RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Followed by Coco replying that she has a complete lack of f**ks to give before embedding her (highly elegant and high-heeled) combat boot in his ball-sack.
Also why is Qrow holding a sword.

Wasn't he meant to be the expert gunscythe wielder that trained Ruby/was known by Ozpin
Just a "scythe wielder". It might also be a gun, but we don't know yet.

Maybe he started with a sword and changed style sometimes during his career? Or maybe he's that kind of blademaster that's a master with everything that can cut people?

Or maybe his blade can transform into a scythe, because fuck logic.
He still clearly uses the same weapon. Also, it looks like the blade is collapsible, like Raven's sword, or folds up.

Chalk me up as another person who doesn't like the new OP song. I don't think there was a song I disliked from the first two seasons (though I liked some more than others), but I certainly wasn't thrilled with this one. Suppose they had to put out a track I didn't like eventually though.

Also, it's odd that they're going for Qrow and Winter having some kind of history (presuming that's what it is). I would have figured that they're at least a generation apart in age, but the animation (admittedly without absolutely any context to support it) seems to hint at some sort of old rivalry-ish relationship. I suppose if the Branwen family do turn out to be part faunus, Qrow might have a history with the Schnee Dust company as a whole.
Also, it's odd that they're going for Qrow and Winter having some kind of history (presuming that's what it is). I would have figured that they're at least a generation apart in age, but the animation (admittedly without absolutely any context to support it) seems to hint at some sort of old rivalry-ish relationship.
They could just have naturally clashing personalities, like Cardin and everyone else.
They could, but Qrow is apparently old enough and presumably professional enough not to act like a child.

If they're clashing over something, I doubt it'd be a minor comment on meeeting for the first time, or something.
So is Winter presumably, but they don't exactly seem to be squabbling in front of cameras just very clearly glaring at each other in a song so its likely done to clearly portray their feeling over necessarily how they will openly act in public.
They could, but Qrow is apparently old enough and presumably professional enough not to act like a child.

If they're clashing over something, I doubt it'd be a minor comment on meeeting for the first time, or something.
His professionalism only matters when he's actually on the job. On his own time, he can act as childish[1]​ as he likes (one of many common coping mechanisms for a high-stress profession, like being a Hunter) and it doesn't matter.

Keep in mind that his teammate (Taiyang) sent a dog through the mail with at least a week of food in a fucking poster tube.

[1] I mostly mean things like deliberately picking ridiculous arguments, generally acting silly, stuff like that. Simply being a drama queen (i.e. exaggerating his emotions) is another possibility.
Yeah, it's almost a cliche at this point that the utter badasses are also Bunny Ears Lawyers, and we have seen examples-

Keep in mind that his teammate (Taiyang) sent a dog through the mail with at least a week of food in a fucking poster tube.

Like so.

And, you know, pretty much all the teachers at Beacon we're seen except for Glynda.
So is Winter presumably

Winter is almost certainly much younger, doesn't spend her time communicating with Ozpin over criminal activities that are of interest to a Kingdom's security and also seems to work for a company with questionable ethics.

I wouldn't necessarily be so quick to equivalise them.

His professionalism only matters when he's actually on the job.

I'd disagree. He's apparently relatively high in Ozpin's confidence.

Sending a dog through the mail for comedic effect is one thing, starting fights/serious argument with people much younger than him is something I'd be a little more sceptical of. Like I said, if it's happening, it's probably going to be because there's a good reason and some history behind it. Whatever that may be.

[1] I mostly mean things like deliberately picking ridiculous arguments, generally acting silly, stuff like that. Simply being a drama queen (i.e. exaggerating his emotions) is another possibility.

While it's not like I can offer much evidence up on the basis of what we know so far, I'd be very surprised if a Qrow-Winter confrontation that makes it into the opening (abridged version of the real scene or otherwise) turns out just to be some kind of joke line.
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His professionalism only matters when he's actually on the job. On his own time, he can act as childish[1] as he likes (one of many common coping mechanisms for a high-stress profession, like being a Hunter) and it doesn't matter.
Maybe their rivalry is born of never being able to agree whether an astronaut can fight a cave person?

Winter is almost certainly much younger, doesn't spend her time communicating with Ozpin over criminal activities that are of interest to a Kingdom's security and also seems to work for a company with questionable ethics.

I wouldn't necessarily be so quick to equivalise them.
She is presumably important within the Schnee company something where maturity and public image are likely very important and could easily be twenty years older than Weiss given how late in life people can have children.

I'd disagree. He's apparently relatively high in Ozpin's confidence.
So is Oobleck, and presumably Port. So long as Qrow does his spy job fine if he wants to bicker with Winter Schnee in public while blowing raspberries he can XD
So is Oobleck, and presumably Port.

Your point being? Neither of those two go around starting fights with people.

There is a very important distinction, and not a particularly subtle one, between occasionally joking around, acting silly or in some other way behaving less dignified than a monarch sitting on a throne with all the poise of a classical-period sculpture and being confrontational upon first meeting someone on a matter of relative minor importance. Hence it's likely that they're not just clashing over 'personality types' or the like.

So long as Qrow does his spy job fine if he wants to bicker with Winter Schnee in public while blowing raspberries he can XD

The inclusion of their stand-off in the opening seems to at least indicate it's not a casual disagreement or case of bickering.
Maybe it'll grow on me but this opening isn't quite as catchy as the previous two.

It certainly has its moments though (eg the zoom in on Ironwood's fleet).
Your point being? Neither of those two go around starting fights with people.

There is a very important distinction, and not a particularly subtle one, between occasionally joking around, acting silly or in some other way behaving less dignified than a monarch sitting on a throne with all the poise of a classical-period sculpture and being confrontational upon first meeting someone on a matter of relative minor importance. Hence it's likely that they're not just clashing over 'personality types' or the like.
They were glaring at each-other, it doesn't really seem like a fist fight.

How could we say its a matter of "minor importance"?
It certainly has its moments though (eg the zoom in on Ironwood's fleet).
I loved the charge against the Grim scene myself :D
They were glaring at each-other, it doesn't really seem like a fist fight.

I didn't say it was a fist fight, or physical, or whatever. My point is that you're not going to throw an abridged version of that scene into the opening if it's in no way significant.

How could we say its a matter of "minor importance"?

That's not what I said.

My argument is that there's clearly significance to their interaction.The body language and fact that it's present in the opening to begin with indicates that very clearly. I also reject, from what we can reasonably expect from Qrow's character, that it's likely to be a matter of "relative minor importance", such as the original response to my post:

They could just have naturally clashing personalities, like Cardin and everyone else.
Yeah, it's almost a cliche at this point that the utter badasses are also Bunny Ears Lawyers, and we have seen examples-

Like so.

And, you know, pretty much all the teachers at Beacon we're seen except for Glynda.
My suggestion isn't quite a Bunny Ears Lawyer. That involves the personality quirks extending to a character's work.

I'd disagree. He's apparently relatively high in Ozpin's confidence.

Sending a dog through the mail for comedic effect is one thing, starting fights/serious argument with people much younger than him is something I'd be a little more sceptical of. Like I said, if it's happening, it's probably going to be because there's a good reason and some history behind it. Whatever that may be.
While it's not like I can offer much evidence up on the basis of what we know so far, I'd be very surprised if a Qrow-Winter confrontation that makes it into the opening (abridged version of the real scene or otherwise) turns out just to be some kind of joke line.
being confrontational upon first meeting someone on a matter of relative minor importance

You are assuming:
1) Qrow is the confrontational one.
2) They go from 0 to arguing in the first meeting (by which I mean they first meet on-screen, and in a later encounter get confrontational).
3) The fight is serious. (Have you learned nothing?)
4) The opening is anything more than a vague, metaphorical reference to the season, sprinkled with stuff that just looks cool.
5) That there's actually any open conflict, and not just quiet distaste.

Like... You have no idea why they're shown in conflict and very little concrete information on either's personalities. Maybe Qrow just doesn't like Schnee Dust Company.
We don't know! I just provided a vague potato of my own for you to chew on.

I also reject, from what we can reasonably expect from Qrow's character, that it's likely to be a matter of "relative minor importance", such as the original response to my post:
That is not at all what "naturally clashing personalities" means.
I didn't say it was a fist fight, or physical, or whatever. My point is that you're not going to throw an abridged version of that scene into the opening if it's in no way significant.
Neither of those two go around starting fights with people.
It certainly sounded like that, and if its not a fist fight what's the issue, people argue all the time, even famous people, and politicians shout at one another.

That's not what I said.

My argument is that there's clearly significance to their interaction.The body language and fact that it's present in the opening to begin with indicates that very clearly. I also reject, from what we can reasonably expect from Qrow's character, that it's likely to be a matter of "relative minor importance", such as the original response to my post:
and being confrontational upon first meeting someone on a matter of relative minor importance.
I was responding to the second quote in that respect. Additionally we don't know if it is their first meeting or if the scene will be included at all, the openings in general seem to convey more the feeling or ideas behind something over a literal representation. So chances are they won'tbe so blatant when they can communicate their dislike verbally instead of just through mime in a song.

What can we expect from Qrow? We know he saved Yang and Ruby, taught at her school and spies for Ozpin. That speak broadly of his skills but not much of his personality beyond being a caring uncle.

And yeah, a bit like azoicennead said, I feel you are making a lot of assumptions about Qrow and Winters personalities, and respective maturities, ages and who is responsible ETC which may nto be the best strategy when all we have to go off is a song.

And it's unlikely, barring evidence to indicate it being the case, that someone that Ozpin communicates with about national internal security affairs to some extent or another, goes around dramatically staring down people over things of no real importance.

That's not to say that I know he doesn't. Just that it would be an odd revelation.

No. Shit. Sherlock. Speculation comes with the territory when the opening is all we have and we're speculating about the events therein.

I mean, seriously. I've prefaced almost every post I've made with comments about something being likely, or indicative, or what my personal opinion is.

You are assuming:
1) Qrow is the confrontational one.

The only clues I have to work with at the moment is that I suspect that Qrow could presumably have a motive in that the SDC has questionable ethical conduct. He could have another motive, or Winter could have her own that prompts her to engage him, or whatever.

2) They go from 0 to arguing in the first meeting (by which I mean they first meet on-screen, and in a later encounter get confrontational).

No, I'm not. When have I said that they will go from 0 to arguing in a first meeting on-screen and 'get confrontational' (protip: arguing is a kind of confrontation) in a later scene.

My point is that the scene of them in the trailer is probably indicative of personal issues with each other('s family), and guesses at what it could be.

If it's not serious (read: important) it's an unusual element to the opening. Cardin didn't get in the opening despite the bullying scenes in season 1, for example.

4) The opening is anything more than a vague, metaphorical reference to the season, sprinkled with stuff that just looks cool.

It's a very specific part of the opening for something that isn't representative of an element of the new season's storyline, that's all I'll say if so.

5) That there's actually any open conflict, and not just quiet distaste.

I haven't, actually, been proclaiming that the two are going to come to blows or will spend twenty minutes locked in argument and trade insults at each other. My point is that there's significance to an interaction between them, maybe because of X.

Like... You have no idea why they're shown in conflict and very little concrete information on either's personalities. Maybe Qrow just doesn't like Schnee Dust Company.

Again, no shit. That's been my working assumption. I'd be surprised if she were old enough that the two had much personal history together as individuals.

That is not at all what "naturally clashing personalities" means.

It's a subjective definition by nature, but Cardin's behaviour was never treated with the importance that this scene/cut has gotten, and that's the example you used.
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I suppose if the Branwen family do turn out to be part faunus, Qrow might have a history with the Schnee Dust company as a whole.
That's my current guess. Not much evidence yet, but it seems plausible. Wonder what he thinks of Weiss, then.

Could also be a symptom of Ozpin and Ironwood butting heads if Winter is working with Ironwood (as they're both from Atlas), as someone else suggested.

I think it might be her skirt. Combat skirts are a thing, yes? :D
Yeah, I think so too. It was cut off in other screenshots, but in the frame that was posted above you can see that Summer's standing on both legs, extended below her white cloak:

Which suggests Ruby inherited more than Summer's looks and love of hooded cloaks; Ruby also adopted Summer's combat skirt.