RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Yeah, I remember that. I thought the strings there were unestablished and came from literally nowhere just for the sake of "killing" Penny, and was part of why I dropped RWBY after Season 3 until I found SV.

Well that's profoundly silly. She's one big Pinocchio reference, you didn't think the puppet strings might be intentional?
Well that's profoundly silly. She's one big Pinocchio reference, you didn't think the puppet strings might be intentional?
I thought they were purely remote-controlled, since that'd be both more practical and make more sense for me to believe that she can spin them in giant discs and not get ridiculously tangled. Also, it kinda fit thematically for me, too, what with "There are no strings on me" and her general habit of wandering unsupervised in seasons 1 and 2.
I thought they were purely remote-controlled, since that'd be both more practical and make more sense for me to believe that she can spin them in giant discs and not get ridiculously tangled. Also, it kinda fit thematically for me, too, what with "There are no strings on me" and her general habit of wandering unsupervised in seasons 1 and 2.

And yet that was more likely than them somehow not realizing that there were blatantly obvious strings that weren't supposed to be there in almost all of the scenes where Penny's using her swords? I realize that during Volume 1 there were a lot of technical/graphical issues like characters having the wrong outfits in the background and stuff due to how quickly they had to push everything out because they'd vastly underestimated the scale of the project (most of which they went back and fixed hours or a day later, admittedly), but wow. There's not giving the developers much credit, and then there's that. Like, you thought this was a problem they completely failed to find or address for literally 3 Volumes, and when they actually were proven to be an in-universe thing that became a major plot point, you chose to believe that they just... made them up, or something? Like they just didn't ever realize it and then just... made up something that happened to fit them, and somehow that was more likely than that they were intentional the whole time?

I'm sorry, I'm harping on this, I know, but I'm not mad or anything, honestly, I'm just... kind of legitimately baffled. Like, I don't think you're lying, but part of me somehow just doesn't believe you.
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Yeah, I remember that. I thought the strings there were unestablished and came from literally nowhere just for the sake of "killing" Penny, and was part of why I dropped RWBY after Season 3 until I found SV.
Just take solace in knowing Pyrrha gave her an EMP burst, meaning that even if there were no strings on her, she'd just irreversibly shut down (i.e. die) anyways because magnets can do that to electronics.

Like, look at Penny when that burst happened. It's like she had a heart attack.
In RWBY Chibi, _WBY are asking Ruby about what her silver eyes do. I guess they're maybe trying to poke fun at the show proper not addressing what they are or what they do? Okay. Just because they are pointing out the flaws in their work doesn't make the flaws magically go away.
Violation of Rule 3 - Attacking the person of another user like this is flatly not okay.
In RWBY Chibi, _WBY are asking Ruby about what her silver eyes do. I guess they're maybe trying to poke fun at the show proper not addressing what they are or what they do? Okay. Just because they are pointing out the flaws in their work doesn't make the flaws magically go away.

God damn dude clocks have less regular patterns than this. Stop popping in here just to start fights. No one wants to put up with you. You never discuss, you never debate, you never do anything but try and pull the show down and then fuck off as soon as people start poking holes in your shitty arguments.
Last time I confronted him about him complaining about everything for the sake of complaining, he said "Well somebody has to" so there you go. :|
Last time I confronted him about him complaining about everything for the sake of complaining, he said "Well somebody has to" so there you go. :|
I've seen him long enough to actually be able to outline his whole pattern. He pops in here with a total non-sequitur about the show that he uses as a launching point to criticize the show, relies almost totally on half-truths or misleading arguments, tries to call out anyone who says anything negative about his tactics as using personal attacks then argues said attacks prove his point that RWBY is awful. After a few posts people are able to pretty much punch massive holes in whatever shit he's saying so he goes radio silent for a few days and when he returns it all starts over. This isn't new nor is it exclusive to this thread. It's just Seven being Seven.
Staff Notice - This treads close to violating Rule 3. Back away.
Ah, but you forget, he's reformed and better now, by word of Mod. He would never behave like that again!
In RWBY Chibi, _WBY are asking Ruby about what her silver eyes do. I guess they're maybe trying to poke fun at the show proper not addressing what they are or what they do? Okay. Just because they are pointing out the flaws in their work doesn't make the flaws magically go away.

Like everybody else is ragging on you but I'll ask directly: Do you have a point you want to make? Here is your comment right now-

"In RWBY Chibi, they make a joke about an unexplained element. BTW the show is bad."

I'm sure you can see how this adds nothing to the dialogue or any attempt to recharge the conversation after it died last time. It doesn't really advance any positions, take any stances at all beyond "RWBY bad" or engage anybody else on points they've made. You're just kind of bomb-flinging here and it really shows.

God damn dude clocks have less regular patterns than this. Stop popping in here just to start fights. No one wants to put up with you. You never discuss, you never debate, you never do anything but try and pull the show down and then fuck off as soon as people start poking holes in your shitty arguments.
Dude, he just brought up an opinion. No need to freak out at him and attack him.
Dude, he just brought up an opinion. No need to freak out at him and attack him.
He brought up a opinion, presented it as fact, and acted in a manner that this thread has been having trouble with for some time.

If he wants to spew his tired opinion in a place, there's the blind watch thread which seems to act as a cesspool for these kinds of posts. Let it be done there.
In RWBY Chibi, _WBY are asking Ruby about what her silver eyes do. I guess they're maybe trying to poke fun at the show proper not addressing what they are or what they do? Okay. Just because they are pointing out the flaws in their work doesn't make the flaws magically go away.

Looking at the credits, I'm guessing it's more Tom Alvarado et al mocking or lampshading Miles and Kerry.

But then, the writing on Chibi has consistently been less of a mess than the core series anyway.
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Stop: Red Like Infractions
red like infractions

God damn dude clocks have less regular patterns than this. Stop popping in here just to start fights. No one wants to put up with you. You never discuss, you never debate, you never do anything but try and pull the show down and then fuck off as soon as people start poking holes in your shitty arguments.

This is just attacking @thesevenwielder instead of his arguments. I don't care what his history is with you or anyone else, that does not fly. 25 points, three days out.

Ah, but you forget, he's reformed and better now, by word of Mod. He would never behave like that again!

This is borderline Rule 3. Step away from the line, or next time it will be points instead of a Staff Notice.

Thank you for your time, and have a pleasant day~
In RWBY Chibi, _WBY are asking Ruby about what her silver eyes do. I guess they're maybe trying to poke fun at the show proper not addressing what they are or what they do? Okay. Just because they are pointing out the flaws in their work doesn't make the flaws magically go away.
I know, right? How dare a character not have knowledge that they have no way of knowing yet between a coma, the person who could share that knowledge being dead, and being on a cross country trip for since the coma ended.

Also how dare a comedy spin-off poke fun at the main series. Clearly it's trying to excuse something that should be obvious to a viewer with a few seconds thought. (Though if you'd been paying attention they didn't say anything about her not knowing and were mocking a genre convention of saving 'nukes' for arc clinaxes rather than just lolnoping threats as soon as they appear. Whatever, gotta complain I guess.)
I know, right? How dare a character not have knowledge that they have no way of knowing yet between a coma, the person who could share that knowledge being dead, and being on a cross country trip for since the coma ended.
Yeah, how dare a character have that person who could share the knowledge be in the same room as her after that cross country trip for about a month and not have them share that knowledge?
Okay, maybe this is why people stay away from this general: it can be very, very easy to end up in a mood that gets you banned. I mean, that was Chibi we were talking about, FFS.

Still, that brings up a point: is it really a good idea for a humor series to bring up the main series's narrative flaws as well as their sillier aspects when they're still not gonna address them?
Okay, maybe this is why people stay away from this general: it can be very, very easy to end up in a mood that gets you banned. I mean, that was Chibi we were talking about, FFS.

Still, that brings up a point: is it really a good idea for a humor series to bring up the main series's narrative flaws as well as their sillier aspects when they're still not gonna address them?
Self deprecating humor is totally valid you know.
Actually I'd say it's better than just trying to ignore the problem as they can't go back and rewrite things at this point and the next volume isn't out yet.
Yeah, how dare a character have that person who could share the knowledge be in the same room as her after that cross country trip for about a month and not have them share that knowledge?
I suppose that's what I get for being flippant. My main point was the smaller text, that that was not the joke they were making. 'Can't do it, not the season finale'.

As for my actual thoughts on if Ruby knows more now or not... IMO it's likely that she doesn't since the immediate concern was preparing to fight bandits while it's been explained to her as an explicitly anti-Grimm ability, and even then Qrow didn't exactly mention any magical abilities, for lack of a better term, when they were talking on the road.
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I just think they had to cut the subplot explaining what the Silver Eyes actually were because V5 was waaaay too packed with vital subplots as-is.
I just think they had to cut the subplot explaining what the Silver Eyes actually were because V5 was waaaay too packed with vital subplots as-is.
Wait, what? How? Most, if not all of Season 5 was just recap of stuff we already knew (eg: every scene with Oscart) and stalling for time by padding out setpieces that could've been condensed into one or two episodes into 3 or 4 (Belladonna mansion assault, the Haven slapfight). They could've easily explained the Sharingan here. Instead its only presence was to make a cameo in Episode 11 that didn't do anything but remind us that they still existed.
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Wait, what? How? Most, if not all of Season 5 was just recap of stuff we already knew (eg: every scene with Oscart) and stalling for time by padding out setpieces that could've been condensed into one or two episodes into 3 or 4 (Belladonna mansion assault, the Haven slapfight). They could've easily explained the Sharingan here. Instead its only presence was to make a cameo in Episode 11 that didn't do anything but remind us that they still existed.
You gotta remember that RWBY's built around hyping the reveal instead of writing it with the reveal in mind.