RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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[Discussion] Chibi Season 2, Episode 12: Evil Genius
New RWBY Chibi

Oh my gosh I completely loved that!

Ozpin was hilarious, the title he came up for, for his stuff were great and Ruby is a sneaky punk XD

Cool stuff with the weapons workshop.

Neo is so adorable and helpful, Torchwick is falling apart XD

Oh no, Ruby, utterly defeated!
New FIRST signup goals.

Until the holiday Chibi goal is reached and released publicly, I don't believe it will be public. They did the same exact thing with the AH dubbing an episode, not specifying if it would be exclusive or public, and it ended up being exclusive.
Seriously thinking about buying this game even though I haven't really played fighter games since Tekken 4.
That might take a while since Soul Calibur 5 damaged the IP quite a bit and so we might not see a new installment any time soon.

Damaged how? Care to elaborate on that? Like, from what little I played of it the core fighting system was the best it's ever been, and I heard a lot of good stuff said about its netcode. The overall experience was only better in the console version of SCII, and that's mostly due to the fact that they refuse to duplicate the mountain of content that thing had. I did really enjoy the fighting, though, but I just haven't owned a console since my old Gamecube.
Damaged how? Care to elaborate on that? Like, from what little I played of it the core fighting system was the best it's ever been, and I heard a lot of good stuff said about its netcode. The overall experience was only better in the console version of SCII, and that's mostly due to the fact that they refuse to duplicate the mountain of content that thing had. I did really enjoy the fighting, though, but I just haven't owned a console since my old Gamecube.
Soul Calibur 5 was heavily rushed and with there funding cut had most of the content such as the Arcade Endings and the story mode and various characters from the previous games such as Zasalamel whose model is on the disc,left on the cutting room floor due to Namco wanting the game released during January since that is usually a weak month for game sales. Basically they released an Obvious Beta with no plans to finish the game through DLC or other such content.
Sooooooo, what are some things people want to see from Yang in her Character Short and the next volume to show that she's embraced her father's Fight Smarter, Not Harder philosophy?

Showing characters being smart isn't always easy after all. There's the obvious method of emphasizing that she's thinking up a plan or looking for and exploiting weaknesses but while it would be great to have some of that its not something I want them to use too much. For one thing its easy to fall into the trap of either not making it clear what's happening or worse spending to much time explaining what is happening (has flashbacks to videos from Jojo videos where the action stops for several minutes in the middle of a fight to explain exactly what the plan is and how the hero thought of it). Plus doing one smart thing in one fight isn't necessarily something that translates well to another fight.

So one thing I want to see from Yang as a more general "smart" decision is her following in her sisters footsteps and getting some specialty ammunition in addition to her regular stuff.

After all Ember Celica looks better suited to having multiple ammo types than Crescent Rose or Gambol Shroud so Yang could probably make better use of Dust ammo than Ruby or even Blake can. If she can revolve the chamber like a, well like a revolver then she can switch between different ammo types on the fly as the situation demands. Blake or Ruby meanwhile either need to completely switch magazines or would need to fire a certain bullets before they could get to the Dust type they actually wanted since its at the bottom of the clip.

Also it would not just show smarts but just be awesome in general to see Yang rapidly switch between shooting fire, ice, lightning, etc like Tifa vs Hitomi in Dead Fantasy 3. Heck she could even combine different Dust types for clever tricks, such as having one gauntlet switch to ice while the other keeps using fire and then smashing her fists together in her signature "I am so badass :cool:" pose to create a screen of mist to hide in like she and Weiss did together in the Paladin fight. Or make the ground slippery or wet with a ice or water bullet and then shock the enemy standing on it with a lightning bullet. Etc.

Another good way to show her using her head more and that could also show her still struggling with PTSD would be to have her decide to retreat from a powerful Grimm instead of standing and fighting for no reason. For extra smart points have her use the fact that her shots are basically flares to use them as actual flares and get some help from the Mistral border guard deliberately instead of through providence like RNJR did.

Other things that I think would be nice would be her mixing up her fighting style more and not relying as much on straight punches. She mixed things up more in her original trailer and I would like to see more of that. Her using more tricksy/agile fighting styles in general or at least mixing them in occasionally to throw opponents off balance would also be neat.

And speaking of stuff that she could do to suddenly switch up her fighting style to throw enemies off balance there's improvised weapons. Now there's something that would be fun to see in this series.
She and Ren are pretty much the only members of the team well suited for using that in combat since they're the only ones who regularly have their hands free. Ruby wouldn't get much benefit from ditching Crescent Rose to hit people with a broken bottle but Yang could get some major benefits from suddenly switching from her usual punch and kick fighting style to hitting someone in the face with a car jack. She just needs to grab whatever is close by so she can switch fast enough to catch the opponent off-guard.

Other suggestions?
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Damaged how? Care to elaborate on that? Like, from what little I played of it the core fighting system was the best it's ever been, and I heard a lot of good stuff said about its netcode. The overall experience was only better in the console version of SCII, and that's mostly due to the fact that they refuse to duplicate the mountain of content that thing had. I did really enjoy the fighting, though, but I just haven't owned a console since my old Gamecube.

They tried to remove most of the old fighters and replace them with New Generation OC expys.

The story sucked, especially since it was only half finished/baked.

All the characters people actually cared about where shunted to the side.

Too much overpriced DLC.

No Chronicles of the Sword
Man Chibi is really giving me a lot of thoughts, ideas and wishes for Volume 5 this season. Though that's just as intended I suppose, keep people thinking and talking about RWBY in the off-season so that more people will watch it when the new volume airs. Anyway:

The specific wish it inspired this time was to see Sun actually use the nunchaku-gun or at least the gun part of his weapon. After volume 1 he's only ever used the staff form or his Semblance, probably because animating nunchaku combat is difficult and they'd already used Monty's stock footage from another project he was working on. Still just showing him shooting at stuff like in RWBY Chibi would be incredibly simple and I hope we get to see that at least, heck I might even prefer it since its a new way of using his weapon that we haven't seen before. Remind us that he actually has attacks with decent range.

We've had some discussions about this scene not to long ago. People mentioned that the CRWBY (Monty included) considered it a mistake and have taken that to mean that there will be no follow up to that scene. However I've started wondering about that recently. After all it is not the only dream sequence we've had with Yang.

A lot of people, myself included have talked about wanting Yang's PTSD subplot to be continued into future volumes and be something that she will have to struggle with rather than just being a problem that appears and is solved in the same volume. And that got me thinking, couldn't a continuation of both those things be combined very effectively? After all if that dream sequence with Raven wasn't just a normal dream but was actually happening, if Raven has some form of Dream based Semblance or Magic or Artefact then what better way to have that subplot make a reappearance than Raven popping up in Yang's PTSD nightmares to have a chat? That way you can hit two birds with one stone. It allows the writers to show that Yang hasn't just magically gotten rid of all of her trauma just by thinking positive, lets them introduce the concept of a Dream based powers in a suitably epic way (for example Raven could show up by murdering dream Adam and chiding Yang for being scared by phantoms, showing her to be badass and a massive bitch at the same time) and it could be a good way to naturally integrate Raven with the plot and interact with the heroes even though none of them like her and Yang has prioritized finding her sister over her mother.

As for why Raven would contact Yang, well it could be something that just happens when they're in close proximity to each other since they're mother and daughter. Or maybe Raven does have a kernel of good in her and wants to send Yang some form of warning. Or maybe she's just a bitch but does want to sabotage Salem as much as possible and therefore passes on info to Yang. Or maybe she's a ultra bitch and is actively using her daughter as a tool to fuck over both Salem's faction and Ozpin's faction+everyone not in her tribe.

A Dream based Semblance or Magic could even explain how she knew that Yang needed saving at that exact moment in that exact place and how she seemingly knew for sure that Beacon would fall as well as why Qrow seems certain that she would have knowledge on Spring's location when he didn't. Assuming that the "the last eye is blinded" quote from Salem referred to Raven and Qrow being Ozpin's information gatherers that are no longer in play (with Raven defecting and Qrow "dying") it would also explain why Raven is such a valued resource for information gathering. Namely the literally ancient cliche of prophetic dreams. Raven could have Dreamed of Beacon falling and warned Qrow, later she could have Dreamed of Yang dying and either kept an eye on her, waited by the train tracks or just teleported directly aboard the train depending on detailed the Dream was.

Well its just a theory but so was the Nuckelavee Grimm so who knows, maybe this will also come true? :)
New RWBY merch.
Grimm Vinyl figure.

RWBY mini plushes

You know I don't usually go for the dolls and figures because it just seems kind of creepy to have a bunch of figures/dolls of girls/women, especially since I have a hard time shaking the creepy otaku association. But that Grimm figure is so hilarious and adorable that I think I might actually buy it. :D
[Discussion] Chibi Season 2, Episode 14: Cannonball!
RWBY Chibi
OK that was great, Penny was adorable as every (Jaune what did you do!?) Blake's library card thing and dead pan attitude was great, Yang hurling away Tai, awesome, and oh Weiss watching her be all alone was genuinely sad & painful but then Winter arrived and was pure stern but Weiss loves it so everything is OK! Oh my those Grim at the end were amazing XD

Talking Grimm that trash talk Cinder! All of my yes! :lol::rofl:

Geist Grimm being a huge jerk that brags about his powers and kisses the asses of his superiors! :lol:

Poor Larry. :cry:

"Hey want to eat the flesh of some innocent humans?"
"You always know what to say to make me feel better. :)"

Oh man, just look at this stuff! :rofl:

Troll Geist is best Geist. :V

"I make a home for this family! That's what I do! :cry: And it wouldn't kill you to show a little appreciation! :mad:"

"Its a blender! And my mother gave it to me! :mad:"
"I licked it, its mine!"
"That's not a thing! Stop licking all my stuff! :rage:"

This episode has the best dialogue ever! :rofl:

Also the best transition. :D

Well that and this one:
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