RWBY Thread III: Time To Say Goodbye

Stop: So gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
so gotta few things that need to be said real quick.
We get a lot of reports from this thread. A lot of it is just a series of people yelling at each other over arguments that have been rehashed hundreds of times since the end of the recent Volume. And I get that the last Volume - and RWBY in general, really - has some controversial moments that people will want to discuss, argue about, debate, etc.

That's fine. We're not going to stop people from doing that, because that's literally what the point of the thread is. However, there's just a point where it gets to be a bit too much, and arguments about whether or not Ironwood was morally justified in his actions in the recent Volume, or if RWBY and her team were in the right for withholding information from Ironwood out of distrust, or whatever flavor of argument of the day descend into insulting other posters, expressing a demeaning attitude towards other's opinions, and just being overall unpleasant. That tends to happen a lot in this thread. We want it to stop happening in this thread.

So! As of now the thread is in a higher state of moderation. What that means is that any future infractions will result in a weeklong boot from the thread, and repeated offenders will likely be permanently removed. So please, everyone endeavor to actually respect the other's arguments, and even if you strongly disagree with them please stay civil and mindful when it comes to responding to others.

In addition, users should refrain from talking about off-site users in the thread. Bear in mind that this does not mean that you cannot continue to post tumblr posts, for example, that add onto the discussion in the thread, with the caveat that it's related to RWBY of course. But any objections to offsite users in the thread should be handled via PM, or they'll be treated as thread violations and infracted as such.
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Its REALLY clear the crew has been skimping on stuff of the early episodes in order to make these episodes REALLY GOOD.

I will be honest I kinda want Jaune to be the one who kills Cinder destroying his weapons in the process so he can get some BA points and a shiny new awesome weapon.

Serious talk now:
Goddamnit, I was betting Ruby was going to lose a limb over the course of the series not Yang. On the other hand, so much Bumblebee and creepy abusive Adam ('Why must you hurt me Blake?' ARGH I'M GOING TO KILL YOU) being actually very well done. And I had tears in my eyes when Velvet went full Penny, and we had that little moment where she got hurt and Coco was all like 'no' and Weiss summoned one arm and it was...sniff, so beautiful.

So, Ozpin finally fights, we're going to (hopefully) have Ironwood clearing out the Grimm/White Fang, who am I kidding, everyone's going to die. Even Torchwick died (and boy did that come out of nowhere though it was so well done. You could see someone had written him that awesome scene with Ruby, incredibly moving and well written on both sides, and then some asshole had said 'wouldn't it be ironic if he died right after that survivor line? And lo, it was so...)
I'm gonna calm down and do a nice, relaxing recap.

Neo gets thrown off the airship, called it. Ruby doesn't understand why Roman is a dick. He rants about doing it to survive and starts beating her, because he enjoys kicking puppies. Then a GIGANTIC griffin eats him... guess he should have taken that bet and tried to get out instead of taking the "safe" option of cooperation. Ruby bullet hops down to roof level.

We saw what was in the box. And it was well worth the wait, action was a bit slow but I wouldn't say bad, they had Velvet aping the trailer usages of each weapon. I almost cried when she pulled out Penny's pack tho ;_;. Ghosts of past friends come to help.

Since her weapons are aura constructs, I think they're more powerful than the originals at the cost of not lasting very long. And presumably the picture "blueprint" is consumed when she summons.

Weiss got super motivated after she saw Velvet could summon and managed to pull out the knight arm to save her. Unfortunately that really tired her out. Yang finally shows up onscreen (what the hell was she doing in between?), then runs off to find Blake.

ADAM IS LITERALLY THE BIGGEST CREEP IN EXISTENCE WTF. Also way above RWBY's power level, he smacked the shit out of Blake. Tried to stab a student in front of Blake so she charged at him. Continually rants about his love for Blake and how she needs to suffer. Stabs Blake in front of Yang, Yang charges at him and he disarms Yang with little effort. Blake tries to protect Yang and he cuts her head off! But it was a shadow clone; Blake uses her semblance to get away from him, but he saw her leave and is pursuing.

Yang's arm stump was glowing yellow and she was in super saiyan mode. No idea what this means. Hopefully Ironwood can give her a robot arm or it regens? Assuming Adam doesn't finish killing her in ep 12. Raven was fucking serious about not helping again.

100% sure his blade absorbs energy and he used Blake's attack to hurt her partner on purpose.

Ironwood is literally half robot, something split his torso down the middle. Da fuck. Glynda and Qrow trust him.

Ozpin let Jaune follow into the vault, tells him to guard the entrance if he wants to help. The transfer is starting, it hurts Pyrrha and then Jaune fucks up big time. He stopped guarding the entrance and let Cinder gank Amber. ONE JOB, GDI. You had ONE JOB. `:p Not really something that makes me hate him TBH, if he hadn't been there the same thing would have happened.

As they feared, the remaining maiden power is pulled into Cinder and she prepares to face off with Ozpin.

I think Cinder can't actually control the majority of the Grimm. Roman got eaten and Adam shot the Grimm coming towards his fight.
Roman, you better pull a Hannibal Chau from Pacific Rim.

Roman, you better pull a Hannibal Chau from Pacific Rim.
Assuming he didn't get bitten in half on the way down to its stomach or smashed by landing on the ship, he can probably just walk out when the Grimm dissolves.

And Ironwood confirms that Aura is even more hax than we thought, if he could survive whatever happened to get augmentation that severe
And Ironwood confirms that Aura is even more hax than we thought, if he could survive whatever happened to get augmentation that severe

To be fair, Ironwood's augmentation doesn't necessarily imply that he got himself outright split in two. Some of the cybernetic were doubtless to replace parts that he lost (his arm and his leg) the rest is probably a mix of supporting infrastructure and deliberately replacing intact but damaged tissue to bring him back up to fighting form.
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So, er, that was a thing.

The scene where Velvet uses the memory of Penny's swords is very sad.

I'm on board with cyborg Yang though. And Ironwood's Ash Williams impression.

And I liked the way they handled Torchwick here. I liked his reasoning as to why he was following Cinder, I liked him as a character and I hope he stays dead.

I'm also really intrigued by Cinder's final words. Are they going to make Cinder have a legitimate point?
Something occurs to me...while neither Yang nor Blake were exactly in a good mental place to show down with Adam...he is clearly a level above RWBY. Casually disarming Yang in full RAGE MODE?

Now think for a second. He's that much stronger than they are? Cinder with half the powers was strong enough to make him toe her line at first. How strong is Cinder with full Fall Maiden powers?
I think Cinder's last line makes that clear:
"She was right about you. Such arrogance.
No. No, no nononono.
She, Queen, Conder not he Big Bad but a Dragon, or maybe even a pawn. The big sphere from the first opening and this one looks like....Raven's Portal! Of course! Yang gets her hand lopped off at the lowest point of the series and has to have a 'conversation' with her Evil Masked mother! Raven Branwen is the Big Bad above even Cinder!
Reposting from SB:

HOLY FUCKING FUCK. RWBY just keeps escalating. Like I'm actually wondering if they're going to be able to match this in Volume 4. Certainly, it feels like RWBY has finally become the show it was always meant to be...which makes it all the more depressing that Monty isn't around to see it. `:(

Velvet's weapon reveal was cool as fuck. I was expecting it to be Unlimited Blade Works, but I was not expecting that to extend to her copying skills and styles as well. Like a couple people have said, it's a great use of the old "photography steals your soul" concept. I would like to know how much of that is the weapon and how much is her semblance, though, because even if each photo only gets one use it's still OP as all fuck. Good thing Ruby wasn't there to see her pull out Penny's weapon, though...that would have been a very sad moment in the middle of the fight. Also, Weiss pulling off the summoning went about as expected.

The Ruby vs. Neo/Torchwick fight was mostly as expected (still really goddamn cool, though), but it had a couple surprises. The way Neo got taken out kind of felt cheap in a narrative sense; you'd think that'd be the kind of thing Neo would anticipate. I also doubt that Roman's dead; he appears to have gotten swallowed whole, and he's too cool to be killed off now. I put it at about a 80-85% chance he's gonna pull a Hannibal Chau. Could go either way, though; maybe RT will surprise me. IMO his motivation monologue was more interesting for what it implied about Cinder and co. than for the insight into Torchwick's character; this is a guy who, it's implied, has a long history of successfully profiting off the status quo. And yet he's seen something that makes him believe the destruction of that status quo is inevitable, that his best chance of survival is to join up with its destroyers. Reminds me of Qrow's comment back in Episode 2: "I've been out there and seen the things she's made, and let me tell you, they are fear." Hint upon hint that what we've seen so far from Cinder and her band of assholes is just the tip of the iceberg--though again, that makes me worry about how far they can realistically keep escalating.

Adam vs. Blake/Yang. Whoa. Adam's VA didn't bug me nearly as much as usual, probably because he was putting actual emotion into his voice instead of using the 3kewl5u edgelord tone we've heard from him up until now. Still not great but better. He's a total creeper, natch; Blake's betraying him and abandoning the White Fang seems to be about as important to him as the whole "make humanity pay for their crimes" thing. And HOLY SHIT HE STABBED BLAKE IN THE GUT AND CUT YANG'S ARM OFF. HOLY SHIT HE STABBED BLAKE IN THE GUT AND CUT YANG'S ARM OFF. HOLY SHIT HE STABBED BLAKE IN THE GUT AND CUT YANG'S ARM OFF. I'm sorry, I'm just having extreme amounts of difficulty processing the fact that HOLY SHIT HE STABBED BLAKE IN THE GUT AND CUT YANG'S ARM OFF. And the way the scene was set up, it looks like he very easily could have out-and-out killed Yang right there if he wanted to...but presumably he wanted to make Blake watch her suffer first. Jesus, dude.

Ironwood and co., not much to comment on. The Ironwood cyborg reveal was about as expected, though I'm still a little surprised at how much of him was cybernetic. Qrow's weapon's scythe form is very cool-looking, very organic-esque and Grim-Reaper-ish compared to the more smooth, mechanical lines of Crescent Rose.

And oh boy, Ozpin, Jaune, and Pyrrha in the vault. This was both the most shocking part of the episode and...honestly the most disappointing as well. First off, Amber waking up during the Aura-transfer process was holy shit what the fuck. The whole idea of sucking someone's soul out to put it in someone else's body is already kind of heebie-jeebie-inducing, but being awake while it's done to you is just...holy shit. With that in mind, I'm really disappointed that they decided to have Cinder show up and lolnope the whole thing. I was actually looking forward to the various possible storylines they could get out of Pyrrha having a piece of Amber embedded in herself. Maybe that'll still happen to some extent; it looked like Pyrrha had started getting something, even though there wasn't time enough to finish transferring over the Maiden power. On that note, I can't really blame Jaune for being a little distracted; he might have been able to hold off Cinder for a few seconds but it seemed like the full process would have taken much longer than he would have lasted against her. Of course, Jaune doesn't know that; I foresee a lot of angst over his perceived failure next week.

I really, really hope they don't cop out and leave the Ozpin vs. Cinder fight to our imaginations. I need to see it. And Cinder's last line has all sorts of implications; the obvious guess is that "she" is the Jen-Taylor-voiced mastermind that's been hinted at, whose opening monologue was implied to be part of a conversation with Ozpin. Although for some reason my mind will not let go of the possibility that Glynda's a traitor. Unlikely and possibly crazy, I know, but it's stuck in my head.


Of course, that does mean that sooner or later we're going to get Bionic Yang, which is pretty much the only way they could have made her more awesome.

Non-spoiler thoughts:

Lots of "well, that's about what I expected" moments in this one, but as some movie critic (I think it was Ebert but I can't find the exact quote or source) once said, good storytelling is about giving the audience exactly what they expect and surprising them anyway. And the last few episodes have done quite well in that respect.

This episode was over 17 minutes, and unlike Fall had no long ads to inflate that. I wonder if RT is trying to build up to full-length 22-minute episodes? Maybe not consistently, since RWBY's actually benefited from avoiding filler and keeping episode length lean and mean this volume, but occasional full-length episodes would be pretty cool.

I was really iffy about the idea of the possession Grimm revealed in the manga until someone brought up the possibility that Cinder's super-OP haha-fuck-your-infosec computer virus is actually a form of them. It's always nice when two iffy-to-bad ideas combine into something genuinely cool and interesting.
I felt for Son their at the end.

-Epic Team Battle Against Multiple Fully Operational Atlasian Paladins-

-Sudden Arrival of a Fully Operational (For Realsies!) Atlasian Paladin-

Kidding indeed.
I never thought I'd say RWBY is actually good, but it is. Too bad it took two full seasons to get there; I imagine that will turn off a lot of new viewers. Even if the episodes are half the length of a full anime episode, that's still a lot of stuff to go through until you get to the good stuff.

Still, better late than never.

I think. I'm still pretty satisfied with reading the spoilered summaries instead of watching the episodes. But they sound better than the first two seasons.
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I was really iffy about the idea of the possession Grimm revealed in the manga until someone brought up the possibility that Cinder's super-OP haha-fuck-your-infosec computer virus is actually a form of them. It's always nice when two iffy-to-bad ideas combine into something genuinely cool and interesting.

This I would buy, though I'd prefer if it be mentioned, or possession type Grimm in the first place, in the show. The primary medium here is supposed to be the show, so having critical information like that only in the manga isn't exactly a good thing.
No-spoiler commentary:

The good guys really need to pull off a win. Some people are calling the last few episodes "the Empire Strikes Back of RWBY." But as dark as ESB got, it still ended on a hopeful note. The MCs escaped Vader's trap, Luke got a replacement arm, Lando went off to find Han, and a fair part of the Rebel Fleet survived, even if they had to leave the galaxy to do so. I don't expect the good guys to solve everything in the next episode (or two, not sure if the finale is next week or not), but they need to pull off some sort of a win, or something.

As Joss Whedon said, "Make it dark, make it grim, make it tough, but then, for the love of God, tell a joke." I know I previously had issues with things in RWBY not being taken seriously enough, but these last few episodes are starting to take it way overboard in the opposite direction.
So, now, we have anywhere from 2-4 disabled characters:
1: Fox, blind (maybe)
2: Neo, mute (maybe)
3: Yang, arm amputated
4: Ironwood, majority of right half amputated and replaced with cybernetics
EDIT: Make that 5. 5: Mercury: Legs amputated and replaced with cybernetics.
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So, now, we have anywhere from 2-4 disabled characters:
1: Fox, blind (maybe)
2: Neo, mute (maybe)
3: Yang, arm amputated
4: Ironwood, majority of right half amputated and replaced with cybernetics
EDIT: Make that 5. 5: Mercury: Legs amputated and replaced with cybernetics.

Yes . . .

Looks at Ironwood Manhandling a Grim with his robot arm.

Looks at Mercury 'I have Robot gun-legs'

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No-spoiler commentary:

The good guys really need to pull off a win. Some people are calling the last few episodes "the Empire Strikes Back of RWBY." But as dark as ESB got, it still ended on a hopeful note. The MCs escaped Vader's trap, Luke got a replacement arm, Lando went off to find Han, and a fair part of the Rebel Fleet survived, even if they had to leave the galaxy to do so. I don't expect the good guys to solve everything in the next episode (or two, not sure if the finale is next week or not), but they need to pull off some sort of a win, or something.

As Joss Whedon said, "Make it dark, make it grim, make it tough, but then, for the love of God, tell a joke." I know I previously had issues with things in RWBY not being taken seriously enough, but these last few episodes are starting to take it way overboard in the opposite direction.

What, like getting Torchwick Omnom'onom'onomed, and throwing Neo to probable death?