RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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That plot point is better than SAO, sure. I've still got some issues with how it played out in execution, but the Weiss/Jacques dynamic is at least functional as a part of the story.
Oh wait, he was mentioned already. My bad.
Being mentioned has nothing to do with it. Weiss having a asshole father was established all the way back in the first volume, expanded on in the second and especially third volumes and then fully introduced as a character in the fourth volume. We are currently nearing the end of the fifth volume, Jacques is old news and not even remotely spoilerish.

Seriously dude did you just get here from the "Ozpin is totally a pedophile because he commented on a unusual eye color" thread and forget that this was the main discussion thread or something? :wtf:
There are RWBY vs. SAO comparison discussions going on in both threads right now, so it's easy to get the two confused. :p

Weiss have a domineering father whose thumb she would have to get out under was being foreshadowed throughout pretty much the entire series, and is a big part of her development as a character. Whereas the fact that one of the guys working for Asuna's father wants to abduct and rape her had not been foreshadowed prior to that arc, and is a minor part of her boyfriend's development as a character. (Asuna doesn't really get the chance for any character development of her own until the Mother's Rosario arc.)
[FIRST] Volume 5, Chapter 11: The More the Merrier
Those were some really nice fights. I don't really understand why it took so long for the Knight to be summoned though.
It's actually kinda nice that Emerald really does not give a crap about Salem, she just wants to pay back Cinder for helping her.

I think it's time for Jaune's Semblance next episode, he's probably going to save Weiss somehow. Because there's no way she's going to get killed off that easily.
I am angry and frustrated and worried and really, really annoyed with hos this happened and scared for Weiss, Sienna got stabbed in the stomach as well and Cinder's spear was on freaking fire!
Dick moves. Dick moves all around in-show and in Meta.

I'm fairly sure, or have convinced myself, that Weiss isn't gonna die just yet since she still seems to have a roll to play in the story and this shit ain't GoT.
Those were some really nice fights. I don't really understand why it took so long for the Knight to be summoned though.
It's actually kinda nice that Emerald really does not give a crap about Salem, she just wants to pay back Cinder for helping her.

I think it's time for Jaune's Semblance next episode, he's probably going to save Weiss somehow. Because there's no way she's going to get killed off that easily.
Because Weiss is a semi-squishy caster without a meat shield. Basically the Knight Summoning is something that takes a lot of time relatively speaking and since Weiss didn't have anyone to protect her while she stood back to summon Vernal was able to constantly interupt her summoning by attacking her.

In D&D terms the conjuring the Armor Gigas is a Full-Round Action that provokes Attacks of Opportunity and Vernal dished out enough damage that Weiss had no chance to make her Concentration Checks.
Because Weiss is a semi-squishy caster without a meat shield. Basically the Knight Summoning is something that takes a lot of time relatively speaking and since Weiss didn't have anyone to protect her while she stood back to summon Vernal was able to constantly interupt her summoning by attacking her.

In D&D terms the conjuring the Armor Gigas is a Full-Round Action that provokes Attacks of Opportunity and Vernal dished out enough damage that Weiss had no chance to make her Concentration Checks.
Yeah, it does make sense that it takes some time, but she seemed to summon it faster (not to mention it appeared all at once instead of crawling up for some reason) in Episode 2.
Rewatching that scene now and the fast summoning was after she'd already summoned it and was just remaking it somewhere else. The strangeness of it crawling out of the ground still stands.
Yeah, it does make sense that it takes some time, but she seemed to summon it faster (not to mention it appeared all at once instead of crawling up for some reason) in Episode 2.
Rewatching that scene now and the fast summoning was after she'd already summoned it and was just remaking it somewhere else. The strangeness of it crawling out of the ground still stands.
Even in episode 2 she still did a lot of flourishes and had to spend quite a few seconds before it grew to full size. It crawling out of the ground now might just be dramatic flourish or it could be a sign that she was rushing the process and trying to force it to manifest faster due to how Vernal kept interupting her.

Also Yang needs to have a word with Weiss about not over-relying on your Semblance, and especially not over-relying on one specific aspect of your Semblance when you have a bajillion others that might work better. At the very least Weiss should have gone for Summon Spam of weaker minions instead since she can summon those near instantly and without flourishes.
I liked the whole "Jumping off multiple midair footholds" bit Weiss did...finally all four Team members can sorta-fly...
Right so this was a thing that happened. Probably a gonna be a bit ranty.

Aura is starting to become something that works as long as its convenient to the story?
I'm gonna keep quoting this shit every time its relevant. Oscar can tank a flaming boulder but Ruby can't take a hit to the back without passing out. Maybe it's the silver eyes screwing with her aura but that's assumption. Also, the hell was Nora and Ren doing? Jaune wasn't the only one who could have heard Weiss's scream or noticed that her aura went out. WHY DIDN'T ONE OF THEM GO AND BACK HER UP. WHY ARE THEY EVEN FIGHTING HAZEL?! AND HOW IS HAZEL FIGHTING THEM BAREHANDED WITHOUT HIS AURA GOING OUT OR ANYTHING?! Is it his ability? Is it because of Salem? I have so many questions!

And Weiss is continuing to demonstrate that she can't fight for shit. Oh? I can't summon my knight even with a fuck off shield of ice to buy me time? Better try and summon him mid-CQC without any shield this time and see if something different happens. Huh? My aura gets depleted? I wonder why?

Yang was the only competent fighter in this entire sequence on the side of our heroes.

Why are Nora and Ren even going for Hazel? Like, everyone is legit reacting to shit happening to them. Jaune attacked Cinder because she killed pyrha, and delivered the sickest burn in this entire show(completely justified though). Ruby tried to help him and got intercepted by Emerald. Qrow is in the middle of a family feud. Yang needs to break both of Mercury's legs. Raven told Vernal to deal with Weiss. But for some fucking reason, neither Ren or Nora decide to help their leader fight the woman who fucking killed their strongest fighter 1v1 back in Volume 3. Instead they go after some randie who isn't even keen on fighting anyone or doing much of anything besides standing there menancingly. It's not even a lack of strategy. Everyone else is reacting to something. These two CHOSE to fight Hazel. What the fuck is this nonsense.

One more thing. Leo's a faunus and a headmaster. Seriously, where's the racism that isn't hamfisted or hilariously ambiguous?

Things I liked in this episode:
  • Jaune calling out Cinder and getting burned for it
  • Cinder's voice actress
  • Cinder shooting Ruby the moment the portal opened
  • Oscar going for Leo although I would have preferred Ozpin taking control.
  • Yang actually doing well against Mercury
  • Jaune going for shot face shot instead of decapitating Cinder. Oh wait nevermind this also bothered the fuck outta me.
So at the moment Ruby, Weiss and (kind of) Jaune are down. This doesn't seem good for our heroes.

I wonder how they'll get out of this. One possibility is Sun and Blake arriving just in time, though it feels like they should be fighting Adam instead. Another alternative is that Raven and the spring maiden betray Cinder. It doesn't seem all that likely at the moment, but maybe things will change (and we do need a maiden vs maiden battle :V)

Jaune might figure out his semblance, but I doubt it will be enough to turn this around (and if it is, I call bullshit).

Well, another option is the baddies to win, but then I have no idea how any of RNJRYWOQ will get out alive (Cinder doesn't seem like one to take prisoners).
Well, another option is the baddies to win, but then I have no idea how any of RNJRYWOQ will get out alive (Cinder doesn't seem like one to take prisoners).
Yeah, if they lose this fight, at the very least Ruby and Qrow will die. Oscar is the only one that I'm sure wouldn't be killed on the spot, and that's mostly because Salem would want to be the one that kills him off.