RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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One things for sure, Faunus do seem to only have mammalian traits and nothing else. This could be a case of RT doing research and understanding the small similarities all mammals have... or the more likely option that scale skins and wings are dang hard to animate, and they stuck with mammals.

...I have got to slow down my SF Debris watching, that sounded like Chuck in my head.
Maybe, well that's not a problem, if people want snake girls they can go see Monster Musume or XCOM 2.

Also I just realized that at 0:14 Port don't know how to pronounce team ABRN's name! :lol

Meh, Aura hax. Nobody gets a long lasting injury in this show, so I doubt it's a problem.
Still hurts like hell apparently.
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A fall on the tailbone, which hurts like a bitch, that's why everyone was cringing.
Right, projection and expectation, that makes sense.

Just watched the clip... I was right! Some Faunus did move to Menagerie! Or it's Vacuo, but it seemed compared to a city/kingdom, and definitely some Australia expy. And since Australia was a penal colony, Menagerie makes sense to be one, right?
I had the same thoughts!

How is this any way relevant to my question?

Probably replied to the wrong post. It seems to be a response to someone mentioning that she lost her big fight in Dead Fantasy. Though to be fair, that fight was basically one fight that she just about won and then a fight against another guy and a sh*tload of ninja mooks.
Probably replied to the wrong post. It seems to be a response to someone mentioning that she lost her big fight in Dead Fantasy. Though to be fair, that fight was basically one fight that she just about won and then a fight against another guy and a sh*tload of ninja mooks.

Ah, that would actually be me, but the part he quoted threw me off considerably, thank you.
If anyone's a sponsor, there's a new World of Remnant available to watch on It's about the Vytal Festival, and specifically the tournament.
Link: RWBY: Volume 3, World of Remnant 1

Should be available to the general public tomorrow.

Also, we have an official webpage for RWBY Grimm Eclipse now, with some new info: RWBY Grimm Eclipse
RWBY: GRIMM ECLIPSE is a 4 player co-op, hack-n-slash game based upon Rooster Teeth's international hit series RWBY.

Get ready for intense combat action as you battle Grimm across familiar locations of Remnant including new areas never before seen in the show. Play as Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang in this character-driven adventure that explores new storylines, new Grimm types, and a new villain!

The gameplay takes inspiration from Dynasty Warriors and Left 4 Dead offering over-the-top combat along with engaging missions and storytelling.

  • Online Co-op Multiplayer
  • 4 playable characters with unique skill trees
  • Full story campaign with a NEW storyline
  • MOBA-like leveling during gameplay
  • Several locations from the world of Remnant
  • NEW locations never before seen in the show
  • NEW enemy types
  • NEW villain
  • Loads of unlocks, achievements, and rewards
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That look amazing, I may just need to get back into gaming.

Wait does 4 player mean I have to play with other people?

EDIT: Are Yang and a Beowolf clipping through the ground?
Probably replied to the wrong post. It seems to be a response to someone mentioning that she lost her big fight in Dead Fantasy. Though to be fair, that fight was basically one fight that she just about won and then a fight against another guy and a sh*tload of ninja mooks.
She jobbed in Advent Children, she jobbed in Dead Fantasy...

She didn't even vaguely win her one fight in DF, discounting her initial tag-in. She got rekt by Hitomi (who arguably got buffed and probably should have lost that, sure) but hey that's jobbing for you.

* Blake seems to have no trouble maintaining her balance on ice. While wearing high-heels. And executing spin-kicks.

* Reese is either using magnets or a Semblance to draw her board back to her even when Blake kicked it AWAY from her.

* Why combine the board and guns into one object? Why not have a board AND a pair of guns, so that you can shoot while you board, or use the board as a shield while you shoot?

* Reese easily board-shields herself from Blake's assault, even when Blake uses her Semblance.

* Speaking of which, Blake uses shadow clones twice for NO apparent reason -- she doesn't use it to teleport to an unexpected angle, and doesn't even seem to be gaining momentum from it (as per her "jump off my own clone in midair" trick).

* Reese likewise shows no difficulty maintaining her balance on the ice, even in the face of Blake's assault -- she easily absorbs Blake's strikes or lets them push her back without swaying.

* By contrast, once Reese breaks the combo with her own attack, Blake is knocked stumbling away despite successfully parrying it. Is Reese physically stronger?

* Reese displays further ice-defying balance with some acrobatics.

* Ice clone. Did Blake use Dust, or... I'll come back to this in a moment

* Blake seems to cut the board in two, but the halves are too even and it transforms too easily into a symmetrical pair of guns. So I think Blake didn't cut it, but merely smacked it hard enough to decouple. Possibly, she even broke the latches.

* Again, Reese's weapon defies trajectories to move toward her; magnets or Semblance.

* The guns are revolvers; I see cylinders.

* The ice finally defeats Reese; she seems to have forgotten about it, and her heels slide out from under her when she lands.

* Blake seems uncharacteristically concerned about Reese's boo-boo. Seriously, what's with that face?

* The "lava" obviously isn't, because lava is liquid and that ground is very solid. At best, the rock is literally RED HOT, which is dangerous and deadly, but not nearly as much as lava.

* Arslan looks to me like she should be from Vacuo (based on my assumptions of the place), but ABRN is a Mistral team. Well, Sun was from Vacuo before he moved to Mistral, so maybe Arslan did too? (Mistral seems to have Grecoroman theme, with Pyrrha, Neptune, and possibly Mercury. Emerald too, sort of, given Cleopatra's dealings with Rome.)

* In contrast to Yang's direct, quick, linear attacks, Arslan fights almost exclusively with wide, sweeping, circular movements.

* Yang takes MULTIPLE hits, and never once does her hair start to glow. We've seen Yang create her super-energy in the middle of a roundhouse kick, so it's not like she doesn't have the time here and now; why is she not using it? What don't we know about her Semblance that makes leaving it alone the better tactical decision there?

* Despite using no apparent weapon, Arslan's strike matched Yang's for power, even though we heard Yang fire a shot. Neither moved.

* Even though neither moved, suddenly they're both flying backwards for some reason. Both land in three-point stances. Yang's hand is knuckles down, but Arslan CLAWS the ground, and slides back farther than Yang did. Arslan seems pissed, so maybe she lost that exchange after all.

* The gouge that Arslan carved... liquid? But the ground is too solid to be such a thin layer over liquid, and I've already dismissed REAL molten rock as simply too dangerous even for Aura. Given the glowing red crystals sprouting from the ground, I assume the glowing stuff under the surface is more of the same -- solid glowing crystal. Fire Dust?

* Yang REALLY isn't at home on the ice. Arslan apparently got tired of failing to overpower Yang, and changed the battlefield to one more advantageous.

* Arslan follows up with an attack that drives Yang farther into the ice zone.

* Forgettable Male A is standing in the open, looking around like a lost goober with no idea what he should be doing. Based on events to follow, I guess he and Forgettable Male B were playing a game of Hide And Seek with Ruby and Weiss, with A losing to Ruby, Ruby losing to B, and B losing to Weiss.

* Forgettable Male A sees Yang slide by and makes to shoot her, but Ruby shoots him first. There's an explosion of white behind him (he was apparently shot in the back) along with a special "musical/magical" sound effect note, followed by the reveal that his lower body has been frozen in place. Weiss gave Ruby a magazine of special Ice Dust bullets?

* Alternatively, did Blake's ice clone and Ruby's ice shot have something to do with the special ICE floor on which they stood when they did these things?

* Ruby actually used a traditional sniping position!

* Ruby is adorable.

Addressing something seen in the earlier, rougher clip...

Reese sees her frozen teammate, smiles at Blake, lazily drifts over to him, melts the ice, and then drifts back over to Blake... and Blake doesn't try to attack her ONCE during this time?

Blake, where did your aggression go? What happened to you?
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* Yang takes MULTIPLE hits, and never once does her hair start to glow. We've seen Yang create her super-energy in the middle of a roundhouse kick, so it's not like she doesn't have the time here and now; why is she not using it? What don't we know about her Semblance that makes leaving it alone the better tactical decision there?
Its possible she think her opponent would run off if she tried and thus she'd be wasting it, or Yang may be worried they'd dodge it and wants to wait for a more sure thing, it may be something about her opponents fighting style (like maybe she used Ren/Fox like Aura strikes that mess with Yang's flow) It could also be that she just hasn't worked up the energy yet and that she actually had more built up either before or during her fight at the bar.

Blake, where did your aggression go? What happened to you?
Its possible she knows and likes these people or that the nature of the tournament has sort of thrown her off. I recall a character in a manga I read once, one of the most powerful fighters around but it was noted by one of her subordinates that she couldn't even use half her full power in a relaxed and enjoyable tournament due to basically fuelling herself with hate and rage. Blake might be similar if less literal in the sense if she'snot fighting for something she's passionate about she may just not be that enthusiastic or focussed.
Its possible she think her opponent would run off if she tried and thus she'd be wasting it, or Yang may be worried they'd dodge it
Yang can and HAS used her super-energy for bursts of massive speed.

Bursts that allowed her to suckerpunch one of the Malachite Sisters and Junior without resistance, where before they were all able to guard themselves from Yang's attacks.

It could also be that she just hasn't worked up the energy yet and that she actually had more built up either before or during her fight at the bar.
Yang only needed to get hit once for the super-roundhouse.

Three times with Junior's batzooka for a super-rush and power-combo with a power-finisher.

The bar-shattering explosion needed only a few lost hairs.
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Yang can and HAS used her super-energy for bursts of massive speed.

Bursts that allowed her to suckerpunch one of the Malachite Sisters and Junior without resistance, where before they were all able to guard themselves from Yang's attacks
I know, it was just a theory, her opponents probably a good deal stronger than the Malachite twins were and more skilled.

Yang only needed to get hit once for the super-roundhouse.

Three times with Junior's batzooka for a super-rush and power-combo with a power-finisher.

The bar-shattering explosion needed only a few lost hairs.
We don't really know the specifics of her Semblance yet so there may be a reason for that.

Also I'm fairly confident losing hair doesn't constitute damage so much as it just angers her, but then there was a comment made at some point (I think) that said her hair played a role so perhaps?

* Blake seems to have no trouble maintaining her balance on ice. While wearing high-heels. And executing spin-kicks.

* Reese is either using magnets or a Semblance to draw her board back to her even when Blake kicked it AWAY from her.

* Why combine the board and guns into one object? Why not have a board AND a pair of guns, so that you can shoot while you board, or use the board as a shield while you shoot?

* Reese easily board-shields herself from Blake's assault, even when Blake uses her Semblance.

* Speaking of which, Blake uses shadow clones twice for NO apparent reason -- she doesn't use it to teleport to an unexpected angle, and doesn't even seem to be gaining momentum from it (as per her "jump off my own clone in midair" trick).

* Reese likewise shows no difficulty maintaining her balance on the ice, even in the face of Blake's assault -- she easily absorbs Blake's strikes or lets them push her back without swaying.

* By contrast, once Reese breaks the combo with her own attack, Blake is knocked stumbling away despite successfully parrying it. Is Reese physically stronger?

* Reese displays further ice-defying balance with some acrobatics.

* Ice clone. Did Blake use Dust, or... I'll come back to this in a moment

* Blake seems to cut the board in two, but the halves are too even and it transforms too easily into a symmetrical pair of guns. So I think Blake didn't cut it, but merely smacked it hard enough to decouple. Possibly, she even broke the latches.

* Again, Reese's weapon defies trajectories to move toward her; magnets or Semblance.

* The guns are revolvers; I see cylinders.

* The ice finally defeats Reese; she seems to have forgotten about it, and her heels slide out from under her when she lands.

* Blake seems uncharacteristically concerned about Reese's boo-boo. Seriously, what's with that face?

* The "lava" obviously isn't, because lava is liquid and that ground is very solid. At best, the rock is literally RED HOT, which is dangerous and deadly, but not nearly as much as lava.

* Arslan looks to me like she should be from Vacuo (based on my assumptions of the place), but ABRN is a Mistral team. Well, Sun was from Vacuo before he moved to Mistral, so maybe Arslan did too? (Mistral seems to have Grecoroman theme, with Pyrrha, Neptune, and possibly Mercury. Emerald too, sort of, given Cleopatra's dealings with Rome.)

* In contrast to Yang's direct, quick, linear attacks, Arslan fights almost exclusively with wide, sweeping, circular movements.

* Yang takes MULTIPLE hits, and never once does her hair start to glow. We've seen Yang create her super-energy in the middle of a roundhouse kick, so it's not like she doesn't have the time here and now; why is she not using it? What don't we know about her Semblance that makes leaving it alone the better tactical decision there?

* Despite using no apparent weapon, Arslan's strike matched Yang's for power, even though we heard Yang fire a shot. Neither moved.

* Even though neither moved, suddenly they're both flying backwards for some reason. Both land in three-point stances. Yang's hand is knuckles down, but Arslan CLAWS the ground, and slides back farther than Yang did. Arslan seems pissed, so maybe she lost that exchange after all.

* The gouge that Arslan carved... liquid? But the ground is too solid to be such a thin layer over liquid, and I've already dismissed REAL molten rock as simply too dangerous even for Aura. Given the glowing red crystals sprouting from the ground, I assume the glowing stuff under the surface is more of the same -- solid glowing crystal. Fire Dust?

* Yang REALLY isn't at home on the ice. Arslan apparently got tired of failing to overpower Yang, and changed the battlefield to one more advantageous.

* Arslan follows up with an attack that drives Yang farther into the ice zone.

* Forgettable Male A is standing in the open, looking around like a lost goober with no idea what he should be doing. Based on events to follow, I guess he and Forgettable Male B were playing a game of Hide And Seek with Ruby and Weiss, with A losing to Ruby, Ruby losing to B, and B losing to Weiss.

* Forgettable Male A sees Yang slide by and makes to shoot her, but Ruby shoots him first. There's an explosion of white behind him (he was apparently shot in the back) along with a special "musical/magical" sound effect note, followed by the reveal that his lower body has been frozen in place. Weiss gave Ruby a magazine of special Ice Dust bullets?

* Alternatively, did Blake's ice clone and Ruby's ice shot have something to do with the special ICE floor on which they stood when they did these things?

* Ruby actually used a traditional sniping position!

* Ruby is adorable.

Addressing something seen in the earlier, rougher clip...

Reese sees her frozen teammate, smiles at Blake, lazily drifts over to him, melts the ice, and then drifts back over to Blake... and Blake doesn't try to attack her ONCE during this time?

Blake, where did your aggression go? What happened to you?

I hope you send your review(s) to RT. This is the kind of return they hope for.
Just because Jiven said so?
Yeah? It's not like RT's some major production company like WB.

Urgh, a new forum.

I'll consider it, because I may be able to learn more about Remnant, but it will take at least some time to READ ALL THE THINGS, adjust to the board's culture, and figure out where and how to post.
Oh I'd just post it. Find the trailer discussion and post your thoughts. No need for...all of that.
* Blake seems to have no trouble maintaining her balance on ice. While wearing high-heels. And executing spin-kicks.
That part-cat nature sure comes handy, right? :D

* Blake seems uncharacteristically concerned about Reese's boo-boo. Seriously, what's with that face?
They are in a tournament, so even if they are fighting, it's only a competition in a sportive event. So it's normal if she winces at seeing her sparring partner falling in a notoriously very painful position. The same way I'm sure a male would wince at seeing someone getting hit in the nutsacks, even if they aren't on the same team, unless said person is a real enemy.

* The "lava" obviously isn't, because lava is liquid and that ground is very solid. At best, the rock is literally RED HOT, which is dangerous and deadly, but not nearly as much as lava.
That could be "hollywood laval", you know, lots of glowing red rocks that doesn't make sense and liquid lava that don't burn you as long as you don't touch it?

* Arslan looks to me like she should be from Vacuo (based on my assumptions of the place), but ABRN is a Mistral team. Well, Sun was from Vacuo before he moved to Mistral, so maybe Arslan did too? (Mistral seems to have Grecoroman theme, with Pyrrha, Neptune, and possibly Mercury. Emerald too, sort of, given Cleopatra's dealings with Rome.)
There seems to be a lot of migrants from Vacuo toward Mistral then. :D

* Yang takes MULTIPLE hits, and never once does her hair start to glow. We've seen Yang create her super-energy in the middle of a roundhouse kick, so it's not like she doesn't have the time here and now; why is she not using it? What don't we know about her Semblance that makes leaving it alone the better tactical decision there?
Remember that we only saw a single scene of the middle of the fight, maybe Yang already tried this beforehand and Arslan parried or dodged it, so Yang is trying another tactic?

Addressing something seen in the earlier, rougher clip...

Reese sees her frozen teammate, smiles at Blake, lazily drifts over to him, melts the ice, and then drifts back over to Blake... and Blake doesn't try to attack her ONCE during this time?

Blake, where did your aggression go? What happened to you?
Well, in the end all of this tournament is nothing more than a huge spectacle, so maybe the participants are asked to avoid going all out to not harm too much their adversaries and also to make the spectacle last longer. That would explain why most of them seems to going easy and relaxed, particularly Blake.

Speaking of which, I thought Blake was trying to avoid attracting the attention so the White Fang won't find her, and here she's in an international competition broadcast all around the world!