RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Dunno. Although that does bring up something that's been bugging me.

The world of RWBY is called Remnant.

What's it a remnant of?

I don't know, but I'm figuring it has something to do with the opening narration from the first episode

Narrator: Legends. Stories scattered through time. Mankind has grown quite fond of recounting the exploits of heroes and villains, forgetting so easily that we are remnants, byproducts, of a forgotten past.

Something to do with the moon i'm guessing, perhaps civilisation was destroyed by a fragment of the moon? and that fragment is now Dust?

Narrator: Man, born from dust,

Hm, that's a possibility, or maybe Remnant was the chunk of the Moon that broke off. Going with the theory that Dust came from the moon, it would make sense in either scenario if humans can mine it out of the ground.

On that note, Monty has said that the Moon will be important later, and when asked about how it's crumbling at certain points but looks whole at later points, his answer was "I dunno, phases and shit". Now it's entirely possible that he wasn't being serious when answering, but if he was, we can either assume that the moon crumbles and reforms on a regular basis, or we're just seeing the moon at a different point of its rotation, and it's always been shattered like that.
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On that note, Monty has said that the Moon will be important later, and when asked about how it's crumbling at certain points but looks whole at later points, his answer was "I dunno, phases and shit". Now it's entirely possible that he wasn't being serious when answering, but if he was, we can either assume that the moon crumbles and reforms on a regular basis, or we're just seeing the moon at a different point of its rotation, and it's always been shattered like that.
It's the latter. Quoting the RWBY wiki:
The moon in the world of RWBY follows a peculiar lunar cycle radically different to that of Earth's. Unlike Earth's moon, which is tidally locked to Earth and thus always presents the same surface when viewed from the planet's surface, the Moon of the RWBY universe exhibits asynchronous rotation.

As a result of this, at different points in the lunar cycle, the Moon presents a different face to the planet: when the hemispherical fragment is directly facing Remnant, the moon appears full; at other times the moon's fragments are visible.

Citation (at 01:24:50):

Note: this has been split into two posts for the image/post limit

So, I got into a discussion in Ryuugi's RWBY/The Gamer crossover thread on SB about Weiss's semblance. Jaune was holding her hostage and threatening to drop her to her death. Someone asked why that was a valid threat considering her semblance, and I suggested that she might not be able to use it while disarmed, citing from 1.10 that she physically ran to grab Myrtenaster before she used her glyphs as a shield against the boarbatusk. Someone else disputed needing a weapon to use a semblance, and then someone countered that Weiss may need the dust Myrtenaster holds to use her glyphs. In any case, I went through RWBY to gather all the info I could on the subject, and I thought I would provide it all to the community.

I excluded the White trailer from this collection because I don't know how canonical it is. Unlike my last in-depth analysis, all following timestamps match the versions I downloaded from RT's YouTube channel, because I decided to save their personal site a bit of bandwidth. Said timestamps are included in the images' descriptions. I also used a lot of images, so they are hidden behind spoiler tags.

The first time we see Weiss use her glyphs is in 1.05 when the characters are launched into the Emerald Forest.
As you can see, Weiss went through a series of gestures with Myrtenaster and her free hand before forming a blue-white glyph which she was then launched back off of.

The next glyph we see is in 1.08 when she saves Ruby from the Death Stalker. Note that she does not use one when falling from the Nevermore, probably for comedic reasons.
Presumably she used a glyph immediately before to get there fast enough, and this glyph was to stop? Pure conjecture. Other times when she uses her ice magic has no glyph, so it is unlikely to be that. There was also no indication of any gestures in this scene.

After that is the cliff-side fight. Weiss drops down to grab Nora and pull her away from the Death Stalker.
Again, white glyph, no gestures. Just drop, grab, go.

She uses her glyphs twice after the Nevermore crashes through the tower. She does some weird flips and spins before finally, white glyph midair.
Then there are some ice skater spins before another midair white glyph, this one with a very different patern.

Ice-locking the Nevermore as a setup for the Ruby Slingshot was followed by a very simple white glyph at 9:53-54 that might have included a hand gesture.

Then we have the actual Ruby Slingshot. Definite hand gestures happening here.

Gesture changes to change the color of the glyph to hold Ruby in place.

And Launch gesture

Ice skater spin and magic flaring off Myrtenaster.
Note that this is the only time we see a red glyph, possibly an interaction with Ruby's aura? Again, pure conjecture. It does change back after launch.
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After that there was the Blue Glyph path up the cliff side, this one with gesture again.
This was also apparently extremely draining, as she collapses afterward.

But she is back up quick. These two frames are 11 seconds apart.

Two episodes later is the first day of class and Weiss' fight with the boarbatusk. As stated before, she doesn't use any glyphs until after both being disarmed and recovering Myrtenaster.
Again, very clear gesture before the double blue glyphs, but no gesture to turn the second one black for the hold&launch maneuver.

We don't see Weiss in combat again until season 2 episode 4 with Torchwick's Atlesian Paladin. This is a big fight, and she uses her glyphs five times.
First she uses one midair for herself with no prep.
Then she gestures to give Blake one.
Then they both use one together, kinda a gesture? Weiss looks to be 'pushing' at the ground.
After that Weiss throws her 'Haste' glyph to Blake, being apparently channeled through Myrtenaster.
Then finally we have the Ice Flower maneuver, and here Myrtenaster is clearly being used for more general magic than her typical glyphs. Possibly a focus for the dust effect? We have too little information on magic at this point to draw any conclusions.
Other than Haste, every glyph used in this fight was white.

Looking at all of it together, the first conclusion I can draw is that it is a Soft Magic system following Rule of Cool. If anyone can notice a pattern, please speak up!
Didn't Jaune exhaust Weiss's Aura capacity in their fight in the darkness?

If Weiss still had sufficient Aura in her system, sure, she can theoretically summon some glyphs to either slow her descent (but, then again, Weiss did no such thing when she fell from that Nevermore in 1.08 despite having sufficient Aura at the time...) or commence a Round 2 with Jaune "NeverMan" Arc, but Jaune wore her down because he knew he was no match for her in a fair fight.

I always thought the thing about Weiss was sound. It's Jaune having to finish the rest of the mission solo that got me to raise an eyebrow.
Looking at all of it together, the first conclusion I can draw is that it is a Soft Magic system following Rule of Cool. If anyone can notice a pattern, please speak up!
I'm noticing three things here:

1) When using the white "Air step" glyphs on herself, she doesn't need to make any motions, or use her sword.

2) When using the white glyph on other people, she needs to motion, but not her sword.

3) When using any other glyph, she needs to use her sword, but only motion when using the glyphs on someone else.

What I take from this is that her Semblance may just be the white glyphs (which work on her by default, but she can use the hand motions to select a target), but she's figured out how to modify them with Dust/range cast her Dust magic through them.
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So, I got into a discussion in Ryuugi's RWBY/The Gamer crossover thread on SB about Weiss's semblance. Jaune was holding her hostage and threatening to drop her to her death.
Oh for fucks sake. I am so glad I dropped that fic. I should have seen the signs earlier but at least I was spared that particular turd.
I still find it fun.
I might have found it fun if Ryugi could have just been honest and made the main character an OC (well more like SI) but when he makes Jaune (or any of the main cast with the possible exception of Nora) he needs to stay far away from the Hard Men making Hard Decisions bullshit. Especially when he simultaneously shits on more interesting characters with abilities that are not canon in either of the crossed over series. :rage:

I can understand why you read it though. There was a lot of stuff about the story that bugged the hell out of me before that bullshit but I still found the story enjoyable because whatever else you might say about him Ryugi is damned good at writing. Its just such a pity that all his stories end up being power fantasies for his author avatars. :sad:
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I might have found it fun if Ryugi could have just been honest and made the main character an OC (well more like SI) but when he makes Jaune (or any of the main cast with the possible exception of Nora) he needs to stay far away from the Hard Men making Hard Decisions bullshit. Especially when he simultaneously shits on more interesting characters with abilities that are not canon in either of the crossed over series. :rage:

I can understand why you read it though. There was a lot of stuff about the story that bugged the hell out of me before that bullshit but I still find the story enjoyable because whatever else you might say about him Ryugi is damned good at writing. Its just such a pity that all his stories end up being power fantasies for his author avatars. :sad:

I still read it, even though the inner monologue can be rather....gratting.
Watching the episode and HOLY SHIT! Bombshells bombshells every where, spoilers ahead.

YANG'S Mother, Summer Rose, Qrow, Yang and Ruby's Father were on the same team; Yang's mother disappears, her father remarries to Summer

Only Yang would use a laser pointer to get Blake's attention. Heh, Ozpin compare's dancing to combat.
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Spoilers, of course, to follow. Though to be frank, if you're clicking this topic on a Thursday you should probably be expecting that.

Well, all of you who have read the past few pages know my feelings on Jaune's pursuit of Weiss last episode. I didn't like that trend continuing here.

That's about the only part of the episode I didn't like, to be honest. Everything went much better than I expected. Every single character felt genuine and was treated with respect (especially Pyrrha, holy cow, what a brave and selfless girl), we got some backstory in that just makes too much sense, it was highly emotional and (Even though I doubt this is where all the characters are gonna end up in the end) the romances actually felt . . . real? A complete turnaround from last episode.

All in all, I'd actually call this one of the better episodes of RWBY yet. 8.5/10.
Watching the episode and HOLY SHIT! Bombshells bombshells every where, spoilers ahead.

YANG'S Mother, Summer Rose, Qrow, Yang and Ruby's Father were on the same team; Yang's mother disappears, her father remarries to Summer

Only Yang would use a laser pointer to get Blake's attention. Heh, Ozpin compare's dancing to combat.

Only Ozpin would compare dancing to combat. In all likelihood, for the RWBYverse, it is dancing of a sort.

Not so in real life. RL combat is messy, chaotic, and, some of the time, kind of like button-mashing on a fighting game.

But still...

The blonde hair, the orange getup, the twin ponytails when she was young... it all makes sense.

YANG'S MOTHER IS NARUKO! (It's a joke, if text didn't make that clear)
Also, confirmation that Weiss is a very good singer (at least to Jaune).

EDIT: Also Nora is the wisest student in Beacon.

Is it just me or does anyone else get the feeling that RoosterTeeth put more effort into RWBY's casual wear in Painting the Town than their dresses in this one? Sure they're nice, but hardly anything outstanding in my opinion.
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I was laughing so hard at the laser pointer gag.

Ruby was adorable in her dress. Weiss' was very.. Weiss. Blake was cute, and Sun was kind of adorable with his tie and sneakers. I expected Yang's dress to be a bit showier though.

Also, what was that thing Yang drew on the chalkboard?
I was laughing so hard at the laser pointer gag.

Ruby was adorable in her dress. Weiss' was very.. Weiss. Blake was cute, and Sun was kind of adorable with his tie and sneakers. I expected Yang's dress to be a bit showier though.

Also, what was that thing Yang drew on the chalkboard?
I'm thinking that was Qrow's emblem.
What was that rampant heterosexuality in my RWBY!? And why wasn't it Renora!?

Blake with the pointer was adorable, though, and shit's getting real next week I guess.