RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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I like the little bits where Weiss was practicing putting on a facade, really nice touch to her character
well you tried to but the phone was busy, on account of everyone else calling it too.
Maybe so, but managing to make anything resembling an accurate prediction, even one so obvious, is a bit rare for me, so I'm just gonna keep savoring this for the moment.:D
You know, I find it kinda weird that Ruby and the bystanders look so surprised at what Penny did to truck (poor old man... Dust shop robbed, pickpocketed, and now the front of his truck's dented).

I mean, Ren demonstrated one of the many uses of Aura in Season 1. How is it so farfetched that Penny might have used her Aura to stop the truck, despite it being wrong anyway? Surely when they see something this extraordinary, they'd naturally rationalize this to something they should know before going for "OMG! It's so mysterious! She stopped the truck with her bare hands, but how? How?" like Huntsmen and the use of Aura.

The passersby get a free pass because they might not know the full extent of what a Huntsman can actually do when on the job, but I expected better from Ruby. I mean, Penny demonstrated her prowess at the docks. That is enough reason to think that she's a girl who can take care of herself and then some. So why? Why she as well looked shocked at what just happened?
You know, I find it kinda weird that Ruby and the bystanders look so surprised at what Penny did to truck (poor old man... Dust shop robbed, pickpocketed, and now the front of his truck's dented).

I mean, Ren demonstrated one of the many uses of Aura in Season 1. How is it so farfetched that Penny might have used her Aura to stop the truck, despite it being wrong anyway? Surely when they see something this extraordinary, they'd naturally rationalize this to something they should know before going for "OMG! It's so mysterious! She stopped the truck with her bare hands, but how? How?" like Huntsmen and the use of Aura.

The passersby get a free pass because they might not know the full extent of what a Huntsman can actually do when on the job, but I expected better from Ruby. I mean, Penny demonstrated her prowess at the docks. That is enough reason to think that she's a girl who can take care of herself and then some. So why? Why she as well looked shocked at what just happened?


Even though there's worldbuilding finally there are still festering holes in RWBY's logic.

Like, we haven't seen how Hunters and Huntresses work their job. Heck, we haven't seen anything significant from Beacon's classes. I mean, Peter Port's blahblahblahing irritated me because that was the perfect time to add background exposition, and yet the students don't seem to actually learn anything from him. Chance at worldbuilding wasted for dumb joke.

Aforementioned SDC letting its Dust get stolen. Unconvincing attempt at showing discrimination of the Faunus. And then there's Roman committing petty store theft in the very first episode, in full sight of the neighborhood, when the Black trailer showed there were supply trains with MUCH larger quantities of Dust to steal.

And of course no checks against Hunters and Huntresses. So far, what we've seen of them is that they could devastate legions of men faster than you can say "Freelancer." No countermeasures? No envy towards the Hunters and Huntresses for their relative power compared to normals? Golly, are Team CREM the first people in the show's universe to realize they can use their powers for their personal benefit?

I mean, you've got to give your heroes reasons and circumstances to be heroes, but you don't start warping your world so that your teenagers are the only people who can save it.
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You know, I find it kinda weird that Ruby and the bystanders look so surprised at what Penny did to truck (poor old man... Dust shop robbed, pickpocketed, and now the front of his truck's dented).

I mean, Ren demonstrated one of the many uses of Aura in Season 1. How is it so farfetched that Penny might have used her Aura to stop the truck, despite it being wrong anyway? Surely when they see something this extraordinary, they'd naturally rationalize this to something they should know before going for "OMG! It's so mysterious! She stopped the truck with her bare hands, but how? How?" like Huntsmen and the use of Aura.

The passersby get a free pass because they might not know the full extent of what a Huntsman can actually do when on the job, but I expected better from Ruby. I mean, Penny demonstrated her prowess at the docks. That is enough reason to think that she's a girl who can take care of herself and then some. So why? Why she as well looked shocked at what just happened?
Using Aura to stop the truck? If that's all Penny did, it could be explained away by "aura".

But that's not what happened. Penny's action caused her to become an extension of the truck's force, which transferred the full impact force into the pavement through Penny's feet, shattering it, which happened because it was less dense than both the truck and Penny. The truck's momentum then caused Penny to act as a fulcrum point for the force until such time that Penny and the truck formed a straight line into the ground. This means Penny had to be lifting the entire vehicle's weight, plus the change in weight the vehicle's momentum represented (F=MV after all, so the forces involved in holding the vehicle aloft until such time that the inertia in the system was lower than the force of gravity on the vehicle was many times greater than the vehicles weight).

Based on how we see other uses of Aura in the series, what Penny did is many orders of magnitude higher than what Hunters are capable of. Ren does something similar in that he is stopping force, but he is fighting a much lesser force that is more or less just a steady pressure (over a greater area and over a larger amount of time so it's not a matter of strength, but of endurance).

Assuming any level of competent schooling on Aura and it's capabilities, most people would be concerned because they just witnessed the equivalent of someone plucking a bullet out of the air after learning that human reflexes are too slow to let you catch it. Only the astonishingly ignorant would see that and go "lol aura" like you suggest.

What's more Ruby also tried carrying a robot girl with her superspeed and barely made it out of that alley on something that should move her and another person much much further. She knows from that that Penny is more than meets the eye, and seeing her blatantly pick up a truck and shatter pavement with impact force as a result of doing so is kind of going to make her immediately throw out "maybe aura" as a reason.
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Also, Ruby was probably a bit in shock from almost getting run over. It might have had a lot to do with that as well.
And then there's Roman committing petty store theft in the very first episode, in full sight of the neighborhood, when the Black trailer showed there were supply trains with MUCH larger quantities of Dust to steal.
Roman doesn't go after trains for the very good reason that they're guarded by armies of killer robots and giant spider mechs. Which brings us to:

And of course no checks against Hunters and Huntresses. So far, what we've seen of them is that they could devastate legions of men faster than you can say "Freelancer." No countermeasures? No envy towards the Hunters and Huntresses for their relative power compared to normals? Golly, are Team CREM the first people in the show's universe to realize they can use their powers for their personal benefit?
There are countermeasures, giant fucking robots and other Huntsmen and Huntresses. In this episode we also see how people react to the announcement that the government has developed more efficient killer robots and giant death mechs. With cheers and applause. Its almost like living on a planet filled with soulless monsters trying to kill them has made people think highly of powerful warriors that can fight back against them.

And as for using ones power for personal benefit. Do you think Hunters don't get paid? Have you seen how blinged out Beacon is? Why would a Hunter ever want to turn to a life of crime when they're most likely already getting highly paid for their jobs? Not to mention that they also seem to be very famous and all have distinctive weapons and fighting styles that would make them easy to identify, being good at fighting doesn't equal being good at avoiding the long arm of the law.
Honestly? It would have been a bigger twist if Penny actually wasn't the robot.
Seems like the White Fang's mecha rampage is going to be this season's mid boss like the Nevermore and Deathstalker were last season while Cinder and co will do whatever it is they plan to do near the end of the season. No wonder the mecha got so much attention in the trailer, its not really that important so it could be showcased to make the trailer more exiting without spoiling the real plot.

It seemed a bit strange that Weiss is from Atlas yet goes to school in Vale but it makes sense when you think about it. She's from an incredibly rich and powerful family, Beacon is stated to be the best combat school in the world and Atlas prefers to focus on removing men from the dangers of the battlefield by replacing them with robots so their combat schools are probably not anywhere near the top when it comes to quality. Since only the best is good enough for the Schnee heiress and since Weiss really doesn't seem to want to spend time with her family it makes sense that she would study abroad.

Can I just say that I freaking love Blake and Ruby's new outfits? I didn't really like Blake's old outfit it looked to weird and fetishy, like someone cut away part of her pants so that we could see her underwear. Wearing actual pants looks a lot better on her (or anyone really). The shirt also looks more sensible than her old um, blouse thing? Whatever that thing was.

And Ruby. She looks like some sort of western outlaw, its awesome and hilarious. I love it. :D
What like a "I'll give you one of my shirts if you give me one of your ass capes" kind of thing? :D

Pretty much. Then again I just have this mental image of Yang having too many clothes, Blake not having enough (due to being an ex-terrorist who likely couldn't retrieve her stuff from the base after what happened with Adam) and Blondy wanting to steal a particularly cute top (that Yang barely fits in)
What I find interesting is that Penny is a lot less robotic sounding in this appearance. I wonder if she's been getting tweaks to make it less obvious.
Speaking of cleavage...

I just love playing around with the still images I can make in the videos...





And I'm still wishing I have enough GIF-making skills to animate Ruby's cute "*snort* Nah!" scene.