RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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The general ideas yes but you cannot really pick them apart for specifics when he did not know what was going to happen, plus Monty told us where to look for symbolism and it was not the songs.
Where did he suggest we look?

Because I've been using "Sacrifice" to reinforce the idea that Remnant locals regard their deities as a bunch of jerks.
Just watched the trailer. Seriously fucking hyped now.

I'm a sponsor, so I'll be able to watch it when it unlocks in six hours, but I start work in 3 and won't finish for another 9. Am saddened.
Where did he suggest we look?

Because I've been using "Sacrifice" to reinforce the idea that Remnant locals regard their deities as a bunch of jerks.

Monty Oum was big on eyes, the moon, and color contrast for foreshadowing. The color contrast is a bit amusing in hindsight. Blake and Weiss being black and white are opposite colors while Red and Yellow are together almost always in color theory including the RYB model.
I think I read a few guides for that on Tumblr about how some represent fear, others confident ETC. The folk who wrote it were smarties while I'm not even M&M's XD

Indeed, when she see flees her iris's change significantly and are unique to that event. We see them changing a lot in her fight with Yang so there are several theories off of that though there is the core one about illusions. Green eyed girl has an effect on the illusion theory as well.

No, seriously though, it does a good job of subverting their own narrative. Though at least they aren't as bad as some stuff I've read....
What if she likes tuna just because she likes tuna and it is not because she is a faunus? I know a guy who for his birthday asked for various cuts of fish, can name every type of fish sushi, and once spent a week eating tuna for 2 out of 3 meals every with three days that week his breakfast being a salmon omelet.

Now to be fair I did know him back in the Navy so he was completely out of his mind but he did still exist.
That's a very good point and all the Faunus death in season 2 as noted by MattheMammothRider might do the same, its actually an interesting thing to analyse.

The tricky thing with "maybe they are just like that as an individual thing" is when stereotypes get brought into it a person stops being seen as an individual and is characterising their group or is characterised by said group. So Blake having a weird obsession with fish 'could' be a personal quirk and most cat Faunus regard fish with a variety of opinions, that's realistic, but that doesn't appear to be how its treated by the human characters or the narrative.
On the one hand, I agree the writers shouldn't crack too many jokes at Blake's expense, though I don't think they've crossed the line, and I suspect we may have different tolerances.

On the other hand, I strongly disagree with the notion that giving the Faunus animal traits makes the Faunus lesser in any way. Is that not the very logic that those discriminating against the Faunus use? That because they share physical traits with animals (as they clearly do), the Faunus are less than people?

We don't need to wash away the Faunus's non-human traits (whether that's better night vision or an affinity for certain foods) to respect their rights.
Indeed, when she see flees her iris's change significantly and are unique to that event. We see them changing a lot in her fight with Yang so there are several theories off of that though there is the core one about illusions. Green eyed girl has an effect on the illusion theory as well.

I'm a big fan of the green eyed girl theory :D
Sorry if this turns into a double post I didn't see this response until I clicked reply.

On the one hand, I agree the writers shouldn't crack too many jokes at Blake's expense, though I don't think they've crossed the line, and I suspect we may have different tolerances.

On the other hand, I strongly disagree with the notion that giving the Faunus animal traits makes the Faunus lesser in any way. Is that not the very logic that those discriminating against the Faunus use? That because they share physical traits with animals (as they clearly do), the Faunus are less than people?

We don't need to wash away the Faunus's non-human traits (whether that's better night vision or an affinity for certain foods) to respect their rights.
OK, so I can very much follow your rationale here mysterius, however I do feel there's some counterpoints that can be made.

Yes, giving Faunus traits associated with the animal they share a physical commonality with is not "necessarily" prejudice, it could be seen as drawing a line between Faunus having less control over their "animal instincts" than humans. Thus "how" its portrayed is quite important in this respect. Though at the same time, them having such traits may be seen to hint at a certain amount of writer pigeon holding or in universe determinism.
Have we seen any other faunus exhibit similar traits?
There's Sun eating a banana while hanging upside down from his tail in his introductory scene.

We haven't really seen enough Faunus to say, but Ruby's "she does like Tuna a lot" implies humans think the Faunus have the traits of the animals they share body parts with and that matches up well with the lyrics of Blake's song as well.
IIRC, wasn't Ruby's line about tunas improvised and the rest of the staff ran with the idea?
Also, there's Blake's visceral reaction to Zwei, with jumping on top of the bunk bed in a manner similar to a cat.

Personally if Faunus have some traits of their animal side such as loving certain food and not loving certain animal, I don't have a problem with that as long as it doesn't override their individual personality, for example that a cat Faunus and a dog Faunus won't hate each other irrationally for no other reason that they are part cat and dog respectively.

Indeed, when she see flees her iris's change significantly and are unique to that event. We see them changing a lot in her fight with Yang so there are several theories off of that though there is the core one about illusions. Green eyed girl has an effect on the illusion theory as well.

Good eyes Internet.
IIRC, wasn't Ruby's line about tunas improvised and the rest of the staff ran with the idea?
Also, there's Blake's visceral reaction to Zwei, with jumping on top of the bunk bed in a manner similar to a cat.

Personally if Faunus have some traits of their animal side such as loving certain food and not loving certain animal, I don't have a problem with that as long as it doesn't override their individual personality, for example that a cat Faunus and a dog Faunus won't hate each other irrationally for no other reason that they are part cat and dog respectively.
I don't really know, sorry.
And yeah that's another example and that one definitely was planned, amusing, but still...

Balancing stereotypes like that can be difficult though, and some instinctual response overriding their personality would send a whole bag of mixed messages within the setting.
OK I was nervous but overall that was awesome! I am so hyped! I can now officially say I'm hyped!
Cinder has the best use of Aura/Semblance ever seen, period.

How could they end on a cliff hanger!?
I am not surprised at all that I get up early to get a sponsorship and watch the premiere...

Only for everyone else doing that to crash RT's servers. Shouldn't really be surprised.
I had the same problem, just keep refreshing and it should load, it only took about a minute or two for me.
Well, I loved the episode personally. The only thing I'm upset about is we aren't

seeing Qrow and Winter yet :p
I'm now even more sad Monty's dead. His brother voicing Ren is a very noticeable difference. At least Ren has more lines now. Anyone expecting the return of Vomit Boy?
Personally, I don't think Neath (IIRC) is that bad as Ren. It's very noticeable- his voice is certainly deeper -but not bad.

Though yeah, it does drive home once more that Monty's gone...


all joking aside, I really am looking forward to Qrow and Winter. Weiss' father trying to call her right before she's apparently cut off on funds? Something's up, and the sister is our answer.

And of course, Qrow has a lot of potential. Learn more about Raven (who better actually meet Yang darn it), and maybe find out about Cinder's plan too.
Okay someone tell me how long until those who aren't Sponsors have to wait!! It's killing me!!
Check tomorrow. Sponsors get to sneak a look one day early, then the episode is publicly available.
RWBY: Chapter 1: Round One

The episodes are posted to YouTube one week later (or at least that's how they've previously done it). In the past, Crunchyroll also streamed Volumes 1 and 2, but it looks like they're not doing Volume 3.

I'm now even more sad Monty's dead. His brother voicing Ren is a very noticeable difference. At least Ren has more lines now. Anyone expecting the return of Vomit Boy?
We were also slipped some background on Nora and Ren during Nora's speech:

> Nora: ... and Ren and I have no parents so we have no home left to go to...
Personally if Faunus have some traits of their animal side such as loving certain food and not loving certain animal, I don't have a problem with that as long as it doesn't override their individual personality, for example that a cat Faunus and a dog Faunus won't hate each other irrationally for no other reason that they are part cat and dog respectively.
Cats, snooty, thinks they are boss and self satisfied.
Dogs, friendly, natural minions, and easily amused.

Clearly the dog would just become the cat's minion.
RumbleintheDumbles pointed this out on SB, and I thought I'd share it here. Below is Month's signature (you might want to open in a new tab).

Remember the six crows flying out into the sun?
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You can actually see it on here, thankfully.

Also - I got to see Best Girl stamp on some guy's face. 10/10, best première, would watch again.

Seriously, though, that was a really, really well done character reveal. They made Neo seem properly menacing.