RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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He fights using sword and shield (emphasis on the shield), wears knight style armor, is at his best when protecting his friends and his Semblance seems to make him temporarily invincible and possibly also heals him (hard to say if its permanently or temporarily since his wounds reappearing could be an animation mistake). Basically he's a Paladin:
Healing might be part of the package for Jaune given that Weiss has that Scar on her eye, although it could be that particular wound was special but still it seems something exclusive to Jaune until we see otherwise.
Healing might be part of the package for Jaune given that Weiss has that Scar on her eye, although it could be that particular wound was special but still it seems something exclusive to Jaune until we see otherwise.

Wouldn't Pyrrha have commented on that, then; if Aura didn't heal? She was standing right in front of Jaune when his cut closed over in a flash of light. Even if she didn't see that because her eyes were closed when she unlocked his Aura, she should've noticed immediately afterwards when the gash was no longer on his face.

Self-healing could be Jaune's Semblance, but I feel that would've merited some type of recognition that it was unusual. Maybe it was something RT changed latter in writing. Initially, Aura could heal you, but they got rid of that since they wanted to be able to meaningfully injure and maim their characters to create tension.
Someone please tell me that I'm being dense and missing something obvious about the writing or her character because now she is being stupid for the sake of stupidity.

Because there's no fucking way Ruby's going to sit around and let another person she cares about die before her eyes. She couldn't do a damn thing to save Penny except watch her die, she couldn't do a damn thing to save Pyrrha except watch her die, you expect her to sit around with her thumb up her ass waiting for Qrow to quite possibly die? The entire reason Ruby started on this journey is that she's sick and tired of not knowing what's going on and being helpless to protect the people she cares about the most. Now this f*ck shows up spouting a bunch of crap she doesn't understand and gets into a fight with Qrow, and you expect her to just sit quietly on the sidelines to let things play out?

Pyrrha is too bashful and shy to lead

She only occasionally acts shy with Jaune, who she has a huge crush on. With everyone else she's perfectly fine, albeit a bit too formal.

Also, Ren should be leader because Nora will enforce his will and break people's legs if they disobey.
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Assuming it does, I'm going to be so very pleased if and when they canonize Bumblebee and I get to bask in the salt of whiny nerds somehow convinced that heterosexual ships are the real brave creative choice.

It will be delicious.

I mean, God damn, some of the contortions some in the fandom will hop through to deny that there's at least been deliberate intimacy between them. There's "I don't like this ship," which is fine, and then there's some of the deliberate doubletalk going on.
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Assuming it does, I'm going to be so very pleased if and when they canonize Bumblebee and I get to bask in the salt of whiny nerds somehow convinced that heterosexual ships are the real brave creative choice.

It will be delicious.

I mean, God damn, some of the contortions some in the fandom will hop through to deny that there's at least been deliberate intimacy between them. There's "I don't like this ship," which is fine, and then there's some of the deliberate doubletalk going on.
I'm not confident that Bumblebee is ever going to be a thing but ye gods would I be happy if it did. If it can happen in Legend of Korra it can happen here I suppose.
If you are expecting Rooster teeth to do more than vaguely imply, you have another thing coming for you. That is a shitstorm they gain absolutely nothing from.
If you are expecting Rooster teeth to do more than vaguely imply, you have another thing coming for you. That is a shitstorm they gain absolutely nothing from.
They gain the applause of their apparently fairly sizable LGBTQ fandom and progressive folks in general?

I mean, no, it's not a guaranteed thing. It just irritates me because the only couple with a more consistently and overtly intimate relationship is Jaune and Pyrrha. I mean, the events of volume 2&3 would be unambiguously romantic if either Yang or Blake was a man.

It also bugs me because the exact same people tend to be proud of how they ship Lancaster, literally the most generic relationship possible in the show. So to see people whining about "pandering" to Bumblebee shippers bothers me.
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I doubt that Rooster Teeth will do any in depth romance at all, not only bumblebee. I love how they do combat, but most anything else is fairly mediocre.
They gain the applause of their apparently fairly sizable LGBTQ fandom and progressive folks in general?

Or even more compellingly, "the ability to write whatever story they feel like." If I have confidence in Miles and Kerry about anything, it's that they're not going to write romances into or out of the show to pander to whatever groups of shippers are saying on the Internet. However...

I mean, the events of volume 2&3 would be unambiguously romantic if either Yang or Blake was a man.

Yeah, no. If you flipped Blake's gender you'd just have BL shippers saying the exact same thing about Blake and Sun's interactions. The Yang-Blake-Sun triangle has been written so far to the point where they could be budding romances or caring friends without having to commit either way. Probably to keep shippers of both pairings invested in the show, 'cause that's what writers do. The only writing that has been unquestionably romantic has been:

Yeah, no. If you flipped Blake's gender you'd just have BL shippers saying the exact same thing about Blake and Sun's interactions. The Yang-Blake-Sun triangle has been written so far to the point where they could be budding romances or caring friends without having to commit either way. Probably to keep shippers of both pairings invested in the show, 'cause that's what writers do. The only writing that has been unquestionably romantic has been:


Of course they could just avoid the shitstorm by having the three of them have a mature talk about feelings and relationships and try for a triad instead, that way nearly everyone is happy (plus Yang and Sun working together would be so amusing, poor poor Blake) :)
"the ability to write whatever story they feel like."
I always find this to be an odd argument against the inclusion of LGBT+ characters in the case of RWBY, I'm not sure if that's how you intended it but I've seen some very aggressive arguments that utilise more or less the same ideas and, well... The creators have openly said on numerous occasions, there are gay characters, they want to include gay characters, Remnant is meant to be an accepting society ETC. Do I think they've done a good job demonstrating that? Not particularly, but its still part of their stated intent and according to them has been from the start, so if they did do it, it would be because that is what they want to write.
Yeah, no. If you flipped Blake's gender you'd just have BL shippers saying the exact same thing about Blake and Sun's interactions. The Yang-Blake-Sun triangle has been written so far to the point where they could be budding romances or caring friends without having to commit either way.
I don't really agree with this, not totally, if Yang were a man then I am confident most would regard her, well him, as being romantically interested in Blake.
If Blake were a dude though I do think there would be a slight difference, but I think that difference would apply to Sun as well because Blake is not terribly expressive, she lets people people come along or interact, but she doesn't seek it out so exactly how "Into" someone she i, is much harder to read.
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I always find this to be an odd argument against the inclusion of LGBT+ characters in the case of RWBY, I'm not sure if that's how you intended it but I've seen some very aggressive arguments that utilise more or less the same ideas and, well... The creators have openly said on numerous occasions, there are gay characters, they want to include gay characters, Remnant is meant to be an accepting society ETC. Do I think they've done a good job demonstrating that? Not particularly, but its still part of their stated intent and according to them has been from the start, so if they did do it, it would be because that is what they want to write.

Well, you got that completely backwards. What I said was that "it's the story they wanted to write" was a better reason to write Bumblebee as canon than "because it would please the LGBT-supporting community."

I don't really agree with this, not totally, if Yang were a man then I am confident most would regard her, well him, as being romantically interested in Blake.
If Blake were a dude though I do think there would be a slight difference, but I think that difference would apply to Sun as well because Blake is not terribly expressive, she lets people people come along or interact, but she doesn't seek it out so exactly how "Into" someone she i, is much harder to read.

This, on the other said "I don't really agree" then...agreed? My point is that both the Yang-Blake and Sun-Blake interactions can be read as romantic or as friendship based on whether or not you the audience want to see romantic attraction in them. If Blake's gender was reversed, the het fans would be citing all the evidence that the yuri fans do now that Yang and Blake are a ship, and the BL fans would be citing all the evidence that the het fans do now that Sun and Blake are a ship. But there's no answer to the question as we sit here the day before V4E10, because they haven't committed themselves one way or the other, or even visited the issue of whether any of their sexualities are compatible with any of each other's genders.
Well, you got that completely backwards. What I said was that "it's the story they wanted to write" was a better reason to write Bumblebee as canon than "because it would please the LGBT-supporting community."
My apologies, I've seen the argument I mentioned many times and they used basically the same line. I don't necessarily agree with your view on this matter, but also have no real strong disagreement either.

This, on the other said "I don't really agree" then...agreed? My point is that both the Yang-Blake and Sun-Blake interactions can be read as romantic or as friendship based on whether or not you the audience want to see romantic attraction in them. If Blake's gender was reversed, the het fans would be citing all the evidence that the yuri fans do now that Yang and Blake are a ship, and the BL fans would be citing all the evidence that the het fans do now that Sun and Blake are a ship. But there's no answer to the question as we sit here the day before V4E10, because they haven't committed themselves one way or the other, or even visited the issue of whether any of their sexualities are compatible with any of each other's genders.
That's fair, again it seems I may not have fully understood what you were trying to convey.
Or even more compellingly, "the ability to write whatever story they feel like." If I have confidence in Miles and Kerry about anything, it's that they're not going to write romances into or out of the show to pander to whatever groups of shippers are saying on the Internet. However...

Yeah, no. If you flipped Blake's gender you'd just have BL shippers saying the exact same thing about Blake and Sun's interactions. The Yang-Blake-Sun triangle has been written so far to the point where they could be budding romances or caring friends without having to commit either way. Probably to keep shippers of both pairings invested in the show, 'cause that's what writers do. The only writing that has been unquestionably romantic has been:

You mean apart from the clear attraction that Blake has for Sun? And Sun for Blake?
You know this scene?
To be fair, Ren's been tripping flags pretty hard. He's the character you would kill to provoke sympathy in the others and raise the stakes. If they don't kill crow that is. Actually maybe even then.
[Discussion] Volume 4, Chapter 10: Kuroyuri
Jeez, that fucking Grimm! Looks like it came out of Dark Souls or Bloodborne. People on SB were saying its a Nukelavee, and the thing collects trophies from its victims.

Nora was an orphan Ren saved when the village was destroyed with his Semblence which appears to be some kind of negative emotion suppressor or stealth ability which let the two survive the Grimm's attack.