "we killed Osama" speech (which, if it is, paints the whole situation of Sienna's death in a rather dark light) before Ilia interferes. Now, I actually liked that Menagerie is hesitant to stand up for Haven. After all, humans hated their guts so much that the island was originally planned to be a place where people could dump Faunus on. There were lynchings and enslavements that are still going on to this day, just in subtler forms, Of course the Faunus wouldn't want to fight.
Then Ilia swoops in and robs Blake of any agency she has with the scene. If RT wanted to not let Blake convince the people until three quarters to the end, they should have cut the subtlety and have some annoying kid go "IT'S TOO EARLY IN THE PLOT TO DO YOUR SPEECH!". Hell,
let Blake tell her story about her team, but the audience balks at the fact that she's not only friends with a Schnee, but also a human who
crippled a guy on live television. Remember that plot point?
We then cut to Oscar and this is perhaps the reason I decided to do this revisit of Volume 5. The way Ozpin talks of action and resolve, it felt like we're going to the root of the themes of taking action. No more being subject to the events of the plot like in previous Volumes. Now? Now is the time to fight back! And that built up to… what? One training scene and Ruby learning headbutt?
Granted, we see later on that there was a bit more to the plan, but for the most part, it seemed like an excuse for "character growth" as opposed to
actual character growth. A training arc isn't just some short scenes of a person lifting weights and jogging up stairs. Its meant to be a sort of means of growth for the character. There's a reason most training montages have the character suck at first, but then get better by the time the montage ends. It's because it's the quickest way to show growth. But even without that, you could get some serious mileage for a pulled off training arc.
Rocky IV and Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back have some good examples of it. Rocky IV had the titular hero train and work out in the middle of a cold, mountainous range, while his opponent is simply given steroids. It shows the dichotomy between the two and how they view their eventual fight. Empire, on the other hand, had that masterful scene with Luke in the cave, where he has a huge moment of both foreshadowing and character growth.
Here? We just have Ruby learn headbutt like she's nothing more than a Pokemon. There could have been a lot more done with it, like having Ruby put a lot more force in her punches, causing others to realize she's extremely angry about what happened to Pyrrha and Penny, or, if the need to exposit about Semblances is needed, bring something
new to the table that isn't going to confuse the fuck out of people… Something like:
"Your Semblance might not reveal itself until you need it most" or something like that. Not "A semblance is someone's personality, but not. Wow! Exposition!" or "Hey, remember how we said Aura was passive? Welp, not anymore!"
Not to mention that Jaune is seemingly cool with Ozpin suddenly coming back from the dead. Here's the thing, last Volume had him upset with Ozpin about what happened to Pyrrha, something that didn't seemed to resolve itself. Keep in mind that, for all rights and merits, Jaune believed Ozpin to have died. In fact, it was that confirmation that Ozpin had lost against Cinder that convinced Pyrrha to kill herself. Now here he is, seemingly stuck in the body of another kid and he just outright said this is a normal thing for him.
You'd expect him to have something more than "golly!". The fact that he didn't seem to have any aggression towards Ozpin until
after he ran to his hidey hole in Volume 6 seems rather odd given that his entire character is that he's angsting about Pyrrha and angry at Cinder for what she did. The group seem rather content to just sit back and let the plot happen, which is the opposite of what the crew was trying to convey with their themes.
I still stand by what I said regarding how Episode 4 was a good episode, finally having a reunion between two members of Team RWBY, but it's perhaps one of the last good things about RWBY we'll ever see in Volume 5. Because Raven's promise to tell Yang "the whole truth" turns out to just be regurgitated exposition at worst.
But first, we need to have Blake, the woman who doesn't want her race to be labeled, turn out to have labels for her friends. Okay, granted, it's not
that dumb but it is kinda patronizing that we need to have a character tell us what another character is. While the rest of her speech is pretty effective in defining Blake's character, making her perhaps the only character these themes of growth and strength actually apply to, it still is annoying that the most we take away out of this is her boiling down every character to a single word, then bringing up how Adam is going to ruin everything for the Faunus. You'll see why this is a problem later. I liked the setting of Menagerie's Shallow Sea marketplace thing and felt like Menagerie is wasted potential.
Ruby's whole speech still feels like damage control, but with the added complaint of Ruby deciding to blame Salem for something Cinder did. Now, I heard the common excuse a lot: "Salem told Cinder to do it so it's all her fault", but that problem with that? Cinder told Emerald to kill Penny. So… Yeah. It
is her fault. Hell, I wouldn't have minded this if Ruby didn't word it like Salem personally killed Penny and Pyrrha. Like as in, she just up and appeared out of nowhere and shot both Penny and Pyrrha in the head.
It still doesn't fix the fact that Ruby is basically "hey, remember how I'm supposed to be upset?"
Lastly for Episode 5, we have the White Fang do the brilliant plant of murdering the chieftain who just spoke out against them. It's dumb. Extremely dumb. What the hell do they think will happen after they murder the chieftain in cold blood? Menagerie is just gonna magically bend over and obey the White Fang? But perhaps the biggest waste is the White Fang in general.
You have these two sneaky fox brothers who seemingly oversee everything and even state that they're only letting Adam do what he wants until he's no longer of use to them, a buff bat dude, and a spider-lady… And they're never seen again after this Volume. I get the idea, because RT is trying to wrap up the Faunus subplot as quickly as possible, but the problem that you can't exactly introduce new characters or hidden depths if you're just gonna throw them out with the bath water.
If they wanted to end the subplot, why did they put all the effort in some random characters that are just gonna be defeated off screen with a tea tray? Then again, this is a problem endemic to RWBY. Introduce this character, then quickly shoo them away before you're committed to writing a plot for them. If you know you were going to half-ass the White Fang conclusion, why bother with stuff like more White Fang members or the SDC brand? In fact, why bother with the White Fang to begin with if you're going to do so little with them?
Moving on before I lose my cool, we have Qrow aimlessly walking around downtown Mistral. Now, the crew said that Maria was supposed to be here… But… Why? What purpose would she serve? If she's just gonna be a "hey, look, cameo to foreshadow Volume 6", then that's a horrible purpose. You know how most Cinematic Universes tanked because they spent more time hyping the next twenty movies when they should focus on their pilot? That's what she would have been like.
Not to mention that she would have been caught in the crossfire of why Volume 5 was bad. "So here we have this random old lady who doesn't matter at all to the plot so why is she even there" and then "Oh wow, she's a SEW. They're doing damage control to justify her unneeded presence in Volume 5". And, don't get me wrong, Maria is a fun lady and all that, but there
needs to be a reason she was there beyond "hype for next Volume".
What makes the problem worse was that they're planning to include Maria so as to have a sort of Yoda to teach Ruby. This makes the complaint of "why didn't Ruby ask about the Silver Eyes" even
more of a complaint because now it seems like they decided "hey, we're going to address it next volume, so let's not bother bringing it up here". Which is even
worse than "hey, people noticed we didn't address this so let's completely invent this character for the sole purpose of addressing it!"
And then there's Raven who is all "lol, I know more than you realize but I'm not actually gonna answer anything trolololololol" AARHG!
Okay. Okay. Before I completely lose my marbles, there's one thing about the scene with Raven that's stupid.
It's the "there's no such thing as magic" thing.
Okay. I get it. Turning into a bird is something that, in the world of RWBY, seems impossible. But there's a ton of problems with this:
- What makes summoning dead Grimm to fight for you so much more different than magic?
- You're willing to believe in magic rocks that augment your fighting style and are in fact part of a company that profits off magic rocks, yet turning into a bird is the messed up thing?
- The guy who gave her this ability is currently inhabiting the body of a young boy and has said to basically devour his soul in due time, as well as create the magic that's responsible for torching your school and your friend… And the BIRD is the most messed up thing!?
"But Raven made it sound like she was forced into it". She didn't seem to have any fucking problem with it though. Not only that, but it didn't seem like a big dark secret that Ozpin wouldn't want uncovered. In fact, he even said he gave Qrow and Raven the ability to turn into birds in an amused way.
Even more so when everyone
but Yang seemed to respond to it with disbelief rather than outright anger. There's a reason this whole bird issue was made fun of in Jello's "So This is Basically RWBY" video.
Also, before we move onto Episode 7, I wanna bring up that the scene where Qrow visits the Shields is perhaps the reason why I hold Ozpin's censorship of Lionheart's role in the Battle of Haven to be one of the most scumbag moves he could have made. "Your mom's dead, but don't worry, the guy who sold her out is a hero!"
Right, back to Episode 7. Okay, I'll admit, it was a nice reunion scene all things considered, albeit with some rather unnerving things like Yang asking Weiss if she let the Boarbatusk skewer the trophy wife or even the dumb, patronizing "we haven't made character arcs for us to go through so I'll just say we had some", since they had the great idea to use Ren, who is voiced by Monty's brother, as the mouthpiece for that.
Unfortunately, this is the episode I always think back to when I think of Volume 5. The perfect epitome of a slow, monotonous Volume. The problem I have is that, yeah, it's meant to be this breather episode, a calm before the storm, but this just feels like a long lull that's made even more insulting with the cliffhanger. All it has is people dumping exposition that viewers have either figured out or weren't even burning questions and I think the awkward silence that followed Ozpin saying how he was the wizard that gave the Maidens his power is the perfect epitome for just how boring the volume is. The dude just revealed a massive plot twist and it's treated as nothing more than a "did you know" factoid.
While I liked how they addressed that Blake leaving Yang would have had some serious negative emotions in Yang, it felt rather half-assed that they basically resolved it with "hey, my mom's drunk, so shut up and accept Blake the moment she comes back", especially since it comes from Weiss, who told Blake at the end of Volume 1 that if she ever runs away again, she best let RWBY know. If they wanted to ship Bumblebee so badly, this would have been a great hurdle for them to come across instead of just "hey, let me resolve this plot for you".
Now, the whole thing with Ilia… Let's get the elephant out of the way. The way they revealed her sexuality, I feel, could have been done better. "You wanna know why I'm gonna kill your parents and bring you to your abuser? Because I wanted you to look at me like a lover!" There's a reason why some fans label her as a "psycho lesbian".
However, I want to bring up that Rooster Teeth did an excellent job at building tension during the climax of the Menagerie Arc. Sure, the cliffhangers were tiresome, but you couldn't help but admit you were at the edge of your seat and it even did a good job at subversion. Even if they allegedly didn't even
intend for it to happen.
The constant dryness of exposition and dialogue exchanges is what made Episode 10 so much better than the other episodes. Not
just because it's action-orientated, but because it finally tries to get back to the themes that it was originally supposed to tell. Throughout the entirety of the middle portion of Volume 5, the group basically took a backseat and allowed characters and plots to happen to
them rather than advocate for themselves. The closest thing we got to the theme of "building yourself back up" is Weiss talking to Yang about Blake.
In fact, the only actual characters taking action are the
villains. Constantly roadblocking the cast, setting them in for a trap, and even aiming to screw
each other over. These guys have more advocacy and agency than the main characters. The most
any of them did was…
- Burn down their own house and blamed everyone else for it, all while saying that the house is the message Adam wants to send.
- Use a girl's unrequited feelings towards them to their advantage, straddle them, and guilt tripped her enough for her to consider switching sides.
- Cry about how things are not going their way until their hands start magically glowing.
- Yelling at someone until they cry bitch tears and then have them run away without even bothering to close the door leading to the dangerous artifact everyone had been working so hard to keep out of enemy hands.
In the volume where the theme is "solving problems on our own". Just because Yang drops the word strength a few times when bitching out at Raven doesn't mean that the theme had been accomplished. In fact, they do
nothing of their own accord and just follow a script. Even Ozpin, the supposed smartest guy in all of Remnant, doesn't even bother to figure out a way to counter the trap. Just instead walk in. Hell, if Yang didn't spot Raven, they'd be mulched.
But, back on track. Episode 9 was an entire waste that failed to pay off the expectations of what we had with the cliffhanger set up in Episode 7. "But it subverted your ex-"
NO. There's a good way to subvert expectations and being promised a fight after episodes of bland exposition only to have it be "lol, no, it's just gonna be more talking" is
not a good subversion.
No. Here's a better way. Set up the cliffhanger like normal, but
don't show Cinder's dragged out negotiation with Raven. Instead, have her "allying" with Cinder be a twist. That way, people's expectations for what happened are actually, you know, subverted?
But, you know where this is leading to… The Battle of Haven. Really, I don't think I can say anything that hasn't been covered by someone else. We all know it makes all the Vytal fights look like masterpieces by comparison, we all know the jokes about useless Weiss or Lionheart hogging the staircase, or even the plot holes of Raven knowing Cinder's arm being Grimm but doing nothing about it or Blake, despite spending the past volume saying how Adam must be stopped, suddenly doesn't care about him…
So let me cut it simply:
The reason this battle sucks might have to do with the crunch.
We don't know how long this issue with Rooster Teeth had been going on for, but if it is indeed what people say it is and that animators don't get paid for the last quarter or third of their work, then that might explain all the cut corners animators and writers made. Why the fights are broken up into one on ones or why fights are cut out entirely. Maybe they weren't getting paid enough and thus, the quality of RWBY suffered as a result of it.
And that's perhaps the shittiest thing about the Battle of Haven. It
could have been this epic fight that would have made up for all the boring, drawn out scenes of exposition and chatting, but because Rooster Teeth got too greedy or even because of our own impatience (which, again, isn't helped by the aforementioned long, drawn out scenes), we are treated to a final battle so broken and tiresome that the Battle of Winterfell manages to be a better final battle, with the only thing holding it back being that Haven had a better identity twist.
And if, for whatever reason, it
isn't due to crunch issues, then we have another problem. This was meant to be this hyped up rematch between the heroes and villains, who haven't seen each other since the latter ruined the lives of the former. This would have been excellent to see how the killers of Jaune and Ruby's friends would interact with them, how Yang would react to the person who framed her, even how the group had grown since their last battle…
But… if crunch wasn't to blame for the quality dip and the writers
intended for the fight to go the way it went… I have to say… What the fuck were they thinking!? So many moments could have been brought up here and yet they decided that they weren't important enough to focus on! And now, with this battle over and done with, those moments lost their luster. If they decide to bring them up, it'd be too little, too late at best and "why the fuck are you bringing this up now" at worst.
I'll deal with one commonly used example to get what I mean. Adam was established in Volume 3 to be a threat only made strong because he uses Blake's emotions against her and has a Semblance that lets him dish out aura-breaking damage. Blake easily defeats Adam and has him on the ropes, only to let him run with a few excuses that some people have debated to death and back, when it would have been much easier for Blake to have to choose between apprehending Adam and helping Yang. Then, when he inevitably returns to haunt Blake next volume, suddenly he's a threat that Blake is afraid of again despite Blake having "grown" to oppose him.
They wanted that "triumph" over him, but realize that by doing so, they've burned that opportunity to have the triumph be
meaningful. Same goes with Emerald and Mercury. They had a good opportunity for Ruby to effectively call them out for their crimes like how Jaune did to Cinder, but instead she just headbutts Mercury. Yang had at least some closure on her arc with Mercury, but it was meh.
Hell, speaking of wasted opportunities, the reunion of Team RWBY, something that the opening had hyped and one that the fans had been waiting for since Volume 3 ended, is nothing more than an afterthought. They couldn't even be assed to show Blake's first fight back with Ruby and Weiss. That's how little they cared. It's like everyone was just wanting to get that paycheck but they needed to rush that final episode out the door and also need to make room for Gen:Lock and Nomad trailers. They didn't even care about the stinger, as they basically ignored any sort of information relating to the stinger.
Perhaps the biggest reason why Volume 5 sucked so hard was that it was running off the heels of Volume 3. Everyone basically accepted that Volume 4 was meant to be a breather Volume, with lower stakes and lower drama (with the exception of possible death flags for Ren and Nora), but the moment they made Volume 5 the grudge match everyone wanted, then the stakes got raised back to the heights of the third Volume, only for it to fail to live up to the expectations. Sorry, I think I mean to say "subvert the expectations" in this day and age.
Though, I think the huge problem with
all of this, and perhaps the biggest bottom line I can say, is that it might be due to Volume 3 going too over the edge. By killing important characters and even dividing the team, the villains had raised stakes up so high, that people began to take the show more seriously. When characters were vaguely hinted to die, be it through threats from the villains or even flashbacks, people
fretted that they would die. When the villains go back to striking distance with the heroes, people desired a grand battle. When the show tried to deal with the ramifications that happened with RWBY separating, people wanted to know what was going through the characters' heads.
And when Volume 5 failed to deliver/"subverted their expectations", people considered it a bad volume.
But worst of all, it failed to live up to its own themes. Jaune was the only person to build himself back up again through deus ex hands, and we saw next Volume that it needed a statue for him to feel better. No one was in a position of giving up only to be defiant and shout "we're not done here", but instead cry "it wasn't supposed to be like this!". The big problem of Volume 5, make sure the relic is secure, is only solved because two characters had a catfight in the basement and the survivor didn't bother to lock up because their daughter was too busy bitching at her. No one really grew or strengthened their resolve. The triumph… wasn't theirs to have.
Although, it seems Rooster Teeth had learned from their mistakes, with Volume 6 being leaps and bounds better than Volume 5, regardless of what you thought of the latter half. Best of all, the themes promised in Volume 5 were shown prominently in Volume 6, albeit some of the scenes capitalizing on those themes feeling more like a child is having a tantrum because they couldn't have the airplane.
To close out this rather long winded discussion, and to give people a tl;dr on the whole matter, Volume 5 failed to address the themes it had presented and instead just padded itself out, expecting people to accept it because it's RWBY.