RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Okay, so I won't be able to participate in the Q&A thing because I work night-shift, so I need to leave you guys some questions to ask FOR me:

1) Do kingdoms supply electricity to whole cities from central power-plants, or does everyone (household or business) fuel their appliances, ACs, and water heaters with their own supplies of Dust?

2) Do hybrid forms of Dust ever happen naturally, or only artificially?

3) What is the advantage of granulated Dust versus crystallized Dust? Do crystals always expend their power/mass all at once for a greater effect than Dust-sand, whereas Dust-sand can be spent in smaller, controlled amounts?

4) Has Remnant discovered gunpowder, or are bullet-propellants made solely with Dust?

5) Is there a type of Dust that can be used to heal injuries?

6) Are the doctors of Remnant trained to use their Auras and Dust to heal people? Can such dedicated physicians develop healing Semblances?

7) How old is Penny?

8) Did Yang inherit her choice of weapon and fighting style from Taiyang? If not, what is Taiyang's style/weapon?

9) Can sufficient damage pierce an Aura's protection to inflict injury, or are injuries the result of the Aura breaking down entirely before it can regenerate back to full strength?

10) How quickly do Auras tend to recover?

11) Can Aura get stronger with conditioning/experience?

12) Are some Auras just stronger than others?

13) Are some Semblances just better than others? Pyrrha can affect metal, but Glynda can affect ANYTHING -- does Glynda trade that versatility off for weaker control, slower response, or a greater cost?

14) What is the name of the weapons/robotics manufacturing company that cooperated with the Schnee Dust Company and the military to produce the Paladins, Knights, and Penny?

15) What are the most common uses for Wind Dust (considering that Ice Dust is simpler than air conditioning with moving air)? Making machines fly?

16) IS Ice Dust actually one of the four basic kinds, or is that actually Water Dust? If Water Dust, WHAT do you use THAT for?!

17) What classes do Taiyang and Qrow and Professor Peach teach at Signal and Beacon, respectively?

18) Has Taiyang heard what dangerous mischief his daughters have been getting into? Will he be showing up on screen to talk to them about it?


1) Her hair doesn't always shine after she gets hit; does she have to deliberately create her Super Energy? If yes, is it more efficient to generate it with the Super Saiyan Transformation explosions we see her use against Junior than to do it without, as she does against the Malachite Sisters?

2) Yang generated fire for her floor-warping punch in her trailer, and she bursts with fire when comically angry. Is this a basic use of her Semblance available to her even before she takes damage?

3) How exactly does damage make her stronger? Is it automatic, despite the rule that Semblances must be actively used and against the evidence that her hair doesn't glow whenever she's struck? Does it merely "remember" the force of any blows she takes inbetween "charge up" actions, or "record" the amount of Aura she's lost due to the damage it has negated? Or does her Semblance NOT "remember" or "record" previous blows, but merely react to how injured she is at the moment, or how much pain she is feeling?

4) Can Yang use her Semblance for bursts of speed as well as strength, like she seemed to do to surprise the Malachite Sisters and Junior in her trailer?
Please don't let questions like "Will we see Jaune's blue bunny onsie return" win!

Also, please ask if the castles seen on the maps only mark the hunter academies, and if Vacuo's borders actually extend from that "castle" all the way to the ocean North of it.
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Stuff I have been posting on spacebattles
How many Hunter Academies are there in Remnant?
4 main ones, with several other lesser combat academies. -Kerry
What's your favourite type of grimm?
The dead kind. - Kara
You haven't seen it yet... but when you do... you will be sufficiently creeped out. -Miles
Will there be any canon ships?
A ship with a canon on it? Sure, why not. -Kerry
Well, let me give you a detailed--asbdhy8uT@^VW%^%@%# Jon, no, what are you doin--- That is a very good question, internet person. Yes, there will be plenty of more canon ships this season, including Torchwick and Sun, Sunwick, Cinder & the Ozpin, Pinfall, and my favor the shopkeep and general soldier #34 called "Jon Loves Patrick". Thanks again for this very interesting question. #OnTheSpot
If rwby characters are loosely based on fairy tail characters, will we see a someone based off Shrek?
We already gave you Jr. - Lindsay
How come you guys decided to move the episodes to Saturdays? smile emoticon
Saturday morning cartoons! -Kerr
If you could choose your own semblence/aura based on yourself what would it be??? If that makes sense
Well, Aura is the energy that fuels your Semblance/acts as a defensive barrier. As for what I'd want my Semblance to be? Being able to change the sound of my voice completely would be cool. Perfectly mimicking another person's voice could be super useful. -Miles
Will we see more of Weiss's back story? We already know about Blake's and yang's but what about Weiss's? Also I love you Kara/Weiss!!!
Thank you! heart emoticon There's always more to the story... Winter is coming wink emoticon - Kara
Have Roman, Neo, Junior, or the Malachite twins ever attended a combat school?
The streets can be pretty educational... - gray
It was once said that Ruby's favorite food is strawberries. What are the favorite foods of the rest of Team RWBY?
Probably Turkey.
Maybe not foods, but Weiss loves coffee and Blake loves tea. -Miles
Coffee. And ice cream. - Kara
Ruby loves cookies, too - Lindsay
Where is the CCT in relation to Beacon? Is it on Beacon's campus?
The CCT is the base section of Beacon Tower itself. -gray
When will Weiss and Ruby just stop messing around and make out?
Weiss is way too mean to Ruby, she deserves better! tongue emoticon - Lindsay
For the voice actors; have you guys ever tried singing in your Characters voice? grin emoticon Besides Miles of course; your serenade to Weiss was superb ;u;
I would give my pinkie toe to sing like Weiss. Singing is my weakness. - Kara
I sing and talk as Ruby a lot at home. Then, Michael sings and talks back to me as Sun. We're insane. - Lindsay
How come the gang hasn't interacted with any upperclassmen at Beacon
Team CFVY is a second-year team! -Miles
At what age do children apply to academies like Signal?
After attending a lower level combat school, students can apply to a huntsmen academy at 17. -Miles
What WOULD Jaune's landing strategy have been if Pyrrha wasn't there to save him?
Shove sword into tree. Pray for upper body strength. -Miles
If you were at beacon and you could use any conventional weapon (that would also double as a gun because reasons) what would it be?
Cat tree/gun. My semblance would be summoning cats to aid me in combat. - Lindsay
Writers, I know you get this question a lot, but at the moment are there any plans for LGBTQ+ characters to be introduced, or revealed if they're already in the show?
Yep. Monty was actually very adamant about one character in particular that you'll see soon. -Miles
And of course, Remnant is a big world with people of all different backgrounds and lifestyles! -Miles
Could there be the possibility of Grimm being so large that they're practically in the kaiju class?
Maybe. -Miles
Can Faunus have more than one animal trait?
I don't know the answer to this but just wanted to say I thought that said "funhaus" and I was confused.
How do faunus genetics work? If a faunus of one animal has a kid with a faunus of another animal, which does the kid inherit?
Dog Faunus + Dog Faunus = Dog Faunus
Dog Faunus + Human = Either Dog Faunus or Human
Dog Faunus + Cat Faunus = Random Faunus
-Miles & Kerry
Everyone claims that Ruby is too innocent for love or relationships in general. But she said herself being a Huntress was romantic. So, as a confirmed answer, will Ruby be, "on the prowl" in the show?
Ruby sees hunting as romantic, but that's not the same romance one would find in a relationship with another person. So, Ruby is in love with the idea of being a Huntress, she's in love with the work she puts into possibly becoming one, but I'm not so sure about her feeling romantically about any of her classmates/friends - Lindsay
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What's your favourite type of grimm?
The dead kind. - Kara
You haven't seen it yet... but when you do... you will be sufficiently creeped out. -Miles
What I hope: humanoid Grimms! :)
What I fear: spider Grimms! :cry:

Have Roman, Neo, Junior, or the Malachite twins ever attended a combat school?
The streets can be pretty educational... - gray
Now that I think about it, with everyone having Aura and some of them Semblances, gangs turf wars must be some really hardcore affairs, threading on Jojo part 5 level of brutality and insanity! :o

Where is the CCT in relation to Beacon? Is it on Beacon's campus?
The CCT is the base section of Beacon Tower itself. -gray
Wait, we saw the CCT in the show, and it's a tower separated from the academy main tower, how could it be its base section?

I sing and talk as Ruby a lot at home. Then, Michael sings and talks back to me as Sun. We're insane. - Lindsay

How come the gang hasn't interacted with any upperclassmen at Beacon
Team CFVY is a second-year team! -Miles
Second year!? :o
Okay so either team CFVY is a really good team way ahead in terms of capabilities (them being stars in Beacon lends credence to it) or there's some seriously hardcore training in year 2 akin to a freaking Astarted training regime!

What WOULD Jaune's landing strategy have been if Pyrrha wasn't there to save him?
Shove sword into tree. Pray for upper body strength. -Miles
That's a not so bad strategy, all things considered. Well since he didn't had Aura back then he would had probably torn himself in half, but still.

Could there be the possibility of Grimm being so large that they're practically in the kaiju class?
Maybe. -Miles
Cue team RWBY in a giant mecha with a song inspired by Evangelion.

Can Faunus have more than one animal trait?
I don't know the answer to this but just wanted to say I thought that said "funhaus" and I was confused.
Mmmmh... for me it looks like they eluded the question...

How do faunus genetics work? If a faunus of one animal has a kid with a faunus of another animal, which does the kid inherit?
Dog Faunus + Dog Faunus = Dog Faunus
Dog Faunus + Human = Either Dog Faunus or Human
Dog Faunus + Cat Faunus = Random Faunus
-Miles & Kerry
Interesting, so that mean that we could have human characters that have Faunus parents, why do I get the feeling that the theory that either Yang or Ruby are half-Faunus will come back in full force?
Also I'm confused about the "Dog Faunus + Cat Faunus = Random Faunus" bit, does that mean that the child will be either a dog or cat Faunus, or that it could be any kind of Faunus? I suppose that it's the former since it's the most logical, but I just want to be sure.

Everyone claims that Ruby is too innocent for love or relationships in general. But she said herself being a Huntress was romantic. So, as a confirmed answer, will Ruby be, "on the prowl" in the show?
Ruby sees hunting as romantic, but that's not the same romance one would find in a relationship with another person. So, Ruby is in love with the idea of being a Huntress, she's in love with the work she puts into possibly becoming one, but I'm not so sure about her feeling romantically about any of her classmates/friends - Lindsay
You know, I find it funny how everyone focus on shipping stuff to talk about Ruby's maturity and innocence and miss the several moments in the show where Ruby had some several disturbing moments, such as how she likes too much the prospect of fighting and killing Grimms, something that a 15 years old shouldn't think and which is definitively anything but innocent.
Second year!? :o
Okay so either team CFVY is a really good team way ahead in terms of capabilities (them being stars in Beacon lends credence to it) or there's some seriously hardcore training in year 2 akin to a freaking Astarted training regime!

Erm, we knew that already.
No, she's always had that.
I have clearly not been paying attention :oops:

Also Nora has toon psychics!

I am wary of this 'Guardian' thing, and Pyrrha is acting like JNPR have been involved in the plot/ What is this!?

Winter VS Qrow, awesome, I suspect she is evil, also his scene in the elavator was great. The green eyed girl may be Neo, I hope they don't have Yang and Ruby compete for Qrows attention.

Also epic fights!