RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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It could be. All we know about Ruby's semblance is that it makes her go fast. She might be doing that through time dilation shenanigans. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but physics in Remnant is tangential at best. But as long as it has hard limits and doesn't give her time travel I could see it working.
Well we saw when Ruby picked up Penny and tried to carry her using her Semblance, she had unexpected strain, which I think was more to do with Penny's weight, and her Semblance gave out, causing the two to fall out of the air.

So her Semblance is still speed based, apparently allowing her to apply speed in any given direction.

Rather, her new ability is separate from her Semblance, and I think instead of something time-based, it might be a specifically anti-Grimm, which would make sense.

I do concede that it could still be time-based, though, since we lack... pretty much any sort of information.
Well we saw when Ruby picked up Penny and tried to carry her using her Semblance, she had unexpected strain, which I think was more to do with Penny's weight, and her Semblance gave out, causing the two to fall out of the air.

So her Semblance is still speed based, apparently allowing her to apply speed in any given direction.

Rather, her new ability is separate from her Semblance, and I think instead of something time-based, it might be a specifically anti-Grimm, which would make sense.

I do concede that it could still be time-based, though, since we lack... pretty much any sort of information.

I don't disagree. Obviously I like the idea of it actually being, very limited, time dilation, but I'm not claiming that's what it actually is.

Just thought it might be an interesting possibility. Also, maybe Penny was just too much for her to bring along.
I would like to remind you all that Ruby's silver eyes were commented on by Ozpin the very first time he met her. He damn well knew exactly what she was from the beginning, and this is not an asspull, but a legit thing foreshadowed, even if not enough. Ruby is one bad(*&* motherhubber who's just figured out that she has the force. And she's now very, very ANGRY.

They're not going to like her now that she's finally angry.
I would like to remind you all that Ruby's silver eyes were commented on by Ozpin the very first time he met her. He damn well knew exactly what she was from the beginning, and this is not an asspull, but a legit thing foreshadowed, even if not enough. Ruby is one bad(*&* motherhubber who's just figured out that she has the force. And she's now very, very ANGRY.

They're not going to like her now that she's finally angry.
I'm not sure if she's that lethal yet, since she doesn't even know what her power really is or how to use it, but I guess this really does explain why he admitted her to Beacon. He wasn't impressed by her Scythe skills (well, I'm sure he was but not that much), he was consolidating power at Beacon in preparation for Cinder's attack.
Thinking about it the if the Silver eyes indeed does equal Maiden level secret powers was most likely the whole reason Ozpin allowed her into Beacon early especially since apparently before his passing Monty did leave enough notes and material to go up to volume 5, man this is some serious fridge brilliance that requires quite a bit of mental agility since the clues were so subtle that I guess calling it an asspull is expected
I would like to remind you all that Ruby's silver eyes were commented on by Ozpin the very first time he met her. He damn well knew exactly what she was from the beginning, and this is not an asspull, but a legit thing foreshadowed, even if not enough. Ruby is one bad(*&* motherhubber who's just figured out that she has the force. And she's now very, very ANGRY.

I don't think anybody has a problem with her being a special snowflake. She was allowed into a premier fighting academy two years early. She was never going to be anything but special. Which is okay so long as the special snowflake doesn't steal the show, which for all of RWBY's flaws Ruby emphatically does not.

It still needed to be hinted at more. A lot more. All that time Cinder was muttering about her plans? Yeah, this should have been foreshadowed around halfway between those two extremes.
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I don't think anybody has a problem with her being a special snowflake. She was allowed into a premier fighting academy two years early. She was never going to be anything but special. Which is okay so long as the special snowflake doesn't steel the show, which for all of RWBY's flaws Ruby emphatically does not.

It still needed to be hinted at more. A lot more. All that time Cinder was muttering about her plans? Yeah, this should have been foreshadowed around halfway between those two extremes.

It probably was, but in a way that we just didn't catch it. I bet the next two seasons will be full of shit where we turn back and go 'OOoooooOOoooh. HOW THE FUCK DID WE MISS THAT!?'
Thinking about it the if the Silver eyes indeed does equal Maiden level secret powers was most likely the whole reason Ozpin allowed her into Beacon early especially since apparently before his passing Monty did leave enough notes and material to go up to volume 5, man this is some serious fridge brilliance that requires quite a bit of mental agility since the clues were so subtle that I guess calling it an asspull is expected

Uhm, wut?

Anyone with the slightest introduction to anime or JRPGs would have known the second that Ozpin commented on her eyes that Ruby has something going for her and that something was probably why Ozpin was letting her attend two years ahead of schedule.
Uhm, wut?

Anyone with the slightest introduction to anime or JRPGs would have known the second that Ozpin commented on her eyes that Ruby has something going for her and that something was probably why Ozpin was letting her attend two years ahead of schedule.
Granted but after the one mention of the eyes that was it, we don't get any other hints that the eyes meant anything special in the series at all and the first time we see them again outside of Ruby is on Summer Rose in the team STRQ picture but that can be simply taken as a family resemblance or trait after all Yang has Purple eyes(Red once her anger and semblence is active)and no one really comments on those, Blakes Yellow eyes are more a trait of her being faunus but again no one found the color strange. It wasn't until we saw the Wizard in the last World of Remnant who also had Silver eyes did people start speculating and then this episode comes and hits us in the face that maybe there was something to those eyes after all.
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It probably was, but in a way that we just didn't catch it. I bet the next two seasons will be full of shit where we turn back and go 'OOoooooOOoooh. HOW THE FUCK DID WE MISS THAT!?'
I'm pretty sure that's reaching. In every single conflict with the Grimm, Ruby was no more effective at killing them than others nor did the Grimm show any special behavior regarding her.
I'm pretty sure that's reaching. In every single conflict with the Grimm, Ruby was no more effective at killing them than others nor did the Grimm show any special behavior regarding her.

The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is that Oobleck never asked why she wanted to be a huntress. And that could be, and probably was, that he just had a good read on her temperament/didn't think it was necessary.

I do think Qrow is feeding her . . . not bullshit . . . but the mythologized version. I doubt silver eyes hunters could strike fear into the Grimm at a glance. Or maybe that really is what she did? At least the freezing part.

That dragon didn't seem to have formed in the mountain. I think it was dormant there for a long time. Maybe it was left there by another huntress in the distant past? Someone who died before they could finish the job.
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The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is that Oobleck never asked why she wanted to be a huntress. And that could be, and probably was, that he just had a good read on her temperament/didn't think it was necessary.

I do think Qrow is feeding her . . . not bullshit . . . but the mythologized version. I doubt silver eyes hunters could strike fear into the Grimm at a glance. Or maybe that really is what she did? At least the freezing part.

That dragon didn't seem to have formed in the mountain. I think it was dormant there for a long time. Maybe it was left there by another huntress in the distant past? Someone who died before they could finish the job.
Someone like... Summer?
Anyways on a different tangent of speculation :

So anyone want to take bets on the order the team gets put back together in?

I'm banking Weiss, Yang, Blake.

Weiss has suffered the least and has the most personal drive, and the support of her sister, to strike out on her own once more. She also has the most to prove. Her family reputation was already in the pits and now her Kingdom is openly reviled across Remnant.

Yang is crippled but she has family who supports her and Remnant has the technology for her to be a fighter once again. Tai can probably understand a lot, but not everything, she's going through. Her dad knows what it's like to feel both loss and abandonment.

Blake is the odd one out. She holds herself responsible for what happened to Yang and has probably sunk into self loathing. She also had nobody who can snap her out of it. She is not going to be going in good directions left to her own devices. Though I wouldn't be surprised if Sun keeps an eye out for her whereabouts.
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Anyways on a different tangent of speculation :

So anyone want to take bets on the order the team gets put back together in?

I'm banking Weiss, Yang, Blake.

Weiss has suffered the least and has the most personal drive, and the support of her sister, to strike out on her own once more. She also has the most to prove. Her family reputation was already in the pits and now her Kingdom is openly reviled across Remnant.

Yang is crippled but she has family who supports her and Remnant has the technology for her to be a fighter once again. Tai can probably understand a lot, but not everything, she's going through. Her dad knows what it's like to feel both loss and abandonment.

Blake is the odd one out. She holds herself responsible for what happened to Yang and has probably sunk into self loathing. She also had nobody who can snap her out of it. She is not going to be going in good directions left to her own devices.

Nah. Blake, Weiss, Yang. Blake ends up trying to pull some lone wolf ninja shit, only to get caught by Juane of all people and talked down through Ruby APPLYING DIRECTED HATE UPON THEIR MUTUAL FOES, thus demonstrating that Blake doesn't have to worry about getting her teammates killed because holy sheezballs, Ruby just killed like... all the grimm. But only kinda-not-really, more of a local thing?

Then comes Weiss, because DELICIOUS BLAKE IN WEISS-HOUSE IRONY! *Ruby evil cackles here until she's fed a cookie.* But no, seriously, Weiss is totally on board with getting the band back together, but just had to get her dad to let go of her, and the delicious irony is too good. Bonus points for making all the blood vessels pop by convincing her dad of some silly joke about Blake being her life partner and convincing Winter to join up with them as well.

And then's Yang. Yang disappears. Nobody can find Yang. Yang left them to hang, or so they think. Ironwood knows something, but won't say shit, and we get secret training montages with somebody who is totally not Yanging with us, they promise. Then, at an 11th hour, when all hope seems lost, somebody busts down the doors with a kinetic strike module and an imposing figure in power armor with a bit of weight around the top steps in through the smoke to a distinctive guitar twang. Turns out, even getting self-angry works for turning Yang's semblance up to 12 as she proceeds to unleash Tex 'This one Goes to 11' grade horrifyingly awesome Monty-style shit as she demonstrates that she's turned her self-loathing into a flaming white-hot ball of fusion hate directed at all the evil that put her into her situation. And it's disturbmazing in all the wrongy-right ways.
Nah. Blake, Weiss, Yang. Blake ends up trying to pull some lone wolf ninja shit, only to get caught by Juane of all people and talked down through Ruby APPLYING DIRECTED HATE UPON THEIR MUTUAL FOES, thus demonstrating that Blake doesn't have to worry about getting her teammates killed because holy sheezballs, Ruby just killed like... all the grimm. But only kinda-not-really, more of a local thing?

Then comes Weiss, because DELICIOUS BLAKE IN WEISS-HOUSE IRONY! *Ruby evil cackles here until she's fed a cookie.* But no, seriously, Weiss is totally on board with getting the band back together, but just had to get her dad to let go of her, and the delicious irony is too good. Bonus points for making all the blood vessels pop by convincing her dad of some silly joke about Blake being her life partner and convincing Winter to join up with them as well.

And then's Yang. Yang disappears. Nobody can find Yang. Yang left them to hang, or so they think. Ironwood knows something, but won't say shit, and we get secret training montages with somebody who is totally not Yanging with us, they promise. Then, at an 11th hour, when all hope seems lost, somebody busts down the doors with a kinetic strike module and an imposing figure in power armor with a bit of weight around the top steps in through the smoke to a distinctive guitar twang. Turns out, even getting self-angry works for turning Yang's semblance up to 12 as she proceeds to unleash Tex 'This one Goes to 11' grade horrifyingly awesome Monty-style shit as she demonstrates that she's turned her self-loathing into a flaming white-hot ball of fusion hate directed at all the evil that put her into her situation. And it's disturbmazing in all the wrongy-right ways.

Well Ironwood certainly owes Yang an apology.

That has got to be worth a new robot arm.
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I'd say they were off to see the Wizard of Oz, but they already met him. It ended poorly. He's disappeared.
On Ruby's silver eyes, honestly I don't think they could have forshadowed that any clearer except by more or less confirming it thus ruining the surprise. I mean, Ozpin made not of them and Qrow said some myths and legends are true. If they're actually referenced people with 'unique' eyes and such it would have probably ruined the surprise. Maybe some conspiracy member could mention how there are other legends that are true and say 'Warriors born who can stone a Grim by looking at them' but they were already dropping a lot of heavy crap on Pyrrha so they probably didn't want to and it would have seemed irrelevant.
On Ruby's silver eyes, honestly I don't think they could have forshadowed that any clearer except by more or less confirming it thus ruining the surprise. I mean, Ozpin made not of them and Qrow said some myths and legends are true. If they're actually referenced people with 'unique' eyes and such it would have probably ruined the surprise. Maybe some conspiracy member could mention how there are other legends that are true and say 'Warriors born who can stone a Grim by looking at them' but they were already dropping a lot of heavy crap on Pyrrha so they probably didn't want to and it would have seemed irrelevant.

That's not what we're saying.

Good foreshadowing is more than dropping a flag early. Good foreshadowing makes you think. Maybe not at the time. But in retrospect.

As it is we went three seasons before one comment in the very first episode became relevant.

With no hint from Ruby herself that she had any sort of special power beyond her, as near as standard issue semblance as you can get. It could have been something as simple as the occasional grimm hesitating for a heartbeat in her presence.

Something as minor as that would convey that something wasn't quite right. Would have taken little time to implement. And would have been a massive lightbulb in retrospect.
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That's not what we're saying.

Good foreshadowing is more than dropping a flag early. Good foreshadowing makes you think. Maybe not at the time. But in retrospect.

As it is we went three seasons before one comment in the very first episode became relevant.

With no hint from Ruby herself that she had any sort of special power beyond her, as near as standard issue semblance as you can get. It could have been something as simple as the occasional grimm hesitating for a heartbeat in her presence.

Something as minor as that would convey that something wasn't quite right. Would have taken little time to implement. And would have been a massive lightbulb in retrospect.
But what would a hesitating Grimm look like? For all we know, EVERY Grimm she faced was hesitating for just a microsecond.
That's not what we're saying.

Good foreshadowing is more than dropping a flag early. Good foreshadowing makes you think. Maybe not at the time. But in retrospect.

As it is we went three seasons before one comment in the very first episode became relevant.

With no hint from Ruby herself that she had any sort of special power beyond her, as near as standard issue semblance as you can get. It could have been something as simple as the occasional grimm hesitating for a heartbeat in her presence.

Something as minor as that would convey that something wasn't quite right. Would have taken little time to implement. And would have been a massive lightbulb in retrospect.

What, like having a vastly more active semblance running so much of the time, enabling her to WOOSH all the things, complete with the maiden leaf-storm behind her when she does it?
I don't fucking see how that relates to "freeze the giant fucking Grimm with your light-feather-tear-stare".

Nothing, other than being a potential outgrowth. Oh, wait, it has everything to do with it, as it's in retrospect pretty clear foreshadowing that something was up, since nobody else used their semblances even remotely as much as she did, or with such casual ease. You know, almost like the kind of foreshadowing everybody's been bemoaning that RT should have made. It's exactly the right kind of foreshadowing in retrospect when you think about it.