RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Wow, it looks great! Looks waaaayyy better.

Totally off topic but this page is seriously killing Firefox. Is it just me? Because this page is causing my CPU to skyrocket to 100% and apparently for this one page alone (No other tab than this one.) requires 1,111 Mb wtf.

Ditto. Literally getting off this page made everything load in seconds rather than at a snail's pace.
The cell-shading on Ruby's cape looks like something out of a Suda51 game!:o
Looks like the pseudo-gore is back, with Grimms that get cut in pieces, I suppose it's okay to show that now that the artworks seems to imply that they are made of energy inside. The fighting looked like something out of a videogame sometimes, as if it was a gameplay teaser for a Grimm Eclipse 2, especially in how the camera often follows Ruby, her moves seems a little less flashy than before, less trailing of light around her blade when she strikes, makes the whole fight looks more brutal. Finally, I must admit that I really like the new effects of smoke and trailing light on the Grimm eyes.
The pancakes were one thing Nora, the cake is another.

Pyrrha really needs to get her semblance under control.

And now the old man is making us wonder just how much he knows.
Holy shit when they were talking about a boost of Ruby' skills they weren't joking: her semblance isn't speed, this is fucking /noclip! At the beginning when she charges that Beowulf on the roof of the church (btw it confirm that there are religions in Remnant), she literally transforms into a bunch of rose petals that flies to the Grimm, divide itself in three parts that merge back on top of it to transform back into Ruby! :o
Same thing against the Gorilla when Ruby fell inside the church: she was at ground level, then then transformed into rose petals that flied to the stained glass.
That combined with her speed and silver-eyed warrior powers can make her among the most broken fighters in Remnant!
Holy shit when they were talking about a boost of Ruby' skills they weren't joking: her semblance isn't speed, this is fucking /noclip! At the beginning when she charges that Beowulf on the roof of the church (btw it confirm that there are religions in Remnant), she literally transforms into a bunch of rose petals that flies to the Grimm, divide itself in three parts that merge back on top of it to transform back into Ruby! :o
Same thing against the Gorilla when Ruby fell inside the church: she was at ground level, then then transformed into rose petals that flied to the stained glass.
That combined with her speed and silver-eyed warrior powers can make her among the most broken fighters in Remnant!
Funny thing is that her semblance could still be speed all the other skills you mentioned? What if those are silver eye powers?
You know on the subject of Yang getting a cyborg arm or not, is it weird that I want to see Yang adapt a fighting style around having only one arm?
Like Yang becomes something similar to this guy:

Funny thing is that her semblance could still be speed all the other skills you mentioned? What if those are silver eye powers?
Possible, but I think that any powers related to them will be accompanied by Ruby's eyes glowing to signify that they are her silver-eyed warrior power at work. At least that's how I see it.

You know on the subject of Yang getting a cyborg arm or not, is it weird that I want to see Yang adapt a fighting style around having only one arm?
Like Yang becomes something similar to this guy:

I'm on it if Yang and Neo fight doing handstands. :D
This just in from the second RWBY RTX panel: Grimm Eclipse might have a console release by the end of the year, the time skip for Vol. 4 is 6-8 months in universe, which is both what I hoped for, and much better than I had expected. Also, Neo didn't exist until 10 days before her debut.
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Also, Neo didn't exist until 10 days before her debut.
The Roman/Neo duo's production story is funny when you think about it: Roman was supposed to be a one-shot villain but became a recurring villain due to its popularity, and Neo was created barely 10 days before her debut, as if it was an afterthought to furnish the scenery (her debut was in the scene where Roman presents the looted Paladin to the White Fang, right?) and give Roman a way to escape once the Paladin was destroyed, and in the end became one of the most popular characters.
You know on the subject of Yang getting a cyborg arm or not, is it weird that I want to see Yang adapt a fighting style around having only one arm?
Like Yang becomes something similar to this guy:

It strikes me that having her fight without an arm for awhile, then later get a robot arm, is a way to milk it for *two* character changes and is thus a smart move.
It strikes me that having her fight without an arm for awhile, then later get a robot arm, is a way to milk it for *two* character changes and is thus a smart move.
Which also means three fighting archetypes to add in future videogames! :D

There's also a small thing I noticed on the Weiss concept art: she doesn't have her side-ponytail anymore, now it's perfectly behind her head. Knowing that she first adopted her side-ponytail hairstyle as a form of rebellion against her family, it's a small but nice touch to show that now she's back under her father's thumb. I'm always a sucker for little but meaningful details like that!

Finally, I am the only one who thinks that Ruby's new outfit looks like heavily inspired by Kumafromtaiwan's Henceforward AU? Especially the cotton blouse with a cleavage window, which looks very similar to Henceforward!Ruby:

Speaking which, I'm surprised by how much more skin everyone is showing(even though on Blake it's only really visible when she removes her Ghost in the Shell trenchcoat (love it by the way)), especially Ruby since she was only the shyest and most conservative of the group. Ironically, Yang is the only one who's showing less skin in her new outfit!
Which also means three fighting archetypes to add in future videogames! :D

There's also a small thing I noticed on the Weiss concept art: she doesn't have her side-ponytail anymore, now it's perfectly behind her head. Knowing that she first adopted her side-ponytail hairstyle as a form of rebellion against her family, it's a small but nice touch to show that now she's back under her father's thumb. I'm always a sucker for little but meaningful details like that!

Finally, I am the only one who thinks that Ruby's new outfit looks like heavily inspired by Kumafromtaiwan's Henceforward AU? Especially the cotton blouse with a cleavage window, which looks very similar to Henceforward!Ruby:

Speaking which, I'm surprised by how much more skin everyone is showing(even though on Blake it's only really visible when she removes her Ghost in the Shell trenchcoat (love it by the way)), especially Ruby since she was only the shyest and most conservative of the group. Ironically, Yang is the only one who's showing less skin in her new outfit!
Ruby has grown up. Knowing she is the Silver Eyed Warrior, someone destined to protect Remnant, and that her entire life has basically fallen apart has caused her to break out of her shell. As the Silver Eyed Warrior, she knows that she must he a symbol of hope to Remnant; she can't be the shy prodigy she used to be, not anymore.

Yang however, has retreated. She was basically unbeatable, capable of surving anything and helping anyone. She was an adventurer and indestructible. Now she's been brought down to reality, knowing she is just as mortal as anyone.
Ruby has grown up. Knowing she is the Silver Eyed Warrior, someone destined to protect Remnant, and that her entire life has basically fallen apart has caused her to break out of her shell. As the Silver Eyed Warrior, she knows that she must he a symbol of hope to Remnant; she can't be the shy prodigy she used to be, not anymore.

Yang however, has retreated. She was basically unbeatable, capable of surving anything and helping anyone. She was an adventurer and indestructible. Now she's been brought down to reality, knowing she is just as mortal as anyone.
Now what she needs is to find someone or something that could teach her how to summon and control her new powers, those Silver Eyed Warriors must had left some books about it somewhere!
Man, you hang out with your family for a weekend, and you miss all the good news--seriously though, I am super hype from all this news ^_^.