RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Yeah, but unlike the Agents, Tyrion can't infinitely respawn. That stinger is gone, it ain't coming back, and it seriously diminishes the threat of the villains if one of them is crippled the first time we see him fight.
Well since there are Robot arms maybe he can get a Robot tail replacement, Also we have no idea if Salem has some other solution to fix him up like she is currently treating Cinder.
Well since there are Robot arms maybe he can get a Robot tail replacement, Also we have no idea if Salem has some other solution to fix him up like she is currently treating Cinder.
I saw a terrifying fan art where he was crying or looked about too while Salem cradled his chin and Grimm snake heads were seemingly waiting for the chance at him... So yeah I could see a Grimm addition, though I honestly hope she will forgive him & is understanding, though still firm "You shouldn't have toyed with them" because the idea of Salem being best boss/team mum is great to me.
Super protagonist powers, nothing else. otherwise she wouldn't even be able to get close to him, and she certainly wouldn't be able to cut his tail off. RWBY continuing standard shounen power creep. 9/10 odds says that none of her contemporaries would be able to pull that off. After all, a supercharged Nora did less than nothing.
Why the hell do you watch this show again? Ffs.
On the subject f Tyrion running away I think that the most likely reason for this is because the loss of his a good chunk of his tail has severely wrecked his sense of balance. Notice how after it was cut he seems to be having some trouble standing up, I think that's because he's used to being able to use the movement of his tail as a counterweight.
Plus, it really freaking hurts, and pain is very distracting.

Given that and the bloodloss, Tyrian might have been experiencing shock.
Right now it's basically one of those "Early Late Boss Encounter" which a lot of JRPGs have, where the enemy is basically unbeatable but you know you don't have to beat him now (if it's even possible). The problem is that you're going to have to deal with them later so you know you have to grind. A lot, in some cases.

I still remember the personal duels in Wild Arms 5. Those were really cool, though the fact that you have grind all the characters was quite a pain.
Okay where did does this constant comparison with RPGs and JRPGs come from? it has no justification whatsoever.

and while now the bad guys will be taking them more seriously, the good guys will also be improving, so it doesn't really matter. The bad guys are now a joke, plain and simple.

as for Qrow being gone? Several people in this very thread have claims that the stinger is merely a sedative. You claim I moved the goalposts, but then you do the same.

Why the hell do you watch this show again? Ffs.
I don't. I follow the summaries and generally stick to the ideas thread, because a lot of them are better than canon. RWBY has some good ideas and stuff, bit the execution is so shit it ruins what merits the show has, so I stick to the fan creations.
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You can't say shit about the execution of the show when you don't watch it
He can, actually. You can know a hell of a lot about a work of media without actually partaking of it yourself; between reviews, fanfiction, fandom analysis, etc, there's a lot of secondary sources.

That said, sticking around in the thread about the show itself to constantly shit on it does seem like pretty bad form to me, yeah. It'd be different if he contributed anything, but I don't know that he has.

Regardless. @thesevenwielder, you still need to acknowledge firefossil's cite, because when you say "Show me when his aura visibly cracked, like when Yang fought Mercury. Oh waot, you can't." uh, it turns out that firefossil can, with a timestamp and everything:
Uh look at 13:58-14:04, you can see it for both characters.
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As bad as RWBY gets (and RWBY has lots of lows in its series), I still watch it. Even if I'm only watching it on YouTube rather than on RoosterTeeth.

Btw, I feel the current pace is very .... slow. How many episodes this season?
I don't. I follow the summaries and generally stick to the ideas thread, because a lot of them are better than canon. RWBY has some good ideas and stuff, bit the execution is so shit it ruins what merits the show has, so I stick to the fan creations.
So what you are saying is:
1: You don't watch the show.
2: You listen to what people say about the show, then make wild unfounded assumptions, then launch into long tirades and rants founded on those assumptions.
3: When people call you out on your wild unfounded assumptions, you demand proof in as an obnoxious and condescending tone as you can manage, then badger them incessantly over it.
4: When multiple people offer proof, your response is to ignore them, even after being called out on it repeatedly.

I don't know what you get out of this, maybe ranting is therapeutic to you, but needless to say you are not making yourself look good here.
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Okay where did does this constant comparison with RPGs and JRPGs come from? it has no justification whatsoever.
From the page on Dust: Creator Monty Oum has compared Dust to Materia from the Final Fantasy video game series. [citation]

Monty Oum had also created the Dead Fantasy series, a series which is based on a JRPG as one of its two basis. In addition, there's this line from the V1 Commentary:

Monty: It's almost like an RPG in a way.

So yes, comparisons to JRPG, among other things, has always been present in the series and thus it is not unreasonable for us to draw comparison between RWBY and JRPGs as well.
and while now the bad guys will be taking them more seriously, the good guys will also be improving, so it doesn't really matter. The bad guys are now a joke, plain and simple.
Entirely subjective. You find them to be a joke. I find them to still a be a threat and has explained on why they could still be seen as a threat and why I still think so (in addition, do note that while there's no question that team RWBY will win in the end, we've seen that they can and do suffer losses). Any further discussion between us on this matter will just be a shouting match of "Yes it does," and "No, it doesn't." Thus, is why I will not argue further on the matter. I have already explained why I think they are still a threat, I don't need to explain any further.

as for Qrow being gone? Several people in this very thread have claims that the stinger is merely a sedative. You claim I moved the goalposts, but then you do the same.
Several people has posited the possibility of it being a sedative. We do not know. We have not seen the following episode. And no, I do not move the goal post - if it seemed that I did, that's because I counter every point that you brought up. And that is because you are moving the goal post. Your initial statement was:

"Super protagonist powers, nothing else. otherwise she wouldn't even be able to get close to him, and she certainly wouldn't be able to cut his tail off. RWBY continuing standard shounen power creep. 9/10 odds says that none of her contemporaries would be able to pull that off. After all, a supercharged Nora did less than nothing."

From there, your points were: 1.) Ruby could cut the tail only because of some sort of "super protagonist power"; 2.) RWBY has a "shounen power creep"; 3.) None of the others could do that.

And then it was pointed out, repeatedly, that the main reason why she could do that was because, by that point, Tyrian has had his Aura depleted in addition to how he was distracted by his glee at stinging Qrow. It's not because of some sort of "super protagonist power" or a "shounen power creep" and the others could have done that (although, certainly, Ruby was always the most professional out of her peers, as pointed out in LithosMaitreya's essay on SB). You asked for proof that his Aura was depleted, and we brought them, repeatedly. Then you bemoan something about "internal consistency", in which you brought Adam and SB which has nothing to do with the subject and points you were talking about. I then countered all of that, which then you said that you will "point out the flaws in my argument". By using statements that are blatantly untrue*. Now you are claiming that I shifted the goalposts. A statement which basically has the same depth as "No, you."

What is it that you really want? Because it's obviously not a genuine criticism, discussion, or dialogue as you do not use any actual basis for your arguments, you don't accept other people's arguments and counter-points, nor do you even engage with the actual points and statements that was given, instead opting to talk about something else**. So why don't you just come out and say what you want coming here?

* I, for one, never said that Ruby's Aura was depleted, I pointed out Ruby in the previous episode as an example and support of "Visibly cracked Aura means either Aura depletion or severe Aura damage" as each one of Tyrian's attack made small cracks appeared, before a huge one appears in the third strike, most likely signifying that she's got damaged enough that Tyrian's tail can actually pierce and sting her (which was why he attacked with his stinger instead of anything else).

** If that isn't shifting the goal post, I don't know what is.
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From the page on Dust: Creator Monty Oum has compared Dust to Materia from the Final Fantasy video game series. [citation]

Monty Oum had also created the Dead Fantasy series, a series which is based on a JRPG as one of its two basis. In addition, there's this line from the V1 Commentary:

Monty: It's almost like an RPG in a way.

So yes, comparisons to JRPG, among other things, has always been present in the series and thus it is not unreasonable for us to draw comparison between RWBY and JRPGs as well.

Entirely subjective. You find them to be a joke. I find them to still a be a threat and has explained on why they could still be seen as a threat and why I still think so (in addition, do note that while there's no question that team RWBY will win in the end, we've seen that they can and do suffer losses). Any further discussion between us on this matter will just be a shouting match of "Yes it does," and "No, it doesn't." Thus, is why I will not argue further on the matter. I have already explained why I think they are still a threat, I don't need to explain any further.

Several people has posited the possibility of it being a sedative. We do not know. We have not seen the following episode. And no, I do not move the goal post - if it seemed that I did, that's because I counter every point that you brought up. And that is because you are moving the goal post. Your initial statement was:

"Super protagonist powers, nothing else. otherwise she wouldn't even be able to get close to him, and she certainly wouldn't be able to cut his tail off. RWBY continuing standard shounen power creep. 9/10 odds says that none of her contemporaries would be able to pull that off. After all, a supercharged Nora did less than nothing."

From there, your points were: 1.) Ruby could cut the tail only because of some sort of "super protagonist power"; 2.) RWBY has a "shounen power creep"; 3.) None of the others could do that.

And then it was pointed out, repeatedly, that the main reason why she could do that was because, by that point, Tyrian has had his Aura depleted in addition to how he was distracted by his glee at stinging Qrow. It's not because of some sort of "super protagonist power" or a "shounen power creep" and the others could have done that (although, certainly, Ruby was always the most professional out of her peers, as pointed out in LithosMaitreya's essay on SB). You asked for proof that his Aura was depleted, and we brought them, repeatedly. Then you bemoan something about "internal consistency", in which you brought Adam and SB which has nothing to do with the subject and points you were talking about. I then countered all of that, which then you said that you will "point out the flaws in my argument". By using statements that are blatantly untrue*. Now you are claiming that I shifted the goalposts. A statement which basically has the same depth as "No, you."

What is it that you really want? Because it's obviously not a genuine criticism, discussion, or dialogue as you do not use any actual basis for your arguments, you don't accept other people's arguments and counter-points, nor do you even engage with the actual points and statements that was given, instead opting to talk about something else**. So why don't you just come out and say what you want coming here?

* I, for one, never said that Ruby's Aura was depleted, I pointed out Ruby in the previous episode as an example and support of "Visibly cracked Aura means either Aura depletion or severe Aura damage" as each one of Tyrian's attack made small cracks appeared, before a huge one appears in the third strike, most likely signifying that she's got damaged enough that Tyrian's tail can actually pierce and sting her (which was why he attacked with his stinger instead of anything else).

** If that isn't shifting the goal post, I don't know what is.

Would you mind linking me that essay?

I am curious.

but they're barely anywhere.
Yeah, that's one thing that's been bugging me as of late.

Right now it seems like the heroes have less agency than the villains and the supporting cast, the dead mentor included. (Or at the very least, the pace has been so slow that they've been the only ones accomplishing things so far.)

Like, why was Ruby even journeying to wherever again?