RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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So another episode of The Grimm Campaign hit on Monday and I have to say, as hilarious as the episodes themselves are it's almost more fun to see Eddy being (pretend) salty and petty about the team's antics on Twitter. :D

Oh and if anyone here has been part of the "does Remnant have tanks?" discussions, the answer is a very loud yes. I don't know why that was ever in doubt just because they happen to have mecha as well.

Anyway, poor Alabaster got left behind, I'm sure that won't come back to bite the team in the butt. :whistle:

Also Eddy is totally right that Pyke's escape scene was the best part. That moment where he wiffs his attempt to blast himself into the air with recoil and instead shoots himself sideways right into a crowded restaurant would be so great to see in live action. I can't wait for season 2 to animate that moment in it's full glory. :D
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So I've seen a lot of comments on
Watts eating that apple like a goddamn asshole (it even had blood on it just to drive home the sociopathy of it all just a little bit more)

The Snack Is More Interesting - TV Tropes

A character enters what should be a serious situation for them, and yet seems completely bored with the events. Instead of giving the occasion his full attention, they seem more invested in the snack they happen to be eating. Apples, potato chips …

But I just realized that there is some brilliant justification for why he would do that. Namely that he has almost certainly not had a proper meal in the last 48 hours. At best he was given the shittiest energy bars HQ had on hand when he was let out of his cell to work on Penny. But other than that I seriously doubt feeding him has been the top priority of Ironwood or anyone else at Atlas military HQ, and he certainly didn't have time for eating after Cinder busted him out.

So that moment where he sits down at the computers is probably his first chance to both relax, think about how hungry he is and where he actually had the chance to do something about that hunger.

I've also seen a lot of comments
like this one about how Cinder using Jinn's last question was dumb and shortsighted. But was it really?

I mean yeah, it's certainly using the lamp to gain a Short Term advantage rather than Long Term. And it probably will be inconvenient for Salem that she has to wait for the next question.

But the thing is, sometimes you actually need to focus on the short term and deal with the problems of the here and now before they turn into massive hurdles that prevent you from ever even having the chance to implement those long term solutions you've been aiming for.

That's been kind of a theme with the Atlas arc as a whole, nowhere better exemplefied than in Ironwood. Who in addition to being the Tin Man also seems to allude to the man who gazed so much at the stars that he couldn't see what was beneath his own feet.

I mean think about it. Just last episode people were upset because Ruby's plan with the staff was "too easy" and basically solved all their problems effortlessly in one go. Sure some sacrifices of buildings and such had to be made, but those things were essentially already lost before that point. And that's very deliberate, as Cinder herself points out Ruby's plan was so bold that no could have predicted it without Jinn's help. If not for Cinder using the Lamp then RWBY & Co would have basically achieved a perfect victory with the options they had available to them.

Let's just list some of the things that would have been different if Cinder decided to save the questions for later, just in case Salem might need them for something important:
  1. Ironwood would have been safely locked up and incapable of making the situation any worse than he already had.
  2. Winter would have been free to assist with any trouble that did occur.
  3. The Ace Ops would have been neutralized and at least some of them could have been talked down and made to do what was right.
  4. Marrow would have kept being an active member of Team Good and Qrow and Robyn would have been free to take action against Cinder and co if they showed themselves.
  5. The Bomb would have been disarmed and could be turned to good use later such as by nuking Salem's remaining forces or being kept in reserve in case Salem tried to assault Vacuo or Vale directly like she did against Atlas.
  6. Atlas and Mantle would both have gotten proper warnings on how to evacuate.
  7. The evacuation would have been well under way or already over by the time Cinder and co showed up to disrupt it.
  8. Penny would have been in Vacuo to use her magic to get rid of the sandstorm while also putting the Staff out of Salem's reach.
  9. Without the sandstorm the Green Team could have called for help and would have had a Maiden to fend off the Grimm.
  10. And without the ability to guarantee a shot at Ruby it's unlikely that Cinder could have convinced Neo to help her, so the infiltration of Atlas HQ might have been impossible and Neo could have escaped with the Lamp and it's password.

Now look at all that stuff and then look at the clusterfuck we have instead thanks to Cinder abusing the power of the Lamp. The evacuation is going to shit on every front, the teams are split up and can't help each other, the bomb is on the loose and could end up nuking Mantle before everyone has gotten out, the Winter Maiden and the Staff are both at risk of getting lost, Yang is "dead" and Ruby is too occupied by Neo to Holy Nova the hell out of Cinder, Ironwood is once again being a tool for the villains and preventing Winter from helping stop either Watts or Cinder, Qrow and Robyn have to waste their energy fighting Harriet instead of confronting Watts directly, Marrow is out of commision because of the suicide drone, and nobody among the heroes or the military are able to coordinate in the slightest thanks to Watts disabling all comms in the Kingdoms so everyone is on their own with no help on the way.

And consider that the only reason Cinder was able to abuse the lamp like that is because like most of the audience Team RWBY and co were so worried about not wasting the limited questions of the Lamp on "short term" goals that they ended up never getting a chance to use the final question at all.

Imagine if Ruby had been willing to risk wasting the final question on just asking Jinn what Salem's plans were back during Volume 7?
The entire fall of Atlas could have been prevented by Ruby and co mercilessly shutting down everything Watts, Tyrian, Salem, etc tried to do before they could do so just like what Cinder, Neo and Watts did here. Yes it would have been a risk since they might have needed that question later, but at the same time that very worry about needing to use the questions later ensured that there would be no later to use them in.

And just as a final note, because Cinder decided to honestly use the lamp to ensure that Neo could get her revenge she was able to convince Neo to just hand over the Password without a fight. So even if Salem needs to wait decades or even a century for Jinn's question quota to refill she will now always have the option of using any available questions right away for the rest of eternity. Thanks to Cinder there will never again be a situation where Salem gains the lamp but can't use it due to not knowing the password, in the long term she has gained a new permanent advantage thanks to Cinder's actions.

Tl: dr:
Cinder is pretty smart actually.
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So I heard on Tumblr that Barb's Favorite scene and Arryn's favorite scene this volume haven't happened yet. Is that true.
So I heard on Tumblr that Barb's Favorite scene and Arryn's favorite scene this volume haven't happened yet. Is that true.
I believe at the most recent panel one of them was asked what her favorite scene to record was, and she answered with 'you haven't seen it yet.' v9 hasn't started to voice recordings yet, so it has to be in the next episode.
Potential for Blake VS Neo

Ruby and Blake Are-

So I heard on Tumblr that Barb's Favorite scene and Arryn's favorite scene this volume haven't happened yet. Is that true.
I believe at the most recent panel one of them was asked what her favorite scene to record was, and she answered with 'you haven't seen it yet.' v9 hasn't started to voice recordings yet, so it has to be in the next episode.

I have more or less heard the same
Speaking of next week
Oh and if anyone here has been part of the "does Remnant have tanks?" discussions, the answer is a very loud yes. I don't know why that was ever in doubt just because they happen to have mecha as well.

I think that those in doubt could be divided into two groups:

  1. Group A assumes that Remnant's unique situation with the Grimm meant technology moved along a different path than Earth.
  2. Group B represents the broad segment of the fanbase that turned 'show, don't tell' from sound writing advice to an excuse to be a bunch of contrarian asshats whenever possible.

Anyway, poor Alabaster got left behind, I'm sure that won't come back to bite the team in the butt. :whistle:

:lol: Pike will once again be surprised that there are consequences!

Also Eddy is totally right that Pyke's escape scene was the best part. That moment where he wiffs his attempt to blast himself into the air with recoil and instead shoots himself sideways right into a crowded restaurant would be so great to see in live action. I can't wait for season 2 to animate that moment in it's full glory. :D

That scene was great, I'd give anything for Grimm Campaign to be animated, be in 3D like RWBY proper or a style more akin to NoN.
I take issue with this because RWBY has no reason to assume Yang is dead. The implication was falling was VERY bad but there's a difference between that and certain death.

Well on the flip side they have no real reason to assume it isn't death.
We the audience know Yang won't really be dead (despite people still holding that option open until the show says otherwise), the characters in universe don't know what a fall means and death is usually the worst option.

meanwhile, RoosterTeeth seems to of done a thing today over on Twitter

and needless to say, there is reaction

I swear....
if the stinger has us hear a "Hello~" before cutting to credits we will get a riot!

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That's a reference to the fact that a guy* found shrimp in his box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

* The guy was the husband of the actress who played Topanga on Boy Meets World, incidentally
I've discovered something amusing. Non-RWBY fans tended to get weirded out by the fact that Faunus like Velvet and Blake have both human and Animal ears.