RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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One comment on the RWBY episode page suggests that Tyrian might be partially or fully blind and relies mostly on his hearing. Note how he quickly responds to attacks or actions he can't see, but seems to have trouble when actions are quiet. Moreover Qrow seems to figure this out when Ruby fires a shot right past Tyrian and he reacts to the contrails but has a delayed reaction before figuring out where the bullet went. Thereafter, Qrow first tries just punching him, then quietly walks over to his sword with Tyrian responding only when he grabs it, and then luring Tyrian into jumping onto the broken wooden beam. And in the end, Ruby lands a hit because she was already at pointblank range, all she needed to do was soundlessly lower her weapon and fire.
Hm. Considering he's a scorpion faunus that actually seems likely.
Hm. Considering he's a scorpion faunus that actually seems likely.
Scorpions are blind?
Scorpions said:
Despite having six to twelve eyes - an obvious pair at the centre of the carapace and two to five smaller eyes on each side - scorpions do not have good eyesight. However, they can readily distinguish light from dark and appear to have excellent low light sensitivity, which helps them to both avoid harsh sunlight and to navigate by starlight or moonlight.
Pseudo-Scorpions said:
They may have two, four or no eyes.
But as a faunus doesn't he already have great nightvision a since that was part of what made them useful during the war as according to Blake in Ooblecks class so if anything he shouldn't be effected like this especially with the one trait per faunus rule and he has a tail
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But as a faunus doesn't he already have great nightvision a since that was part of what made them useful during the war as according to Blake in Ooblecks class so if anything he shouldn't be effected like this especially with the one trait per faunus rule and he has a tail
That faunus have great nightvision is already a violation of the one trait per faunus rule, and establishes that faunus eyesight isn't necessarily the same as human eyesight. Also just because your species has good eyesight doesn't mean you can't be born with bad eyesight or anything.
Show me when his aura visibly cracked, like when Yang fought Mercury. Oh waot, you can't.

Pay attention next time.
How about we wait for the youtube version which usually has the animation errors all cleaned up and sorted out, for all we know they meant to put the effect in to show that his aura had fully depleted but forgot to.
I mean, I know by now that expecting any sort of internal consistency is a fool's game. After all, when we first meet Adam, he needs Blake to buy him time as he charges up his super slash against the spider droid. Then we see him not needing that charge up time at all to oneshot Yang.

As a matter of fact, in the Ideas thread on SB a month or so back. I suggested that an idea that Yang would join up with the rest of SSN, and they would defeat Adam together. A lot of people yelled bullshit, saying that they had no chance against Adam and would die horribly. I recognize some of those same names now defending Ruby cutting off Tyrion's stinger tail, even though he could break Adam over his knee.

As much fail as the fight choreography is, at least it established that Tyrion was on a completely different level than JNRR. But nope, because Ruby is the hero, she gets to ignore logic. Then again, I just mentioned RWBY has no such thing as consistency, so I shouldn't be surprised. And I'm not, really. Just disappointed. It seems to be a running theme.
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I mean, I know by now that expecting any sort of internal consistency is a fool's game. After all, when we first meet Adam, he needs Blake to buy him time as he charges up his super slash against the spider droid. Then we see him not needing that charge up time at all to oneshot Yang.

As a matter of fact, in the Ideas thread on SB a month or so back. I suggested that an idea that Yang would join up with the rest of SSN, and they would defeat Adam together. A lot of people yelled bullshit, saying that they had no chance against Adam and would die horribly. I recognize some of those same names now defending Ruby cutting off Tyrion's stinger tail, even though he could break Adam over his knee.

As much fail as the fight choreography is, at least it established that Tyrion was on a completely different level than JNRR. But nope, because Ruby is the hero, she gets to ignore logic. Then again, I just mentioned RWBY has no such thing as consistency, so I shouldn't be surprised. And I'm not, really. Just disappointed. It seems to be a running theme.
You asked for a cite. We gave you a cite. Will you acknowledge that you are wrong and give a half-hearted apology, or do we have to wait a week so we can legally provide screencaps?
I mean honestly what happened was basically the same as what happened in the first Matrix movie. Just because Trinity killed a distracted an Agent Smith body with a point-blank shot doesn't mean that Trinity would've stood a glimmer of a chance in a straight-up fight. Neither would've Ruby against Tyrian. She got him when his aura was down and his guard was down and she was literally within his guard.
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Yeah, but unlike the Agents, Tyrion can't infinitely respawn. That stinger is gone, it ain't coming back, and it seriously diminishes the threat of the villains if one of them is crippled the first time we see him fight.
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I mean, I know by now that expecting any sort of internal consistency is a fool's game. After all, when we first meet Adam, he needs Blake to buy him time as he charges up his super slash against the spider droid. Then we see him not needing that charge up time at all to oneshot Yang.
His semblance is to absorb energy and then pull it out in one strong blow. In addition to the fact that semblance can change and grow (which it most likely did, considering that it's been almost if not a full year since Black Trailer), it could be that any preparation that it requires had been done prior to his appearance (which it most likely was, since he seems to absorb Blake's bullets).
As a matter of fact, in the Ideas thread on SB a month or so back. I suggested that an idea that Yang would join up with the rest of SSN, and they would defeat Adam together. A lot of people yelled bullshit, saying that they had no chance against Adam and would die horribly. I recognize some of those same names now defending Ruby cutting off Tyrion's stinger tail, even though he could break Adam over his knee.
And they still don't - not without a lot of training and/or preparation. Adam's ability is similar to Yang's, but he put it all in one blow. That would take out team SSN or Yang, and things would go downhill from there. They have the number advantage but his "One Shot, One Kill" make Adam able to turn that advantage against them. They can win, there's a chance, but the match-up is in Adam's favor.

In addition, the subject of the matter is about a theoretical Yang + SSN vs Adam match-up. It has no relation to Ruby cutting off Tyrion's tail. Yeah, he can defeat Adam, most likely, but he's also tired and has had his aura depleted by that point in addition to being distracted by glee at stinging Qrow. The former is about making a guess based on their abilities, the latter is about one specific action that succeeded due to the circumstance of the time.

I would accept a Yang + SSSN vs Adam match-up that ends in the former's victory if the exact circumstances are good enough that it made sense for them to win, but as a conjecture... one, it's not very likely that it'll happen (I could see how it might happen, but I don't think the chance is large and I doubt if it happens it'll be in this season); two, they're still at a disadvantage due to difference in skill, experience, and resources (Yang's ability is about taking damage while Adam's is about one-shotting people which is good in a fight against multiple opponents).

Besides that, you're moving the goal post. This started as you calling it as "bullshit shounen powerlevel" which it isn't. It's Ruby taking advantage of a distracted opponent and having a decent skill that made her able to keep up with the fight, even if the amount of her contribution is debatable. Then it was pointed that Tryian had his Aura depleted, and you asked for proof, asking where his aura was visibly cracked. And we do see it, at 14:00 - I'll do you one better and give a cropped screenshot of it myself. Then you grumbled about internal consistency - but this has been consistent. Visibly cracked Aura means either Aura depletion or severe Aura damage (like Ruby sustained in the previous episode). If it looks a bit different, then it's due to the different software they are using, though it's most likely an upgrade on the visual effects to make it look better (which it does, in my opinion).

And now you're grumbling about how losing his tail diminishes Tyrian's threat. No it doesn't - he's still dangerous even without his tail as can be seen how he was smacking RNJR around even without it, and now Qrow is most likely out of the fight. In addition, he's got a Grimm Goddess on his side, he's got Aura on par with Qrow, and his tail wasn't completely severed, all of which makes it likely that he can recover, though he doesn't really need the tail since he's still so strong without it anyway.

Will you finally stop moving the goal post whenever someone pointed that you're wrong now? I agree with what you said that RWBY has flaws, but you're really, really bad at arguing and supporting it, on top of having very bad debating manner. The reason people don't like you in this thread and its equivalents in the forum on the other side isn't because you think that RWBY is bad or that it has severe flaws, it's because the way you talk about it and the way you respond when we bring valid counterpoints. So yeah, what's it going to be now?
Hmmm... I think that this is the first time where we saw people continuing to fight after their aura was broken. I guess that it shows the difference between the tournament and a fight between real huntsman.

Also, I wonder why Qrow hasn't used his sword's scythe form. Season 3 seems to indicate that he uses his scythe when he gets serious, which makes me wonder why he didn't use it here...
Hmmm... I think that this is the first time where we saw people continuing to fight after their aura was broken. I guess that it shows the difference between the tournament and a fight between real huntsman.

Also, I wonder why Qrow hasn't used his sword's scythe form. Season 3 seems to indicate that he uses his scythe when he gets serious, which makes me wonder why he didn't use it here...
the sword form seems to be Better for Blocking
Also, I wonder why Qrow hasn't used his sword's scythe form. Season 3 seems to indicate that he uses his scythe when he gets serious, which makes me wonder why he didn't use it here...
I saw someone suggest that it may cause a to of collateral damage which he wanted to avoid; its also possible that, that particular combat style wouldn't have worked against as well against Tyrien as the blade.
So yeah, what's it going to be now?
Pointing out the flaws in your argument? That sounds good, yeah?

You said that Ruby's Aura was visibly depleted much like Tyrion's was when he fought Qrow. But Ruby was able to muster up enough Aura to cut through Tyrion's? Even if (emphasis on if) her Aura was at a higher percentage than Tyrion's, he would still have a much greater amount of it. 10% of 500 is still better than 30% of 100.

And Tyrion has clearly been rendered harmless, because instead of proceeding to fight despite his injuries and posing an actual fucking threat, he ran like a little bitch. How am I supposed to take this fucker seriously?

Speaking of Semblances changing and growing, we neither saw or heard neither hide nor hair of this until Adam reappeared. Someone made the argument that Blake's Semblance made clearer clones in v3, but I clearly remember clearly solid Blake clones as far back as the Black trailer. Seems like retroactive justification for me.

Finally, the Adam thing is a similar comparison, because it's a much weaker enemy against a far more skilled one.
That faunus have great nightvision is already a violation of the one trait per faunus rule, and establishes that faunus eyesight isn't necessarily the same as human eyesight. Also just because your species has good eyesight doesn't mean you can't be born with bad eyesight or anything.

I assume they meant one physically visible trait per faunus. Minor stuff like slightly different taste buds (Blake liking Tuna more) or a different amount of rods to cones in an otherwise normal human eye also occur. But only one big thing.

I mean, I know by now that expecting any sort of internal consistency is a fool's game. After all, when we first meet Adam, he needs Blake to buy him time as he charges up his super slash against the spider droid. Then we see him not needing that charge up time at all to oneshot Yang.

As a matter of fact, in the Ideas thread on SB a month or so back. I suggested that an idea that Yang would join up with the rest of SSN, and they would defeat Adam together. A lot of people yelled bullshit, saying that they had no chance against Adam and would die horribly. I recognize some of those same names now defending Ruby cutting off Tyrion's stinger tail, even though he could break Adam over his knee.

As much fail as the fight choreography is, at least it established that Tyrion was on a completely different level than JNRR. But nope, because Ruby is the hero, she gets to ignore logic. Then again, I just mentioned RWBY has no such thing as consistency, so I shouldn't be surprised. And I'm not, really. Just disappointed. It seems to be a running theme.

We outright see him charge up. When blake tries to shoot him from the ground he blocks with his sword *and his sword starts glowing*. Sure it's not as much of an energy boost as the giant blast but Yang's arm is no giant robot either.
We outright see him charge up. When blake tries to shoot him from the ground he blocks with his sword *and his sword starts glowing*. Sure it's not as much of an energy boost as the giant blast but Yang's arm is no giant robot either.
Plus he'd presumably been fighting other people before Blake given the person he was standing over before she arrived.
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You said that Ruby's Aura was visibly depleted much like Tyrion's was when he fought Qrow. But Ruby was able to muster up enough Aura to cut through Tyrion's? Even if (emphasis on if) her Aura was at a higher percentage than Tyrion's, he would still have a much greater amount of it. 10% of 500 is still better than 30% of 100.
She didn't use her Aura. She used her scythe. She just put her scythe and then pulled the trigger, much like she did in the V4 Trailer/Character Short. Both Tyrian and Qrow has either completely ran out of Aura or has a severely depleted Aura by that point (Ruby is questionable, as she had some time to rest and might have recovered some Aura). All anyone needed to do was hit either of them and they'd bleed. And that's exactly what Ruby and Tyrian did.
And Tyrion has clearly been rendered harmless, because instead of proceeding to fight despite his injuries and posing an actual fucking threat, he ran like a little bitch. How am I supposed to take this fucker seriously?
Because none of the main cast possesses a threat over him even still. And Qrow, the only person we've seen to be able to fight evenly with him, is now wounded and possibly poisoned. Qrow was their security blanket, and now they don't have it anymore. Meanwhile, Tyrian could still recover, as he has a Grimm Goddess backing him. And they're all now more likely to take Ruby and her group seriously.

Basically, the kid's glove off now. That's the threat.
Speaking of Semblances changing and growing, we neither saw or heard neither hide nor hair of this until Adam reappeared. Someone made the argument that Blake's Semblance made clearer clones in v3, but I clearly remember clearly solid Blake clones as far back as the Black trailer. Seems like retroactive justification for me.
We've seen it more now - Blake's clone is more solid that they can throw her up now, and Ruby's visibly changed. In addition, it didn't really matter. Adam's could still work the same and not change at all - even under the same mechanics (which I actually believe it still is, it's just that I was listing the possibility of an evolution) it could be that he'd been absorbing energy all over before Blake saw him. He'd been killing people left and right before Blake found him, after all. And that's not mentioning the energy Blake's bullet gave him.
On the subject f Tyrion running away I think that the most likely reason for this is because the loss of his a good chunk of his tail has severely wrecked his sense of balance. Notice how after it was cut he seems to be having some trouble standing up, I think that's because he's used to being able to use the movement of his tail as a counterweight.
(Ruby is questionable, as she had some time to rest and might have recovered some Aura).
Plus, while we did see her Aura flare up when Tyrien hit her, it didn't do the same crackling thing as Tyrien and Qrow's did, nor was it as expansive.
Basically, the kid's glove off now. That's the threat.
Good insight there, Tyrien was playing with them this time, even with Qrow at first, he was relishing in getting to pull off a dramatic performance but now Ruby took his tail and made him completely lose his chill, I expect that's going to impact how he behaves next time.

On the subject f Tyrion running away I think that the most likely reason for this is because the loss of his a good chunk of his tail has severely wrecked his sense of balance. Notice how after it was cut he seems to be having some trouble standing up, I think that's because he's used to being able to use the movement of his tail as a counterweight.
Ooh good idea there, I thought it might have done some spinal damage but I could totally see that making a lot of sense.
Right now it's basically one of those "Early Late Boss Encounter" which a lot of JRPGs have, where the enemy is basically unbeatable but you know you don't have to beat him now (if it's even possible). The problem is that you're going to have to deal with them later so you know you have to grind. A lot, in some cases.

I still remember the personal duels in Wild Arms 5. Those were really cool, though the fact that you have grind all the characters was quite a pain.