RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Speaking of spoilers, this might be helpful:

Notice - [Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey] Expand spoiler tags userscript
mistakenot said:
Link to script: Greasyfork

Requires Greasemonkey for Firefox or Tampermonkey for Chrome:
Expands spoiler tags when page loads. Useful for threads with many spoiler tags, to save mouse clicks. May cause lag if spoiler content contains media.

Tested on SpaceBattles, Sufficient Velocity, and Questionable Questing. Turn off script if you don't want to see spoilers.

Inspired by the flood of spoiler-tagged comments in the RWBY discussion threads every weekend, between the sponsor preview on Saturday and the public release on Sunday.

Disclaimer: limited JavaScript experience. Comments appreciated.
mistakenot said:
Also tried solving the problem with a userstyle.

Link: SB/SV/QQ Show Spoilers - Themes and Skins for Spacebattles -

Requires Stylish for Firefox, Chrome, Safari, or Opera.

Reveals content blocks hidden under SPOILER tags.

Limitation: cannot close spoiler tags while userstyle is active; must disable style to close spoiler tags.
Same inspiration and disclaimer as the userscript version above.

The userstyle seems a bit more robust (the userscript sometimes fails to expand a spoiler tag, for some reason). On the other hand, the userscript lets you close spoilers, while the userstyle keeps them permanently open (at least, until you disable the userstyle).
If you're not sure which one to pick, I think the userstyle works a bit better overall.
I thought qrow said they were heading to Haven and there didnt seem to be implied Cinder was dead in that

Didn't Yang just kind of wake up? The timeskip made it very unclear. As for Ruby, even if what you're saying is true, why not try to find Blake or get back Weiss? Let's say, for sake of argument, that Ruby did spend some time trying to get her other teammates back. The least RT could have done is have a throwaway line where Ruby says she's tried to get Weiss back and find Blake, but she isn't having any luck. As it is, it looks like Ruby doesn't care about her teammates, and is focused on revenge. Which itself wouldn't be such a bad thing if we were shown any evidence of that.
No RUBY just woke up Yang has been awake for awhile Ruby was in a coma basically from the power.
As for Blake we know where she is Ruby doesnt and literally has no clues its probably less a case of not wanting to find blake and more a case of she has no clue where to start.
Weiss on the other hand we know is in her fathers care and we didnt see if she tried to call her or not. It can simply be shown next season with Ruby trying to call weiss and getting blocked that fixs your issue without changing anything.

Its also been at least a month since Fall leaves are happening and when Ruby leaves its winter we dont know what has happened in that time frame. So you are honestly just assuming things.

Here is what we DO know.
1. Ruby has been out for a couple of days.
2. Blake has run off and no one on team RWBY knows where
3. Weiss has been taken by her father back to Atlas
4. Vale is a no go because the dragon is still there attracting grim
5. Haven is the only clue ruby has.
6. Yang is very NOT okay

The problem with your stuff is not all of your questions have been answered a lot have been. EDIT
fixing mistakes
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The impulse for revenge will only be even stronger.

Shit hits the fan, as in horror hits the audience.

Anonymous 02/13/16(Sat)12:52:48 No.
I'm telling you, she isn't dead. or maybe she is and her body is somewhere else
Point is, she was probably transported to Salem's Volcanic Grimm world and will be used as a test subject, in the vicinity of Ozpin so he can hear her screams

Merc's dad didn't disintegrate upon death.
Pyrrha did.
ALL of Pyrrha's clothes went with her, excluding her tiara.
Ozpin is similarly missing, with only his weapon remaining.
Now, even if the kid friendly version of death RT has in mind for RWBY involves disintegration, I seriously doubt it burns away the deceased's clothes and armor along with it.
I'm fairly certain until we see someone else die like Pyrrha by someone other than Salem's minions that both Pyrrha and Ozpin aren't dead, and are captured by Salem.

Some people just want to watch the upcoming ultraviolence.
Well... this happened. I'd give my opinions on... certain developments, but that would quickly devolve into me curled up in the fetal position, crying and chanting, "I wasn't ready..." over and over, so I'll go with one or two random observations.

1. Qrow is taking over where Ozpin left off and has his cane. This actually makes sense because in the sequels to the original book the Scarecrow becomes king of Oz for a while after the Wizard leaves, but later hands it back to Princess Ozma.

2. If anyone makes an "arrow to the heel" joke about Pyrrha I'm going to f*cking stab someone. Someone dared.

3. Judging by the way she died and the visuals, I think Pyrrha really did manage to get some portion of Amber's Maiden powers. Maybe just enough to ramp her Semblance up enough to go full Polaris? Or she was always that badass and Mercury is very goddamn lucky she never knew he was evil or she'd have beaten him to death with his own legs.

4. Going to Mistral, huh? Man, come Volume 4, my quest's portrayal of that place is going to become so incredibly non-canon it's hilarious.
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Well... this happened. I'd give my opinions on... certain developments, but that would quickly devolve into me curled up in the fetal position, crying and chanting, "I wasn't ready..." over and over, so I'll go with one or two random observations.

1. Qrow is taking over where Ozpin left off and has his cane. This actually makes sense because in the sequels to the original book the Scarecrow becomes king of Oz for a while after the Wizard leaves, but later hands it back to Princess Ozma.

2. If anyone makes an "arrow to the heel" joke about Pyrrha I'm going to f*cking stab someone. Someone dared.

3. Judging by the way she died and the visuals, I think Pyrrha really did manage to get some portion of Amber's Maiden powers. Maybe just enough to ramp her Semblance up enough to go full Polaris? Or she was always that badass and Mercury is very goddamn lucky she never knew he was evil or she'd have beaten him to death with his own legs.

4. Going to Mistral, huh? Man, come Volume 4, my quest's portrayal of that place is going to become so incredibly non-canon it's hilarious.
no one did? At least not here I pointed out that Pyrrha was drawn from Achilies and compared to how they died but I didnt joke about it.
Well... this happened. I'd give my opinions on... certain developments, but that would quickly devolve into me curled up in the fetal position, crying and chanting, "I wasn't ready..." over and over, so I'll go with one or two random observations.

1. Qrow is taking over where Ozpin left off and has his cane. This actually makes sense because in the sequels to the original book the Scarecrow becomes king of Oz for a while after the Wizard leaves, but later hands it back to Princess Ozma.

2. If anyone makes an "arrow to the heel" joke about Pyrrha I'm going to f*cking stab someone. Someone dared.

3. Judging by the way she died and the visuals, I think Pyrrha really did manage to get some portion of Amber's Maiden powers. Maybe just enough to ramp her Semblance up enough to go full Polaris? Or she was always that badass and Mercury is very goddamn lucky she never knew he was evil or she'd have beaten him to death with his own legs.

4. Going to Mistral, huh? Man, come Volume 4, my quest's portrayal of that place is going to become so incredibly non-canon it's hilarious.
1. Qrow, Ozpin and Ren are also the divided parts of Monty's divinity, you could say - Crows, mastermind status (btw Monty tried to voice Ozpin) and appearance.

2. On the other hand if Jaune dies by fire... Actually, the livestream yesterday said RWBY is a story of 8 people all the way to the end, not 4 or 7.

3. Eternal suffering is better than death, maybe?

4. I suppose my guess of Mistral being a Prussia clone or having a civil war is valid... Maybe Cinder had some problems with Pyrrha's family in teh first place.
Okay, so brief thought: if Cinder was frozen to death by Ruby's silver-eye thing, does that make Ruby the new Fall Maiden? Like... I really doubt Cinder's last thoughts were anything other than "THIS RUBY CHICK AND HER BULLSHIT." Boom. New maiden powers.
They said the Dragon isn't dead, so if Cinder is frozen (an open question) she won't be dead either.

I'm also disappointed that the Goliaths did absolutely fuck all
Probably tying down Vale's defenses.

What we saw were the flying Grimm (plus whatever the White Fang let in).
I've lost track of the post, but a few pages back someone pointed out the symbol on the back of Salem's cape has similarities to the one on the back of the glove Cinder used.

I would like to add that there is also some similarity with the symbols that appear on the ground when Cinder uses the glove or some of her other abilities.

And also Raven's portals

Or I may be reading to much into things with oval shapes and a tendency to reuse animation techniques.
I've lost track of the post, but a few pages back someone pointed out the symbol on the back of Salem's cape has similarities to the one on the back of the glove Cinder used.

Valid. This probably has something to do with Guman-Grimm integration technology?
Here's my WMG: Salem uses the evil Stepmother theme. She leaked the magitech summoning, aura transfer, and Schnee Knight to humans in order to speed up their infighting.

I would like to add that there is also some similarity with the symbols that appear on the ground when Cinder uses the glove or some of her other abilities.

And also Raven's portals

Or I may be reading to much into things with oval shapes and a tendency to reuse animation techniques.
The first one is a crater from C&C3, I think, so it's just a video game reference.
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