RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Well, Robyn was so broken by the system she willingly went into politics to try and change things. :)
My head canon is that she didn't even go into politics intentionally, let alone willingly. She just kept doing what she could for Mantle again and again and again. Then one day she paused, looked around, and realized she was the leading organizing force among independent Hunters in Solitas, had the full support of a lot of districts, and everyone was begging her to run for Council because it presented a great opportunity to get a reformer in the government.
I am curious,are this reviews and videos accurate?
I would appreciate a second or third opinion,because i don't know that much about RWBY.
Honestly, skimming the blind liveblog just makes me uninterested in reading further. Like, I genuinely think RWBY has good animation. It has its glitches and hiccups, but looks awesome otherwise, and I don't get why the reviewer doesn't like it. And her entire tone and approach feels hostile and aimed at finding any reason to judge the show. Like, she seems confused as to whether Jinn is the voice of the authors or not when it feels pretty clear that she isn't. The entire episode's framing device is that of a Fairy Tale, with the Genie as the narrator. The Genie is explicitly her own person, and even then nothing about the narrative frames the gods as actually good things? When I saw The Lost Fable my take away was that the gods are dicks, their immortality was unjust, and we were supposed to have that opinion. Hell, someone on tumblr pointed out how the GoL's mission to Ozma is basically the same framing as the one American Evangelism puts on the Second Coming, and it's bad.

Looking through it feels like the liveblog is only touching on the surface of the show and neglecting to try and delve into it's sub-textual meaning and thematics.
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Also, Leila Hann basically had a whole thread dedicated to hating on RWBY that if I'm recalling correctly had to be shut down due to how toxic it was on multiple occasions.
Also, Leila Hann basically had a whole thread dedicated to hating on RWBY that if I'm recalling correctly had to be shut down due to how toxic it was on multiple occasions.

In fairness I think it was mostly just due to constancy of arguments flaring up over that, not necessarily the toxicity of the arguments themselves.
That's not to say there aren't valid criticisms to be aimed at RWBY, of course. There are times the pacing really hasn't worked for people (volume 5, looking at you), some plotlines didn't work quite as well as intended, and Montys habit of throwing something he thought was cool in without telling miles or Kerry occasionally caused trouble (What is WITH Zwei?)

But sadly, the average YouTube critic has built their business around deliberately misunderstanding everything on screen and hating it. From something as small as saying Whitley needed redemption (For what?) to one video I saw that complained Ironwood could have solved half of mantles problem by stationing an airship or two over the breaches in the wall (Yes, that's why mantle is upset with him)
But sadly, the average YouTube critic has built their business around deliberately misunderstanding everything on screen and hating it. From something as small as saying Whitley needed redemption (For what?) to one video I saw that complained Ironwood could have solved half of mantles problem by stationing an airship or two over the breaches in the wall (Yes, that's why mantle is upset with him)
I mean this is a cottage industry at this point on YouTube and not just with RWBY. If you have editing software, a half-decent mic, and are able to make up complaints and insults about any subject you can create a sizable channel out of nitpicking "plotholes". Especially if you're willing to rant for hours on any given subject and can lay out a few key talking points your viewers can throw out in chans and on Reddit to sound like they know what they're talking about.
Personally, if you're considering RWBY one of the worst shows you've ever seen, you haven't seen a lot of shows or are exaggerating for attention. It obviously has flaws, but they're not so bad to be realistically considered in the realm of worst.

I've always taken a poor view of "Hate watching", so beyond that I don't have much to say.
Leila herself was willing to give it a fair shake, IIRC. It's just that the majority of the thread's viewers hated the show, and were constantly talking about how much the show sucked.

They never really gave her a chance to form an unbiased opinion. Which is not to say that she would have loved the show without them, there's a good chance she wouldn't have cared for it. But we'll never know for sure
I am curious,are this reviews and videos accurate?
I would appreciate a second or third opinion,because i don't know that much about RWBY.
I just realized you were also asking for opinions on RWBY as a show, in general. So here's mine.

It is earnest.

That's a rare thing in visual media, especially in something as mainstream as both it and it's production company, Rooster Teeth, has gotten. RWBY has stumbled and mishandled things, I will agree, but at the same time it is always so blatantly earnest in its progressive tones. It genuinely is trying to push the envelope, to talk about problems, themes, and issues that don't get covered much in either animation or serialized broadcasts. It genuinely sets out to handle the controversial and delicate topics. It genuinely sets out to handle prejudice, structural injustice, and living in an imperfect world. The Faunus issue has been handled messily at times, especially since our main viewpoint on it, Blake, is an abuse survivor who spends the first three volumes recovering from a gaslighting relationship. But like its central theme of continuing forward, of trying even after you fail, it kept going and got better. And I think it will do better in the future, as its plotlines are far from finished.
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It's also hard to get people into the show because the first few seasons are the weakest parts of the show. There's a ton of good reasons for that, but it's not really until Volume 3 that the show really picks up and it's not until Volume 5 that the actual plot of the show gets put into motion.

Answering this more directly might be helpful on my part.

If you're going to watch RWBY, it has to be a show you go in willing to make up your own mind on - not look for the opinions of others. Probably because RWBY was born on the internet, opinions are polarized and it can be difficult not to feel put off around that.

When I first watched RWBY, it was pretty middle-ground for me and I ended up dropping it during the tournament arch. I didn't hate it, it just didn't hold my interest enough at the time. I came back to it a few years later just as volume six wrapped up. I binged all six volumes and ended up enjoying myself.

A key part of that, I think, was the complete separation from the internet discourse. So that's the best advice I can give you: make up your own mind. If you don't mind the first season, I think you'll like it.

If you don't like it after watching it, that's fair. If you do, that's cool too.
I've read the opinion somewhere that the first 2-3 volumes are good to just kind of have playing while you're on the treadmill or something, or some similar level of low-investment popcorn watching. The music's good, the fights are good, the plot and characters aren't terrible by any means but kind of anemic and spread thin. They're not a long watch, either, so it's hardly a big time sink. I'd say that sounds about right.
If you're going to watch RWBY, it has to be a show you go in willing to make up your own mind on - not look for the opinions of others. Probably because RWBY was born on the internet, opinions are polarized and it can be difficult not to feel put off around that.
Pretty much my thoughts too. Most people who go in because of the hype or because of all the clickbaity hate videos on Youtube just bounce off the show because it wasn't whatever it was they expected. It's a much better show when you go in without any expectations at all, positive or negative - this was the case back when it first premiered, and it is still the case now.
Leila herself was willing to give it a fair shake, IIRC. It's just that the majority of the thread's viewers hated the show, and were constantly talking about how much the show sucked.

They never really gave her a chance to form an unbiased opinion. Which is not to say that she would have loved the show without them, there's a good chance she wouldn't have cared for it. But we'll never know for sure
Leila claimed that Yang was obviously a gaslighting psychopath who was actively trying to isolate and prey on Ruby to make her dependent on Yang. So uh, yeah suffice to say I never really got the sense that she was giving the series a fair shake.
Ironwood could have solved half of mantles problem by stationing an airship or two over the breaches in the wall (Yes, that's why mantle is upset with him)
There is some sort of double standard of people complaining about Ironwood not dedicating any manpower to protecting Mantle, but the moment someone proposes that he does so, people say he's overstepping his shit and that's why Mantle is pissed with him.

Do you want him to protect Mantle or not?
There is some sort of double standard of people complaining about Ironwood not dedicating any manpower to protecting Mantle, but the moment someone proposes that he does so, people say he's overstepping his shit and that's why Mantle is pissed with him.

Do you want him to protect Mantle or not?

Yes. And planting an airship over the breaches to provide security would have been productive. As we've all seen, he chose instead to not send any airships down to provide defense, AND to steal the resources that were supposed to be used for defending the wall.

As far as gotcha attempts go, not your best effort.

Leila claimed that Yang was obviously a gaslighting psychopath who was actively trying to isolate and prey on Ruby to make her dependent on Yang. So uh, yeah suffice to say I never really got the sense that she was giving the series a fair shake.

... what the metaphorical fuck?
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There is some sort of double standard of people complaining about Ironwood not dedicating any manpower to protecting Mantle, but the moment someone proposes that he does so, people say he's overstepping his shit and that's why Mantle is pissed with him.

Do you want him to protect Mantle or not?
At what point did Ironwood send troops to defend Mantle from the Grimm?