RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Although, Blake really needs to learn that she has value as she is, not just as the person she used to be, an image she projects onto Ruby.
Willow theory

"What do I need you for when I have wings to fly"

the marks of a god boy

the look of a worried girlfriend

possible funny in the future

Stache squad Schneeblings
Out of morbid curiosity, what are the ship names for Ruby/Whitley and Oscar/Whitley? I'm sure they exist, if only because the characters are around the same age.
Necromancy option

a thought I just had
Imagine May and everyone else's reaction when suddenly a bunch of SCHNEE cargo ships and bots suddenly come to them and go "Please in a calm and orderly matter please gather aboard the ships."
a thought I just had
Imagine May and everyone else's reaction when suddenly a bunch of SCHNEE cargo ships and bots suddenly come to them and go "Please in a calm and orderly matter please gather aboard the ships."
No doubt a significant number refuse outright due to well-earned distrust. And who could blame them if they did?
I have seen some people take issue with Whitley coming up with the cargo ship plan and not Weiss, and I get the feeling people are missing the point of scenes like this.
Ruby and her friends may be the protagonists, but that has never meant they and they alone are going to be the ones with the answers or should be the only ones coming up with plans. We've seen how much trouble there can be when you have just one person do the plans with no question or back and forth (Ironwood). Instead what we see is an ally putting a decent idea out on the table, and then another person liking it and expanding on it, and then back to person one to flesh it out more. It was a team brain blast between the schneeblings. It continued the message of communication, teamwork, unity, etc. etc.

speaking of the Schnee Family, we have saved Whitley and Willow and they have begun to all that's left to save is Big Sis Winter before she dies from the dumb.
No doubt a significant number refuse outright due to well-earned distrust. And who could blame them if they did?
That's assuming the drones would continue piloting the ships once they reach the crater. Whitley and co don't know where is best to evac so they use the drones to get the ships to the pickup point; and the people there pilot the things to wherever.
Fairy Tales
OK so, when Pyrrha and Ozpin talked we got "The Story of The Seasons", "The Girl In The Tower", "The Shallow Sea", "the Tale of the Two Brothers". We quickly learned the story of the Season and even a short going into more detail on the story. Meanwhile the other 3 stories we actually get to read in the Fairy Tale book last year, and Tower and Brothers we see at least part of in the show.
My question is, how much did they have planned when they first wrote the names of the 4 stories brought up half way through volume 3? I mean, it's reasonable to assume that they already had the Season one down because of the Maidens being made into a thing around the same time. I'm also sure that they already had the idea for Tower and Brothers given that I think it has been said that Lost Fable had been in the cards for a LONG time. But what about Shallow Sea? Was that just one to get the list up to 4 because things come in 4s with this show?
That's assuming the drones would continue piloting the ships once they reach the crater. Whitley and co don't know where is best to evac so they use the drones to get the ships to the pickup point; and the people there pilot the things to wherever.

Also, they have Fiona. Just try to resist Determined Sheep when she wants you on the ship :)
And yet
some people feel it is not enough or even that Blake is actually hurting Ruby by giving the wrong pep talk or something.
Honestly, if it is the 'wrong' talk, I would think that's only cos there isn't really a right one to give in this situation; things are bad, affirmation, support and focusing words are useful but that can only do so much the situation is ultimately the problem and that needs to be fixed.

Note: This isn't me dissing what Blake said, I loved that scene, nor am I dismissing Klein's good point, merely noting its a tricky situation and its not Blake's fault if she didn't magically get Ruby back to 100% because there's only so much words can do in a shitty situation, but said support is still good & necessary.

I think I said this elsewhere, but I do think if Ruby has any kind of breakdown, be it into vulnerability or just going absolutely feral, it will be if she's isolated and bereft a support network, which scans well with RWBY's emphasis on teamwork, mutual support and camaraderie, as well aa how damaging total isolation from said things can be.
Honestly, if it is the 'wrong' talk, I would think that's only cos there isn't really a right one to give in this situation; things are bad, affirmation, support and focusing words are useful but that can only do so much the situation is ultimately the problem and that needs to be fixed.

Note: This isn't me dissing what Blake said, I loved that scene, nor am I dismissing Klein's good point, merely noting its a tricky situation and its not Blake's fault if she didn't magically get Ruby back to 100% because there's only so much words can do in a shitty situation, but said support is still good & necessary.

I think I said this elsewhere, but I do think if Ruby has any kind of breakdown, be it into vulnerability or just going absolutely feral, it will be if she's isolated and bereft a support network, which scans well with RWBY's emphasis on teamwork, mutual support and camaraderie, as well aa how damaging total isolation from said things can be.

If I recall what I saw correctly, someone was saying that Blake's speech was just putting more pressure on Ruby/reinforcing her bad bits of "I'm Leader, and thus they need me and that means I can't fall here." or something like that.
Also people saying the fight scenes were bad and Blake should of tried to get Ruby out of there instead of telling her to "get up, I need you" and such.
To me it's just a rehash of Jaune's speech to Ruby in Volume 4, right down to the fact that Ruby says she's a bad leader and that it's moments before they fight a fiercesome Grimm.
Out of morbid curiosity, what are the ship names for Ruby/Whitley and Oscar/Whitley? I'm sure they exist, if only because the characters are around the same age.

Not sure about Ruby/Whitley, but I've seen Oscar/Whitley being called both SnowPines AND Rich Farmers. Not sure which is more popular.
To me it's just a rehash of Jaune's speech to Ruby in Volume 4, right down to the fact that Ruby says she's a bad leader and that it's moments before they fight a fiercesome Grimm.
You say rehash I say callback. And Ruby's uncertainties weren't related to her as a leader so much as just 'things keep getting worse and worse and I have no idea what we should be doing.' Blake's words are basically 'it's ok you don't know, because you're trying anyway and that's admirable.'
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so, Burns
Part of me thinks that the massive burn scar on TR's face is because, probably at the beginning of his ordeal, he got Grimm goo plastered to his face. Much like how Amber had burn marks on her face left over from the grimm parasite grabbing her after she was beaten down by Cinder and her cronies.

I wonder if after that encounter Withley will as his mother (and maybe Winter if she gets out of this whole clusterfuck) to train him so he'll never be helpless against a Grimm (and since it's clear that Atlas' ivory tower is gone and that everyone is about to GTFO, he'll definitively need some combat skills).
Because now I really want to see a Willow and the three Schneebling in a quartet Summoning fight against a horde of Grimm, that would be the best symbol of the family getting back together ever.

So, since Ruby gave the last (and only) blow to Kevin, does that mean that Weiss could summon it one day, because a giant ice dragon would be like the baddest summoning ever. :lol:

Oh it's worst than that, Ruby might also been thinking "that could be me", that if Salem gets her hands on her that would certainly be her fate, that she would then turn against her friends and everyone she swore to protect, and that she just broadcasted herself to the entire world to warn them about Salem's existence and became the face of the resistance against her and thus painted a gigantic target on her face so Salem will have all the reasons to turn her into a Hound to then broadcast her corrupted form to the entire planet to destroy their hope.
There's probably a small part of her mind that at that moment thought "oh fuck oh fuck of fuck what did I got myself into!". And that was with someone she didn't know, imagine that she met her mother that suffered the same fate, mother that as we saw looks a lot like her daughter...
I really want to see Willow and Weiss, and possibly the others helping in some way, to unlock Whitley's aura. That moment of his mother, sister and her loved ones extending the protection of their souls to him...