RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Found in four basic forms, Dust can be combined both artificially and naturally to form new, stronger types, each with unique properties. Since its discovery, man has concocted a multitude of ways in which to harness these mysterious crystals.
(Emphasis mine.)
I think we can now safely say that Dust is powered by the Maidens. Who precisely, is surprised?
Sorry I'm not entirely sure what you;re trying to say here. :oops:
Burn Dust infusion would let you emulate half ascended Cinder.
(Emphasis mine.)
I think we can now safely say that Dust is powered by the Maidens. Who precisely, is surprised?

Burn Dust infusion would let you emulate half ascended Cinder.
I'm not so sure about powered, but created by or cultivated by I could definitely see.

I still think a previous Maiden is the source of the Forever Fall's... Forevery-ness.

Oh I see, yeah I could see that, heck Arslan was throwing fireballs with seemingly no Dust on her which means its either a Semblance, somehting she was hiding or Dust infusion.
I'm not so sure about powered, but created by or cultivated by I could definitely see.
Dust doesn't work outside the atmosphere.
...that might be why Salem is hiding on the moon, actually. If that's where she really is.
(But why would she not, climbing to the heavens and killing the Celestial Grand Vizier is a time honored RPG trope for good reason.)
Or the Maidens tap the same source of power that spawned the Dust in the first place.
Ooh, a countertheory! I find it unlikely, based purely on (my view of) RWBY's writing to date, but it's good to hear other possibilities.
When did we learn that? One of the cast interviews or commentaries?
Nope. It was in the World of Remnant about communications. Explaining that they don't have satellites because Dust ceases to function outside the atmosphere.
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Ooh, a countertheory! I find it unlikely, based purely on (my view of) RWBY's writing to date, but it's good to hear other possibilities.

Nope. It was in the World of Remnant about communications. Explaining that they don't have satellites because Dust ceases to function outside the atmosphere.

Ahh, I see. And come to think of it, this line actually confirms the long-held fan theory that Dust was used as the principal source of industrial energy (for engines and suchlike).
Dust doesn't work outside the atmosphere.
...that might be why Salem is hiding on the moon, actually. If that's where she really is.
(But why would she not, climbing to the heavens and killing the Celestial Grand Vizier is a time honored RPG trope for good reason.)
I'm pretty sure we can see the moon from wherever she is.
I tend to think she's either in the blacked out area near Mistral, or on the dragon continent.
Your call really. Though I'd question how she was talking on the moon or even got there myself. Sorry.
No, no, this is helpful. I'm just wondering if canon will give the moon's breakage as anything other than "random cataclysmic meteor", and whether or not they'll follow through on their hinting at a more advanced precursor civilization that collapsed in that apocalypse.
No, no, this is helpful. I'm just wondering if canon will give the moon's breakage as anything other than "random cataclysmic meteor", and whether or not they'll follow through on their hinting at a more advanced precursor civilization that collapsed in that apocalypse.
I doubt they'd have Salem bring it up if they didn't intend for said society to have some roll in one form or another but I doubt it'll come up soon. Can't really comment on the moon, it will probably come up, though it may also be like Gravity Falls where not all the mysteries are solved.
I doubt they'd have Salem bring it up if they didn't intend for said society to have some roll in one form or another but I doubt it'll come up soon. Can't really comment on the moon, it will probably come up, though it may also be like Gravity Falls where not all the mysteries are solved.
Salem mentioned it? A civilization, specifically, and not something like "we are only remnants of what has been lost", which could also refer to, say, a mostly dead pantheon?
(Now I want to figure out what Ozpin would have been the god of. Trickery, mentorship, and comfort, possibly.)
Salem mentioned it? A civilization, specifically, and not something like "we are only remnants of what has been lost", which could also refer to, say, a mostly dead pantheon?
(Now I want to figure out what Ozpin would have been the god of. Trickery, mentorship, and comfort, possibly.)
I was referring to her speech at the start of the series, I guess she and Ozpin could have been gods or considered gods but I find that less likely myself.
I hadn't considered they might have been deity or living mythological/fae analogous though, interesting idea. Like the 'Heroic or Golden Age' in Greek Mythology.
I was referring to her speech at the start of the series, I guess she and Ozpin could have been gods or considered gods but I find that less likely myself.
I hadn't considered they might have been deity or living mythological/fae analogous though, interesting idea. Like the 'Heroic or Golden Age' in Greek Mythology.
Clearly you know nothing Coffee is the ambrosia of the gods!:p
So someone on Reddit received their copy of the Volume 3 Blu-ray and transcribed a rough impression of the directors' commentary. There's some neat stuff in there, but the most interesting tidbit to me is that the entire Maiden plot (as perceived by astute viewers here and elsewhere) was conceived sometime between Volumes 2 and 3 by Monty, and thus developed for Volume 3. It's really fascinating to wonder how the Volume would've turned out had that not come together. Perhaps Ruby's silver eyes would've more immediately taken the fore (which are now clearly a separate thing from the Maiden powers--Qrow wasn't just obfuscating the truth from her)?
So someone on Reddit received their copy of the Volume 3 Blu-ray and transcribed a rough impression of the directors' commentary. There's some neat stuff in there, but the most interesting tidbit to me is that the entire Maiden plot (as perceived by astute viewers here and elsewhere) was conceived sometime between Volumes 2 and 3 by Monty, and thus developed for Volume 3. It's really fascinating to wonder how the Volume would've turned out had that not come together. Perhaps Ruby's silver eyes would've more immediately taken the fore (which are now clearly a separate thing from the Maiden powers--Qrow wasn't just obfuscating the truth from her)?
Any word on Adam?
So someone on Reddit received their copy of the Volume 3 Blu-ray and transcribed a rough impression of the directors' commentary. There's some neat stuff in there, but the most interesting tidbit to me is that the entire Maiden plot (as perceived by astute viewers here and elsewhere) was conceived sometime between Volumes 2 and 3 by Monty, and thus developed for Volume 3. It's really fascinating to wonder how the Volume would've turned out had that not come together. Perhaps Ruby's silver eyes would've more immediately taken the fore (which are now clearly a separate thing from the Maiden powers--Qrow wasn't just obfuscating the truth from her)?

Heh. "Ozluminati." I hope that's actually the commentators, not the transcribers, calling them that. :)

I will now headcanon that the tree was cut down because of Neptune getting tired of Sun dragging him up on the ledge every time he went to visit.