RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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I wonder if after that encounter Withley will as his mother (and maybe Winter if she gets out of this whole clusterfuck) to train him so he'll never be helpless against a Grimm (and since it's clear that Atlas' ivory tower is gone and that everyone is about to GTFO, he'll definitively need some combat skills).
Because now I really want to see a Willow and the three Schneebling in a quartet Summoning fight against a horde of Grimm, that would be the best symbol of the family getting back together ever.

So, since Ruby gave the last (and only) blow to Kevin, does that mean that Weiss could summon it one day, because a giant ice dragon would be like the baddest summoning ever. :lol:

Oh it's worst than that, Ruby might also been thinking "that could be me", that if Salem gets her hands on her that would certainly be her fate, that she would then turn against her friends and everyone she swore to protect, and that she just broadcasted herself to the entire world to warn them about Salem's existence and became the face of the resistance against her and thus painted a gigantic target on her face so Salem will have all the reasons to turn her into a Hound to then broadcast her corrupted form to the entire planet to destroy their hope.
There's probably a small part of her mind that at that moment thought "oh fuck oh fuck of fuck what did I got myself into!". And that was with someone she didn't know, imagine that she met her mother that suffered the same fate, mother that as we saw looks a lot like her daughter...
That Schnee scene would be quite epic, sweet and cool.

Haha, I think Weiss would need to have at least participated in that fight XD

Yeah, Summer Hound is still a strong theory and oof, yeah the fear of becoming that would be heavy, like the chance of dying is something Ruby is likely comfortable with, but that!?
Theory for the future.
New threat: the Wild Hunt (a pack of Hound like grimm each with a history)
Almost expecting the post credits scene to be Salem going into a chamber under Evernight full of captured Silver Eyed warriors...
Yeah, Summer Hound is still a strong theory and oof, yeah the fear of becoming that would be heavy, like the chance of dying is something Ruby is likely comfortable with, but that!?
For someone like Ruby that made protecting the people her life goal, this is the textbook definition of a fate worse than death, and it's a very real threat to her now.
If there's a Grimm whose power is to show someone their greatest fears to break their spirit, I'm 100% sure that from now on Ruby will see herself as a Hound. Or at least see it happening in a nightmare.
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fights were mediocre, but the story and character beats were great.

I like that Whitley got to do something more complicated than picking up a phone. The fact that his greatest moment of personal danger came directly from dismissing Willow was great. She has never been there for him before, why would she be there now? She then saves him, Weiss saves them both, and then they save Weiss.

I love the chain of everyone saving each other. I think the fight choreography wasn't quite up to selling it, because all three standing huntresses are powerful, and it should take a lot of punishment before they need saving. I'm perfectly willing to look past that. Budget is finite, and there are a lot of fights in this volume that should be given priority. The fights established what they needed to.
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*rolling eyes after looking at other sites*
People were really saying there is no excuse for Ruby's aura breaking "so easily" against The Hound or Blake's poor performance against the Hound? Or that "The Hound went out to soon"? smh

Sure, Ruby and the others have been "safe" in the Schnee manor, but it's like people don't know what happens to a person's mind and body when both under stress AND not having a proper 8 hours rest or proper nutritional intake over lengthy periods. Both the mind and body begin breaking down. For an example, in Monster Hunter if the player keeps draining the stamina meter and does not eat, then the player takes a penalty to their stamina meter in the form of it's max shortening until they do eat or they finish/leave the mission. So given that Aura works off of one's own body it should not be a surprise that Ruby, who is already not the tankiest of the protags, and has been extremely stressed and work for the last 40 hours or so that the already powerful Hound is going to smack her around easy. Especially after getting the drop on them.
For Blake, aside from the go to reason or "animators suck" I see every so often -.- ..... an in universe reason would be the same as Ruby above. She is stressed, tired, worried about Yang, worried about Ruby, and is facing a grimm unlike any they have ever seen.
And for The Hound, the beast lasted half the season and needed to be severally weakened by a Silver Blast that it was still recovering from before it it got squished by a heavy suit of armor complete with a giant heavy sword impaling it. And that's not even getting into the very real possibility there will be others.
Actually, that's a point. Are we sure we've only ever seen the one Hound? The voice from Episode 8 was somewhat higher-pitched and clearly enunciated than the voice from Episode 6.
*rolling eyes after looking at other sites*
People were really saying there is no excuse for Ruby's aura breaking "so easily" against The Hound or Blake's poor performance against the Hound? Or that "The Hound went out to soon"? smh

Sure, Ruby and the others have been "safe" in the Schnee manor, but it's like people don't know what happens to a person's mind and body when both under stress AND not having a proper 8 hours rest or proper nutritional intake over lengthy periods. Both the mind and body begin breaking down. For an example, in Monster Hunter if the player keeps draining the stamina meter and does not eat, then the player takes a penalty to their stamina meter in the form of it's max shortening until they do eat or they finish/leave the mission. So given that Aura works off of one's own body it should not be a surprise that Ruby, who is already not the tankiest of the protags, and has been extremely stressed and work for the last 40 hours or so that the already powerful Hound is going to smack her around easy. Especially after getting the drop on them.
For Blake, aside from the go to reason or "animators suck" I see every so often -.- ..... an in universe reason would be the same as Ruby above. She is stressed, tired, worried about Yang, worried about Ruby, and is facing a grimm unlike any they have ever seen.
And for The Hound, the beast lasted half the season and needed to be severally weakened by a Silver Blast that it was still recovering from before it it got squished by a heavy suit of armor complete with a giant heavy sword impaling it. And that's not even getting into the very real possibility there will be others.

Heroes have a bit of trouble with mini-bosses, shock horror. Also, the Centinel was smart enough to beat a catgirl with the catgirls clone.
I think episode 8 was further proof to what we were already told about how they did not plan the hiatus and episode pacing together
Imagine if we went into the hiatus after seeing The Hound VS Schnee Manor? The fact we would have sit for over a month on the fact that Hound = Silver Eyed Faunus. Dear lord the tizzy we would of all been in.
*rolling eyes after looking at other sites*
And for The Hound, the beast lasted half the season and needed to be severally weakened by a Silver Blast that it was still recovering from before it it got squished by a heavy suit of armor complete with a giant heavy sword impaling it. And that's not even getting into the very real possibility there will be others.
To be fair, the Hound only had, like, one other fight scene (two if you count the chase) so it doesn't really count as "lasting half the season" since he spends most of it also chilling at a house.
To be fair, the Hound only had, like, one other fight scene (two if you count the chase) so it doesn't really count as "lasting half the season" since he spends most of it also chilling at a house.

And yet in both fights it showed to be stronger and smarter than our heroes, with only a Silver Eye blast really doing anything to it and opening it up to being crushed by a QTE prompt.
Omygosh this Robyn is so cute!

talking about how the show keeps getting retroactively better, not because the early stuff was bad but because all the subtle details that were being setup become so much more clear after you've seen where it leads.

I wonder how many other Silvers could be out in the world. Depending on how long Salem's been sitting on TR there is a chance that Ruby is not alone, but the others are in extreme hiding because they came to the same conclusions Maria's father had made about their kind being hunted.
"Quit it with the backhanded compliments. Stop being embarrassed for liking it because it's good."

I mean, the show is flawed in some very real ways, but the haters just don't give credit for what it gets right.
In case anybody wanted the new episode to be any creepier:
Edit: Spoilered
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