RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Just finally watched RWBY so going to chime in on the conversation on a couple of points.

The issue of a Hunter/ess being so much more ridiculously powerful than your random mook: the intro monologue in episode 1 comments about Heroes rising up and using the power of Dust to pave the way for civilization then follows up with "But even the most brilliant lights eventually flicker and die." I would guess that this is implying that with all the comforts of Dust powered civilization, the vast majority of people simply aren't willing to put in the effort to become a Hunt (henceforth used as a gender neutral alternative.) They are a dying breed, and as numbers have declined, it has eventually fallen for them to police themselves, as happens later in episode one when Glynda showed up to fight Torchwick and Cinder. In 2.4 no-one else showing up may be because they looked and saw it was already being handled, not realizing those were students.

Also with advancing technology it is simply more efficient to field the weight of fire/combat robots/command mechs with minimally trained personnel compared to the high cost and time of what is basically a 4 year college degree that has a fatality rate.

Dust infused cloth: Glynda has a VERY distinct cape.

Neo: Girl named "New" that looks like her boss (with an ice-cream palate swap) shows up at the same time said boss gets his hands on a supply of high tech equipment and Penny is introduced as a the first living robot? Completely crazy, but don't have enough data to disprove it yet.

Anyways, nice to meet other fans, any recommended fanfics?
One of the random-ass no-life thugs in Junior's club took Yang's shotgun-powered punches to the chest repeatedly. While he was defeated, there's no indication that he was killed, crippled or even seriously hurt. If some low-rent mook can walk off what would render you or me a puddle of leaking meat it really hammers home how superhuman your regular joe shmoe of Remnant is in relation to us.

Yeah, no kidding.

And those are just the mooks.

Weiss(who's probably the most squishy of RWBY) got smacked flying across the big grand hall room and slams into a thick stone pillar so hard that she breaks it in half and is basically okay after a couple minutes.

Yang, in that same fight, gets sent flying through the ceiling and sent so high up it takes her just under two minutes to come back down(someone else can work out the math on how high she ended up) and she literally brushes herself off.*

And that all happened in a goddamn food fight.

Hunters be fucking crazy.

*Granted, some of the damage absorption on that could be chalked up to her Semblance
Anyways, nice to meet other fans, any recommended fanfics?
Being from a family of heroes, Jaune had long ago realized that heroism wasn't all it was cracked up to be. It was just plain sense to take a safer course in life. Unfortunately, nobody bothered to tell him that the world just didn't make sense. Inspired by the Ciaphas Cain series of Warhammer 40K. (pairings undecided)

Amazing story...which has only reached a 30k word count and hasn't updated since Feb. Still we can hope right?
A RWBY/The Gamer crossover. Probably a good idea to have at least some background in the Gamer manhwa before jumping in. Updates pretty much daily!! :D

Huh, just realised that pretty much any RWBY fic I would consider decent is focused on Jaune...I guess people love an underdog?

There's always:
But some of the fics that have made it there seriously make me question where trawling through it is worth it.
So, I was thinking about writing a fanfic (low probability of it actually getting written, will probably shift to something else to obsess about before long) and started trying to break-down some of the hidden world-building for RWBY, specifically the map and trying to identify what is where. Here is everything I was able to gather.

The wiki was a bit scarce on info, two of the kingdoms don't even have icons. However I remembered seeing them, so I went looking for them. In 2.3 at 6:15 when Weiss goes to the Beacon CCT, it shows all four Kingdom's crests.

Top left: Vale, we see it a lot, particularly on coffee mugs. (no I don't particularly feel like grabbing a citation)(Fine, 2.2@2:12, was in the scene for another reason later)
Bottom Left: Atlas, it is faintly shown on the container for the new Atlesian(sp? It sounds like Elysian, but it is from Atlas and their military so...) Knight robots in the same episode(2.3@8:50).
The two crests on the right must therefore be Vacuo and Mistral, but no indication I know of for which is which.

Then I noticed that those lines in the background of the crests were clocks. Assuming that they are using a standard 12 hour analog clock layout we have:
Atlas and Vale both at 8:20
Swords at 2:20
Lantern at 11:20 (also shouldn't that be the crest for the country with Signal and Beacon Academies?)

This shows that either Atlas and Vale are in the same timezone or are 12 hours apart. We also know that for Vale that is 8:20 PM because at the start of the episode, Weiss was staring at a clock waiting for 4:00 to get out of class, and it is getting dark out in the next episode during the Mech chase and battle.

When Weiss places her call to "the Schnee Company World Headquarters in Atlas"(2.3@6:29-31) she is also greeted with a "good afternoon"(2.3@6:55-7:00) however that is after the receptionist recognized her. This can mean one of four things:
1) It is afternoon in Atlas, meaning that the timezones match.
2) The Receptionist(Credits identify her as the "Schnee Corp Operator" voiced by Emily McBride(2.3@12:14) who is the RT Online Store Manager) knows that Weiss is on the other side of the world and used the correct greeting.
3) The Receptionist is a professional and checked where the call is coming from so that she could use the correct greeting.
4) The writers weren't thinking this deeply.
End result, this snippet proves exactly nothing, but supports either possibility.

Alright, lets look at a map then.(1.1@1:21)

The central two sparks on the map could be in the same time zone. Otherwise, the two closest times from the list would be three hours apart.

During the conversation between Ozpin and Ironwood in 2.2 we once again get possibly conflicting evidence. At one point Ozpin asks "So, what in the world has brought you all the way down from Atlas?"(2.2@2:10-13). Ideally, the term down refers to North-South movement, however people seldom use language ideally. Later in the conversation there is also the line "So I suggest you not scare people by transporting hundreds of soldiers halfway across the continent."(2.2@3:05-10) This is a bit more linguistically clear, possibly implying that Atlas and Vale are on the same continent, and there are only two sparks on the previous map that share a continent. However that would mean that there is a 3 timezone shift(11-8) between the two central sparks on the map, and they don't look that far apart. Or it could just mean that they had to cross half of Vytal to reach Vale, not counting oceans and distance on their native continent.

Of course the sparks might not be in the right place, so lets look at a different map.(2.2@5:00)

And a better shot of just the board a little bit later(2.2@6:58)

Now anyone who has ever played a similar boardgame knows that it works best when you are sitting closest to your territory and the girls are aligned as follows:
Ruby = Atlas (2.2@3:57-4:09) in the East.
Weiss = Vacuo (2.2@5:06-07) in the North.
Blake = Vale (2.2@6:05-06) in Central
Yang = Mistral (not explicitly stated other than having the "Mistral Trade Route"(2.2@4:47-48), but it was the remaining kingdom) in the West.

However, that would Make SenseTM and why would they do that?

So, thoughts?

Note: all timestamps are according to the versions available on the Rooster Teeth website.

Edit: fixed a typo, 2->3 hours.
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Anyways, nice to meet other fans, any recommended fanfics?

I rec these primarily due to quality of writing. I've linked all these stories multiple times, so I'm just going to list them off this time and let you google them yourself.

  • Moczo and RadiantBeam have a shared AU called "agents of beacon" with multiple stories set in it. They also wrote some that aren't AU.
  • Person with Many Aliases wrote a story about Velvet called "The Glass Menagerie" and a Blake-centered team RWBY story called "Tensile Strength of the Soul."
  • "The Price of Power" is a quest with Jaune as the main character, levelling up through constant terror and struggle. It can be found on SpaceBattles (also here, but no longer updated because a mod didn't like it).
  • As stated above, Souldbound is a good Bumblebee story that isn't quite canon.
  • There's also Kuma's Henceforward AU, which is a manga that's been going for a while which actually got a shoutout from Monty at RTX. That one's on tumblr though, so be careful.
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Y'know, so far all the Grim we've seen have been land-based or aerial. I'm curious what kinds of Grim Leviathans lurk in the depths of the oceans.
No, actually. Thing is Weiss' whole life essentially revolves around her familial background, something we have only received hints about. It'll be hard to do her inner monologue when we don't know what they're exactly like. (There's always shooting in the dark on that, but I personally dislike that tactic.)

I have a RWBY/Dark Souls fic I still intend to continue eventually...
[Discussion] Volume 2, Chapter 5: Extracurricular
So this episode is basically 50% Pyrrha kicking ass, 25% Blake being moody, and 25% Jaune being a dumbass.

Looks like this arc will focus on Pyrrha. Let's hope she doesn't end up like either her namesake or her inspiration...
For those who have watched the episode;
Was it just me or did Cinder get furious when she talked at the end about taking away the power of others; Could this be apart of her overall motivation for what she's doing?
For those who have watched the episode;
Was it just me or did Cinder get furious when she talked at the end about taking away the power of others; Could this be apart of her overall motivation for what she's doing?
Perhaps. I think it fits well with her statement about "taking her fate into her own hands." Previously wronged, and seeking to take control so it won't happen again?

Also, what's she doing with that hair at the end, and whose hair is it?
I really liked CRDL's showing. They've come a long way from the guys that ran from an Ursa.

Weiss explaining why she was so dismissive of Jaune was kind of a nice touch.
Silly thought!

According to Monty Jaune is actually a good dancer, and it seems like one of those ballroom style balls from what we saw. So the dance happens, Jaune and Pyrrha go for a few turns around the ballroom (actually shocking most of the others from how he can dance) and then the song ends just as Pyrrha is going for the traditional kiss finish....

And then Jaune does something that leads to the scene in the trailer where she looks at him then climbs the stairs in disappointment!