RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Hm... the circumstances are quite similar, like after what happened to Pyrrha. Whether she cares about Salem's cause or not, she might be in it for revenge now.

If Cinder is dead, then who do you think would end up with the power of the Fall Maiden?
Indeed, I saw someone highlight how this was basically the villains Fall of Beacon, like, at the FoB, Ozpin's champion died after picking a fight she couldn't win, and her death set off a very eye focused explosion of power that didn't bring her side round for a win, but at least stopped their side from totally losing.

Emerald is much the same, Cinder, unknowingly, picked a fight she couldn't win, died and her death send Emerald into an emotional breakdown that had heavy focus on her eyes and allowed the remaining villains to escape.

I've seen it suggested elsewhere that Salem might try and get Emerald on her side by playing on her grief to basically 'fill the void' left by Cinder's death, and yeah, there's also revenge.

As to the Maiden powers, they may still be locked inside the Grimm, or have fled elsewhere, or some third option, gone to Salem maybe?

Or what @Tython82 said.
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Sorry, my dogs needed a walk so it took me a while to finish this reply. Though it seems premature for you to declare an end so soon.

My apologies, though if I can ask, when did I do that?

When you compared physical and emotional abuse of a child by their parent to Jaune taking a few rejections before he got the hint and dropped it.

On the subject of which, I would note that going by the ending of that storyline (Jaune realised what he was doing wrong, backed the fuck off, and tried to be a good friend by supporting Weiss' interest in Neptune) I don't think this was ever meant to be a 'dork gets the girl by being creepily persistent' kind of plot. Jaune is ultimately shown to be in the wrong, none of their friends give Weiss shit for it, and generally it subverts that entire cliche.

That's fair.

Granted with Nazi marches int eh US... Well :/

Sad fucks with tiki torches remain a distant second to shit like hiring biases and inner city neglect.

Well we can;t know for sure so I doubt there is much reason to continue on this track.

Fair point.

She showed no signs of currently being stabbed and they were on a boat, she couldn't lose him.

She was stabbed when she fled, which gives him a damn good reason to start following her. As for being on a boat, so what? She could still tell him to stay away from her, to stay on the boat and go home, pretty much anything except inviting him along to her house and introducing him to her parents.

Sun barely contributed in that fight, the boost he provided Blake already showed she could do herself, and he spent more time posing, joking and flirting than actually fighting, wait, did they only end up in the dangerous situation they did because of his joking around?

Except for the initial appearance saving the boat from being sunk, and possibly Blake from having to tank a mouthbeam thing. Oh and all the times after that where Sun contributed to various fights. But hey, I'm sure Blake would have preferred if Ghira died in the assassination attempt.

That's irrelevant because it didn't happen.

Also this is why people don't bring up Sun more, because it always comes down to the accusation of "You're just a salty shipper" in one form or another.

I don't give a fuck about RWBY ships. The only ones I really cared about died at the end of Volume 3 (Arkos) and were never going to happen even before Penny spent several seasons as scrap metal (Nuts and Dolts).

This is not about shipping. Sun and Blake may be a couple (there are hints, I won't pretend otherwise) or may be friends, that's really not the point and I don't much care which they end up as.

The accusation is that you're judging Sun harshly for things that you wouldn't judge any of Blake's other friends for. I know that because you're completely ignoring similar actions from many of them.

She ignored him for several days and he didn't get the hint, nor did he try and contact the academy or her team, and later she repeatedly slaps and yells at him about it.

That is not what I meant, I am saying having an abuse survivor, who is threatened by her abusive ex and sent fleeing in terror from him, being stalked, having the company of a man whose presence she does not want, forced on her by him, and ultimately thanking him for it, is rather gross and uncomfortable. Actual abuse and stalking survivors have commented on how unpleasant they find it the whole thing.

Blake ran away from her team, including one girl who was all but using slurs (albeit for complicated reasons) at the time, and they pursued her against her wishes, then she was shown to be the bad guy.

Blake was standoffish and unwilling to interact with her team when she first met them, but each of them forced their presence on her until she started to enjoy it.

Yang was yelling at her and shoving her around after Blake clearly expressed a desire to be left to do her own thing.

See I can twist shit to sound bad too.

Blake doesn't take easily to people's company and tends to flee it with little provocation. This is not healthy behaviour, and allowing her to run off and do her own thing is not a kindness. Not just because she repeatedly gets into more danger than she can handle alone, but because it's a horrible way for her to live. Among my many issues with RWBY's writing, this aspect of Blake does not feature because they actually did an excellent job of showing the painful process of regaining trust in other people. At least by the standards of the series as a whole.
Sorry, my dogs needed a walk so it took me a while to finish this reply. Though it seems premature for you to declare an end so soon.
That's fair.

Sorry, but it looked like we were gonna go around in circles and generally after awhile between responses, discussions like this tend to die off in my experience, plus I imagine its not fun for the other forum goers.

When you compared physical and emotional abuse of a child by their parent to Jaune taking a few rejections before he got the hint and dropped it.

On the subject of which, I would note that going by the ending of that storyline (Jaune realised what he was doing wrong, backed the fuck off, and tried to be a good friend by supporting Weiss' interest in Neptune) I don't think this was ever meant to be a 'dork gets the girl by being creepily persistent' kind of plot. Jaune is ultimately shown to be in the wrong, none of their friends give Weiss shit for it, and generally it subverts that entire cliche.
I was not aware I had done that at all, :confused: It certainly was never something I intended to imply.

Beyond that, look, I am fine with continuing this debate, but don't want to consume the thread with it, are you willing to move it to private messages?
That's fair.

Sorry, but it looked like we were gonna go around in circles and generally after awhile between responses, discussions like this tend to die off in my experience, plus I imagine its not fun for the other forum goers.

I was not aware I had done that at all, :confused: It certainly was never something I intended to imply.

Beyond that, look, I am fine with continuing this debate, but don't want to consume the thread with it, are you willing to move it to private messages?

Indeed, I saw someone highlight how this was basically the villains Fall of Beacon, like, at the FoB, Ozpin's champion died after picking a fight she couldn't win, and her death set off a very eye focused explosion of power that didn't bring her side round for a win, but at least stopped their side from totally losing.

Emerald is much the same, Cinder, unknowingly, picked a fight she couldn't win, died and her death send Emerald into an emotional breakdown that had heavy focus on her eyes and allowed the remaining villains to escape.

I've seen it suggested elsewhere that Salem might try and get Emerald on her side by playing on her grief to basically 'fill the void' left by Cinder's death, and yeah, there's also revenge.

As to the Maiden powers, they may still be locked inside the Grimm, or have fled elsewhere, or some third option, gone to Salem maybe?

To all of that. Especially the "Salem still has Fall" thing. Salem seems way to competent to not have some fail safe in place to ensure that she keeps what she takes. And it seems unlikely that she went to all that trouble to make Grimm parasites that could steal Maiden powers if her version was just going to create bog standard Maiden's that are also extremely weak against her main enemy when she could just do things the regular way by making sure they think of their killer.

To all of that. Especially the "Salem still has Fall" thing. Salem seems way to competent to not have some fail safe in place to ensure that she keeps what she takes. And it seems unlikely that she went to all that trouble to make Grimm parasites that could steal Maiden powers if her version was just going to create bog standard Maiden's that are also extremely weak against her main enemy when she could just do things the regular way by making sure they think of their killer.
I would argue that Salems goal is the relics not the Maiden powers, those are just needed to unlock the relics, so if Ruby and co are just going to go around and get said relics well that's good she can then steal them without wasting much of her resources with the exception of the occasion attack here and there to hide her true intentions from them.
That is neat XD

To all of that. Especially the "Salem still has Fall" thing. Salem seems way to competent to not have some fail safe in place to ensure that she keeps what she takes. And it seems unlikely that she went to all that trouble to make Grimm parasites that could steal Maiden powers if her version was just going to create bog standard Maiden's that are also extremely weak against her main enemy when she could just do things the regular way by making sure they think of their killer.
I think she regards Ozpin, not Silver eyes, as her main enemy, but otherwise agreed, I could definitely see that. Whether its the power just flowing back to her, or the bug surviving and crawling away, possibly to find a new host, ETC.
I would argue that Salems goal is the relics not the Maiden powers, those are just needed to unlock the relics, so if Ruby and co are just going to go around and get said relics well that's good she can then steal them without wasting much of her resources with the exception of the occasion attack here and there to hide her true intentions from them.
But the Relics can only be accessed with the Maidens and the Maidens are also her most powerful enemies. Stealing and keeping the power of the Maidens for her own forces not only drastically increases the power of her minions it also grants her skeleton keys to all the most secure places that the Relics can be stored and drastically weakens her opposition at the same time. Just because the Relics are her main goal is no reason to ignore things that can make it easier or more difficult to reach that goal. If she really has no way to keep the Fall Maiden's power even in the case of Cinder being killed then her problems with finding the Relic of Choice just escalated from "can't find the Vault" to "can't find the Vault and wouldn't be able to open it even if she did" to give just one example.
Just saw the new RWBY Chibi:
RWBY Chibi: Episode 1 - Road Trip
Road trip is enthusiastic and cute, oh gosh Yang said hecking that is adorable!

Oh goodness, what are you doing now Cinder? Very expressive animation, also Ren makes a good point and is ignored as ever, poor Ren XD

The fact Port is just using Oobleck as his camera guy, meaning its a self made show, really takes the edge of his show… Oh my gosh, Velveta is the bomb, yes, drag him Velvet, drag him!

Ahaha, fantastic XD

Wow, Jaune was genuinely funny and useful… What just happened? Also he blames his seven sisters again.

Oh my gosh, they robbed a bank, hahahahaha, poor Blake looks so tense XD

The cliffhangers infected RWBY Chibi!
Sort of an aside, but if Cinder is dead, or Emerald takes her place for awhile and doesn't fall into revenge/sadist lust like Cinder did, I feel like she'd mesh much better with Salem;s way of doing things.

Like, given Ironwood and Jac, I can totally see V6 becoming a kind of chaotic free for all, egged on by Salem's faction.

Then (A possibly injured) Winter Maiden, gets a message from Ironwood she has to release and or guard the relic, and she may be taking a soldier escort with her, or think she's travelling alone.

Then, just as the door begins to open, she feels something on her back and her strength is draining away and Emerald drops the illusions. The magic is absorbed into the Grimm bug, but it does not fuse with her, Emerald instead glaring it into submission before marching into the chambers, snatching the Relic and just walking back out. She only slows down enough to give Watts a call to tell him they're leaving and he tries to talk down to her but she's just like "Your ride leaves in five minutes, be there or don't" and hangs up and hops on an Atlas military shuttle and is flown away.

Obviously the framing, music, ETC would make this look more badass and interesting than I am, but I feel it'd be kinda neat.

Final Episode of Season 5 Youtube version.

Huh. Looks like Ruby broke Lionheart's Aura with that last shot she fired at him. I don't think that was in the original release. No wonder he ran away. Guess her cleverness was less about figuring out that he was about to run out of courage and more about her figuring out that he was about to run out of Aura instead. Though she seems to have pegged him as someone who would not keep fighting after running out of Aura.
For a headmaster and experienced huntsman, Lionheart really didn't make a good showing for himself.
For a headmaster and experienced huntsman, Lionheart really didn't make a good showing for himself.
Well Aura seems to be explicitly tied to Willpower now and Salem seems to have done a pretty good job of beating his out of him. And to be fair he did use a pretty impressive fire wave to blow back the Queen Lancer. With all the options his Dust Shield gives him I imagine he would have been quite the terror in his prime, especially with a meat shield to cover him while he cast his spells.


Oh my gods this is to adorable! Velvet stop! You're going to give me diabetes!


Get over here!
lol at the DLC joke. Man Team RWBY would have been so fucked if that was the case in canon. :tongue:
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Because Jaune is in a lot more danger.
More danger than someone who literally ran out of the very thing that makes her safe from said danger?
If Cinder is dead, then who do you think would end up with the power of the Fall Maiden?
Obviously Emerald. If not her, then either Raven, Vernal, or Ruby.
Sad fucks with tiki torches
Like these guys? :p

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More danger than someone who literally ran out of the very thing that makes her safe from said danger?
Bluntly, yes. Weiss at least can still dodge and protect herself with Dust tricks. The other fight meanwhile is the least skilled fighter on their team going up against a demigoddess who just stopped fucking around and was about to deliver a killing blow in a way that was giving Ruby severe PTSD flashbacks to Pyrrha's death.
Bluntly, yes. Weiss at least can still dodge and protect herself with Dust tricks. The other fight meanwhile is the least skilled fighter on their team going up against a demigoddess who just stopped fucking around and was about to deliver a killing blow in a way that was giving Ruby severe PTSD flashbacks to Pyrrha's death.
Frankly I think they should have just had Ruby get the flashback over Weiss, it would have made more sense given Jaune didn't look like he was in that much danger, while Weiss was on her knees, screaming in agony as her Aura broke as a more powerful foe loomed over her.
Cinder never intended to fight Ruby in the first place.

Salem has made it very clear that its a bad, bad idea for Cinder to fight Ruby directly. It seems that Cinder took her advice, hence not confronting her directly and having Emerald keep her busy.

And its very clear that she had not forgotten about Ruby at all. However why take the risk of getting Silverburns while tormenting Ruby in battle when she could capture her and torture her as much as she wanted later when she had Ruby helpless? Its pretty clear that Jaune was just a appetizer to the main course of Ruby that she planned to enjoy at her leisure later.
It's pretty clear my ass. There's never any indication of Cinder taking Salem's advice to heart. On the contrary, on episode 9 Watts makes it pretty clear that Cinder is being decidedly unwise by going along with the attack. You're deluding yourself by even pretending that she's gotten over her grudge or is being rational about it. I guess you're free to make it your headcanon or something, but don't expect other people to follow where there's no evidence to your claims and more than enough against them.
a killing blow in a way that was giving Ruby severe PTSD flashbacks to Pyrrha's death.
I don't really know anything about psychology, but I'm not sure PTSD can be triggered like that. In any case, I think I can do better when it comes to "things done in a way that it brings flashbacks to Pyrrha's death":

Sorry for the unclean images, but I just can't find it in me to take the time to edit them.

That Cinder isn't involved in the second case probably shouldn't be an issue.
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So, I think that, overall, I liked Volume 5. Only parts I really had any dislike for was some of the Menagerie stuff and us not getting to see RWB fight Emerald, Merc, and Hazel
That Cinder isn't involved in the second case probably shouldn't be an issue.
I would say that very much should be an issue actually since Ruby originally started the battle trying to fight Cinder because she was terrified of Jaune being in over his head. Heck after Ruby tries to convince Emerald to let her pass Emerald (and by extension the writers) even makes a point about how Ruby wants to fight Cinder.

Ruby's focus was on Cinder and Jaune, Cinder killed Pyrrha right in front of Ruby's eyes while Ruby does not know for certain if Vernal has ever actually killed anyone and Weiss is one of the most capable combatants in the group while Jaune is the least capable and is facing by far the strongest opponent. The fact of the matter is that Weiss was still alive and in good health if at risk when fighting Vernal while Cinder was the one who came within inches of killing both Jaune and Weiss. Weiss could have a able to stay alive against Vernal or at least retreat but Jaune was flat out going to die if Ruby hadn't intervened.

All in all there is nothing really strange about Ruby being more worried about Jaune than Weiss.

You're deluding yourself by even pretending that she's gotten over her grudge or is being rational about it.
Which part of "capture that teenage girl alive so that I can spitefully torture her" says "rational" to you? No idea how that could even remotely be construed as getting over a grudge either. The fact that she doesn't just order her underlings to kill Ruby or just do it herself is proof of the opposite.

Killing Ruby while she is unconscious is what she would do if she was rational and got rid of her grudge. Nothing personal, just removing a threat. Demanding to have Ruby as a captive is exactly the sort of thing a supervillain with a grudge would do. It's not enough to kill the opponent, no no, have to make them suffer first.

So, I think that, overall, I liked Volume 5. Only parts I really had any dislike for was some of the Menagerie stuff and us not getting to see RWB fight Emerald, Merc, and Hazel
With RWBY reunited and the viewer's and characters caught up on the plot there should be more time for fights next volume at least. Also back to two sides instead of three so that's even more focus.

Anyway theory time:

So I have seen people suggest that the Atlas symbol looks like a paint brush or a pen just like Haven looks like a lantern/lamp. Which could be a hint that the Relic of Creation is a brush or pencil. And I think I might have found some possible proof of it.

Remember how there was that weird tinge in the air inside the Vault that made everything look sort of painted? I think that might be because the dimensions used to store the Relics in where created with the Relic of Creation which makes stuff by painting it into reality.
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[News] Official Chinese RWBY Game by Bilibili
Guess what? The RWBY 'Chinese bootleg' game from a few weeks ago is official. However, it's only being released in China at the moment.
RWBY Video Game by Bilibili
So, there's been many questions/comments/concerns regarding a video game website & trailer released by Bilibili a couple weeks ago.

I want to start off by saying this is for sure an official RWBY game.

The RWBY team has been overseeing the project and making sure it's up to our design and game play standards.

Current video is a work in progress, and is not representative of the final game play or character designs. Unfortunately, because it's only in Chinese, our international fans were concerned it was a bootleg.

Good news is it's not a bootleg!

Sad news is that at the moment it is only planned to be released in the following territories: Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan & Macau with the launch date TBD. It will be playable on PC as well as mobile.
This isn't a Roosterteeth game, they gave a Chinese game company permission to make a RWBY game for Chinese gamers/RWBY fans. I never figured I would have to deal with not being able to play a RWBY game of all things due to a language barrier.
I would say that very much should be an issue actually since Ruby originally started the battle trying to fight Cinder because she was terrified of Jaune being in over his head. Heck after Ruby tries to convince Emerald to let her pass Emerald (and by extension the writers) even makes a point about how Ruby wants to fight Cinder.

Ruby's focus was on Cinder and Jaune, Cinder killed Pyrrha right in front of Ruby's eyes while Ruby does not know for certain if Vernal has ever actually killed anyone and Weiss is one of the most capable combatants in the group while Jaune is the least capable and is facing by far the strongest opponent. The fact of the matter is that Weiss was still alive and in good health if at risk when fighting Vernal while Cinder was the one who came within inches of killing both Jaune and Weiss. Weiss could have a able to stay alive against Vernal or at least retreat but Jaune was flat out going to die if Ruby hadn't intervened.

All in all there is nothing really strange about Ruby being more worried about Jaune than Weiss.
I really can't see how given Weiss's Aura was broken and she was on her knees screaming in a great reflection of how Pyrrha died.

Plus, such reactions aren't wholly built on being able to calmly breakdown "Well, I don't know if this person electrocuting my partner has killed anyone, so logically I should be less concerned, when her Aura is breaking and she's screaming, than I should be for Jaune who's just rushing at Cinder. Again."

Which part of "capture that teenage girl alive so that I can spitefully torture her" says "rational" to you? No idea how that could even remotely be construed as getting over a grudge either. The fact that she doesn't just order her underlings to kill Ruby or just do it herself is proof of the opposite.

Killing Ruby while she is unconscious is what she would do if she was rational and got rid of her grudge. Nothing personal, just removing a threat. Demanding to have Ruby as a captive is exactly the sort of thing a supervillain with a grudge would do. It's not enough to kill the opponent, no no, have to make them suffer first.
I feel by cutting off the rest of their response and not responding to it, you're being kind of unfair, sorry but they were responding to what you said:
Cinder never intended to fight Ruby in the first place.

Salem has made it very clear that its a bad, bad idea for Cinder to fight Ruby directly. It seems that Cinder took her advice, hence not confronting her directly and having Emerald keep her busy.

And its very clear that she had not forgotten about Ruby at all. However why take the risk of getting Silverburns while tormenting Ruby in battle when she could capture her and torture her as much as she wanted later when she had Ruby helpless? Its pretty clear that Jaune was just a appetizer to the main course of Ruby that she planned to enjoy at her leisure later.
And they highlighted, that, that had not been made overtly clear, noted that Watts highlights how Cinder is making a bad call in going for the attack and is doing so specifically to get at Ruby, and went on to say your implication/statement that Cinder was taking Salem's advice doesn't add up with her behavior because if she was, she wouldn't have gone in for the fight at all.

So I have seen people suggest that the Atlas symbol looks like a paint brush or a pen just like Haven looks like a lantern/lamp. Which could be a hint that the Relic of Creation is a brush or pencil. And I think I might have found some possible proof of it.

Remember how there was that weird tinge in the air inside the Vault that made everything look sort of painted? I think that might be because the dimensions used to store the Relics in where created with the Relic of Creation which makes stuff by painting it into reality.
Seems reasonable.