RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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So when Sun eavesdrops and interrupts a touching emotional scene and looks like he's just eavesdropping but also has extremely important information, half the viewers want to strangle him and tumblr explodes with people calling him a stalker. Blake's parents do the exact same Goddamn thing and everyone just laughs it off and goes, "Oh, you."

Well to be fair Blake's parents didn't secretly follow her to a different continent against her wishes, still annoying though I agree.

Honestly with Sun I figured it was more like "Dammit I can't walk in and ruin the moment, I'll just hide here and till they finish. Wait what's that tearing sound? SHIIIIIIT!" rather than straightup premeditated eavesdropping.
Well to be fair Blake's parents didn't secretly follow her to a different continent against her wishes, still annoying though I agree.

Honestly with Sun I figured it was more like "Dammit I can't walk in and ruin the moment, I'll just hide here and till they finish. Wait what's that tearing sound? SHIIIIIIT!" rather than straightup premeditated eavesdropping.

That's pretty much my point, though. People jumped on Sun because they wanted another excuse to get on his case and in some cases call him a stalker, but when a different character no one had a beef with did the exact same thing, not one complaint was heard.
So when Sun eavesdrops and interrupts a touching emotional scene and looks like he's just eavesdropping but also has extremely important information, half the viewers want to strangle him and tumblr explodes with people calling him a stalker. Blake's parents do the exact same Goddamn thing and everyone just laughs it off and goes, "Oh, you."
A, not everyone is laughing it off.

B, Sun has a history of not respecting privacy and forcing his company on Blake.

C, she was actively angry with him about it but more just huffed regarding her parents, Blake's reaction is important to determine a response.

D, They are Blake's parents not the guy who followed her without her knowledge or consent in a cloak and freaked her out.

E, Sun listened in on an extremely private conversation between Blake and her father as a guest in their house, Blake's parents listened in on an argument between their daughter and a house guest.

F, Sun claimed his information was important, but not important enough to just go straight in but instead listen and then lie about eavesdropping. Kali kind of did this, but Ghira didnt.

End result, different people, different relationships, different context.

Plus Sun interrupted Blake talking about RWBY which people have been waiting for, for ages.
I'm going to say it right now that Klein is the best butler and I am firmly in the camp that he most likely practically raised Weiss and Winter and was seen as a father figure by them more than their actual father.
I mean that people are unreasonably raising their already too-high expectations of Rooster Teeth based on the "loads of money" they're now getting.

Shorter version: People are being entitled and stupid.

Turns out that financing is more complicated than just X dollar = Y ammount of product.

Note : I don't actually know if this is Rooster Teeth's actual problem but it does tend to be something people miss.

Taking away from the actual article, the quote that caught my eye was:

"I think there's the opportunity for a spin-off show. There's so many characters. The audience for that is just going nuts."

The idea of JNPR as its own frickin' show would blow my mind, so that Jaune could do his protagonist thing off where it's not going to step on the actual protagonists of the show he's in. Or, something like a Team STRQ one-volume miniseries to show some of the "How We Got Here" stuff without having to tell it on-screen in RWBY. I especially like the fact that Burnie specifically highlights "there's so many characters" as part of the driving reason, because it's something that's RWBY's biggest flaw: too much story that needs to be told in the allotted timeframe.
Taking away from the actual article, the quote that caught my eye was:

"I think there's the opportunity for a spin-off show. There's so many characters. The audience for that is just going nuts."

The idea of JNPR as its own frickin' show would blow my mind, so that Jaune could do his protagonist thing off where it's not going to step on the actual protagonists of the show he's in. Or, something like a Team STRQ one-volume miniseries to show some of the "How We Got Here" stuff without having to tell it on-screen in RWBY. I especially like the fact that Burnie specifically highlights "there's so many characters" as part of the driving reason, because it's something that's RWBY's biggest flaw: too much story that needs to be told in the allotted timeframe.
If it's a STRQ miniseries showing "How We Got Here", I have my doubts. Those of us who are Red vs. Blue fans remember the Freelancer Saga, season 9 and 10, which was a "How We Got Here" for that series and how poorly received it was.
If it's a STRQ miniseries showing "How We Got Here", I have my doubts. Those of us who are Red vs. Blue fans remember the Freelancer Saga, season 9 and 10, which was a "How We Got Here" for that series and how poorly received it was.
It was mostly poorly received cause people are idiots. Seasons 9 and 10 were (arguably) the best of the show (save for some of the filler episodes), and mostly served to show how weak the characterisation of the main cast had been and how static they were as characters (a problem fixed by RvB 11 and 12, but getting your problems solved by later seasons doesn't detract from the ones that it had).
If it's a STRQ miniseries showing "How We Got Here", I have my doubts. Those of us who are Red vs. Blue fans remember the Freelancer Saga, season 9 and 10, which was a "How We Got Here" for that series and how poorly received it was.

It was mostly poorly received cause people are idiots. Seasons 9 and 10 were (arguably) the best of the show (save for some of the filler episodes), and mostly served to show how weak the characterisation of the main cast had been and how static they were as characters (a problem fixed by RvB 11 and 12, but getting your problems solved by later seasons doesn't detract from the ones that it had).

Yeah, honestly, I am a RvB fan and I rather love the Freelancer stuff (particularly because with the exception of Sarge's "Bore to the Core" plan joke and the Church/Tex conversation in Ep. 17, I felt that the non-Freelancer parts of Season 9 were a boring and unfunny failure to recapture some of the low-key comedy fun of the Blood Gulch seasons). The only parts I found irksome were where it didn't quite fall into place as an explanation of previous events, where the rough edges of canon that were invented after the fact ground up against each other (say, eg., Washington's breakdown after Epsilon's implantation being nowhere near as impactful as it was presented in Seasons 6-8). RWBY has had a much more cohesive world and plan from the start, so the things that annoy me the most are unlikely to be present.
So when Sun eavesdrops and interrupts a touching emotional scene and looks like he's just eavesdropping but also has extremely important information, half the viewers want to strangle him and tumblr explodes with people calling him a stalker. Blake's parents do the exact same Goddamn thing and everyone just laughs it off and goes, "Oh, you."

I think the dissonance between those two scenes is somewhat intentional. When Sun interrupts Blake's conversation with her father with news of the White Fang, he's symbolically taking on the role of the outside forces that prevent Blake from resolving her intimacy issues and reconciling with her family. Kali plays a similar role, disrupting Sun and Blake's reconciliation, and reminding the characters of the continued danger the White Fang represents. The repetition of this motif (both visual and narrative), the intrusion of the outside world into moments of friendship and intimacy, serves to show us how Blake has developed as a character, by contrasting her reactions to each scene. As you noted, Sun's interruption is seen by Blake (and, by extension, many audience members) as unwanted and overly intrusive. In contrast, Kali's similar interruption is basically humorous.

Again, as you pointed out, there's not a lot of difference, fundamentally, between these two scenes. The thing that's changed, that makes one an uncomfortable moment and one a humorous one, is Blake. The repeating motif of eavesdropping in Blake's arc serves to highlight how she changes over the course of the arc.

TL;DR: Cuz character development.
TL;DR: Cuz character development.
I dislike that idea myself, because it basically invalidates Blake's anger at Sun spying on her and showing no respect for boundaries, when, if he were showing respect he'd have either just announced himself because it was important or waited rather than listening in on someone else's conversation.
F, Sun claimed his information was important, but not important enough to just go straight in but instead listen and then lie about eavesdropping. Kali kind of did this, but Ghira didnt.

Orrrrrrrrr Sun being Sun he went "Shit I can't interrupt this tender moment! I know I'll just wait here till they're done, wait what's that ripping sound? SHIT!" or something like that. I mean how is he even supposed to avoid "eavesdropping" if he waits outside? He's going to overhear regardless.
Orrrrrrrrr Sun being Sun he went "Shit I can't interrupt this tender moment! I know I'll just wait here till they're done, wait what's that ripping sound? SHIT!" or something like that. I mean how is he even supposed to avoid "eavesdropping" if he waits outside? He's going to overhear regardless.
Sun has never really shown such an attitude before, to me he's more of the "talk at Blake for three days despite weird looks and not get that she's falling apart when he asks her to the dance" type in terms of behaviour. Plus, it would be very easy for him to avoid overhearing them by waling away. Additionally if it was such urgent information then why didn't he just go straight in and instead start listening at the door. Then why did he lie about all of it with that bathroom line rather than just say "I'm sorry, but there's something important you have to know and it can't wait".
"talk at Blake for three days despite weird looks

We've been over this. If Blake really wanted to get away, she would have. She didn't, and just let Sun keep doing it without telling him to stop or trying to get away, so she can't have minded that damn much, now can she? In fact, since she later decided to confide in Sun, obviously she appreciated that he was willing to stick around with her despite how unfriendly she was being while she was stewing in her personal issues.

not get that she's falling apart when he asks her to the dance"

Oh, so now her entire team are also assholes, because they needed Blake to spell out what she was going through. Because until she did that, the most they did was go, "Hey Blake, what's up? You seem mopier than usual." And hey, you know what Sun does when Blake turns him down for the dance because of her issues and spells out what they are? Backs off and doesn't approach her again. Hey look, it's apparently your dream scenario for Sun/Blake interaction!

Then why did he lie about all of it with that bathroom line rather than just say "I'm sorry, but there's something important you have to know and it can't wait".

Because he knows full well what it looks like, that Blake hasn't really been in the mood to be understanding lately, and that Ghira has already decided he doesn't like him and Sun gets pretty awkward and blabby around him even under better circumstances.
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We've been over this. If Blake really wanted to get away, she would have. She didn't, and just let Sun keep doing it without telling him to stop or trying to get away, so she can't have minded that damn much, now can she? In fact, since she later decided to confide in Sun, obviously she appreciated that he was willing to stick around with her despite how unfriendly she was being while she was stewing in her personal issues.
My point was that Sun has not shown an established pattern of respecting Blake's privacy.

Oh, so now her entire team are also assholes, because they needed Blake to spell out what she was going through. Because until she did that, the most they did was go, "Hey Blake, what's up? You seem mopier than usual." And hey, you know what Sun does when Blake turns him down for the dance because of her issues and spells out what they are? Backs off and doesn't approach her again. Hey look, it's apparently your dream scenario for Sun/Blake interaction!
Um no? I think you're conflating scenes there.

Blake spelling out her issues was before she was losing sleep and looking like a wreck, at that point she still seemed relatively normal until confronted.

When Blake was a sleep deprived mess, they all knew there was a problem and were trying to help her, Sun just asked her out then said she was being all "Blakey" to her team after getting turned down.

Because he knows full well what it looks like, that Blake hasn't really been in the mood to be understanding lately, and that Ghira has already decided he doesn't like him and Sun gets pretty awkward and blabby around him even under better circumstances.
If he knows how it looks, lying and trying to play it off are the worst things he could do, and he's already been established and an eavesdropper with little respect for privacy back in Volume 2.
If he knows how it looks, lying and trying to play it off are the worst things he could do, and he's already been established and an eavesdropper with little respect for privacy back in Volume 2.
Here's the thing when people are caught in these kind of situations people still tend to freak out and might just might ramble on in a nervous wreck especially if you are in the presence of someone who already doesn't like you. So in reality Sun may have just been really nervous about the situation he was in and was just saying the first things that came to his mind.
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Here's the thing when people are caught in these kind of situations people still tend to freak out and might just might ramble on in a nervous wreck especially if you are in the presence of someone who already doesn't like you. So in reality Sun may have just been really nervous about the situation he was in and was just saying the first things that came to his mind.
Again, this is established behaviour for Sun, listen in on someone else's private conversation, when found out or confronted make a joke, he has done this before right back in V2 when he announced himself after listening in on RWBY planning to fight Roman and Weiss was suspicious given (Partially probably because they'd just changed clothes) And he didn't try and explain it to Blake afterwards either, he could have easily said right off the bat "Sorry for that, I was trying to leave when I realised you were having a private talk as opposed to eavesdropping" but he didn't. Plus, again, if the info was so urgent why did he take the time to stop and listen?
It was mostly poorly received cause people are idiots. Seasons 9 and 10 were (arguably) the best of the show (save for some of the filler episodes), and mostly served to show how weak the characterisation of the main cast had been and how static they were as characters (a problem fixed by RvB 11 and 12, but getting your problems solved by later seasons doesn't detract from the ones that it had).


I hate the freelancer project and almost everything to do with it after it stepped out into the open. (some of the songs were cool).

Its the reason why I don't watch RVB save the once every two years binge session to see if it got any better.

I actually liked the static joke based nature of the characters and the show, its one of the reasons why I watched it in the first place.

As its own show, I'd likely have not minded it, but I care about the red and blue teams, not a bunch of characters we pretty much already knew where going to die off. Even then I rant like a motherfucker at how you might as well name the show Blue because the red team (up until the end of season 13 when I last watched it) sure as shit aren't getting any character development or plot arcs.
[News] Letter from Neath Oum, Monty's brother and Ren's VA
A few things: One, a letter from Neath.
Neath Oum said:
I wanted to take a moment and reply to all of the posts and tweets I've been receiving on this second anniversary of my brother's passing.

When I was approached by Rooster Teeth to play Ren, I thought it was a great chance to become involved with the RWBY community and help continue my brother's work. However, I didn't anticipate the sheer volume of people who would offer their support for me to be part of the show. Even now, two years later, I'm still meeting fans of my brother!

What is even more encouraging though is how so many of you decided to try and contribute to his work and memory yourselves. Despite his passing, not a day goes by when I don't see some RWBY fanart, fanfiction, videos or cosplay. He may no longer be with us but it's as if his presence never left.

So thank you for your support and for your kind words! I am very grateful to all of you for welcoming me into the RWBY community. I am even more grateful that so many of you decided to continue what he started in your own way (I'm sure he is happy too)!

Neath Oum

P.S. Lots going on at the moment. When I get a chance, I will try to reply to as many posts and tweets as I can. d^_^

P.P.S. Some of you have asked or commented on what happens to a certain couple. You'll find out soon. ^_~ This time though, I don't think it'll be just Ren's fan girls reacting strongly.

日本の方へ: 翻訳は以下です。以下の翻訳にミスがあればすみませんでした! =P



レンの声優についてRooster Teethは私を誘った時、RWBYのコミュニティーに入って弟の作品を続くのが手伝って、良いチャンスと思いました。でも、私は番組のパートになってサポートしている人々が全然このぐらい多くて期しませんでした。もう二年過ぎたのに、今はまだ色々の弟のファンと会っています!



オム ニース

P.S.今色々がちょっと一杯です。次の機会にポストとツイートを返事して頑張ります。 d^_^

P.P.S.色々の人々がとあるカップルについてどうになると聞きました。もうすぐ探し当てます。 ^_~ でも今回、大きいリアクションする人々がレンのファンギャルだけじゃないと思います。
Two, these appeared in Eleven Little Roosters
