RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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I'm told I should be more positive.


That adorable smile of hers as she looks up at Sun! Look at how no matter what he's always able to make her happy!

How bashful she is around her ray of sunshine!

And look at how sad she is that he has to leave!



And Ilya? Girl with a huge crush on Blake? Even she gets it!



Blake, you go get those abs!


It's funny originally I hated the pairing of Blake and Sun but the last few volumes have done a lot to sell me on it.
If so, that's... uncharacteristically vain of Yang.
She freaks the fuck out whenever somebody cuts her hair against her will and you think not wanting her bike damaged is uncharacteristically vain?

Here's a brainteaser: if Salem needs four Maidens then why did she only ever have one girl as her minion?
Because, as shown in V5C12/13, having one Maiden's powers doesn't stop you from attempting to use Grimm to steal more. Cinder actually started to establish a drain on Raven, but Raven broke it before it could take effect.

Edit: And the reason Salem had one person try to collect all four powers is that she likely has trouble recruiting people, as she has very few minions in general. Most likely Cinder was the only chance she would have for decades.
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Edit: And the reason Salem had one person try to collect all four powers is that she likely has trouble recruiting people, as she has very few minions in general. Most likely Cinder was the only chance she would have for decades.
That's a pretty logical deduction. "Hi, I'm Queen of the Genocidal monsters that your entire culture is devoted to fighting and you've been raised to fear since infancy. Want to work for me in my plans that might wipe out the human race?" is not going to go over well with most people.
"Hi, I'm Queen of the Genocidal monsters that your entire culture is devoted to fighting and you've been raised to fear since infancy. Want to work for me in my plans that might wipe out the human race?" is not going to go over well with most people.
Except for someone whose sister was possibly killed by said genocidal monsters.

Then you just blame her teacher instead.
  • Did Qrow seriously just assault a guy who just got his arm broken for not doing as he was told? It baffles me to this day how people like this guy.
  • "The guns are drawing the Grimm; shut them off!" Are you daft, man? Those guns you're disparaging have gotten a higher killcount than the protags did during the entire fight.
  • Not only did he trigger the guns, but also the heavy metal armor.So double the protection. And he's getting made out to be the bad guy for this? What? Since when have guns ever drawn Grimm? They're drawn to the passengers? Well then turning off the guns wouldn't do a damn thing.
  • "Don't let anyone else die!" I'm having a hard time caring about the guys specifically introduced to be killed... even if they wereMVP of the fight.
  • "Trust us. We know what we're doing." That's demonstrablyuntrue, you fuck.
  • Ruby saying "It doesn't matter right now!" Okay, when does it matter? And Ruby shouting other people down? Looks like she takes after dear old uncle more and more
  • Seriously, this reminds me of the moment in volume 2 where Qrow reveals that he knew about Raven all along and has purposely been hiding things from Yang, and when Yang is obviously hurt and confused he tries to play it off as there wasn't a proper time until now. You know, now that she's been framed in front of everyone. I guess that's a great time to tell someone that you've been lying to them their entire life.
She freaks the fuck out whenever somebody cuts her hair against her will and you think not wanting her bike damaged is uncharacteristically vain?
That happened to a grand total of once and was intended as a gag. I don't know how you think that is any sort of indication that this is a normal characteristic of her.
I find it funny how the complaint about the writers not doing their research was itself a knee-jerk reaction that didn't do an iota of research.
Do you know what a sphinx is? Because what you and MinorGryph are describing is not a sphinx. A sphinx is the head of a man and the body of a lion. Those Grimm do not look like that. Someone in this thread did not do their research yes, but it isn't me.
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So I actually looked it up, and sphinxes have actually been portrayed with wings and a snake for a tail. Specifically, the Greek sphinxes.
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  • Did Qrow seriously just assault a guy who just got his arm broken for not doing as he was told? It baffles me to this day how people like this guy.
  • "The guns are drawing the Grimm; shut them off!" Are you daft, man? Those guns you're disparaging have gotten a higher killcount than the protags did during the entire fight.
  • Not only did he trigger the guns, but also the heavy metal armor. So double the protection. And he's getting made out to be the bad guy for this? What? Since when have guns ever drawn Grimm? They're drawn to the passengers? Well then turning off the guns wouldn't do a damn thing.
  • "Don't let anyone else die!" I'm having a hard time caring about the guys specifically introduced to be killed... even if they were MVP of the fight.
  • "Trust us. We know what we're doing." That's demonstrably untrue, you fuck.
  • Ruby saying "It doesn't matter right now!" Okay, when does it matter? And Ruby shouting other people down? Looks like she takes after dear old uncle more and more.

That happened to a grand total of once and was intended as a gag. I don't know how you think that is any sort of indication that this is a normal characteristic of her.

Do you know what a sphinx is? Because what you and MinorGryph are describing is not a sphinx. A sphinx is the head of a man and the body of a lion. Those Grimm do not loom like that. Someone in this thread did not do their research yes, but it isn't me.
If anything, the person who fucked up is the idiot who decided putting guns on the passenger cart was a good idea.

But no, make the two guys trying to do their job the assholes.
So I actually looked it up, and sphinxes have actually been portrayed with wings and a snake for a tail. Specifically, the Greek sphinxes.
Even so, one of the chief identifying marks of a sphinx is the head of a human. All sphimxes have that in common. None of the Grimm have heads resembling people. Even a Grimm head like knuckles would be acceptable, but these Grim clearly have animalistic heads.
Even so, one of the chief identifying marks of a sphinx is the head of a human. All sphimxes have that in common. None of the Grimm have heads resembling people. Even a Grimm head like knuckles would be acceptable, but these Grim clearly have animalistic heads.
But arming little red riding hood with a sniper-scythe and turning Thor into a woman is fine.
Admittedly Monsters and mystical creatures tend have specific traits that separate them from other monsters especially similar types of monsters and when you don't include those traits it becomes easy for the monster to be confused for other types of monsters.
If anything, the person who fucked up is the idiot who decided putting guns on the passenger cart was a good idea.

But no, make the two guys trying to do their job the assholes.
I kinda disagree.

I mean, you'd put guns on anything in this world. The guns were useless in this fight at large, but if it had just been one or two of those things they'd have worked, and if it were just a swarm of low level stuff the guns would've taken care of all of them.

And you want to spread your guns out to spread out the area they cover, and ensure that if a train car gets derailed, it has at least one gun.

Like, the design makes sense in a rough way. It was probably just never meant to fight this. You'd assume they'd put something heavier on the train for it but then again ozpin did dickishly bring Grimm drugs or something with him.

The train probably never had to fight that much heavy stuff beforehand. After all, the blockheads did think this would be a easy ride and they seem to have done it before.

I blame ozpin really.
Speaking of the above, one thing that rankled me in the episode:

OK lemme break that scene down.

The Hunter who didn't get dragged off, that guy, he is not a CQC fighter as far as I can tell. His weapon is long range and his buddy was close range, they logically have a thing going where the other guy charges and he provides cover, it is a good workable strategy.
Then his buddy and main physical protector gets dragged away leaving him 'alone' as he may not have seen or be in the right mental place to fully grasp what RWBY and co are doing.

So he runs and turns on the defenses to give him the support/protection he needs while still fighting off the Grimm.

Given he and his buddy didn't turn them on instantly, I think that if the situation weren't so tense, he would have seen the logic in not luring the Grimm to the passenger car with the defense turrets, but this is an emotionally tense situation. They're being swarmed, his buddy is probably dead and some rando farm boi is telling him to not do it?

Then his arm gets broken and he's suddenly being shouted at and shaken up by some angry drunk, of course he's going to stick to his guns, anger demands nothing else, it isn't a good decision but it is not surprising that someone would respond like that.

But then in comes Ruby, she guides Qrow away, calms and de-escalates situation and coolly/reasonably asks him to turn the turrets off. Again, he probably already knows why having them on would be bad even before being told, he was just scared, upset and angry, too much so to realize it, but Ruby defused the situation enough and he thought rationally.

Then Jaune comes in to add to the scene, like, up to this point I really liked it, but then he comes in and there's nothing technically wrong with what he says or does, but it rankles me so much that it seems like Ruby can't get a single scene of focus on herself without him coming in to join the scene or take it over.

It is kind of like Pyrrha and the Nevermore, just on a less smaller scale.
  • Did Qrow seriously just assault a guy who just got his arm broken for not doing as he was told? It baffles me to this day how people like this guy.
  • "The guns are drawing the Grimm; shut them off!" Are you daft, man? Those guns you're disparaging have gotten a higher killcount than the protags did during the entire fight.
  • Not only did he trigger the guns, but also the heavy metal armor.So double the protection. And he's getting made out to be the bad guy for this? What? Since when have guns ever drawn Grimm? They're drawn to the passengers? Well then turning off the guns wouldn't do a damn thing.
  • "Don't let anyone else die!" I'm having a hard time caring about the guys specifically introduced to be killed... even if they wereMVP of the fight.
  • "Trust us. We know what we're doing." That's demonstrablyuntrue, you fuck.
  • Ruby saying "It doesn't matter right now!" Okay, when does it matter? And Ruby shouting other people down? Looks like she takes after dear old uncle more and more
  • Seriously, this reminds me of the moment in volume 2 where Qrow reveals that he knew about Raven all along and has purposely been hiding things from Yang, and when Yang is obviously hurt and confused he tries to play it off as there wasn't a proper time until now. You know, now that she's been framed in front of everyone. I guess that's a great time to tell someone that you've been lying to them their entire life.

There's more wrong than right here, so let's take them one by one.

  • Qrow being angry that he wasn't listened to is nothing that'd be unexpected. He's an actual professional while the Randoms were shown to be incompetent more interested in making money. I'm not saying him pushing him around is right, but the yelling was well deserved.
  • Bet you didn't do a killcount. Go back and check all the onscreen kills. I don't think you'lll find yourself correct here.
  • I don't see anyone calling the armor a bad move.
  • And I suppose you missed the part where the Students were keeping the attention on themselves until the guns started shooting and some grimm flew off to attack them.
  • MVP by doing what exactly?
  • Okay. Demonstrate. Write a full breakdown of the fight. I'm fully willing to read your take on it. (Also, calling people "you fuck" makes your point a lot less valid. Just saying.)
  • The why matters when they are not being attacked by a horde while on a train full of civvies. It's not necessary for the life or death fight currently going on.
  • Just noting the typo, it's 3, not 2.
  • Specifically, Chapter 8. Now, let's have a direct look at the events. Yang brings up Raven, and Qrow tells her they talk sometimes. When Yang asks why didn't he tell her that he says: "I was trying to wait for the right time. And this sure ain't it." And I don't know what you mean by lying for her whole life. It's pretty clear to me that Raven finds Qrow if she wants something, not the other way around, and that she did so after saving Yang.
That happened to a grand total of once and was intended as a gag. I don't know how you think that is any sort of indication that this is a normal characteristic of her.

Twice that I recall offhand. Yellow trailer and Vol1 against the Ursa.

There's more wrong than right here, so let's take them one by one.
  • Specifically, Chapter 8. Now, let's have a direct look at the events. Yang brings up Raven, and Qrow tells her they talk sometimes. When Yang asks why didn't he tell her that he says: "I was trying to wait for the right time. And this sure ain't it." And I don't know what you mean by lying for her whole life. It's pretty clear to me that Raven finds Qrow if she wants something, not the other way around, and that she did so after saving Yang.
While I agree with most of what you are saying, in regards to lying to Yang her whole life. Yang says that no one had seen (Or possibly heard from) Raven since she left when Yang was a baby and she's spent years hunting down every detail she can because neither Tai or Qrow will tell her anything. Then Qrow reveals he and Raven do in fact talk (Though yes she seems to find him, but given their interaction in V4 this doesn't seem to have been only the second time they've seen each other in 17 years, though that is a guess) but they were still keeping pretty much all the details of Raven from Yang, Qrow cos Tai made him and Tai because discussing it seems to bother him.
But it does seem they/Qrow did in fact lie in regards to never having seen/heard from Raven since Yang was a baby assuming she asked, we don't know how often Yang discussed this matter with Qrow or Tai so we have to fill in the blanks, but given Yang did seem rather irate by not having been told, I think it can be assumed they both know of her search and that she's probably asked them for details more than once.

For reference I'm not trying to debate whether this was right or wrong, I've no energy for that XD I just thought I should clarify where I think they are coming from.

Twice that I recall offhand. Yellow trailer and Vol1 against the Ursa.
I mean if we follow the manga, the main reason Yang cares about her hair so much is cos Ruby loves it.
Yang says that no one had seen (Or possibly heard from) Raven since she left when Yang was a baby
Do you happen to know when she says this? It seems likely this is in the show somewhere, but I can't recall it.

I mean if we follow the manga, the main reason Yang cares about her hair so much is cos Ruby loves it.
I personally don't read manga, so... Good for her I guess?

There's more wrong than right here, so let's take them one by one.

  • Qrow being angry that he wasn't listened to is nothing that'd be unexpected. He's an actual professional while the Randoms were shown to be incompetent more interested in making money. I'm not saying him pushing him around is right, but the yelling was well deserved.
  • Bet you didn't do a killcount. Go back and check all the onscreen kills. I don't think you'lll find yourself correct here.
  • I don't see anyone calling the armor a bad move.
  • And I suppose you missed the part where the Students were keeping the attention on themselves until the guns started shooting and some grimm flew off to attack them.
  • MVP by doing what exactly?
  • Okay. Demonstrate. Write a full breakdown of the fight. I'm fully willing to read your take on it. (Also, calling people "you fuck" makes your point a lot less valid. Just saying.)
  • The why matters when they are not being attacked by a horde while on a train full of civvies. It's not necessary for the life or death fight currently going on.

Twice that I recall offhand. Yellow trailer and Vol1 against the Ursa.
Speaking of people getting things wrong... but let's take it from the top.
  • The man got his fucking arm broken. Physically assaulting and shouting at a guy in serious pain who just watched his friend get fucking murdered is only reasonable in the minds of complete assholes and fucktards. So, par for the course with Qrow. I can't say it's out of character for him. This is the same man who decided it would be a bright fucking idea to try and start a fight with Winter by destroying Atlas property, insulting her and Ironwood, then physically assaulting a girl half his age. All to make people fear Atlas. You know, their protectors. I've heard @Sunder the Gold try to defend him by saying he was in control all the time and knew what he was doing. That it was deliberate on his part. That only makes it all the more damning. How does the saying go? Win the fight but lost the war. Sure he accomplished what he set out to do. And made things so much worse. And all that aside, who's to say they are not professionals? It was established all the way back in season 2 that Hunters are glorified mercenaries, taking jobs off a mission board. Why not cut out the middleman and ask the passengers directly? it was just their bad luck to run into the protagonists, but in pretty much every single other circumstance they are completely in the right to offer to defend civilians for a fee. A guy's gotta eat somehow.
  • Of course I can't do a killcount. Because all the scenes are focused on the protagonists. But given until Qrow starts bitching out a cripple who just lost his friend, they are successfully keeping away the Grimm.
  • It was implied. The armor comes with the guns. Who the fuck activates automatic guns without engaging the armor? A dumbass, that's who.
  • Right, my bad. I forgot that this volume is retconning Grimm behavior to make the protagonists in the right. I'll give you this one, but only because Grimm behavior isn't at all consistent with what has been established. Because if the guns actually drew Grimm on a regular basis, then it would have been figured out pretty damn quickly to remove those guns. Like, within the second or third train trip. Unless you're going to try and convince me that this is the train's maiden voyage?
  • I'm not talking about this fight. Well, I am, but not this fight in particular. It has been established time and again that our heroes often struggle to pull their heads out of their asses. Especially Qrow. (BTW, when saying "you fuck" I am speaking to the fictional protagonists, not anyone here. What, am I hurting their feelings by calling them dumbfucks?)

And both of those times Yang got angry are gag moments. Her actual character doesn't portray her that way. Ever.
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I've heard @Sunder the Gold try to defend him by saying he was in control all the time and knew what he was doing.
Excuse you, does this look like a defense?

Qrow and Winter's fight: Who was at fault?

Qrow. Partially Winter, but almost entirely Qrow.

Winter is an adult woman who deserves our respect. But in order to be worthy of that respect, she needs to be responsible for her own actions. Short of mind-control that forces someone to do something against their will, everyone must take responsibility for their own actions.

But Qrow deserves most of the blame for that fight. He set the stage, played the drunk, pushed many of Winter's buttons, and then pinned the whole thing on her. The fight wouldn't have happened if she hadn't retaliated (or at the very least she could rightfully say that he struck first), but it wouldn't have even been a question if Qrow hadn't pushed it.

I don't care how much despair and emotional pain Qrow might have been feeling, publicly casting doubt on Atlas hurts everyone but Salem. If Qrow's problem was with Ironwood, he should have gone directly to Ironwood. Getting Winter involved was inexcusably petty.

Especially since Qrow isn't even working for Ironwood; he works for Ozpin. It was therefore Ozpin's responsibility to keep Qrow informed, and Ozpin's responsibility for imposing a communications blackout on Qrow.

People rightfully should be frustrated at the idea that Winter would be disciplined for her actions while Qrow appears to get off free. But I think what Ironwood really intended was just to get Winter to leave so that the conspiracy could talk about the Maidens.

If anything, the faculty being harder on Winter than Qrow could be taken as a sign of greater respect. Ozpin, Glynda, and Ironwood have practically given up on convincing Qrow to behave, whereas they expected better of Winter because they have faith that she can control herself better.

Let's be honest: Qrow isn't getting away with this because he's older than Winter or because he's a guy. The conspiracy is tolerating him only because he's too valuable to get rid of. He's proven that he can be trusted with their secrets without revealing them to the public or the enemy, he's one of the strongest fighters they have, and he can turn into a bird to fly and spy on distant and dangerous locations with ease.

Qrow is irreplaceable and he knows it. That wouldn't change even if he and Winter swapped genders.

back to my character index for the Branwen twins

back to my RWBY character index
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Except that he has consistently done more harm than good. "The queen has pawns." Oh, how long did it take you to figure out that Salem had minions? Brilliant deduction. Surely he is irreplaceable. Guy's only redeeming value is his physical strength. Man's a dumbass. At this point it feels like Oz is less interested in good help and instead wants yes-men. The reason he thinks Leonheart is suspicious is b/c he didn't immediately drop everything to help Qrow. Yes he was right, but that doesn't mean his reason for suspecting Leo was stupid. And of course he immediately shuts down any suggestions of Ironwood, and Ironwood has to literally go around the guy to make any headway. Glynda occasionally makes some vague disagreements with Oz, but in the end follows him without a fuss. You can tell what legit surprises him is that these kids aren't blindly following him, like he legit has no idea how to react when people actually call him out.

Blacksun is OTP.
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Even so, one of the chief identifying marks of a sphinx is the head of a human. All sphimxes have that in common. None of the Grimm have heads resembling people. Even a Grimm head like knuckles would be acceptable, but these Grim clearly have animalistic heads.
Yes it is interesting
how you first bitch about the writers being ignorant dumbasses for not calling their Manticore grimm Manticores when they did actually call them Manticores, then you move on to bitch about the Sphinx not being a Sphinx despite having several prominent Sphinx traits such as the body of a lion and the tail of a snake, as well a very vaguely humanoid torso. You chide the writers and other posters for ignorance while displaying a complete ignorance of what was actually in the show or what a Sphinx actually is, and when you ignorance is pointed out to you, you make an absolute statement about how ALL Sphinxes share the trait of having a human head, betraying yet more ignorance as many depictions of Sphinxes do not actually have a human head:

The Horus Sphinx for example has the head of a falcon, while Karnak Temple has entire rows of Sphinx statues that have ram heads instead of human heads. To say nothing of the fact that plenty of modern adaptions of the Sphinxes re-imagine them as being more animal-like.

Because surprise, surprise different people have different ideas about what mythological critters with no one true canon should look like.

But arming little red riding hood with a sniper-scythe and turning Thor into a woman is fine.
Pretty much this. Any adaption or other work that draws inspiration from other works always have their own twist on the original concept. You could read a thousand different books or watch a hundred different movies, and if every book and movie depicted Djinn/Jinn(genies) then they would all have different takes on what a Djinn actually is.

The long necked design of the RWBY Sphinx reminds me a bit of this Iranian version:

Which it should be noted, also does not have a human head.
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Staff Notice - If you think he's moving goalposts or such, report him, not make posts that amount to nasty call-outs.
Notice how Seven doesn't apologize at all for how he mischaracterized me, he just evades by launching into a new attack.

I can respond by defending this new ground, or I can refuse to play a game where he keeps moving the goal posts because he doesn't want to concede anything, ever.

Whereas if he DID apologize rather than treating me like an enemy who wants him dead, we could actually find common ground to agree upon.

Edit: and judging by Mook's post, this is just a MOOD he's in been in for a while now.

Mook, do you think I should catch up on this thread or just stick to SB?
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