RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Considering Cinder is obviously inspired by Cinderella, sewing logically fits her motifs. Since it was confirmed last week that dust can be incorporated into clothing, that will almost certainly be a factor in Cinder's plans.
Thinking about Cinder's motivation and what has been shone so far in the episodes and trailer how does this sound as a theory: Cinder having been wronged in the past wants revenge; she wants to take her fate into her own hands so that others could not, she wants to strip away the power of those who wronged her. In episode 4 the White Fang were preparing to launch an attack on Vale itself from within. I think that this attack and the WF are distractions themselves for what she has planned. What ever she has planned requires a great deal of Dust, I think she might use this Dust to weaken Vale's defenders in some manner; we do see in the trailer a group of Grimm running through a city street. tl;dr her plan may be to weak Vale's defenders to where they can't protect what the swore to protect.
I'm thinking that team criminal is going to attack the dance. Blake then saves the day because she wasn't there during the attack.
Seeing Blake look so haggard pierces my kokoro so.

She reminds me of me a few hours before my Thesis presentation. The most nerve-wracking event of my school life.
In the middle of watching, but I'm kinda happy that Cardin's team at least gave a decent showing against Pyrrha, even with her bullshit powerful Semblance.
Thoughts on this week's episode.

-Good lord, those bags under Blake's eyes. Terrifying.
-MFW Jaune and his guitar showed up.
-Pyrrha's voice still bothers me. Dunno why.
-Pyrrha's and her crush on Jaune is hilarious.
-Cinder makes me think of Desu Gan for some reason. Is it because she sounds like she's trying too hard to be sultry and evil?
-I'm still curious as to how they realized what Pyrrha's Semblance is. It could have been any number of things.
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Forgive me for this, but Blake looked like she needed a cat nap.

Did Yang make you say that?

Wait, no. Her puns are way worse.

-o- -o- -o- -o-

(Inside the 4th Wall)

Ruby: Yang, why are you shaking?

Yang: *cracks knuckles* I don't know, really, but I'm feeling mad. Really mad. Someone out there must've dissed my puns...
Looks like Blake suffers from that complex where she feels responsible for everything White Fang related.

An understandable reaction, but someone really needs to talk some sense into her.
Also, Jaune is insufferably ignorant of Phyrra's attraction.

Goddamit Jaune.
Hopefully until the dance on Sunday where Jaune gets an epiphany seconds after Pyrrha looks back at him with such heart-wrenching, tear-filled eyes and resumes her trek up the stairs, followed by another epiphany where he realizes mending this is too late and he thinks to himself:

"I blew it. I fucking blew it."

Captain? The ship has sunk.

... God, I'm cruel. >:D
I like season two a lot so far. It's better animated, more tightly written, and the fight scenes are even better choreographed than in season one. Volume one. My mistake, a mistake I am liable to keep on making. But it's not perfect, especially this latest episode. Why this episode in particular?


Tl;dr below. You have been warned.

I've always felt I was in a firm minority in the RWBY fandom: Jaune Arc is my favorite character in the show. Has been since he was introduced. I've always been a sucker for the underdog tale, where the guy whom nobody takes seriously...well. Blah blah blah. You know the tropes. Plus, he's a funny guy, and between the two it's hard for me not to root for him.

Having said that, I'm liking volume two Jaune less and less as we go on. Part of it's inconsistent writing - Jaune's never been quite this persistent or obsessed with Weiss before. In fact, he's barely spoken to or about her at all. Sure, he flirted with her when they first met, he flirted with Pyrrha too. I would not be surprised if he flirted with a significantly larger portion of the cast offscreen, to be honest. In addition, it seems like after the failed attempt at flirting he learned his lesson; "My dad said all women looked for was confidence!'

And then he got knocked into a tree and the rest of the season kept breaking him down and then built him back up at the end, showing that he was on the route to becoming a better person. Specifically noted was a decided inclination towards trying to be less "macho" in the future. And now he's skipping very important training to go after a girl who is clearly not interested and snubbing a girl who clearly is. It's frustrating to watch him backslide like this.

That's the other half of the bit. Jaune's being creepy, refusing to take 'no' for Weiss's answer. He is, in fact, being every high school boy to ever exist (hyperbole and generalization intended). This on its own is not the worst crime in the world, slighlty skeevy though it might be. Certiainly, as childish as his behavior is, it doesn't feel threatening, just a little childish. But that's the problem: it makes Jaune look childish, which is actually something I wouldn't say he's ever been. Dorky? Yeah. Clueless? A bit. Irresponsible? Sometimes. But willingness to learn from his mistakes and not being willing to treat people around him badly have always been at the core of his nature.

This whole (and I ask pardon for the vagueness) thing him less likeable. A lot less likeable. Especially considering that the narrative expects us to emphasize with him, or at least that's the track I'm seeing now. Could be wrong. Might be a dressing-down coming in Jaune's future. Admittedly the tone of his hijinks so far have been...well, hijinks. Not exactly "Aw, poor Jaune-y", though I wouldn't be surprised. That will be another problem if Jaune and Pyrrha get together at the end of all this; if not handled extremely carefully it'll feel like Pyrrha's some sort of consolation prize. Or that Weiss will be played off as somehow undeserving of Jaune/that Jaune will be "rewarded for his determination" by "getting a girl who can appreciate him". Both options would be bad, I think.

It feels like the writers in some ways just dropped the ball completely in this arc, especially this last episode. Jaune's not the only character that's acting inconsistently; he's just the most obvious. See Weiss, who has always had trouble opening up and letting people in, and her thing regards Neptune. In fact, a lot of this wreaks of romantic contrivance rather than genuine growth of relationships. That and "guy overlooks girl for other girl" and its extended tropes are sort of played out, and frankly boiling Pyrrha down to "forlorn girl waiting for guy to notice me" is a great disservice to her character.

Tl;dr: I think tumblr user rwby-rose put it best: I don't hate Jaune yet. I started off really liking him. I just hate how he's being written.

Two last things: if you wish to visit tumblr user rwby-rose, be warned that she does do nsfw roleplaying sometimes (always under cuts). Second thing: yes. I too would like to see Jaune in a dress.
I have this deep desire to see an official RWBY novel written and published. It doesn't have to be about the main storyline; it can be a prequel of sorts that touch upon the early lives of the four special girls.

The events leading to Summer Rose's death for Ruby, and her story about coping with it.

Weiss's family situation and an internal struggle of being alone (maybe even include the knight in her trailer as an assassination attempt, like what almost happened to Snow White).

Blake and her early years within the White Fang, either before or after they donned the Grimm masks and resorted to terrorism.

Yang and her family situation. Maybe seeing her side of the story that intertwines with Ruby's own, leading to more revelations and background events coming to the forefront. It'd be an awesome way to end the book with vague events in Ruby's story given their due spotlight for the reader's attention. Or maybe even use her POV for Ruby's after story, coping with the loss and stuff.


I doubt it'll come so soon, but a guy can dream, can't he?
I like the animation of Blake's eye bags. Good lord that girl needs sleep. And less of a guilt complex.

Jaune. You're annoying. More than before, I mean.

Cinder is beginning to scare me. I wonder who else is on her list?