RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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First off, the troll comment? Totally unnecessary.
You specifically stated that you don't watch the show, instead you just complain about things you haven't even seen, which you are often totally wrong about. I'm still waiting for that admission about aura-breaks.

You know this whole thing. I haven't forgotten about it. Or how you hounded another poster here relentlessly over something similar which you were again totally wrong about.
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Really, I think it depends how long the back-up process takes. We know she was gone for the duration of the timeskip between S1 and S2, plenty of time for her to be taken back to Atlas to be checked over and backed up after what was almost certainly her first unsupervised fight. Also, if she did have back-ups taken during the tournament, I'd bet they were either stored on one of the ships in Ironwood's fleet or in Beacon, both of which should have been secure locations.

With regards to her "surviving" due to being non-organic, what I'm worried about is that they might be able to save her memories, but not her soul. All the same memories, but a different personality, a different person in Penny's body. I'm sure the new Penny would be just as nice and kind, but, well, it would be like the difference between Alicia and Fate Testarossa.
I doubt that Penny ever went back to Atlas after arriving in Vale. However, the point is moot so long as Penny's head remained intact -- if the most important thing was simply memories, then an inert computer can be hooked up to power and then copied.

"Same memories, different soul" is definitely one plausible way to interpret the rumored statement that Penny is the show's Ayanami Rei, depending on how the speaker understood Ayanami Rei.

However, we do have evidence of souls transmigrating to existing people, under special circumstances. It's possible that as long as there is a suitably-alike body with suitably-alike memories to inhabit, Penny's soul could return from The Beyond to live in that new body.

Still, I'm figuratively placing money on "Penny's CPU was still on emergency power".

Considering the amount of work it took to take down Beacon(granted it would be the most fortified out of the four considering it had a CCT nearby) and now with the other academies on High Alert for anything similar I doubt that it is going to happen that easily off screen.
Why do you assume that the other three Academies DON'T have their CCT towers nearby? Salem calls the one in Mistral "Haven Tower". Atlas City grew up around Atlas Academy, and the city is the new heart of their industrial-military complex.

Shade Academy has to be hosting Vacuo's own tower because it needs to be the in safest possible place in Vacuo. No one could risk the network going down because one of the towers wasn't sufficiently guarded, and each of the academies was intended to be sufficient protection for one of four divinely powerful Relics.
Why do you assume that the other three Academies DON'T have their CCT towers nearby? Salem calls the one in Mistral "Haven Tower". Atlas City grew up around Atlas Academy, and the city is the new heart of their industrial-military complex.

Shade Academy has to be hosting Vacuo's own tower because it needs to be the in safest possible place in Vacuo. No one could risk the network going down because one of the towers wasn't sufficiently guarded, and each of the academies was intended to be sufficient protection for one of four divinely powerful Relics.
First Salem never says Haven Tower at all she simply says Haven during Episode One big difference. Second most people outside of the headmasters and there groups(Makes one wonder what Role Raven played if she learned about them) only know about the relics even existing to minimize leaks(similar to the maidens actually), if they placed large amounts of security outside of what would be considered standard for a hunters academy then as Ozpin pointed out if we have this many forces what are we expecting and why?
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SNEAK PEEK: Here's the thumbnail for tomorrow's World of Remnant about the Great War! #RWBY

Hmm, given the faction designs I'll be interested to see how this connects to individuality and expression.

Also, note the cane for the green one.

Faunus leader looks like a boss, hope she wrecks someone with those horns, they are too cool not to use.
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Well that explains how Great War = Faunus were granted equality (on paper). One of them was the leader of one of the winning Kingdoms, Vacuo truly is the center of equality if a Faunus was able to become its leader 80 years ago.
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Going by past World of Remnant's, I'm expecting vague nonsense that doesn't give any new information, only repeating what we already know.
This season's world of remnants have been a lot better about that.
I found that previous seasons' WoRs, while often vague and adding very little to discussion other than codifying material that had been edged around in dialogue and/or revealed in creators' Tweets and interviews only, were rarely nonsensical. Whereas this season's have been very strong on specific and previously unrevealed information (the history of the Schnee Dust Company, information about Atlas, Vale, and Vacuo, even some details on the Great War). While still shy on gazetteer-style specifics ("What is the population of the city of Mantle?" "What is the purchasing power of one lien?" "How many miles is it from Vale to Mountain Glenn?"), they've been quite informative for four-minute blurbs.
[Discussion] Volume 4, World of Remnant: The Great War
Erg. If you were to ask me "So what's the worst case scenario for the upcoming great war WOR?" it would basically be this. It has the obvious stereotypical set up of Mantle as the colorless empire and Vale as the good guys. It has the myth of warfare speeding up technological progress. It has great man history and stupid great man history at that with the turning point of the war being the King of Vale personally fighting on the battlefield.


(Ok, the one good thing was that king being the last king, dispelling the idea that the 4 Kingdoms are actually monarchies in the present day.)
Overall I quite liked it, the relationship between Mistral and Mantle made sense, Mantle making the call to try and suppress emotions and how Mistral "Agreed" seems fitting based on what we know of their cultures now as those aspects of said cultures would still have a foundational influence on what they would become going forward. Also Vacuo's reasons for getting involved and how they went about doing so is fun.

Kind of eh on the "Great man of history" king and the lack of focus given to Vacuo's leader, she had like two scenes, one floating above a building and one bowing. Figure the king was probably Ozpin, who may have utilised a relic, or a Maiden or just have been stupidly strong and he appointed his own followers to the academies which is interesting and could have implications.

So overall, I like the broad strokes and political stuff and but some of the more individual players or the focus/emphasis given a little questionable. (I also doubt the sword he used was Crocea Mores, I wouldn't say its impossible, but I feel that Jaune being descended from royalty and the sword being used by the last king of Vale would have come up... Plus Crocea Mores blade isn't really gold if I recall.)

I did like that it seemingly didn't imply Salem was somehow responsible, she might still be, but I like people being willing to screw each other over without some puppet master alien making it not their fault.
As someone who recently came into this fandom half a year ago, it's very surprising how fans have come up with such elaborate headcanons only to have it be obliterated as the series goes on.

Look at the fan nickname for mecha-shift weapons. It's entirely fanon, but fics use it anyway and so do fans. Very interesting I've got to say.

Then you got nonsense by having characters referring to Oum as some sort of deity and it kills it for me.
As someone who recently came into this fandom half a year ago, it's very surprising how fans have come up with such elaborate headcanons only to have it be obliterated as the series goes on.

Look at the fan nickname for mecha-shift weapons. It's entirely fanon, but fics use it anyway and so do fans. Very interesting I've got to say.

Then you got nonsense by having characters referring to Oum as some sort of deity and it kills it for me.

That happens everywhere, but RWBY does has a pretty interesting fandom, in quite a few ways.
Overall I quite liked it, the relationship between Mistral and Mantle made sense, Mantle making the call to try and suppress emotions and how Mistral "Agreed" seems fitting based on what we know of their cultures now as those aspects of said cultures would still have a foundational influence on what they would become going forward. Also Vacuo's reasons for getting involved and how they went about doing so is fun.

Kind of eh on the "Great man of history" king and the lack of focus given to Vacuo's leader, she had like two scenes, one floating above a building and one bowing. Figure the king was probably Ozpin, who may have utilised a relic, or a Maiden or just have been stupidly strong and he appointed his own followers to the academies which is interesting and could have implications.

So overall, I like the broad strokes and political stuff and but some of the more individual players or the focus/emphasis given a little questionable. (I also doubt the sword he used was Crocea Mores, I wouldn't say its impossible, but I feel that Jaune being descended from royalty and the sword being used by the last king of Vale would have come up... Plus Crocea Mores blade isn't really gold if I recall.)

I did like that it seemingly didn't imply Salem was somehow responsible, she might still be, but I like people being willing to screw each other over without some puppet master alien making it not their fault.
Agreed if Jaune was related to the Royal family you would think his family would have made a bigger deal of finding him after he left for Beacon plus he should be more well known since this war was only 80 years ago and given the actions of the king his family would definitely be in the news alot more.

On the subject of Salem.....well it's still possible that she was responsible given the way Qrow describes her and how she operates. It's also quite possible that this war was what exposed Salems existence to people like Ozpin in order to prepare for the battle with her. This makes alot of sense when you remember the lyrics to her image song Divide.
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I'm still waiting for that admission about aura-breaks.
Oh my god, are you still harping on that? I thought you were saying I wouldn't let things go.

Or how you hounded another poster here relentlessly over something similar which you were again totally wrong about.

On the new WoR: Heaven forbid RWBY have any sort of originality. You couldn't get more cliche and predictable than this if you tried.

And on that note,
You specifically stated that you don't watch the show, so why are you still here?
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Warning For Marginal Behavior
Oh my god, are you still harping on that? I thought you were saying I wouldn't let things go.
Because you're a crappy bad faith debater and shitposter who does nothing but bitch and moan without ever mentioning things you actually like. You ran when people disproved your "argument" with clear evidence like you always do.
Case in point, thank you for admitting you're just a troll only here to soapbox before you go back to your little hugbox to circlejerk over how awful RWBY is.
Pretty sure it was that point where you wanted a source for where Ozpin specifically stated someone suppressed individuality and all that jazz. You know, this argument you had to request the source for about five times 2 months ago?
Citation needed. Episode and timestamp.
The source given at the end of that argument was the wrong source, as it didn't exist yet. The true source that specifically states that is this weeks WoR.